The best board games for adults 2023, the 10 best games with 2 players of 2023

Top 10 to 2 players The 10 best games with 2 players of 2023

Duration of the parties : 30 minutes

The best board games for adults

For an evening with friends, a family afternoon, or a moment of conviviality for two, here is our guide to the best board games. Intended for beginners as well as experienced players, and adapted to all tastes, these essentials may be lacking in your toys.

By Martin Vidberg published on November 23, 2022 at 11:11 a.m., modified on July 04, 2023 at 5:06 p.m

Reading time 21 min.

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  • Martin Vidberg / Le Monde

    These products are selected and tested independently by experienced journalists. The world affects remuneration when a reader proceeds to their online purchase. Learn more.

    The board game is a bubbling cultural field that welcomes many new features every week. To compose this guide, we have chosen to avoid too recent games, on which we lack hindsight, to focus on classics, whose qualities over time seem proven to us. We have also excluded older references such as Monopoly which, compared to modern games, leave less room for the interactions or the personality of the players.

    For 5 months, we have surveyed sector experts: ludotheciaries, sellers in stores, journalists, as well as the Jury of AS d’Or, the main French fun price awarded each year to Cannes. We surrounded ourselves with the whole team ofA world of games, An association that brings together a blog, an independent YouTube channel, and a premises in which several times of playing times are organized every week.

    We organized 5 special evenings with fifteen novice players in order to avoid the pitfall consisting in collecting only the opinion of enthusiasts. We set out to gauge the speed with which the rules were integrated by this less expert audience. Replayable – The fact that a game does not seem repetitive to us after 2 or 3 parts – has constituted a determining criterion of our selection, as well as strategic wealth. Most of the games we have chosen can be played with family with children from 8 to 10 years old.

    The complete guide

    • Games for novices
    • Games with advanced strategies
    • To play two
    • To set the atmosphere in a group
    • Games that tell a story
    • Other games we love
    • Why trust us
    • How we selected them

    Games for novices

    The games we present in this section are accessible to all audiences. They are an excellent gateway to discover the modern board game. They nevertheless require, for the explanation, a precise reading of the rules. There are many videos on the internet which offer an explanation, in five minutes, of these simple games to understand but which present a real depth.

    • The classic of trains: the adventurers of the rail

    Rail adventurers

    Rail adventurers

    The objective is to build railways to connect cities, and to create the best rail network before opponents block you.

    *At the time of publication, the price was € 43.99

    The concept : This is the great classic and perhaps the most accessible trains, a genre in its own right in the field of board games. Players must travel on the map of the United States or Europe by placing wagons to connect the destinations of their objective cards. When his turn comes, the player has the choice between placing wagons by spending color cards, picking up cards, or choosing new objectives to achieve. As everyone disputes the same sections of the railway, blockages and interactions are common.

    Why we love : The simple fact of putting a card on the table and calculating a route is fun. We understand, at a glance on the set, the strategies and the dilemmas that will have to be resolved. If the games can last a good hour to 4 players, the playing laps are very fast and we do not see time spending.

    There are several boxes and many extensions of Rail adventurers. In the team ofA world of games, We have a weakness for the USA version, the most accessible and perhaps more exotic than the Europe version. We also appreciate the lighter versions that are played in 20 minutes and which are centered on cities: San Francisco, London, New York and Amsterdam. But we do not recommend them as a priority: we take more pleasure in playing the basic version.

    Rail adventurers won both the price Jahres Spiel in Germany and the AS d’Or in France in 2004. It is ranked 42nd in the “family” category of the reference site Geek Board Game (classification made from user reviews).

    Numbers of players : 2 to 5

    Duration of the parties : 30 to 60 minutes

    Age : From the age of 8

    For further : the publisher’s website

    • A tile installation game accessible to all: Kingdomino



    This game invites you to assemble the most beautiful of kingdoms by associating dominoes during more strategic parties than it seems.

