Use of personal data: your obligations with regard to the user |, how to measure its use of data on Android?

How to measure its use of data on Android

The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) obliges companies that use the personal data of Internet users to provide them with a certain number of information. What are they ? In what situations should you inform them ? The turn of the question.

Use of personal data: your obligations with regard to the Internet user

The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) obliges companies that use the personal data of Internet users to provide them with a certain number of information. What are they ? In what situations should you inform them ? The turn of the question.

Personal data: what are we talking about ?

A personal data (or “personal data”) is described by the National Commission for Data Protection (CNIL) like any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. There are two types of identification:

  • Direct identification (name, first name, etc.))
  • indirect identification (identifier, number, etc.)).

When an operation or a set of operations on personal data are carried out, it is considered that it is Personal data processing. The CNIL provides some examples:

  • holding a customer file
  • collection of prospect coordinates via a questionnaire
  • Supplier file update.

The GDPR, what is it ?

Personal data protection has been reinforced as part of the General data protection regulations (GDPR), entered in application on May 25, 2018.

This regulatory text supervises data processing in an egalitarian manner throughout the territory of the European Union.

Use of personal data: in what situations to inform the Internet user ?

According to the GDPR, There are two situations in which user information is compulsory:

  • in case of Direct collection of user data, Whether actively (via the filling of a form during an online purchase, the subscription of a contract, the opening of a bank account, etc.) or through the observation of its Activity (via tools for analyzing its navigation, geolocation, audience measurement, etc.)
  • in case of Indirect collection of user data : data recovered from business partners for example.

Use of personal data: at what times inform the internet user ?

THE GDPR stipulates three moments when you must inform the Internet user:

  1. You must inform the Internet user When collecting his personal data In the case of direct collection or as soon as possible in the case of indirect data collection (during the first contact for example)
  2. You must also inform the Internet user of the use of his data In the event of a change in their use
  3. Finally, for the sake of transparency, you must inform regularly the user of the use of her personal data.

Use of personal data: what information to give to the internet user ?

THE GDPR specifies the information you must make available. Thus, if a user requests it, you have the obligation to give access to the following information:

  • identity and contact details of the organization responsible for data processing
  • contact details of the data protection delegate (DPO) or a contact point on personal data protection issues
  • Legal basis for data processing (user consent, compliance with an obligation provided for in a text, execution of a contract, etc.)
  • purposes of the collected data (for automated decision -making, to prevent fraud, because the information is required by regulations, etc.)
  • compulsory or optional nature of the data collection and the consequences for the person in the event of non-funds
  • recipients or categories of data recipients
  • the duration of the conversation Datas
  • transfers of personal data envisaged for a State not belonging to the European Union.

You also have to inform the internet user of their rights : access to his data, possibility of rectification or erasure of his data, of withdrawal of his consent, possibility of making a complaint with the CNIL.

In the event of indirectly collected data, you must inform the user of the data source.

  • Information must be delivered “Converted, transparent, understandable and easily accessible, in clear and simple terms»», stipulates the GDPR . Its format must be readable by the Internet user.
  • You must inform the user of the purpose of using their data. To this end, it is recommended to insert a “privacy” page, accessible and understandable by all.
  • You must also offer the Internet user a simple possibility of contact.

Use of personal data: when you have to obtain the consent of the Internet user ?

There are situations in which information is not enough. In particular, it is necessary to expressly request the agreement of the Internet user in the context of commercial prospecting by email and, in some cases, when using cookies.

Consent when using cookies or advertising tracers

Internet user must be obtained before depositing cookies related to advertising operations, cookies of social networks generated by sharing buttons and certain hearing cookies.

Consent in the context of commercial emails (newsletters)

The recipients of commercial email (newsletters) must have explicitly agreed to be caught up, when they collect their email address. This prior consent of the Internet user must be collected by a check box (important: the box should not be pre-peeled). In the event of transmission of his personal data to partners, the Internet user must also have agreed there at the time of the collection of his personal data.

