Vélib ’2023: Prices and subscriptions, discover the new Vélib’ – City of Paris

City of Paris


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Vélib ’2023: Subscription prices and conditions

Launched in 2007, the self-service bicycle rental system in the city of Paris was undeniable success. Bicycles and prices have been profoundly modified since January 1, 2018. As part of the subscriptions, certain prices have further experienced developments for electric bikes in May 2023.

Vélib ’, what is it ?

Vélib ’, which comes from the contraction of the words “bicycle” and “freedom”, designates the rental system of self-service bicycle in the city of Paris. The name of the service is more precisely Vélib ’Métropole, Vélib’ being the name of the bicycles made available to users.

The service has been offered since July 15, 2007 in the Parisian streets as well as, since early 2009, in sixty municipalities bordering the capital of the capital.

On April 12, 2017, the Syndicat Autolib ’Vélib’ Métropole (After -sales service), which brings together 101 municipalities in Ile -de -France, officially awarded the Vélib ’supply and maintenance market to the Hérault group Smoovengo. This consortium brings together four actors: the Smoove start-up, the Spanish expert in Moventia mobility, the indigo parking lot and Mobivia (parent company, notably self-Midas and Norauto repairers).

Workforce since January 1, 2018, this public market has been concluded for a period of 15 years. He takes over from the initial contract signed on February 27, 2007 for a period of 10 years between the City of Paris and the Somupi company, a subsidiary of the advertising display and specialist in urban furniture Jcdecaux. In addition to the change of operator, the new market includes several new features.

The rental service now covers 61 municipalities. The new Vélib ’are lighter (20 kilos instead of 22.25 kilos so far). Two models are offered: mechanical “greens” and “blue” electric assistance. On these, it is possible to recharge your mobile phone thanks to a USB socket. The battery life is 50 km (with an average speed of 25 km/h). Vélib ’2″ Blues “should represent 30% of the 25.000 new bikes.

Whether green or blue, Vélib ‘2 are connected thanks to an on-board electronic case (the “V-Box”) which allows them to be geolocated in real time (useful in case of loss or flight) and display On the screen of his smartphone (thanks to Bluetooth) the rental time, the distance traveled during the journey and, in the long term, traffic indications (works, caps, etc.).

Bikes and locking system being different between Vélib ’1 and Vélib’ 2, the 1.400 existing stations have been replaced between October 2017 and March 2018 (almost all of the locations have been kept).

Vélib ’, how it works ?

During the first rental of a Vélib ’, the user must appear at a station directly in front of the bike of his choice and press the” V “key of the V-Box. He presents his Navigo Pass or his Vélib ’Métropole card (see below). He then enters his eight-digit access code on the V-Box keyboard and reaches the “V” key again. He hits his four -digit secret code and presents his pass or his card a second time.

The user can remove the bike from his “boundboard” when the message “departure ok” appears on the V-Box screen. For velib “” green “, electric assistance automatically starts as soon as the user begins to pedal. By default, the level of assistance is set at least. It can be modified by the user directly on the V-Box at level 2 or 3. For security reasons, this operation must be carried out when.

It is possible to lock the bike during the rental and outside a station. ATTENTION : In this case, the rental time continues to be deducted. To lock his Vélib ’outside a station, the user must:

  • Stop and press the “V” key on the V-Box of the bicycle
  • Scan your navigo pass or velib ’metropolis card on the V-Box
  • Follow the V-Box instructions to confirm that this is a break

Vélib ’management then blocks automatically. It is advisable, in addition, to take out by the right the cable integrated into the handlebars of the bicycle, and after having made it go through a fixed point, introduce its end into the orifice located in the padlock fork, behind the front lighthouse , in order to attach the Vélib ‘to a fixed point.

To unlock the bike, the user must:

  • Press the “V” key on the V-Box of Vélib ’
  • Then pass your pass or card on the V-Box

The bicycle management automatically unlocks.

