Verisure: All about the famous remote monitoring and alarm brand, alarm with remote monitoring & camera | Verrisor

Your alarm with remote monitoring


On site, send a SOS easily. Remotely, identify that is present on the protected site thanks to your mobile app.

Verisure: Everything about the famous remote monitoring and alarm brand

You probably know Verisure by name, but do you know what products and services the company offers exactly ? We take stock.

Burglaries and other domestic incidents (intrusion, fire, discomfort, fall …) do not only arrive in others. The latest figures published by the Ministry of the Interior prove it: attempts at successful flights and flights unfortunately do not decrease. This is why more and more French people seek to secure their habitat. Considering that security is a fundamental right that everyone must be able to benefit from a daily basis, Verisure offers a complete télénvered alarm offer, with many products available (interior, exterior camera, motion detector, shock detector, deterrent, etc.). Besides that, the company continues to innovate to improve its services. His latest TV alarm was even named “Product of the year 2023”, proof that the products are qualitative. You want to know more about the brand, its range of products or the prices offered ? We are making the point in this article.

Verisure: key figures that reassure

Verisure protects 650,000 people today throughout the national territory. With 30 years of expertise, the n ° 1 in France of the alarm with remote monitoring (Source: the Atlas of Security 2021) knows Exceptional growth of 20% renewed each year for more than 10 years. This results in both its turnover, its customer portfolio as well as its capacity and its commitment to create jobs.

In France, the company employs more than 3,500 people, who work in one of the 3 remote monitoring centers, at the head office or in the 97 commercial agencies spread across the country. In addition, it creates 250 jobs each year. Indeed, the recruitment needs are permanent and numerous. In 10 years, the company has multiplied by 2 the number of its employees. At the World level, Verisure is present in 17 countries (Germany, Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Netherlands, Peru, Portugal, United Kingdom and Sweden), has more than 18,000 employees and protects 4 million people.

Why trust Verisure ?

Recognized know-how

Verrisure is A trust operator. The company, created by EDF-GDF, then attached to Securitas AB under the name of Direct Securitas, has existed for over 30 years. Today is the n ° 1 in France and in Europe alarm with remote monitoring*. His brand name “Verisure” associates 2 words: “veri-fication” and “on”. The company explains that the verification stage of each alarm trigger is what makes its difference and its strength: this allows it to provide the most suitable and fastest possible answers.

Good customer reviews

The company obtains opinions very satisfactory customers with an overall note of 4.2/5. The latter appreciate, among other things, that the Verisure teams only take 10 seconds ** to deal with an emergency after receiving the signal, call the police after verification, that the service operates 24/7 and that it is possible to manage their alarm from anywhere. It is also a brand engaged in several areas, in particular diversity (gender equality, facilitation of access to employment for games, professional integration of people with disabilities, etc.) and the environmental protection (recycling, energy control, change of the fleet of vehicles, etc.).

Multiple certifications and awards

Verisure is finally holder of various certifications and awards:

  • APSAD Certification Certification APSAD issued by the National Prevention and Protection Center
  • The “product of the year” award for the 4th consecutive year
  • The “Top Employment” certification, a reflection of the success of its HR policy for inclusion and diversity.

Remote monitoring at Verisure: how the alarm system works ?

A verrisor alarm system aims to protect the home as well as goods. Wireless solutions are permanently connected to a remote monitoring center, in which operators work 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. Verisure has 3 remote monitoring centers in France: in Antony (Île-de-France), Angers (Pays-de-la-Loire) and Villeneuve d’Ascq (North).

In the event of an alert, the Verrisure assistance managers carry out the necessary checks, challenge any intruders and warn the emergency services or the police if necessary (fire subject to the installation of a connected smoke detector, assault. )). The SIM card, the GSM communication costs, the warranty as well as the maintenance of the equipment are included in all the offers.

How to estimate the cost of your verrisor alarm ?

To estimate the cost of your green alarm, it’s very simple, just online quote request. “Starting my quote” buttons are arranged on almost all pages of the website so that prospects can easily access the section. Once on the dedicated page, you just have to answer a series of questions (what you want to protect, the type of habitat, the place where it is, the access methods, the composition of your home, your postal code …). You must finally enter your phone number and a customer officer is responsible for contacting you as soon as possible.

Verisure installation: your alarm is installed quickly !

To install your alarm Verisure, it’s just as easy !