In the event of non-compliance with the information of the Internet user, You expose yourself to sanctions: For example, any processing of personal data not granted is punished by five years’ imprisonment and € 300,000 fine (article 226-16 of the penal code) .

These content may also interest you

  • The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), instructions for use
  • Mentions on your website: the obligations to be complied with
  • How long do you have to keep your documents ?

Learn more about the use of personal data

On the CNIL website:

  • GDPR: Examples of information mentions
  • PRACTICAL GUIDE RGPD – Personal Data Safety
  • Apply the GDPR in a VSE or SMEs: CNIL questions/answers
  • RGPD conformity: how to inform people and ensure transparency ?

On the French NUM website:

What the law says

How to measure its use of data on Android ?

You are afraid to exceed the mobile internet quota of your mobile package ? You want to rationalize it better so as not to squander it before the 5 months ? You have an Android smartphone ? So this tutorial on “How to measure its use of data on Android ? »Will simplify your life.

Compared to the rest of the world, we have in France the chance to have generous mobile internet subscriptions. However, it is fashionable to stay in the data volume specified in your subscription. If you benefit from an offer at 15 GB/month and you exceed this quota. In the best of cases, you will then have a slower internet. In the worst, additional consumption will be billed to you, and this is rarely to your advantage.

To avoid this type of inconvenience, we will therefore detail how to measure its use of data on Android.

How to measure its use of data on Android ?

When you browse of your smartphone, you are aware of consuming data, ditto when you watch tiktok videos. In parallel with data consumption ” visible », Many applications access the Internet in the background: Gmail, Twitter and all those that can send us notifications. We will therefore explain to you how to measure overall consumption and on a case -by -case basis to better adjust your consumption. In addition, we will give you the procedure to create an alert in order to avoid the off -package.

How to measure data use for each application ?

To know your data consumption you must first launch Settings ::

  • Select the line Network and internet Then select the mobile network (section Mobile network Or SIM profile Depending on your Android version).

How to measure its use of data on Android 01

How to measure its use of data on Android 02

  • On the page that appears, you have the last measure of your overall consumption.
  • Identify and press the line Application data consumption.

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How to measure its use of data on Android 05

  • By default, the measure is carried out from the first day of the month to the last. If you are charged on another date, click on the notched wheel to the right of the measurement period. Select the line Mobile data consumption cycle.
  • You can then modify the Date of reset of the consumption cycle To wedge you on your billing date. It generally corresponds to the reset of your data counter at your operator.

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How to measure its use of data on Android 08

Let’s go back to the page Mobile data consumption which, after the line indicating the measurement period, displays your consumption of data in the form of a graphic.

  • The horizontal line in the middle of the graph corresponds to the alert rating that we will define below.
  • Below, we have the list of applications with internet access and their respective consumption.
  • From there, you can, by selecting an app, modify its capacities to access the Internet.

Control the use of internet of your apps

Select an application. Then appears in order: the Total of data consumption of the app, that in Foreground (consultation) and in Background (mainly notifications). In our example, it is Tiktok which is never launched and yet uses data. How many apps do you have in this situation in your smartphone ?

The background data is activated by default. If you deactivate them, the application will no longer have internet access when it is not displayed on the screen. Please note, this will have a significant impact on its operation. You will no longer have any notifications or will no longer accept a message without displaying the app in the foreground.

Now it’s up to you to choose the apps to restrict if necessary.

Create a consumption alert

It is possible to create a Warning threshold To alert yourself when you exceed a quota that you have determined. We recommend a level between 60 and 75 % of your data package. So, if you have access to 20 GB/month, 15 GB seems a good threshold. You will then have 5 GB left before you are limited. It is then up to you to dose according to your habits.

  • Meet in Settings → Network and Internet → SIM profile (or mobile network) → Application data consumption.
  • Identify and select the line Warning threshold.
  • Enter the data consumption threshold which will start an alert, we opt here for 8 GB.
  • If you receive this alert, you can then act accordingly to better control your consumption.

Please note: the measurements made by Android may differ from those of your operator. Remember to compare them to better adjust your surveillance.

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