To restore a Vélib ’at the end of the rental, the user can go to any station and insert the front wheel of the bicycle into one of the free” boundwones “until the bike is engaged. Before leaving, the user must check that:

  • The V-Box screen is well on. If it is not, the user must press the “V” key
  • The bike cannot be removed

Following these actions:

  • A message “return ok”, and two sound “beeps” (a brief and an extended) emanating from the V-Box confirm that the Vélib ‘is correctly attached marking the end of the rental The amount due for the use of the service will be debited according to rental time and pricing defined in the chosen offer
  • A “return ko” message and a single sound “beep” indicate that the bike is poorly locked. The user must then reposition the Vélib ’and proceed to the restitution either on the same” boundboard “or on another available. He can also press the V button after having better repositioned the bike in his boundion

If after these manipulations, the bicycle is still not returned, the user must:

  • Or contact customer service as soon as possible (by phone on 01 76 49 12 34 or from the dedicated menu on the terminal) to identify the origin of the incident
  • either identify with the terminal to make a manual declaration of return of the Vélib ’and thus confirm the time of restitution of the bicycle

If the anomaly is proven by the computer system, the amount of the journey will be calculated according to the moment when the user has informed customer service. If no anomaly is proven or if the user does not prevent customer service, penalties may be claimed (see deposit).

Vélib ’, for whom ?

The rental service is not reserved only for Ile -de -France residents. Anyone can use it, including people who do not live in Paris or even Île-de-France. Tourists visiting the capital are, moreover, part of the users of Vélib ’.

On the other hand, you should know that Vélib ’is only accessible to people aged at least 14 years. At the time of payment, minors are supposed to have a parental certificate. An offer at the preferential rate is planned for 14-26 year olds (see below). The mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, has set up a Vélib ’reimbursement system for those under 18 (idem). On August 1, 2021, a preferential rate aligned with that of under 27s was set up for seniors aged 60 and over.

Vélib ’2023 subscriptions and prices

Vélib formulas and prices have changed since January 1, 2018. The big novelty is that the subscriptions are now monthly and no longer annual. Users are no longer obliged to subscribe for twelve months and can suspend (and resume) their subscription when they wish.

With the exception of reduced rates for young people and people in difficulty, prices have increased by around 30%. This increase is justified by the Vélib ’Autolib’ Métropole union by the larger network of stations, bikes deemed to be of better quality and the creation of new services (indication of distance and rental time on smartphone, etc.).

To subscribe to an offer (including short-term), the user must open an online account on the new Velib-Metropole site.Fr. He must first choose his offer and indicate whether he wishes to use his Navigo Pass or the Vélib ’Métropole card which will be sent to him by mail. He then indicates his email address and created a password to access his account. He must mention his contact details and accept the general conditions of access and use (CGAU).

For monthly packages, it can activate a tacit renewal (an automatic re -sharing). Payment is made by bank card via a secure space. The user can also authorize the operator to take an automatic direct debit by fulfilling the levy authorization and providing a RIB/IBAN.

Annual versions with payment in one go are offered for the V-Plus and V-Max packages. It amounts to 37.20 euros per year for the V-Plus, at 27.60 euros per year for the young V-Plus (under 27 years old) and for the Senior V-Plus (60 years and over) since August 1, 2021 and at 18.60 euros per year for the Solidarity V-Plus (social rate). For the V-Max, the annual rate is 99.60 euros without reduction, at 85.20 euros for the youth package and the senior package and 49.80 euros for the solidarity package.

To benefit from the young, senior or social rate, the user must transmit the necessary supporting documents within three months (copy of an identity document, parental authorization for minors, stock market certificate, mobility IDF certificate, etc.).

Vélib ‘subscriptions can be integrated into transport costs for taxpayers who declare their income to the tax authorities in “real costs” (and not with the flat -rate reduction of 10% for professional costs) provided that they use of this means of transport to go to their work.

To confirm their subscription, the user must choose a four -digit secret code and he is therefore assigned an 8 -digit access code. The two codes are sent to him by e-mail and available on his online account. He will need during his first rental.

TO KNOW : some companies take care of all or part of the annual Vélib ‘subscription of their employees. Check with your Human Resources Department (HRD) or your staff representatives.

Short -term offers

  • V-Discovery : 5 euros + number of unlimited journeys for 1 day with the first 30 free minutes for “green” (mechanical) bikes and the first 30 minutes to 1 euro for “blue” bikes (electric assistance)
  • V-Séjour : 15 euros + number of unlimited routes for 7 days with the first 30 free minutes for “green” bikes and the first 30 minutes half cheaper for “blue” bikes

For walks with family or friends, these two formulas allow you to rent up to 5 bikes simultaneously (at the same time).

