Wireless connected and intelligent thermostat, the wireless thermostat with a magnifying glass!

The wireless thermostat with a magnifying glass


On the menu: the ability to save energy thanks to a more precise temperature adjustment, the programming function and several available modes. It is thus possible to determine upstream the degrees of room heating by room to better control your energy expenses ! We get closer to the goal :).

Connected wireless thermostat

You have a boiler but no thermostat or a boiler connected to a wireless thermostat ? The connected and intelligent wireless thermostat is perfect for you. Just install it and control your heating via the Tado ° application. There is something for everyone: traditional white or striking black. The quality of the product and its functions remain the same.

Recommended public price: 249.99 €

Buy now

Your start -up kit: V3 wireless intelligent thermostat+

You have a boiler but no thermostat or a boiler connected to a wireless thermostat ? The connected and intelligent wireless thermostat is perfect for you. Just install it and control your heating via the Tado ° application. There is something for everyone: traditional white or striking black. The quality of the product and its functions remain the same.

Recommended public price: 249.99 €

Buy now

Your start -up kit: V3 wireless intelligent thermostat+

You have a boiler but no thermostat or a boiler connected to a wireless thermostat ? The connected and intelligent wireless thermostat is perfect for you. Just install it and control your heating via the Tado ° application. There is something for everyone: traditional white or striking black. The quality of the product and its functions remain the same.

Recommended public price: 249.99 €

Buy now

For apartments and individual houses

For apartments with gas boilers

Intelligent thermostat: can replace a wired thermostat, for a gas boiler in an apartment. If the gas boiler is not controlled by a thermostat, you can control heating with the smart thermostat and the extension kit.

For independent accommodation with gas or fuel oil heating or air and ground heat pump.

Intelligent thermostat: can replace a wired thermostat, for the central heating of independent houses. Extension kit: necessary to replace a wireless thermostat. No thermostat ? Check the heating by installing the two devices

Buy your starter kit here.

You want to get started ? Get the connected and intelligent v3+ skillful and intelligent thermostat for your home. Choose the color that goes to your interior. The starter kit and accessory products are available in our online store.

Buy your starter kit here.

You want to get started ? Get the connected and intelligent v3+ skillful and intelligent thermostat for your home. Choose the color that goes to your interior. The starter kit and accessory products are available in our online store.

Buy Your Starter Kit here.

You want to get started ? Get the connected and intelligent v3+ skillful and intelligent thermostat for your home. Choose the color that goes to your interior. The starter kit and accessory products are available in our online store.

Come back warm

Tado ° geolocation recognizes when you approach your home and heat it in advance.

Available in the following stores:

Aerate without worry

Open window detection reminds you of stopping heating when you are.

Test all the tado ° functions in the demo version of the free application.

Intelligent planning

With intelligent programming, you enter the ideal temperature for each moment of the day. Tado ° does the rest.

Test all the tado ° functions in the demo version of the free application.

The dreamed temperature for the room

With Tado °, you control the climate of your home. Without effort or high cost. Effective and intelligent effective. So that you can take care of more important things.

Test the functions of our application:

The air you need, always

Tado ° monitors air quality in your home. The fresh air indicator provides improvement advice.

Test all the tado ° functions in the demonstration version of the free application.

No cold showers

Care & Protect lets you know if your heating system has a problem and how to solve it independently.

Test all the tado ° functions in the demonstration version of the free application.

Come back warm

Tado ° geolocation recognizes when you approach your home and heat it in advance.

Familiarize yourself with our application
thanks to the demonstration version.

Aerate without worry

Open window detection reminds you of stopping heating when you are.

Familiarize yourself with our application
thanks to the demonstration version.

Intelligent planning

With intelligent programming, you enter the ideal temperature for each moment of the day. Tado ° does the rest.

Familiarize yourself with our application
thanks to the demonstration version.

The dreamed temperature for the room

With multi-clip control of Tado °, you can control the temperature of your parts individually.