    *At the time of publication, the price was € 20.99

    The concept : In 2016, Bruno Cathala took over the classic form of two -sided dominoes by adding a new game mechanics, associated with a very clever score system. Players must compose a kingdom by juxtaposing their tiles in order to constitute areas of the same type to obtain as many points as possible. These territories will be valued if they manage to obtain crowns that act as multipliers … but that all players argue.

    Why we love : The domino system and the composition of a kingdom in a grid of 5 boxes by 5 allow players to integrate certain rules without almost needing to explain them. We immediately understand the principles that govern the laying of tiles, which allows you to focus on your strategy. Kingdomino is one of the obvious games accessible to all. We particularly appreciated the very fine balancing of the game based on a system of rarity of certain tiles which make them all the more precious.

    Selected at AS d’Or in 2017, Kingdomino won the prestigious German Prize Jahres Spiel the same year. It is classified 51st in the “family” category of the reference site Geek Board Game (classification made from user reviews).

    Numbers of players : 2 to 4

    Duration of the parties : 30 minutes

    Age : From the age of 8

    For further : the publisher’s website

    • A more poetic than strategic game: dixit



    A poetic journey during which you have to be imaginative to guess or have the very beautiful cards of the game guess.

    *At the time of publication, the price was € 29.99

    The concept : A player, or narrator, secretly chooses a card from those he has in hand and announces a word, a title or a sentence to describe it. Each other player will secretly choose the image card he has that best corresponds to this description. Once all the cards are mixed and then revealed, the goal of the game will be to find the narrator’s card without being trapped by the proposals of other players.

    Why we love : By putting the imagination at the heart of the game, Jean-Louis Roubira made a breath of freshness on board games, and attracted a new audience, of all ages. This innovative principle has inspired many games since its appearance in 2008. The rules are immediately understood, and it emerges from a part of Dixit A particular atmosphere, often poetic, which owes a lot to the illustrations of Marie Cardouat. For the team of a game world, Dixit is classic that we regularly come out of our tables. We are always delighted to add the new cards of the many extensions published over the years.

    Dixit won the Golden AS in France in 2009 and the Jahres Spiel In Germany in 2010. It is ranked 22nd in the “Party” category of the reference site Geek Board Game (classification made from user reviews).

    Numbers of players : 3 to 8

    Duration of the parties : 30 minutes

    Age : From the age of 8

    For further : the publisher’s website

    Games with advanced strategies

    The mechanics of these games are not more complex, but it is more varied. It requires a little more time to be explained and analyzed. In return, it authorizes a little more tactics, even strategy.

    • A game of cards and civilization: 7 Wonders

    7 Wonders

    7 Wonders

    The objective is to develop an ancient city, to defend it, and to build a “wonder” there, simply choosing a card on each turn.

    *At the time of publication, the price was € 39.99

    The concept :: 7 Wonders is a civilization game based on the mechanics of Draft: The player chooses from a selection of cards and leaves those who remain in opponents. At the beginning of each of the three rounds, we choose a card in a hand of 7. The remaining 6 cards are given to your right -wing neighbor. So you too receive 6 cards from your left neighbor, you will make your next choice. At the start of the game, it is essential to set up an economy and acquire the resources necessary to build buildings, technologies and the famous wonder that gives its name to the game. Like any good civilization game, you have to attack your neighborhood neighbor, or undergo your assaults.

    Why we love : The civilization games are often very long and require a lot of manipulation. It is not with 7 Wonders whose towers are played simultaneously. Whether you are 3 or 7 around the table, the 30 -minute promise is held. We lose a little of the epic dimension which is also born from duration, but it is offset by the ingenuity of resource and points systems.

    The new players may be a bit lost after the first explanation of the game. But they often emerge from the very enthusiastic part with the real feeling that they will take a dozen parts to experience the different strategic ways. We appreciate a lot and we also recommend 7 Wonders Duel, A version for two players with very different mechanics but no less efficient.

    7 Wonders was rewarded both Kennerspiel des Jahres, The Prize for Expert Games, in Germany, and the AS d’Or Expert in France in 2011. It is ranked 11th in the “family” category of the reference site Geek Board Game (classification made from user reviews).