Long -term offers

In May 2023, certain rates for Vélib ’offers have evolved. This pricing revision focused on the V-Max subscription and the use of the Vélib ’electric assistance.

The V-Max subscription is now established for certain subscribers at 9.30 euros per month, against 8.30 euros per month before. On the other hand, subscribers benefiting from social rates (young, senior, united) are not affected by this increase: they always pay 8.30 euros per month. As a reminder, since August 1, 2021, the first 30 minutes are no longer free. Instead, the first two trips are free up to 45 minutes.

The V-Plus subscription is not affected either by the price increase of May 2023. The subscription remains at 3.10 euros per month. Since August 1, 2021, subscribers have paid 2 euros for the first 45 minutes (against 1 euro the first 30 minutes before August 1, 2021).

For the V-Libre subscription (0 euro), the user still pays 3 euros for the first 45 minutes (it was 2 euros the first 30 minutes before August 1, 2021).

If the subscription prices had not moved in August 2021, a senior package, intended for 60 years and over and modeled on the young package reserved for under 27s, was set up at that time.

In addition, use pricing has changed for blue (electric) bikes in May 2023. From now on, VAE use rates have increased by a euro. V-Max subscribers pay:

  • 1 euro more for any additional trip in VAE not included in the subscription
  • 1 € more for the additional half hour (30 minute) in VAE if they make a trip of more than 45 minutes

Similarly, for short -term pass, the 24 -hour electric pass and the 3 -day pass now include five trips per 24 hours instead of six (80% of users are already less than five trips) and the additional trip in VAE costs One euro more.

Vélib subscription prices in 2023

Refund from Vélib ’for young Parisians

The City of Paris has set up a full reimbursement system for the Vélib ’Métropole subscription for young Parisians aged 14 to 18. This system is intended exclusively for young people domiciled in the capital (proof of domicile is requested during the investigation of the file) and which holds a mechanical “v-plus” subscription.

IMPORTANT : If the child holds a Vélib “” V-Max young “package, this subscription is reimbursed up to the amount of the” V-Plus young “subscription.

The refund request is made directly on the website of the city of Paris. You have to bring the following parts:

  • The Vélib ’Métropole subscription contract of the young person concerned
  • a bank identity statement (RIB) bearing the same name as the payer of the package
  • proof of address
  • A document justifying the age of the child

ATTENTION : You must allow a minimum of 15 days between registration to the Vélib ’Métropole eligible package and the reimbursement request. If it is carried out before 15 days (the time required for a full recording), it can be rejected, for lack of data available.

Vélib cards ’

There are two types of annual subscription support in Vélib ’: the Navigo and the Vélib ’Métrople card sent to home. The old Vélib ’and Vélib’ Express cards are no longer valid.

The Vélib account ’

Annual subscribers all have a Vélib account ’. To access it, just connect to the personal space on the Velib site home page.Paris indicating his name, subscriber number and secret code. The “my account” space allows you to credit the account, activate or deactivate automatic re -suburb, modify its bank details and/or personal data, order a new card in the event of loss or flight or change support.

The subscriber also has access to a dynamic card and its favorite stations. It can thus check the number of bikes and available places. It can be alerted if a Vélib ’is under rental through its subscription. He can also find the contact details of Allo Vélib ’and contact forms.

The caution

The deposit of 300 euros paid by the user (but not debited) when subscribing to the service can be used by the operator to collect due in the event of a penalty. The amount of penalties depends on the nature of the shortcomings:

  • For a Vélib flight with violence to the person and under presentation of the receipt of the complaint brought to the police station: 100 euros for a “blue” bike (mechanical) and 150 euros for a “green” bike
  • For a disappearance of the bicycle without justification from the start of the rental: 200 euros for a blue bike and 300 euros for a green bike
  • For deterioration attributable to the user: lump sum of 100 euros
  • For replacing the Vélib ’Métropole card following a loss or a flight: 5 euros

The re -submination

The former annual subscribers in Vélib ’1, who had opted for the re -submission by tacit renewal, were awarded a monthly subscription Vélib’ 2 on January 1, 2018.