Familiarize yourself with our application
thanks to the demonstration version.

The air you need, always

Tado ° monitors air quality in your home. The fresh air indicator provides improvement advice.

Familiarize yourself with our application
thanks to the demonstration version.

No cold showers

Care & Protect lets you know if your heating system has a problem and how to solve it independently.

Test all the tado ° functions in
the demonstration version of the free application.

Come back warm

Tado ° geolocation recognizes when you approach your home and heat it in advance.

Aerate without worry

Open window detection reminds you of stopping heating when you are.

Intelligent planning

With intelligent programming, you enter the ideal temperature for each moment of the day. Tado ° does the rest.

The dreamed temperature for the room

With multi-clip control of Tado °, you can control the temperature of your parts individually.

The air you need, always

Tado ° monitors air quality in your home. The fresh air indicator provides improvement advice.

No cold showers

Care & Protect lets you know if your heating system has a problem and how to solve it independently.

Your heating on your phone: Discover our application !

Download the Tado ° application for free to try the demonstration version.

Your heating on your phone: Discover our application !

Download the Tado ° application for free to try the demonstration version.

“If you want to install a connected thermostat, that of Tado is perfect !»»

Geek coffee

Technical specificities


Wireless temperature probe: 104 x 104 x 18 mm

Wireless receiver: 80 x 140 x 26 mm

Internet bridge: 81 x 27 x 22 mm

Complete packaging: 174 × 174 × 110 mm

The starter kit includes the Tado ° internet bridge, which is plugged in your router. It allows you to connect your wireless temperature probe and the wireless internet receiver via radio frequencies.

Tado ° measures temperature and humidity. The precision of the temperature sensor is 0.01 ° C

Radio frequency: 868 MHz (6lowpan)

Wireless temperature probe: 138 g

Wireless receiver: 216 g

Internet bridge: 30 g

Complete packaging: 895 g

230 VAC (wireless receiver), 4.5 VDC (wireless temperature probe), 5 V USB (Internet bridge).

Materials and finish

The exterior envelope is made up of polycarbonate (PC) and ABS plastic in matt white.

User interface

The LED matrix has 10 x 19 LEDs and has a size of 32 x 20 mm. Buttons: 2x capacitive touch, 1x mechanics.

The tado ° application, instructions and software are available in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Dutch.

Maximum number of users per tado ° account

Up to 100 users can be added to your house Tado °.

Maximum number of tado ° devices per household

You can add up to 25 devices to your house Tado °.

2 years warranty

What’s in the box ?

  • 1 wireless temperature probe
  • 1 wireless receiver
  • 1 tado ° internet bridge
  • 3 AAA batteries
  • Wiring labels
  • 2 wall mounting screws
  • 2 ankles
  • 2 sticky pads
  • 1 3 -wire cable
  • 2 insulators
  • 1 UK sector adapter
  • 1 EU sector adapter
  • 1 USB cable
  • 1 ethernet cable

How it works ?

Mount or lower your heating in the Tado ° application. Internet bridge, which is connected to the Internet via the router, transmits this information remotely to your smart thermostat.

Improve your configuration

Add additional intelligent thermostats and smart thermostatic heads to your starter kit and improve your tado ° configuration.

Smart thermostat

Add other smart thermostats to control the parts individually, for example for the floor heating.

Wireless receiver

Works with the intelligent thermostat as a radio receiver for wireless room thermostats.

Intelligent thermostatic head

Additional radiator control

Official certification OPENTHERM

Tado ° connected and intelligent thermostats are certified Opentherm. This guarantees compatibility with the OPENTHERM boilers of all manufacturers.

Opentherm devices offer better efficiency, have a reduced impact on the environment and are easy to install by yourself.


Here you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions about our intelligent thermostat.

What is the difference between the connected and intelligent wired thermostat and the connected and intelligent wireless thermostat ?