    Numbers of players : 2 to 7

    Duration of the parties : 30 minutes

    Age : From 10 years old

    For further : the publisher’s website

    • On the border of the abstract game: Azul



    The game invites you to compose the most beautiful earthenware to decorate the palace walls in a game that combines strategy and opportunism.

    *At the time of publication, the price was € 42.99

    The concept : Azul is a tile sharing game that will seduce abstract game enthusiasts and people who appreciate Portuguese earthenware. On the table, several displays offer tiles to the various reasons. Each turn, you will choose identical tiles to fill your grid and try to complete your earthenware. On this display, the tiles that you will not have chosen will be gathered in the center of the table offering new possibilities and new combinations to your opponents.

    Why we love : If the arrangement of the tiles and the point system can evoke the sensations of an abstract game, Azul is an accessible and family game. After a first part necessary to assimilate the peculiarities of the point system, the coincidence of the pickaxe brings a welcome lightness to prevent the game from becoming too brain.

    We appreciate the remarkable editing quality of this very beautiful game. The thick tiles are so pleasant to handle that some players will find themselves calculating the number of boxes that should be bought to make real earthenware from the game equipment.

    Azul won the Golden Ace of the Game of the Year in France and the Jahres Spiel In Germany in 2018. It is ranked 9th in the “family” category of the reference site Geek Board Game and 2nd in the “abstract” category (classification made from user reviews).

    Numbers of players : 2 to 4

    Duration of the parties : 30 to 45 minutes

    Age : From the age of 8

    For further : the publisher’s website

    • The classic tile games: Carcassonne



    The player builds a medieval city by adding a tile per turn. He must take control of the most valued territories. Simple and strategic.

    *At the time of publication, the price was € 34.99

    The concept : Each round, players draw a tile representing fields, roads, cities or even abbeys, then add it to their hand. They then put a tile to enlarge the landscape that forms on the table. They therefore build the same territory, but the colored pawns that they will pose as the game will allow them to score more or less points depending on the importance of the different zones.

    Why we love : All players play elbows on the same territory to occupy the most attractive areas. This results in permanent exchanges, necessary negotiations and circumstance alliances. We are not insensitive to the pleasure of growing a not so peaceful French campaign, but often fascinating at the end of the game. The publisher offers many extensions and variants for players who wish to enrich their gaming experience. But in the team of a game world, the basic game is enough for us.

    Carcassonne won the Jahres Spiel In Germany in 2001. It is ranked 41st in the “family” category of the reference site Geek Board Game (classification made from user reviews).

    Numbers of players : 2 to 5

    Duration of the parties : 30 to 45 minutes

    Age : Starting from 7 years old

    For further : the publisher’s website

    To play two

    Many games are sold for two to five players but are less interesting for two. Here is a selection of exciting games to play in duet.



    In this business and risk -taking game, the whole difficulty is to sell at the right time.

    *At the time of publication, the price was € 19.99

    The concept : When your turn comes, you have the choice between buying goods at the market or selling them to obtain victory points. The more you sell your goods early in the game, the more they will be valued. But the more you wait, the more likely you are to sell prizes that are rewarded with specific tokens. There is no good formula to win the game, you must adapt to the drawing of the cards and the strategy of your opponent.

    Why we love : Jaipur is a tactical game in which you must constantly adapt to the situation. As in many card games, chance plays an important role there, but it is above all generator of pleasure. Each card choice in the market is a risk-taking: the one that will replace it may be the one you expect or on the contrary the one that promotes the strategy of your opponent. Jaipur is one of the small simple and quick tactical games to play, the games of which we have been in which we have not been tired since its release in 2009. He is unanimous among the experts with whom we exchanged.

    It is ranked 26th in the “family” category of the reference site Geek Board Game (classification made from user reviews).

    Numbers of players : 2

    Duration of the parties : 30 minutes

    Age : from 12 years old

    For further : the publisher’s website

    • An abstract assembly game: patchwork



    An elegant and strategic assembly game, in which all the information is visible from the start of the game.