The Vélib application ’

Downloadable for free from the App Store (iPhone), Google Play (Android) and Windows Phone, but also on the Samsung Gear S2 connected watches, the Vélib mobile application allows you to geolocate bikes and/or available places. It is not possible, however, to reserve them.

Vélib ’and Véligo: what a difference ?

We must not confuse Vélib ’and Véligo. The difference is above all the use of these two services.

The Véligo long-term electric bicycle rental service, launched in September 2019 by the Île-de-France region, allows you to have a two-wheeler for a period of six to nine months, via a subscription. Or a longer rental than the Vélib ’, which is only a mode of transport limited in time.

Another difference: while the Vélib ’rental service is reserved for Use in 61 Municipality of the Metropolis of Grand Paris, Véligo can be used throughout the perimeter of the Île-de-France region.

Finally, users of a veligo have a personal bike for the duration of their subscription, unlike the Vélib user who must Reduce the two-wheeler to a charging station at the end of each use.

Discover the new Vélib ’

Since January 1, 2018, Parisians, Ile -de -France and visitors have benefited from a new Vélib ’, available on a metropolitan area. These bikes are lighter, 30% of them are equipped with electrical assistance, and it is possible to deposit them at the stations even when all the locations are already occupied.

The Mixed Syndicate Autolib ’and Vélib’ Métropole, which brings together 101 Ile -de -France cities, confirmed on April 12, 2017 the award of the Vélib ’to the Smoovengo group. This public market is set for a period of 15 years, from January 1, 2018.

A fully modernized velib

With this market, the Vélib ’service becomes metropolitan. It will cover a much larger territory than today, better suited to the lifestyles of the inhabitants. Bikes will be lighter (20kg against 22.25kg currently).

They will be connected thanks to an on-board electronic case (the “V-Box”) which will allow them to geolocate them in real time, display the rental time or know the distance traveled during your trip. The data issued (total time, kilometers traveled) will allow each subscriber to follow its use of Vélib ’. They remain strictly personal and will be anonymized to analyze user practices in order to make the service more efficient.

A “Superflow Anti Station” system will allow you to put your bike at a station even when all the locations are already occupied.

The “Overflow” system: explanations

The system of the

Another great novelty: 30% of bikes (the Blues) will have electrical assistance. These models have a USB socket as well as a case to deposit your smartphone.

The autonomy of their battery is 50 kilometers, for a speed of 25km/h. Crossing drops will become easy for everyone. You will no longer be afraid to go up to the Montmartre hill to admire the view!

A “padlock fork” also helps prevent flights better.

New packages and prices

On November 9, all of the representatives elected to the Autolib ’Vélib’ Métropole union committee voted for the prices of the new Public Service Vélib ’Métropole accessible from January 1, 2018 on the scale of the Métropole du Grand Paris.

Several pricing proposals, defined on the basis of monthly packages for long -term subscribers which give access to the electric and mechanical Vélib ’, we were voted:

Maintaining the first free half hour,
Reduced and social prices,
deposit by bank imprint (without sample unlike other operators).

They take into account the new perimeter of the service extended to 68 cities in Grand Paris and the technological innovations that Vélib ’Métropole will bring with bikes which will be 30% electric at launch and rechargeable in all stations:

A digital v-box on each Vélib ’,
more secure bikes,
A unique overcapacity of stations.
Unpublished features to date on an offer of self-service bikes on this scale.

Conditions and rates for using the Vélib ’Métropole Public Service

The monthly payment of the packages, the day of the start of the subscription for the first deadline then every month on the anniversary of the subscription, with a commitment of one year renewable for this same duration. Users will be informed upstream of the anniversary to validate or not the renewal.

Three long -lasting offers that give access to the electric and mechanical velib

The V-Libre package, at 0 €/month, which will allow the use of a mechanical bike for 1 €/half hour and an electric bike for 2 €/half hour;

The V-Plus package, at € 3.10/month in full rate, € 2.30/month in reduced rate and € 1.55/month in social tariff, which will offer half an hour for any new bicycle journey Mechanics (then € 1/additional half hour), and will allow the use of the electric bike for € 1 for the first half hour (then € 2/additional half hour);

The V-Max package, at € 8.30/month in full rate, € 7.10/month in reduced rate and € 4.15/month in social tariff, which will offer a free half hour for any new bicycle journey Electric (then 1 €/additional half hour), or a free hour for any new journey by mechanical bike (then € 1/additional half hour).