Safety diagnosis

After your exchange with the customer advisor, you can request to benefit from a free and tailor -made safety diagnosis for your future alarm. Since then, A Verisure security expert travels to your home To design the ideal alarm according to the configuration of the premises, and meet your needs in all respects. It also gives you your quote by your own quote. This visit does not commit.

Installation by an expert

It is only once the quote has been validated on your side that the Verisure teams are installing and setting your alarm. In addition to taking care of the installation, the expert also takes care of test each of the elements, to configure them according to your habits and constraints. He can finally train you in his good use. The installation time depends on the size of the places to be secured as well as the complexity of the alarm system (number of detectors to install. )). It takes an average of 3 hours. Anyway, there is no work to be expected.

Note that it is not recommended to install a verrisor alarm yourself. Only technicians and experts trained can proceed to the installation and guarantee you the proper functioning of the equipment. If you want to take care of it by your own means, it is better to orient yourself towards basic equipment (without remote monitoring).

What are the verrings for individuals ?

Verisure offers two alarm offers for individuals: Initial and optimal. Both provide the components essential for intruding detection and the operation of your alarm, but the second formula is more complete.

1. Initial verrisor

The initial verrisor offer includes:

  • 1 4G/GPRS alarm center-Ethernet/Wi-Fi
  • 1 Multifunction badge reader with integrated mermaid and interphony
  • 3 smart access badges
  • 1 HD images movement detector
  • 1 shock and opening detector with vibration sensor
  • 1 Arlo Pro 4 camera
  • 1 metal plate and deterrent stickers

2. Optimal verrisor

The optimal verrisor offer includes:

  • All the elements of the previous Verrisure offer
  • 3 smart access badges
  • 1 HD images movement detector
  • 1 shock and opening detector
  • 1 anti-cambriolage fog

3. Protection and product alarm packs per unit

In addition, Verisure offers protection packs (silver, gold, platinum, perimeter and camera) with additional elements, as well as products per unit.

What is the price of a verrisure alarm ?

The price of a verring alarm consists of several elements: the price of the equipment, the subscription to remote monitoring and the services included, as well as the installation and commissioning costs.

Why make an appointment to find out the precise price of a verisure alarm ?

As explained previously, it is essential to apply for a quote online, then to involve an expert at home for Obtain the most precise price estimate as possible. Indeed, the price takes into account a set of parameters that can only be studied once there.

Verisure teams warn consumers against remote monitoring offers displayed at too attractive prices. Depending on the company, these can prove to be limited in terms of operated services, cause multiple hidden costs as well as unforeseen expenses.

What plays in the price of the Verisure subscription

Various elements can influence the price of your Verisure subscription, such as:

  • The place to protect : house, apartment, offices, trade, storage areas ..
  • The area and configuration of the premises : number of parts, number of access;
  • The environmental framework : isolated or adjoining place, in urban or rural areas ..
  • The presence of valuables : jewelry, computer equipment, collections, reserves, stocks of goods ..
  • The presence of protective elements already in place : fence, bars ..
  • Lifestyle and frequentation of places : frequent absences, presence of children and/or employees, presence of pets ..
  • Specific needs and wishes In terms of equipment and services: remote surveillance using cameras, triggering an anti-bundled fog, nearby SOS buttons ..

What is included in the high-end subscription of Verisure ?

The high -end Verisure subscription includes:

  • THE 24 -hour remote monitoring service, 7 days a week with the implementation of concrete actions aimed at putting the intruders to flee (such as the triggering of opacifying smoke);
  • The possibility of a guarding service in the event of prolonged absence;
  • Regular tests of the proper functioning of the various equipment;
  • An unlimited intervention service.

For comparison, with a classic subscription, the number of free interventions is generally limited to 2 monthly interventions.

Can we connect to a remote verisure alarm ?

Yes, it is quite possible to connect to your remote verrite alarm. Several secure interfaces offer this possibility. To start, you can Use your remote control In order to consult the status of your alarm and order it even if you are not at home. The customer area also allows you to manage your remote monitoring system as well as the settings of your subscription. Finally, The My Verisure mobile application is also very practical. Available under iOS and Android, it notably allows you to activate or deactivate your alarm of a simple gesture, to consult your cameras or to take photos in real time.

*Data of the turnover achieved under the financial year ended at 12/31/2021 – Source: Trade and companies register “. N ° 1 in Europe Beopwidget “Data-Name =” Inread “>

The writing of BFMTV did not participate in the realization of this content. BFMTV is likely to receive remuneration when one of our readers proceeds to a purchase via the links integrated in this article.

