Here is the easy tip to save your data on Android, Google will delete Chrome data saving on Android

Google will delete Chrome data saving on Android

  • Go to settings, then mobile network
  • In the mobile networks tab, press data consumption

Here is the easy tip to save your data on Android

Did you know ? Android offers feature that prevents the background applications from using your mobile data. Practice to save data, battery, or even to stay concentrated.

Posted on May 11, 2023 at 9 a.m

The punch, both tiny and discreet

  • A functionality present for years saves data on Android
  • Once activated, it prevents the background applications from using your mobile data
  • You can also customize the functionality by adding apps to an exceptional list

You have a small package on your smartphone and you have the impression that some applications abuse your mobile data ? On Android, there has been an option to activate for years that drastically reduces consumption of your data by applications. As you may already know, some applications can use your data in the background. But when you activate the “data saving” functionality on Android, applications must be activated to access mobile data connection.

A fairly radical solution which should therefore allow you to have a significant difference in consumption. And since the apps do not consume data in the background, activation of this functionality can also have an impact on the autonomy of your smartphone. In addition, for players for example, it can be practical not to be disturbed by the apps in the background, or so that only the app or the active game uses mobile data from the smartphone.

How to activate Android data saving ?

The good news is that to use this feature, you don’t need to have a recent smartphone. Indeed, Android’s data saving has arrived with version 7.0 of the operating system, in 2016. Here is how to activate it (tutorial made on a OnePlus 10 Pro on Android 13):

Android Economizer

  • Go to settings, then mobile network
  • In the mobile networks tab, press data consumption

Android Economizer

  • Then press data saving and activate the functionality
  • Note that even when the saver is activated, you have the possibility of creating exceptions by pressing “applied without restrictions”
  • These exceptions allow you to authorize, for example, an important messaging app to continue using data and notify you of a message received, even when the saving is activated

Activate the data saver on Samsung

As you may already know, Android is a very customizable operating system. Therefore, each manufacturer offers its own interface based on the open source code offered by Google. Therefore, if the principle of operating the data saving is the same everywhere, there can be variations depending on the brand of your device. For example, if you use a Samsung Galaxy smartphone, the procedure to activate the data saver is different.

Android Economizer

  • Go to the settings, then press connections
  • Select Data Use
  • Press Data Economiser
  • Then activate the functionality

Google will delete Chrome data saving on Android

The Mountain View firm confirmed to withdraw its “simplified mode”. This option which saves mobile data will disappear at the end of March.

The 100 of Google Chrome version on Android will disappear its mobile data saving. Google has just confirmed the information in a ticket published on the support pages of its web browser.

This “Lite Mode”, called “simplified fashion” in our latitudes, had been introduced in 2014 by Google to allow users to limit their consumption of mobile data and thus preserve the data envelope from their package. To get there, this system which has only a few weeks to live, transit the web pages consulted by Google servers.

The latter then returns a lightened version to user smartphones. Theoretically, this function allows you to display web pages faster by consuming up to 60 % less mobile data.

To discover also on video:

“In recent years, we have found a decrease in the cost of mobile data in many countries, and we have made many improvements to Chrome to further reduce the use of data and improve the loading of web pages. »» Justifies Google in its ticket, while indicating doing the necessary so that Chrome offers quick loading of web pages on mobile.

The killing of Chrome’s simplified mode on Android will intervene on March 29, the day of the Google Chrome 100 output in stable version.