Two short duration offers

V-Discovery, at the rate of € 5, which will offer half an hour for any new mechanical bike as many times as desired during the day (then € 1/additional half hour) and will allow the use of electric bikes For 1 € the first half hour for any new trip as many times as desired during the day (then € 2/half hour additional).

V-Séjour, will offer for 15 € the service for a week at the same use rates as the 1 day subscription.

A business offer

V-Pro, for professional trips will allow you to buy several packages offering the services of the electric Vélib ‘package with a decreasing annual subscription depending on the number of cards requested.

Time bonus credits

The time bonuses will benefit the subscribers of the Mechanical Vélib ‘Package or the Electric Vélib’ Package, including the subscribers of the current Vélib ‘.

The subscribers will credit their 3 -minute time bonus with each departure of a full -called overflow station or on each arrival in an empty station, whether the bike concerned is electric or mechanical. In the event of departure from an overflow station and an arrival in an empty station, the account will be credited with 10 minutes.

Time bonuses can be used for both the use of an electric bike and mechanical. To use a time bonus, the user must have at least half an hour of time bonus on his account.

Current Vélib subscribers will keep the acquired time bonuses.

Current subscribers change on an equivalent subscription as part of the new Vélib ’Métropole service. The remaining duration of subscriptions will not be modified. Information on subscriptions, work and the new Vélib ’Métropole can be found on the official website.

The new Vélib ’Métropole public service aims to be accessible to the greatest number (inhabitants, professionals, tourists). It will benefit from the latest technologies in order to offer a system of high-performance self-service bikes, innovative and adapted to the mobility needs of the users of the metropolis. The Syndicat Autolib ’Vélib’ Métropole, with all the communities it represents, develops with this new public service an unprecedented sustainable shared transport offer, promoting intermodality on a Grand Paris scale.

Discover all the prices of the new Vélib ‘www.Velib-metropolis.Fr

Vélib ‘and smartphone

Will we be able to connect the Vélib ‘housing to its smartphone and/or to connected watches ?

The Vélib ‘case (V-Box) can connect to the new official Vélib application ’(which will be available from January 1 on iOS or Android).

It is not planned for the moment to connect with the connected watches.

How do those devoid of a smartphone ?

It is quite possible to use the Vélib ‘service without smartphone. However, you must be able to access the website www.Velib-metropolis.fr to activate your account.

What is the size of the pocket for the smartphone case ?

The size of the pocket for the smartphone case is 15.5 * 9 cm.

Is it necessary to have a smartphone to use the service ?

You do not specifically need a smartphone to use the new Vélib ’. You can use a navigo card or order a Vélib ’Métropole card that will be sent to you for free to your home.

How will the transition between the two services?

Since October 2017, the old stations have been gradually replaced by Smoovengo equipment. The two services will coexist until December 31. The tilting will intervene during the night of the Holy Sylvestre. Stations will be deployed gradually until the end of March.

A follow -up of permanent and multichannel work (info point, leaflets, emailing, website), accessible to all Ile -de -France, is in place. An interactive application is also available on smartphone. A local action plan has also been designed to support new cities in the installation of Metropolitan Vélib ‘.

Compensation for subscribers

In view of the difficulties in deploying new stations, compensation was granted to Vélib ‘subscribers.
Our article on compensation

How the subscription transition is made?

The transfer of subscriptions guarantees the advantages acquired by subscribers.

Long -lasting subscriptions and hours of hours associated with current subscriptions will be kept. Users will keep their bonuses and all the advantages of their previous subscriptions.

The annual subscriptions subscribed in 2017 are taken up by the new operator for the duration of subscription remaining to run according to the following conditions:

The “conventional subscriptions” will be automatically tilted on the “classic subscription” (mechanical bikes) of the new Metropolitan Vélib “;

The “passion subscriptions” will be automatically tilted on the “classic subscription” (mechanical bikes) of the new contract but with 45 minutes free (instead of 30 minutes for other subscriptions).