Your alarm with remote monitoring

Discover Verisure, your complete and innovative protection. We are by your side 24 hours a day in less than 10 seconds (1) against the emergencies and dangers of everyday life.

24 -hour remote monitoring24 -hour remote monitoring Wireless installation or workWireless installation or work Emergency services alertEmergency services alert Remote controlRemote control

Revision: we act 24 hours a day.


Remote monitoring
24 hours a day.

Verisure remote monitoring acts in less than 10 sec. (1) in case of emergency. On a daily basis, we act in the face of the risk of intrusion, squat, home jacking, domestic accident, smoke release ..

1. Early intrusion detection : Exterior cameras, movement and shock detectors connected to your Home alarm give the alert.

2. Verification and arrest : Listen, authentication request, image consultation and videos make it possible to lift the doubt about the situation.

3. Trigger of the anti-clusation fog (8) : A concrete and fast action is carried out to put the intruder to flee.

4. Emergency services alert : The police or the firefighters are alerted according to the identified emergency (2) .

Wireless installation or work


Wireless or work

The installation and maintenance of your alarm with remote monitoring are included and carried out by verrisor.

1. We install your wireless alarm. It’s easy, quick and without work.

2. We connect your alarm to remote monitoring.

3. We set up the security system according to your lifestyle and your preferences. Your alarm also adapts to the presence of your pets.

4. We accompany you in its handling.

5. Maintenance, assistance, repair: we take care of everything for you !

Your needs are changing ? Your alarm is modular to accompany you according to changes in your life (move, work. )).

Emergency and private intervention alert


Forces alert
of order 2

We take things in hand.

Verisure remote monitoring is in direct connection with emergency services: police, firefighters ..

We give the first information so that the intervention is the most effective².

A burglary is proven in your absence ? We deploy safeguard measures, including sending an agent to the scene. The objective: to restore security as quickly as possible in the event of a claim.

(According to the offer and subject to availability in the geographic area of ​​protected places.))

Remote control


from a distance

Keep an eye wherever you are with myverisure, The mobile app integrated into your alarm system.

Activate and deactivate your alarm with a simple gesture.

Be alerted to the comings and goings in protected places.

See what’s going on in your home or business, thanks to connected cameras and detectors (video flow and HD images).

Interact with those present on site, thanks to the interphonia of the various equipment (cameras, multifunction player. )).

And many other features still !

Verisure ™ Smart Protection technology for your TV alarm

The components of your new generation Verisure alarm incorporate the best of high technology: early & intelligent detection, animal compatibility, HD color vision…

Arlo Pro 4 camera

With the Arlo Pro 4 camera, Benefit from early detection for your home or business (10) .

Real safety and comfort ally, this smart camera:

  • Settled outdoors
  • Has a night vision and video resolution up to 2K
  • Differentiates human beings from animals, parcels and vehicles
  • Detects movements and alerts you (mobile notification)
  • Is equipped with a mermaid, a microphone and speakers

Outdoor detector with photo sensor

Combine early and deterrent detection !

The early detection of this Verisure exterior movements detector is an undeniable ally to protect your home.

An abnormal movement is identified near you ? The detector triggers the alarm system, taking photos and alerts remote monitoring.

Infrared sensors offer protection Compatible with the presence of pets. You thus benefit from intelligent detection which limits the false alerts.

Your outdoor detector is weather resistant and UV.

Discover the product

Shock and opening detectors

Protect your access with intelligent verrisure technology.

Shock and opening detectors, Included in all our remote -controlled alarms, integrate “Shock Sensor” technology.

This unique feature allowsIdentify abnormal vibrations and shocks, When an intruder tries to handle your opening (doors, windows, bay windows, etc.)). The alert was immediately triggered, before the break -in.

Discover the product

Multifunction & personalized connected badge reader

Enjoy a 4 in 1 product !

Activate, deactivate and change the operation of your alarm system from a simple gesture thanks to contactless readers and badges. You prefer to enter a user code ? It is also possible with the Backlit integrated keyboard !

On site, send a SOS easily. Remotely, identify that is present on the protected site thanks to your mobile app.

Your reader incorporates a system ofinterphony and an deterrent siren, For a complete protective action !

Discover the product

HD images movement detector

Combine detection, images and remote control.

Movement detectors connected integrate the best of Verisure technology:

  • Pet compatibility : adjustment of detection sensitivity to avoid false alerts
  • Quality ofoptimized image : 1080 pixels, viewing angle 130 °, day (color) and night images (black/white)
  • Photo taking: on request (via smartphone) and automatic (in case of alarm trigger

Interior Arlo camera

Always keep an eye on the interior of your home or business !

