Payment in 4 times – Cdiscount, Floa 4x: Our payment solution in 4 times | Floa Bank

Floa 4x: our payment solution in 4 times at no cost

Floa 4X is an optimized payment solution for merchants and buyers. Thanks to its long experience in the field of credit and turnkey financing solutions, Floa has established partnerships with many brands from all sectors of activity (tourism, IT, e-commerce, jewelry, large distribution, etc.)).

Payment in 4 times

At the time of payment, Cdiscount offers payment in 4 times. Bring your usual bank card and enter your bank details.

The removal of your deadlines on your bank card is thus divided:

1st deadline: the day of your order

2nd deadline: on the 30th day following the order

3rd deadline: on the 60th day of the order

4th deadline: on the 90th day of the order

No form to be completed, no entry of RIB, or identity document number !

You master your budget and refund your purchases over a short period of time.

In the event of a total or partial order cancellation, you are automatically reimbursed monthly payments already set to your bank account.

The maximum amount of applicable negligible costs will be 2.40% of the total amount of the order paid in 4 times.

See conditions on 05/01/2023

Legal Notice

This advertisement is disseminated on behalf of Cdiscount which acts as an exclusive intermediary in banking operations and in the payment service of Floa Bank and provides assistance to the realization of consumer credit operations without acting as a lender. Cdiscount – SA in capital of 6,642,912.€ 78 – Headquarters: 120-126 Quai de Bacalan 33000 Bordeaux – RCS Bordeaux 424 059 822 ORIAS N ° 13001927 Bank Casino Financial partner of Cdiscount: Floa, SA with capital of 55 136,600 € – Building G7, 71 rue Lucien Faure 33000 Bordeaux – RCS Bordeaux 434 130 423 ORIAS N °: 07 028 160 (www.orias.Fr ). Company subject to the control of the Prudential Control and Resolution Authority, (ACPR) 4 place de Budapest, CS 92459, 75436 Paris Cedex 09.

*See the conditions of the Cdiscount offer at will here
(#) See payment conditions in 4 times in article 4 of our general conditions of sale. Subject to acceptance of Cdiscount or Floa Bank
(1) In mainland France, see conditions here or on the page “Modes and delivery costs” accessible at the foot of the page
(2) Legal guarantee of conformity from which you benefit under articles L 217-3 and following of the Consumer Code
(3) in application of the right of withdrawal which you benefit under article L. 221-18 of the Consumer Code.
Comparison price: Price recommended by the brand – The manufacturer / average price found on our marketplace / average price observed on a selection of up to 37 sites / comparison price provided by the seller of the Marketplace. See details on the product sheet.

Floa 4x: our payment solution in 4 times at no cost

Payment in 4 times free of charge is an ease of payment acclaimed by buyers. Easy to set up in a business or on an online sales site, it generates many profits. Do not hesitate any longer and go to payment in 4 floa with Floa Bank !

How does payment work in 4 times at no cost ?

As its name suggests, payment in 4 times is to split an expense into 4 monthly payments. This is an ease of payment that allows you to buy a property or a service even when you do not have the entire necessary sum.

If it is akin to micro-credit, payment in 4 monthly payments is a little different. The applicant’s eligibility is immediately validated during the first levy made on the day of the purchase. There is no need to complete a loan request file and join supporting documents. On the other hand, in the context of payment in several times at no cost, the buyer is not forced to pay banking interest. No commission is applied: the final price paid is the same as the one displayed in store or on the site.

Payment split in 4 times at no cost is an optimal alternative to buy a trip, expensive furniture or high-tech device. It is even the most appropriate solution if you do not have time to save several months and if you want to take advantage of an interesting promotion immediately.

To benefit from it, simply select the “payment in 4 times” option on the payment terminal or the website transaction page. The first deadline (ie a quarter of the amount of the purchase) will be immediately deducted. The other monthly payments will be taken each month from the buyer’s bank card, on the fixed date appearing on the schedule.

Please note: before opting for payment in several times, make sure you have provisioned your bank account enough before the date of levy. If necessary, you may find yourself uncovered. Your bank card must also be valid until the scheduled date of the last levy.

The advantages of implementing payment ease in 4 times free of charge

As a merchant, you are certainly attentive to the sales you make and to the average basket corresponding to the amount paid by your buyers. If you note a high abandonment rate linked to a high amount, you can opt for an ease of payment solution. By giving your customers the possibility of adjusting their purchase or ordering them in 4 times at no cost, you can receive a larger target !

Payment in 4 times is fully managed by an external banking organization, which means that you will have no additional approach to plan. The regulation of all transactions is carried out the same day. The financial institution then takes care of the collection of the sum. You are therefore completely freed from the risk of unpaid or cash problems charged to fractional payments.

Most merchants who offer a bank card payment can see an increase in sales, an increase in the amount of the average basket and a higher conversion rate. If you offer luxury products or services, it is essential to anticipate the problems linked to the financial difficulties of your potential buyers. Too high a price is a brake on purchase ! In the event of an order cancellation, the buyer’s refund is automated.

Payment in 4 times at no cost: opt for Floa 4x

Floa 4X is an optimized payment solution for merchants and buyers. Thanks to its long experience in the field of credit and turnkey financing solutions, Floa has established partnerships with many brands from all sectors of activity (tourism, IT, e-commerce, jewelry, large distribution, etc.)).

On the buyer side, Floa 4x is a practical and flexible solution. Just have a visa or mastercard card to choose to stagge a payment in 4 monthly payments. It is not necessary to open an account, to change bank or to fill out forms. The whole procedure is automated for optimal comfort.

On the professional side, Floa Pay is integrated payment solution whose management is fully outsourced, 100 % online and 100 % secure. All e-commerce standards are taken into account and respected, in particular with regard to data confidentiality.

Convinced ? Contact us to go to payment in 4 Floa !

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