    *At the time of publication, the price was € 23.99

    The concept : You will have to reconstruct a piece of fabric by choosing elements of different shapes. Each round, we choose from three pieces of fabric. To do this, we must spend buttons, one of the two currencies of the game, which are also the victory points at the end of the game. Or agree to let time spin, and therefore reduce your possibility of carrying out future actions.

    Why we love : Behind the contemplative and relaxing aspect of this “sewing” game hides a much more subtle and tactical puzzle than it seems. It is possible to play Patchwork By focusing only on his personal tray. We then try every turn to realize what we consider the best blow to complete our personal tray. But there is a much more tactical second level of play, and in our opinion more interesting, which consists in taking into account the possibilities left to his opponent to make the task more difficult.

    No information being hidden, you can anticipate several shots in advance. Like the pieces of mismatched fabric that you bring together, Patchwork is a game that can seduce very different audiences. In the team of a game world, it is unanimous.

    The game is ranked 13th in the “family” category of the reference site Geek Board Game (classification made from user reviews).

    Numbers of players : 2

    Duration of the parties : 15 to 30 minutes

    Age : From the age of 8

    For further : the publisher’s website

    To set the atmosphere in a group

    The games in this category can be explained in two minutes, they are played almost immediately, they are designed for five or more players, and are perfect for animating an evening between adults. These are also excellent wickers that allow people who do not know to discover themselves.

    • A cooperative guessing game: Just One

    Just One

    Just One

    The objective is to make one of the players guess collectively a word, without consultation, and trying to be original. A very clever atmosphere.

    *At the time of publication, the price was € 18.99

    The concept :: Just One is a cooperative play on word in which all players must guess a target word to only one of them. After having read the word mystery, the players each write an index on their easels, which are then pooled. If several players have chosen the same index, it is erased, and the player is not aware of it. This requires being original to offer as many clues as possible.

    Why we love :: Just One is one of those gaming games in which the atmosphere is more important than the score. Players are trying to offer useful clues to obtain the greatest number of points, but it is not uncommon for them to slip a play on words among their proposals, and that all laugh by discovering the finds of their partners.

    Just One is also one of the few modern board games that can be easily played with audiences of different age and experiences. In our association, it appeals to strategists as much as to occasional players, as well as parents who are much less used to board games. It seems essential to any good toy library.

    Just One won the Jahres Spiel In Germany in 2019. It is ranked 2nd in the “Party” category of the reference site Geek Board Game (classification made from user reviews).

    Numbers of players : 3 to 7

    Duration of the parties : 20 minutes

    Age : From the age of 8

    For further : the publisher’s website

    • A game of atmosphere and improvisation: Top Ten

    Top ten

    Top ten

    A cooperative game in which we mime, we improvise, we offer answers to eccentric themes, in order to guess a card.

    *At the time of publication, the price was € 19.99

    The concept : At the start of a tour, each player draws a number between 1 and 10 that he secretly looks. A theme is then read in the assembly, as “What object should I have when the Titanic is sinking ? More useful at least useful “. Each player must offer an answer corresponding to his number, the 1 being the least useful, the most useful 10. Then a player tries to give the answers in the right order to win his team.

    Why we love :: Top ten is one of the room games that cause unexpected situations that we will remember long after the game. The game itself offers a collective challenge that is not easy. Obtaining the best score will require practice and often finesse from players. But it is of course the imagination and the unexpected proposals of your game partners who may tear you away a few giggles. We particularly appreciate the writing work and the choice of quirky themes that almost always fly.

    This game is classified 40th in the “Party” category of the reference site Geek Board Game (classification made from user reviews).

    Numbers of players : 4 to 9

    Duration of the parties : 30 minutes

    Age : From 14 years old

    For further : the publisher’s website

    Games that tell a story

    Narrative games are a strong trend in modern board games. They offer an exotic experience often based on cooperative mechanics. We have chosen two that bring an original fun experience, in particular of the game board.

    • Surveys and observations: micro macro crime city

    City Macro Macro Crime

    City Macro Macro Crime

    Like a “where is Charlie ? “Cooperative, the investigation is carried out by observing a very large city plan.