Users who wish to try electric Vélib ’can do so as part of their conventional transferred subscription and if they wish to opt for the Vélib’ Étaux subscription.

Buildings and authorizations to direct subscribers will not be transmitted to the new holder. The new SmoVengo operator will have to ask all subscribers whether new or resumed, a means of deposit: levy or bank card authorization.

The 300.000 current subscribers to the Vélib ’service, the three -quarters of which are Parisians have been contacted by Smoovengo in order to prepare the implementation of the new service.

For new Vélib subscribers from January 1, 2018, subscriptions are available.
All information on Vélib ‘www packages.Velib-metropolis.Fr

Will the navigo pass still allow a bicycle?

Yes, the Vélib ‘subscription will always be compatible with the Navigo Pass.

What will become the old bikes and stations?

JCDECAUX owns the current furniture and bikes. This company will be in charge of recycling or re -use. It manages services of bicycle shared in many other cities, in France and abroad, which will facilitate the reuse of former Parisians Vélib ‘.

That will become employees?

After numerous meetings and discussions, the City of Paris is delighted that an agreement was reached for the employees of Cyclocity, a subsidiary of the JC Decaux group.

Wednesday, December 6, after numerous meetings and discussions, JCDecaux, Smovengo and the trade union organizations reached an agreement for the employees of Cyclocity, a subsidiary of JCDecaux which has been maintaining the maintenance and regulation of the Vélib ‘service since 2007.

In a strong concern for maintenance and continuity of the public service, the city of Paris, alongside the Syndicat Autolib ‘Vélib’ Métropole, has been strongly mobilized so that the two companies get along and lead to a protective agreement for the 315 employees cyclocity.

Within the framework of this agreement, all employees will be able to benefit from an external reclassification under identical salary and contractual conditions at Smovengo in order to ensure the continuity of public service with the new Vélib ’which enters service on January 1. As provided for in this tripartite agreement between representatives of trade union organizations, JCDecaux and Smovengo, employees who wish to be reclassified internally within the JCDecaux company.

“The city of Paris is delighted that an agreement was finally reached for the employees of Cyclocity who allowed the proper functioning and the success of the public service that is Vélib ‘. The City of Paris will continue to be vigilant about the application of this agreement, ”explains Christophe Najdovski, assistant to the mayor of Paris in charge of transport, roads, travel and public space.

Will the location of the stations be identical?

Yes, most current locations are preserved. In order to facilitate their access certain stations will be modified.

When the installation of the stations will take place ?

Between October 2017 and March 2018, existing stations are dismantled to set up 1,400 new stations on metropolitan territory. The rise in service will be gradual, until reaching a rate of 80 new stations per week. The full deployment objective of the service will be achieved in spring 2018.

Why are work necessary ?

To accommodate the Vélib ’Métropole service and its new bikes (including 30 % of electrical assistance bikes), it is necessary to replace the existing stations which will be electrified to recharge bikes. In addition, the new stations will double the capacity of available places and bicycles, thus reducing the problem of full or empty stations.

New stations will be installed in the municipalities that join the Vélib ’Métropole network.

The map of stations under construction

From October 2017 to the end of March 2018, 1,400 existing Vélib stations are gradually replaced to accommodate new bikes in January 2018.

To find out about the work and the closed stations, consult the interactive map.

FAQ Vélib ‘

Discover below the most frequent questions and answers on the Vélib ‘service: subscriptions, card activation, deployment of stations ..

Vélib ‘Métropole

Visit Paris and the surrounding municipalities in Vélib ‘Métropole !
Vélib ’Métropole is a new generation self-service bicycle service unique in the world, with its mechanical (green) and electric (blue) bikes, rechargeable in station. In 2021, the service was available 24/24 in around sixty municipalities in the Metropolis of Grand Paris. With electric velib ’, no need to provide effort: a first pedal stroke and Vélib ‘Métropole takes you further and faster to attack the most hilly streets in the capital and the metropolis.
Intelligent and connected, the Vélib ‘Métropole indicate the distance traveled and your speed during your journeys. For walks with family or friends, opt for the classic 24h pass (24 hours) and rent up to 5 Vélib ‘Métropole simultaneously.


Self -service bike

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