The connected and smart thermostat replaces existing cable room thermostats. It can be used, for example, to control your boiler or your hydraulic floor heating. Learn more

The connected and intelligent wireless the thermostat wirelessly communicates with your boiler via the wireless receiver included. Learn more

How do I know if I need the wired or wireless connected and intelligent thermostat ?

You will need a wired and smart thermostat if you want to replace a connected wired thermostat, for example, to your boiler or to your heating on a hydraulic floor. If your boiler is equipped with a wireless thermostat or does not have a thermostat, you can control your heating with the connected and smart thermostat. Learn more about compatibility

How the connected and intelligent thermostat works ?

All start -up kits include Tado ° Internet bridge, which connects to the Internet via your router. It communicates wirelessly with your connected and intelligent thermostat and allows you to control your heating system remotely via the Tado ° application.

The connected and smart thermostat connects directly to your boiler or to your hydraulic floor heating. The start -up kit – connected and intelligent wireless thermostat includes a wireless temperature probe which communicates with a wireless receiver, connected to your boiler.

Can I install the connected and intelligent thermostat by myself ?

The two versions of the connected and intelligent thermostat can be installed by yourself. Just follow the step -by -step instructions of our online installation assistant. You can also use a professional installer. Learn more about the Tado ° installation

How can I know if my heating system is compatible with the connected and intelligent thermostat ?

Tado ° works with all current heating systems and with most manufacturers. If you want to know if your system is compatible with the connected and intelligent thermostat, you can find more information on our compatibility page.

The wireless thermostat with a magnifying glass !

wireless thermostat

Do not go bank, yes, but shive, no ! This is our dilemma to all from fall. Find the system that allows us to always have the right temperature at the right time at home. For that, the thermostat is our best ally (well especially that of our heating). And we will see how its “wireless” version can still increase its superpowers in terms of comfort and energy savings. To find out how it works, what models exist and what is its price fork: here is something to be unbeatable on the wireless thermostat !

A wireless thermostat, what is it for ?

Even if we have a whole article ahead of us to develop this answer, in a few words, here, summarized around 3 main points, the multiple benefits of wireless thermostat.

1. Regulate, with precision, the ambient temperature of the house

Too hot, too cold, the concept of ideal temperature is often suggestive. With a thermostat, it’s easier to navigate. We program its temperatures and adapt this heating schedule according to its feelings. A. Programming to the degree or even in the nearest half-degree. What boost his comfort of life !

Rather nice to be at home with the optimal temperature all the time: a small 20 ° C in the living room, a little less in the bedroom to sleep well, a bathroom warm and “ready to use” When switching to the shower or a living room heated in advance just before returning home. Room by room, habitat makes its interior weather and so much the better !

2. Achieve energy savings !

eh yes ! Without thermostat, we quickly wasted energy here and there, without realizing it because the heating is simply on permanently, and we are not on the lookout Every hour depending on the activity and needs of the inhabitants of the house.

With a wireless thermostat, program and regulate the desired temperature as accurately as possible according to a given time slot. Often accompanied by an app, these new generation thermostats allow us to visualize its consumption monitoring, which is very useful for piloting your heating budget while respecting our real needs. A practical, ergonomic and effective solution to (re) take control of your home !

Read also:

And for energy savings, they are far from negligible;). Recall that lowering your consumption by a Celsius degree reduces the bill by 7% ! Imagine the result when no degree is left to chance, and carefully program the planning of room temperature according to your lifestyle. Effective snowball effect: the energy consumption and the invoice are in free fall. The wallet and the planet deserve it well ! (By the way, with the SOWEE connected station, it’s up to 25% savings …*)

3. Wireless vs wire, even more comfort !

It is as opposed to the wired thermostat that the wireless thermostat takes on the point of becoming the standard in existing houses and apartments.

The functioning of these two so -called “room” thermostats is the same. What changes is having a wireless power, easy to install and easy to move.

No need to have a nearby power supply, no need to carry out work, no need to have a pro device installed, no need to have to go to him to program it and goodbye the unsightly cables.

