How to activate Paylib with friends on my smartphone? Help – Caisse d Epargne, how to receive money received by transfer via Paylib with friends? Help – Savings box

How to receive money received by transfer via Paylib with friends

*Do not send any personal and security information (CB number, confirmation code, etc.) by email or telephone: your bank will never be initiated by this request.

How to activate Paylib with friends on my smartphone ?

This content is intended for individual customers and individual entrepreneurs equipped with dedicated remote banking services*. For other customers, we invite you to get closer to your advisor.

*Direct Internet Pro (Dei Pro)

You can activate the service at any time and free Paylib with friends From your smartphone to send and receive money thanks to your mobile number.

In practice, launch your savings box application, authenticate yourself and follow these 3 steps:

  • Select Transfers in your horizontal navigation bar.
  • Click onPaylib with friends.
  • Once the general conditions of use of the service have been accepted, check the accuracy of your mobile phone and bank account numbers before validating, then press Activate the service.

Congratulations ! Paylib with friends is activated. The service is immediately available.

How to receive the money received by transfer via Paylib with friends ?

This content is intended for individual customers and individual entrepreneurs equipped with dedicated remote banking services*. For other customers, we invite you to get closer to your advisor.

*Direct Internet Pro (Dei Pro)

If a loved one sends you money by transfer via Paylib with friends, two possible cases:

  • You have activated the servicePaylib with friends, offered free of charge by your bank: your account is immediately credited. In practice, you have nothing to do. An SMS tells you that a transfer has just arrived and money is directly paid to the bank account coupled to your mobile number.

  • You have not activated the servicePaylib with friends:: An SMS informs you that you are the recipient of a transfer and invites you to click on a link pointing to the site www.paylib.Fr*. You then have 7 days to enter the IBAN ** of the bank account to credit. Then the money will be paid to you within 1 to 2 working days.

The right reflex

If you plan to use the service frequently Paylib with friends With your loved ones, we advise you to activate it on your phone. Its simple, fast and free.

*Do not send any personal and security information (CB number, confirmation code, etc.) by email or telephone: your bank will never be initiated by this request.

** Clear info: IBAN (International Bank Account Number) is on the report of banking identity (RIB) of the recipient of your transfer. This is a unique number made up of figures and letters (27 characters in France) which identifies a bank account. It is essential to make transfers. To recognize it, it is simple: it is preceded by the IBAN abbreviation and begins by FR followed by 2 characters then 23 figures, split into 6 blocks: 5 of 4 characters and the last of 3 characters.

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