With this new HD camera integrated into the Verisure protective ecosystem, you can see, hear and speak with those present on the site monitored.

  • Is equipped with a 130 ° angle of view with HD color vision day & night
  • Benefits from smart detection (people’s detection)
  • Integrity loudspeaker, microphone and mermaid
  • You alert in the event of alarm trigger: notifications, emails
  • Allows theVideo recording and images on the cloud or locally

Connected alarm center

Benefit from rapid and secure transmission of alerts

This power station is connected to the different sensors of your alarm and to our remote monitoring agents. It is easily hidden to avoid tearing and destruction attempts.

The alarm center is secure, reliable and benefits from a Triple connectivity. The objective: to transmit the alert as quickly as possible in all circumstances.

Did you know ? There alarm center Verisure benefits from a anti -change system To maintain the connection with our remote monitoring.

Discover the product


Keep your alarm system always at hand !

Practical with its integrated keychain, the alarm remote control accompanies you everywhere.

From your remote control, you can deactivate, partially or completely activate your security system. Pressure on two of its buttons allows you toSOS Verisure remote monitoring.

About 15 meters, it works indoors and is equipped with a Main-free function, forever more ease of daily use.

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Dissuasive plate

Dissuade the intruders by warning that your house is protected by an alarm with remote monitoring.

Placed in strategic places, visible from burglars, the plaque and the “alarm” verisure stickers keep them away from your home or professional premises.

The message is clear: the places are under surveillance, with images and call to the police.

Discover the product


Leake up the intruders in less than 1 min.

After lifting of doubt, Verisure remote monitoring draws the Anti-cambriolage (Bac®) (8) . In 60 seconds, The protected part is opaque (9) and the intruder can no longer see.

With one or more Bac® in your strategic parts, you benefit from a safe, fast and efficient response against break -ins and attempts to flight.

Discover the product

Connected smoke detector

Fight fires 24 hours a day

Your alarm system can also include a connected smoke detector !

Integrate this DAAF into your TV alarm system so that our agents protect you both against burglaries and smoke departures.

This smoke detector is certified in 14604 and works even when your alarm is disabled.

Discover the product

arrow arrow

Arlo Pro 4 camera

Outdoor detector HD images

Shock and opening detector

Multifunction play reader

HD movement detector

Interior Arlo camera

Alarm center


Dissuasive plate


Connected smoke detector (DAAF)

How to subscribe


online quotes


Diagnosis with a
safety expert


Installation of your
48h alarm system

The My Verisure application

With My Verisure, take the safety of your home or business everywhere with you. Take advantage of a multitude of features, always at hand, for Manage your alarm with your fingertips. My Verisure is included in your alarm offer with remote monitoring

Live HD Sos Notifications Vigilant my verrisor


Your alarm is automatically activated and deactivated during the scheduled times.

Live HD

My Verisure SOS

Press this SOS button to easily alert remote monitoring of an emergency (11) .

My Verisure SOS

Compt notifications and coming

Receive a notification as soon as a user activates or deactivates the alarm system.

Compt notifications and coming

Vigilant my verrisor

My Vigilant Verisure alerts you if you leave secure premises without activating your alarm Télésurveillée.

Vigilant my verrisor

Our customers recommend us

4 million protégés worldwide (12), including more than 650,000 in France, have already chosen television alarms and technology TM Verrisure Smart Protection to watch over them. You too, protect what matters to you with verrisor !

N ° 1

Based on 364 notice

missed missed missed missed missed

by Jean Pierre F. 09/14/2023 at 09:59:37

missed missed missed missed missed

“Speed, relevance, efficiency, serious”

by Eric G. 09/10/2023 at 16:56:51

missed missed missed missed missed

By Muriel P. 08/08/2023 at 13:54:45

missed missed missed missed missed

“It has already been at least 2 years that I have my alarm verrisure”

by Alain R. 09/03/2023 at 17:42:01

missed missed missed missed

“Well, but a lot to assimilate for my 68 -year -old brain ! »»

by Thierry D. 08/27/2023 at 17:16:42

missed missed missed missed missed

by Michel C. 08/20/2023 at 17:07:12

missed missed missed missed missed

by Raphael M. 08/19/2023 at 16:52:28

missed missed missed missed missed

By traver D. 08/14/2023 at 18:30:22

missed missed missed missed missed

“The interview was done correctly and on time. »»

by Dominicus V. 08/11/2023 at 19:30:57

missed missed missed missed missed

“Simplicity and efficiency”

By Patrick S. 08/09/2023 at 16:22:48

missed missed missed missed missed

by Alexandre t. 08/09/2023 at 14:20:41

missed missed missed missed missed

“RAS Service seriously The technician knows his job”

by Alain L. 08/05/2023 at 11:27:19

Well informed, better protected

Verisure brings advice and recommendations to individuals and professionals in the face of the risks and dangers of daily life.