Clearly, the wireless thermostat simplifies our life ! And if it is played more practical, it is also more reliable and advantageous because it is simply the most recent model.

It’s time to go to wireless ? Let’s discover the big families ..

Faced with new technologies (including wireless), cable devices have taken a stroke of old. The time is for minimalism and the simplicity of pose, no longer a question of clutching ! When you are faced with the purchase of new thermostat equipment, the choice is illico presto to a clear preference for wireless !

Behind this thermostat hides … a large family.

On the program, several main categories, including it is good to find your way around.

Non -programmable wireless

It is the oldest of wireless models. And as often in terms of “new” techno, being an old version means low price but reduced efficiency (compared to new products on the market). This results in the total absence of a programming screen, which, between us, is rather very restrictive to pilot its energy consumption. Especially since the system lacks precision ! A very limited use therefore, which is content to allow a manual temperature adjustment via a receiver positioned on the boiler.

To summarize, the only reason to adopt this model is the price. That’s all !

Programmable electronic wireless

We are going to crescendo in terms of functionalities. It is our way of prolonging the suspense;).

Secondly ? The programmable electronic version ! It is much more ergonomic and functional than the non -programmable version, but remains less efficient than the connected wireless thermostat.

On the menu: the ability to save energy thanks to a more precise temperature adjustment, the programming function and several available modes. It is thus possible to determine upstream the degrees of room heating by room to better control your energy expenses ! We get closer to the goal :).

Another “must” ? The digital screen on which we have access to consumption info in a precise manner as well as the ease of pairing in the system not requiring the intervention of a pro.

Wireless & connected

First place of the podium far ahead of our friends The unprogramable and programmable electronic thermostats, the connected wireless thermostat is the most elaborate reference to control the heating !

Primo, it is very practical since it is also piloted remotely, from a mobile phone.

Second, it is very efficient thanks to its peak precision,

Tertio, it is intelligent which allows it, in addition to a regulation of heating, to be a real pro -economies of energy of energy.

And it’s not over. The connected thermostat adapts to your needs, desires and lifestyle by memorizing your preferences and your heating programming, but also by creating automatisms to fill a forgetfulness. Its intelligence and its ability to launch the alert in case of overconsumption are also essential to help you make energy savings, not to mention the access given to the consumption follow -up so as not to lose a single crumb. As such, he is a bit like the star of homemade energy savings;).

On the thermal comfort side, we are not outdone either, quite the contrary ! The connected thermostat is actually number 1 in the matter. Yes, being able to enjoy an ideal temperature permanently, scheduled for every moment of the day, it’s the home dream in winter !

For operation, several options

Other large category of wireless thermostat ? Its operating mode, either by carrier or by radio waves. Do not worry, if this clarification does not speak to you at all, we will translate it to you … without going into too much technical details :).

Carrier operating

In this first case, the temperature programming orders are transferred by carrier current to the central actuator, that is to say via an electric current. A communication made possible when the radiators have a pilot wire !

Radio wave

When there is no load -bearing wire, the interaction between the connected thermostat and the heating devices, to exchange data and programming orders, takes place by radio wave.

Cascade energy savings

The cheapest energy is the one that we do not consume

It’s so well said, and it’s so true ! An anti-winning principle and energy savings that the wireless thermostat advocates proudly … to the delight of our wallet and our ecocitoyan consciousness;).

It must be said that without a vigil (heating), overconsumption quickly arrived. A radiator left on on 22 ° C all night in the living room, the heating that we forgot to drop before going to work (and worse, before going on vacation), a bathroom at tropical temperature when the shower time has passed or radiators thoroughly the balloons while the window is wide open. There are many situations of involuntary and fatty !

In fact, surrounding yourself with an ally to help us consume only the strict necessary, that makes all the difference to manage your bill and its energy expenses.

Without forgetting the possibility of passing the habitat in absence and remote mode to consume nothing when you are not there for a long time.

Again, the least expensive energy is the one that is not consumed;). By dint of rehearsal, it ends up being engraved in our minds !