    *At the time of publication, the price was € 24.99

    The concept : The very large plan of the city of Crime City is spread out on the table at the start of the game. You can observe buildings, traffic and the population. You play investigators responsible for resolving criminal affairs. In each of the 16 investigations contained in the box, you will have to answer a series of questions to the progressive difficulty. You will need to show observation, deduction and analysis in a game that is enjoyed in a limited committee: we advise you to play two or three.

    Why we love : Like a ” Where is Charlie ? »», We find ourselves collapsing on the table to scrutinize this plan more than a meter wide in search of the index which will solve the enigma. If the drawings are voluntarily simplistic and may seem childish, we still investigate crimes. Their motivations and the questions they ask will not necessarily be intended for the youngest. There is nothing sordid in the scenarios of City Macro Macro Crime, But the publisher noted the minimum age from 10 to 12 years old on the last editions of the game. The game is available in three versions, Crime City, Full House and Tricks Town which are independent and can be played separately.

    Micro Macro Crime City won the Jahres Spiel in Germany and the AS of Gold of the Year in France in 2021. It is ranked 32nd in the “family” category of the reference site Geek Board Game (classification made from user reviews).

    Numbers of players : 1 to 4

    Duration of the parties : 15 to 45 minutes

    Age : from 12 years old

    For further : the publisher’s website

    • An escape game on table: Unlock



    This adventure game based on inventive cards invites you to solve puzzles inspired by the phenomenon of Escapes Rooms. It is accompanied by a digital application.

    *At the time of publication, the price was € 29.99

    The concept : The series of games Unlock is inspired by the phenomenon of Escape Rooms To offer an exciting cooperative experience. Each box contains three scenarios made up of a succession of puzzles, often logical, sometimes narrative, in exotic universes. An application for smartphones acts as a timer and allows the authors to introduce fun experiences and unexpected interactions in a board game. Surprise is a motor element of the adventures ofUnlock : The players are brought to think differently.

    Why we love : The consumable character of a box ofUnlock can constitute a limit for some. The use of smartphone is another. If that does not brake you, it would be a shame to miss the captivating experience offered by the games of Cyril Deegd: they are among those we say and that we debrief with enthusiasm after having closed the box.

    There are many boxes ofUnlock. Their adventures are independent and can be played out of disorder. The authors who have improved the concept as you publish, we do not necessarily advise you to start with the first.

    UNLOCK won the GOLD AS of the game of the year in 2017.

    Numbers of players : 1 to 6

    Duration of the parties : 45 to 75 minutes

    Age : From 10 years old

    For further : the publisher’s website

    Everything we recommend

    Rail adventurers

    Rail adventurers





    7 Wonders

    7 Wonders









    Just One

    Just One

    Top ten

    Top ten

    City Macro Macro Crime

    City Macro Macro Crime



    Other games we love

    Our selection has evolved a lot during the writing of this guide. Our first draft included titles that we liked individually. It included several new features part of fashionable trends. But our test sessions showed us that among these titles, some were more difficult to access, and less universal than we imagined.

    We bring together these personal favorites below that we hesitated to slip into our list, and that we have often ruled out due to greater complexity. We take this opportunity to invite you to cross the doors of a specialized shop and listen to the advice of sellers to complete this selection.

    How much you put yourself ? :: This original quiz invites you to test your culture on eccentric themes by choosing yourself the level of difficulty of the question you will have to answer. It is more an atmosphere game than a general culture game.

    Twin it: This very simple observation and speed game offers several game modes and advantageously replaces the classic Speed ​​jungle also signed by Tom Vuarchex.

    Hanabi: A brilliant cooperative puzzle in which players hold their cards upside down, faces visible for their game partners. You have to communicate with accuracy to make them play the right cards at the right time.

    Pandemic: The players fight against four epidemics on a game board representing the planet. If the game presents some of the usual defects in cooperative games such as “The leader effect”, who brings the most experienced player to guide his partners, it remains a classic of the genre.

    7 Wonders Duel : The two players version of 7 Wonders invites you to build your ancient civilization by choosing, on the table, the cards you will put in front of you and the ones you will leave to your opponent. This game met with a dazzling success that helped relaunch the fashion of games designed exclusively for two players. This game is already a classic, but it is a little too complex for an audience of new players.

