Mappy traffic info: all the live info on road traffic – Mappy, real -time traffic info: works, accident, weather, areas

Traffic information

With Mappy check the live traffic conditions in your region, your department and your city so that you no longer get stuck in traffic jams ! The state of traffic is updated in real time and refreshed every two minutes: locate the traffic jams on your journey as well as possible. With Mappy, you can also search for hotels, restaurants, service stations, and carry out car routes taking traffic into account.

Real -time traffic info with Mappy

With Mappy check the live traffic conditions in your region, your department and your city so that you no longer get stuck in traffic jams ! The state of traffic is updated in real time and refreshed every two minutes: locate the traffic jams on your journey as well as possible. With Mappy, you can also search for hotels, restaurants, service stations, and carry out car routes taking traffic into account.

More info on traffic info

How does traffic info work ?

The traffic info takes into account several parameters to predict traffic conditions. The first data available is real -time traffic conditions collected via GPS boxes and smartphones. The second data taken into account is the traffic conditions for previous years which allows a history of traffic conditions. Other data is added by road networks managers such as work, closures or accidents. Analysis of all these parameters, data allows you to have traffic forecasts.

How to know road traffic on Mappy ?

The info traffic data is provided to us by our partner Tom-Tom. It is directly integrated into all route calculations and mentioned in the result. To have an overall vision of road traffic, you can display a card and select the “traffic” card option. Different traffic elements will appear in terms of such as slowdowns, traffic jams or work.

How to display traffic on Mappy ?

To display the traffic info on a Mappy plan, simply click on the “card options” picto located at the bottom right of the plan displayed. You must then choose the traffic option in the “Travel assistance” section. Once the option is activated, you can view all the information related to traffic on the card: work, traffic jams, etc

Top info-trafic with Mappy

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  • CAEN traffic info
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  • Le Havre traffic info
  • Toulon traffic info
  • Nice traffic info
  • Vannes traffic info
  • Saint-Nazaire traffic info
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Traffic information

Need to know the state of traffic at the time of vacation departures or simply before going to work ? APRR offers an exclusive traffic info based on data from our operating services.

Traffic monitored 24 hours a day

With our field teams and material means, which include more than 500 surveillance cameras and numerous counting stations, our traffic info is based on observation and forecasting. . Where your GPS gives you a situation at the moment T, the APRR experts and the info motorway broadcast information on the site and the radio that allows you to anticipate.

Qualified and predictive information

For example, after an accident, a cap immediately formed on the highway. The traffic info broadcast by your GPS immediately invites you to go out because the latter sees congestion in front of you. But he doesn’t know what’s going on in the next 10 minutes. As we know, after a few minutes, the nature of the embarrassment (by the information gave up by the firefighters, the gendarmes or our patrollers) we communicate to you a more qualified traffic info which allows you to make a better decision, like staying on our network so as not to find yourself stuck on an outing ramp.

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