A flagship mission: to reduce the heating bill !

Direct consequence of consuming or rather consuming better – thanks to the use of a thermostat and the possibility of adjusting and programming the heating mode ? Reduce your energy bill !

To go even further, we can count on the precious help that the connected wireless thermostat brings from a “consumer monitoring” point of view, available on the dedicated mobile app. The exact expenses related to the heating consumption are thus accessed. Some brands (this is the case of SOWEE), even offers a detail hour per hour, day by day, so that we can watch over the grain. An effective way to point the finger at the most energy -consuming months of the year, compare with previous years, to rise if necessary, to be more attentive to everyday life and to understand the cause of an invoice more or less salty.

Always in the same quest to lighten the latter, at SOWEE, it is for example possible to control the heating to the near Euro, by fixing a budget limit not to be exceeded. The objective ? Be alerted when it is reached.

In short, the non-wired thermostat only wants good for our wallet :). What to avoid a few anguish ups when you receive the energy bill !

Think of the planet

How to talk about energy savings without talking about ecology ? Both actually make the pair ! By reducing his bill to heat the house in winter, we act at the same time in favor of the environment. And vice versa ! Thus, if we try to reduce its environmental footprint, closely monitor the expenses of the “heating” pole, it makes sense. So, whatever the pretext of approaching the quest for a decreased consumption, the main thing is that we get a double double impact !

A stable and comfortable atmosphere

An ideal temperature at any time of the day !

With a heating programmer, the ambient temperature is regulated as desired and continuously according to the needs and according to the highlights of the day. Living room, bedroom, bathroom: each one has its ideal temperature time by hour depending on the lifestyle and the timetables of the inhabitants. If that’s not the comfort of life home-made !

Programming of a lambda day as an example

If we take an example of early programming on a typical day, it gives:

  • At night: a low temperature everywhere in the house to snack as little energy as possible while everyone sleeps.
  • Half an hour before awakening: the start of heating in the bedroom, the bathroom and the kitchen. Thus, the places are comfortable to pull us from the bed, welcome us with open arms in the shower and breakfast side !
  • During departure out of the house, en route for the crèche, school or job: hop, place in absence mode. No need to heat when no one is there ! Besides, this is the functionality for which many people choose a thermostat: reducing the day consumption.
  • Half an hour before returning home, the heating sets off again so that you don’t have to enter a frozen house ! It’s still nicer to arrive, put your bag, remove your coat, and be immediately warm. This is particularly the case for immediate use parts at the time of return (the kitchen to taste it, the children’s bedroom for the “games” break, the living room to make a detour by the sofa “;););.
  • The continuation, consists that the temperature automatically increases in the places of life of the evening: the dining room for dinner or the TV corner for example.
  • Same principle in reversed when approaching bedtime: drop in heating in the kitchen, living room, at toddlers, then in the bedroom.
  • And it is off for a tour ! Stable temperature programmed in advance = well-being guaranteed :).

And all that, with nothing to manage since everything is programmed !

Need help with the installation of the thermostat ?

If we are now interested in the installation, how is it going to connect a wireless thermostat to a gas boiler or for an electric radiator ? Come on, we explain the operation for these two heating systems (the most pampered by the connected house) so that it is no longer the total blur !

Install your thermostat on a gas boiler

If you are heated to gas, you need a thermostat compatible with your boiler. As soon as this step is validated, level connections, it is how ? Well, in the case of a connected wireless thermostat, you must first proceed with pairing – or association – between a temperature sensor (which can be in a mobile case for example) charged, like its Name indicates, to measure the room temperature – and an actuator positioned on the boiler (to trigger the heating whenever it is necessary), and all this with your Internet (and possibly a home automation box). The objective is that the sensors communicate with the boiler to make it possible to control and program the heating, including a mobile app !