    The Crew: In this cooperative variant of folds (from the Belote or Tarot family), players will have to fulfill more and more complex missions over the game. Technical and surprising, this Thomas Sing game will appeal to card lovers who wish to renew their gaming experiences.

    Terraforming Mars : This demanding and exciting game signed Jacob Fryxelius offers you to “terrify” the red planet from a card system triggering actions that you can combine. Far too expert for our selection, you will need more than twenty minutes of explanation of rules before launching a game which, itself, can take two hours. However, in this category, we do not do better.

    Welcome to your perfect home: You build a peri -urban area on your leaf from a cards draw common to all players. It is the classic of print games, strategic heir to bingo or yam’s, which presents the particularity of not being limited in number of players. A game signed by Benoît Turpin.

    Splendor: This sleek resource management game signed Marc André quickly established itself as a classic of modern board game. Demanding and tense with its racing system for victory points which leaves little room for error, it appeals to players who appreciate competitive and technical games.

    Why trust us

    The team ofA world of games Present, analysis and explains board games since 2012. We enrich our collection each year of more than 400 new games. If we have never counted them precisely, we believe we have more than 5,000 in our premises. We had a precise and sharp knowledge of all the games on this list, to the point of knowing each rule on your fingertips.

    If we are used to advising novice players, our expertise paradoxically appeared to us as our main handicap for this comparison. We have felt the need to welcome and observe novice players to refine our selection, and become aware of the difficulties, in particular of apprehension of the rules, which are the main barriers of modern board games. These sessions which brought together fifteen people also allowed us to measure intolerance to failure and sometimes unacceptable frustration that can cause an unsuitable gaming experience.

    We also wanted to surround ourselves with specialists to confront our opinions and develop our choices:

    • Olivier Reix, member of the Jury of the Golden AS delivered each year at the International Cannes Games Festival and host of Games radio.
    • Erwan Berthou, Ludothecaire, manager of the international competition for Boulogne-Billancourt board games
    • Maxime Damien, video manager and communication for the Strasbourg boutique Philibert
    • Doctor Pascal Bonnet, psychiatrist for children and adolescents practicing in Besançon
    • And of course the whole team ofA world of games

    How we selected them

    Here are the main criteria that served us to build this guide.

    • Rules accessible and easy to understand

    Board games work a lot by oral transmission. Generally, only one player reads the rule, prepares the game, and explains its operation to its partners. Few are the truly complex mechanics, it is their number and the stack of the rules which make them more or less accessible.

    This barrier of the rule is particularly sensitive in a hyperactive world where, as Doctor Pascal Bonnet points out, the Société des screens and permanent zapping make new players often not very attentive and easily distracted. The practice of board games is a hobby all the more profitable as it imposes listening by making the player active.

    We have voluntarily limited the complexity of the games to a simple criterion: from the first part, an inexperienced player must be able to understand the issues, the basic strategies and take pleasure.

    The assimilated rule, the difficulty is often to find opportunities for playing, partners and the time required. The part of the games we have chosen rarely exceeds the time.

    Even for experts, it is often difficult to immediately judge the “depth” of a game. The pleasure of discovery, linked to novelty, cannot always resist the test of time. To make this selection, we exchanged with current and former members of the main French fun price, the AS d’Or, awarded each year in February at the International Games Festival in Cannes. All advised us not to retain games of less than a year to avoid fashion effects. Only derogation from this bias, the games of our narrative section, which are not replayable.

    For the most mechanical games, our choice fell on those which offered several possible strategic paths, allowing a renewal of the course of each game. We have notably supported the statistics of the digital versions of which many games benefit, in particular on the site BOARD GAME ARENA. It was not a selection criterion but we realized that this site offered an online version of all the strategy games that we have selected. The multiplication of parts on the Internet, faster to set up and play, makes it possible to verify the absence of stereotypical strategy allowing to win every time.

