SFR BOX customer: regularize a delay in payment, pay an SFR invoice

How to set my SFR invoice

You have not paid your invoice before the due date on the invoice: a first recovery letter is issued.

SFR Box subscribers: how to regularize my payment delays ?

You have not paid your invoice before the due date on the invoice: a first recovery letter is issued.

We advise you to pay your bill as quickly as possible to avoid any interruption of service.

For this, 3 means are at your disposal: online, by phone, by mail.

I pay my invoice online, by bank card

You can pay your online bill by bank card, connecting to your customer area.

I pay my invoice by phone, by bank card

Payment is secured by phone, by calling the 0 805 701 801 (Price of a local call from a fixed position in mainland France).

Payment, which you make by bank card, is immediate.

I pay my invoice by check or tip

Send a check taking care to note on the back:

  • The number of the invoice concerned,
  • Your landline number,
  • Your customer reference.

Then post your check or tip at the following address:

SFR box and fixed


TSA 80002

41901 Blois Cedex 9

To note
To note

Postal time and treatment of the check or TIP postpone the date on which your payment will be taken into account. Better to prefer other means of payment.

I regularized my situation

I received a 2nd recovery from SFR

That this second recovery changes ?

The second letter is equivalent to a formal notice. Your offer and internet and/or fixed and television services services will soon be suspended.

What do I risk in case of suspension ?

If you do not adjust your invoice after the second recovery, your line is suspended.

It means that :

  • You no longer have access to the Internet, with the exception of your SFR customer area, section “Conso & invoices”,
  • A restriction is applied to the telephone service: only communications to emergency numbers are possible,
  • On the television side, the bouquet (s) and VOD purchase (s) are suspended. If you subscribe Canal+, you keep access to bouquets or chains of the Canal Universe+.

I regulate my situation

To regularize your situation, call the secure payment vocal server at 0 805 701 801 (price of a local call from a fixed position in mainland France), to pay your invoice by credit card.

Once your payment is registered, your services will be reactivated within a period of between 4 and 12 hours.

You must turn off and restart your box or modem to access the Internet again and your services.

How to set my SFR invoice ?

Click on the button See everything In the insert my last invoice.


I select and pay an invoice

  • Click on “Pay your bills”.
  • Choose the invoice (s) to pay and click on ” Pay “.
  • Select your payment card and validate.
  • Enter your bank details and validate.

I receive a confirmation by email

You then receive a confirmation email from the operation on your contact email address.

To know
To know

You have the possibility of entering another email address if you wish to receive this confirmation email at a different address from that pre-Saisie.

I wish to make an online settlement from my SFR & me application

01. Open the SFR & me app and touch the Conso section from the home screen

02. Press “invoices”

03. Select the invoice you want to pay

04. Tap the PAY YOUR BOUND button

I would like to know all the means of payment to pay my SFR invoice

You have these means of payment at your disposal:

  • ATM : after signing the SEPA mandate, payment of your invoices is made every month without intervention on your part. The amount is deducted from your bank account from the payment date indicated on your invoice.
    To switch to direct debit, go to your SFR customer area, section Personal info, or the SFR & me mobile application, sections More> Personal info.

To note. The collection period of the direct debit is 8 to 17 working days if no personalized direct debit date.

  • Bank card withdrawal: All how the direct debit on IBAN, the payment of your invoices takes place each month without intervention on your part. The amount is deducted from your bank account from the payment date indicated on your invoice.

To switch to levy by bank card, go to your SFR customer area or the SFR & me app.

To note. The Amex card is accepted only for the payment of SFR mobile invoices.

  • Payment by TIP SEPA : after receiving an invoice, you do a payment by mail. To do this, it is imperative to send the SEPA TIP accompanied by a payment by check if SFR is not aware of your IBAN. Foreign iban and checks are not allowed for payment by TIP SEPA

To note. The period of collection of your payment is 1 to 6 working days (excluding postal deadlines) from the date of receipt of the payment.

  • Bank card payment
    You can pay with your bank card:
    • by telephone. Call the free 0805 701 801, Secure vocal assistance service (free call from a fixed position in mainland France),
    • Online from your SFR customer area. Once your invoice has been set, you receive a payment confirmation,
    • From your SFR & me application.

    To note. There is no collection period. It’s immediate !

      Payment by check to the following address :

    Your check must be accompanied by your phone and contract number. Foreign checks are not accepted.

    To note. The period of collection of your payment is 5 working days (excluding postal deadlines) from the date of receipt of the payment.

    For any payment by transfer or mandate, please indicate your telephone and contract number and keep the proof of payment.

    To note. The period of collection of your payment is 3 working days after the date of issue of your transfer.

    To know
    To know

    You can, at any time, modify your payment method from your SFR customer area, section Personal info> Billing> Payment method.

    • If you have opted for direct debit, The amount of your invoice is deducted from the due date indicated on your invoice.
    • If you have not opted for direct debit, The sums due must be collected before the payment date indicated on your invoice.

    I pay my bill
    on my customer area

    For further

    The SFR direct debit mandate

    Since October 20, 2013, SFR has gone to the SEPA direct debit mandate (single Euro Payments Area): a harmonized levy at European level. You can consult your mandate from your SFR customer area.

    I memorize my bank card contact details

    When you set a bank card invoice, you can record the contact details of this bank card (except Electron and Maestro Visa cards) by checking the associated box.

    In this case, SFR keeps your bank data securely to avoid a new entry of your contact details. When payment of your next invoice, you just have to select the registered bank card and enter the visual cryptogram. Save saving time !

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