Read also:

Important to know (and to apply !): the installation of the thermostat (in the temperature sensor sense) must be chosen with care. Ideal ? Favor a room at the right temperature, that is to say neither too hot nor too cold. Indeed, an overheated room (the laundry room for example) or under heated (as can be the case with the bedroom) has the effect of blurring the tracks and giving the thermostat the impression it should mount ( or descend) the temperature … wrongly.

The other useful advice ? Place it slightly in height, about 1 meter from the ground, rather than at the floor level and far from the opening (doors and windows). This allows you to take the temperature without interference of air currents. Here, on a shelf, it’s ideal !

Regarding the branches of the actuator on the boiler, each model being different, impossible to describe the step here but most brands offer online videos to guide you. A good way to know in advance if you feel attacking or if you prefer to call on a technician ��

In the case of an electrical radiator

How to connect a wireless thermostat to an electric radiator ? That’s a good question ;).

First thing, the radiator must be equipped with a pilot wire, this black or gray thread thanks to which the heating can be controlled and programmable. All recent models are equipped with it. Otherwise a good indication for the knowledge is to look if your radiator has an adjustment wheel with a summer/winter position (a sun and a snowflake, for example) or a picto of the house. In this case, it means that the radiator already applies “programs”.

Then it is necessary to equip all the radiators that we want to control remotely with a receiver or actuator. This is the peculiarity of electrical heating ’: piloting is done for each device on a case -by -case basis, independently. A major difference with the boiler which acts as a heating power plant !

To return to the installation, as soon as all the radiators are equipped, the next step is to pair – or associate – all so that each receiver is able to receive and apply to the letter the heating instructions :).

How to choose the thermostat we need ?

Choosing the right wireless thermostat, it involves asking the right questions;). Zoom on our best tips to follow before checking out.

The criteria to favor

First determining criterion: the compatibility of the thermostat with your heating system and model. Indeed, without this validation, you may not be able to operate the connected thermostat with your heating mode. To avoid any return to store and waste of time, the best is to check upstream ! Good to know: some wireless room thermostats are suitable for any type of heating. So remember to favor these versatile models !

Second criterion allowing you to guide your choice to purchase ? The features offered by the wireless thermostat ! Indeed, the services offered and controlled from your phone must facilitate your daily life as much as possible, so that the game is worth the candle. So remember to read every option carefully: absence mode, smart alerts, programming by time slot, consumption follow -up ..

Third criterion ? The price, of course ! Without him, the first two checked boxes no longer make sense. Your thermostat must meet your needs, be adapted to your heating system, but it must also inevitably display a price accessible for the budget you have set yourself. The good news is that there is something for all prices !

Brands, models: where to give head ?

Hard to find your way in front of the impressive offer: standard, connected, special gas boiler or electric radiator.

We have our little idea on our favorite brand, and it is offers both thermostats for boilers and for electrical radiators;);). We let you guess !

Why is there not a universal model ? An ideal standard thermostat ?

Because there are almost as many types of heating as housing ! Some combine heating with wood and electrical or electric heating but also on the ground … Each manufacturer tries to develop the most universal solutions in order to meet maximum needs but there is an countless number of references, would not be- What electric radiators and boilers (gas programmable, fuel oil, etc.). And if we add heat pumps, wood chimneys,…

And for the purchase price, it gives ?

Adopting a wireless thermostat, it represents an investment. Here is something to get a little idea of ​​the (future) budget to be expected, even if the price range is very variable !

Indeed, the entry-level, non-programmable (you know, the one we talked about at the start of the article), goes from 50 to 100 €, while a connected thermostat starts at 150 € and goes beyond 400 € for the most complete models.

The positive point is that the purchase price is quickly profitable thanks to the upcoming energy savings on the invoice !

*Source: 25% energy savings: estimated savings on the basis of dynamic thermal models by taking as reference a permanently heated housing, not equipped with heating programming or detection of open windows and not having no monitoring of real -time energy consumption. Depending on the housing structure, its location, its level of insulation and lifestyle, the connected station allows energy savings up to 25% for individual electric heating and up to 20% for individual gas heating. More details here.

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