    The boarding sector is young and constantly increasing in recent years. Stock breaks, modes and changes in editorial lines are common. We made sure that each game of this selection is available and well distributed so that you have no trouble finding it.

    The aesthetic criterion, the ergonomics, the quality of writing and accessibility of the rules are part of the major developments of modern board games that we have particularly taken into account.

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    Top 10 with 2 players
    The 10 best games with 2 players from 2023

    You will find on this page the 10 best to 2 players of 2023 on Mr. Dé. This list is based on the best sales on this site in the past 12 months. See more articles from 2 players

    1. Splendor duel

    Splendor duel

    Face the opposing guild in a race towards victory in this game located in the world of the famous Splendor designed specially to be played in two. – From 10 years old 2 players 30 minutes

    2. Black district

    Black district

    In District Noir you must have, at the end of the 4 rounds, more points than your opponent by recovering a majority of support cards. You can also prevail immediately by controlling the three city cards (which represent the strategic places of the city). In the largest criminal organizations in the city, men and women compete to grow their influence. Control of the black district, a highly contested area, is a major and essential issue to dominate the city. – From 10 years old 2 players 15 minutes

    3. Focus


    Communicate. But not to mention ! A cooperative and addictive deduction game for 2 players. 168 illustrations and 3 game modes for novices to experts ! – From 10 years old 2 players 15 minutes

    4. 7 Wonders Duel

    7 Wonders Duel

    Three ages to build your civilization ! Find 7 Wonders, the global best-seller of civilization game, in a version specially designed for 2 players ! Impose your victory by scientific progress, by capturing the capital of your adversary or by building a dominant civilization. – 7 Wonders for two ! – Dynamics close to that of 7 Wonders the basic game. – New mechanics and new effects that will not leave you insensitive ! – From 10 years old 2 players 30 minutes

    5. Jekyll vs Hyde

    Jekyll vs Hyde

    Jekyll vs Hyde is a game of folds for 2 players, inspired by the novel The Strange case of Doctor Jekyll and M. RL Stevenson Hyde. Each player embodies a facet of the personality of the main character. Dr. Jekyll seeks to hide his double nature without losing reason, while Mr Hyde, his alter ego, seeks to dominate him and make him switch to darkness. – From 10 years old 2 players 20 minutes

    6. Schotten Totten

    Schotten Totten

    Get started in a struggle where all blows are allowed to gain control of the border that separates you from your opponent. Send the members of your tribe defending the terminals and deploy your forces by making the best cards combinations. To win, be the first to control five dispersed terminals along the border or three adjacent terminals. – From 8 years old 2 players 20 minutes

    7. Mindbug


    In Mindbug, you invoke hybrid creatures and send them to the fight against your opponent’s creatures. But be careful: when you invoke a creature, your opponent can use one of his mindbugs to take control of it. Screw your opponent during a fascinating tactical duel, in which having the best cards and playing them at the wrong time can be fatal. – From 8 years old 2 players from 15 to 25 minutes

    8. Breizh 1341

    Breizh 1341

    Removal in store only on April 30, 1341, Duke John III of Brittany died without descendants. His niece, Jeanne de Penthièvre, married to Charles de Blois, and Jean de Montfort, husband of Jeanne de Flandre and half-brother of John III, claim the Ducal crown. In less than an hour, become the next Duke of Brittany ! – From 14 years old 2 players 45 minutes

    9. Cat-Tapult game

    Cat-Tapult game

    A game of magnetic catapults that will make you see all the colors ! The aim of the game ? To win a purr, put all the yellow babes using catapult papattes in your cat-dvers. You can also, if you are precise, launch the three baby teeth-breaches. Or, harder, the Baballe Truffle-Noire of the Cat ! The first at 5 rods prevails ! A game for the whole family in which you have to target, but above all to target quickly because your news cat will not give you time to breathe. – From 7 years old 2 players 15 minutes

    10. Chewing Game: Wooo

    Chewing Game: Wooo

    By doing folds, marrying kings and queens and knowing how to conclude in time, reach 66 points first. A great game of very addictive cards in a very small box. – From 10 years old 2 players 25 minutes

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