Self -monitoring, video surveillance, remote monitoring: what differences ?

We provide answers to the questions that the French can ask themselves in terms of security.



Identify the danger

1 burglary out of 3 takes place in the presence of inhabitants.

1 domestic fire declare itself every 2 min.*

Intrusion, start of fire, accidents of daily life: discover the warning signs and risky behaviors that expose us every day at danger.

(*) Interior Ministry.



Adopt the right gestures

The installation of an alarm scares 95% of burglars*. That of a smoke detector has become compulsory.

To avoid danger, it is better to know and adopt security gestures. Verisure also supports you in risk prevention.

(*) Interior Ministry.

Verrisure alarm dissuasive plate

* For contracts concluded by the Verisure agencies other than n ° 105, 112, 125, 127, 150, 190, 194, 200, 260, 275, 300, 315, 410, 411, 444, 530, 550, 610, 703, 730 and 755: installation and commissioning costs (worth € 300 excl. Amount of the alarm system equipment (from € 999 excl. Tax) and the associated monthly subscription (from € 51.90 including tax per month for individuals and € 70 excl. sus.
For contracts concluded by the agencies Verisure n ° 105, 112, 125, 127, 150, 190, 194, 200, 260, 275, 300, 315, 411, 444, 530, 550, 610, 703, 730 and 755: installation and commissioning costs (worth 200 € HT) offered. Amount of the alarm system equipment (from € 799 excl. Tax for individuals living in an apartment and for professionals, and -3 from € 899 excl. Tax for individuals living in house) and the associated monthly subscription ( From € 44.90 including tax per month for individuals living in an apartment, € 54.90 including tax per month for individuals living in home and € 65 excl.
The prices expressed in HT are to be increased by VAT to 10% or 20% (in accordance with the provisions of article 279-0 bis of the general tax code, VAT of 10% for residential premises completed for more than two years, failing this VAT of 20%). The prices of the monthly subscription take into account the subscription to the service (optional for individuals) of remote monitoring.
Offer valid for contracts concluded with VERISURE from September 4 to October 29, 2023 inclusive, unchanging with all other promotional offers from Verisure, reserved for legal persons or individuals capable and major individuals, subscribing for the first time to Verisure Services and within the limits of an offer per person, or by tax household if necessary. Minimum commitment of 12 months for individuals.
The lowest price in the last 30 days on equipment on installation and commissioning costs: € 300 and € 200 (depending on the above -mentioned agencies).

Non -contractual visuals. Smoke detector soon available.
(1) Average response time measured from 01/06/2022 to 12/31/2022 after receiving the signal by our remote monitoring station for so -called urgent alarms, level 1 (smoked, panic, SOS detection, code under stress).
(2) After lifting of doubt proven according to the conditions of article L. 613-6 of the internal security code.
(3) APSAD R31 P3 Certification, number 225.14.31 delivered by the CNPP.
(4) Calculated from all the opinions obtained over the last 12 months.

(8) This product is a dry smoke generator.
(9) for a room of 30m².
(10) The company reserves the right to refuse the sale and installation of the Arlo Essential camera if the configuration of the premises leads to the visualization of the public road, a public space or the neighborhood and does not allow installation compliant with applicable regulations.
(11) The My Verisure SOS service can only be rendered on the condition that the customer is geographically in the pregnant premises. Otherwise, the customer will be directly oriented towards emergency services.
(12) Source: internal communication Verisure group – Customer portfolio.
(13) Source: Verrisure internal data.
(14) Data turnover made under the financial year ended at 12/31/2021 – Source: Trade and companies register.

Verisure – Simplified joint -stock company with the capital of 1.085.736 euros – Headquarters: 1 place du Général de Gaulle – 92160 Antony – RCS 345 006 027 – VAT number: FR 60 345 006 027 – Company holding authorization to exercise n ° AUT -092-2118-07 -17-2019036182 issued by the National Council for Security Activities on 07/17/2019. Article L. 612-14 of the internal security code: “The exercise authorization does not confer any prerogative of public power to the company or to the people who benefit from it.»».

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