The best GPS trackers for scooters and motorcycles in 2023, Georide – the best GPS tracer to protect and connect its motorcycle

The best GPS tracer to protect and connect its motorcycle


The GPS tracer is both compatible on cars as scooters and motorcycles. In terms of price, in addition to the installation, the offer requires a subscription billed at 14.99 euros per month. You are also committed to two full years. The tracer would be autonomous over three years.

The best GPS tracers for motorcycles and scooters in 2023

In order to protect your vehicle, there are now essential accessories, especially in large cities. Discover our complete selection of GPS tracers for motorcycles, a useful investment for everyday life.

GPS tracers are increasingly common to equip our various equipment. Some come for example to dress the keychain to avoid leaning our keys. For scooters, motorcycles and cars, there are also trackers to place to mark your vehicle at any time of the day.

Within this selection, the products highlighted will allow you to follow from your smartphone the position of your motorcycle or your scooter. The GPS tracer allows you to detect if ever a suspicious movement is recorded. If unfortunately your vehicle is stolen, the tracker will allow you to locate the location of it in real time. Discover the best products of the genre here. If you want to protect your bike, we also have a selection of the best dedicated GPS tracers.

In order to take full advantage of it, we are oriented to our selections of electric vehicles:

  • The best electric scooters
  • The best electric bikes
  • The best electric scooters
  • The best electric motorcycles
  • The best electric cars

The Monimoto 7: The best GPS tracker for motorcycles

Monimoto 7 tracker for motorcycle and GPS

The Monimoto brand offers its version of Tracker GPS for vehicles. The Monimoto 7 is distinguished from competition by its ease of use. First, the GPS tracer must be installed. With its compact format, it is easy to place it on a motorcycle or a scooter. You need to ensure tightening necklaces and install the mobile application of the same name, available on the Play Store and the App Store.

Within its construction, the product has two 1.5 V lithium batteries which can also be replaced. The autonomy announced by the brand is 12 months or more. An ESIM is integrated. This will allow you to be called in less than a minute via the application, if the tracer detects an unusual activity or the absence of your keys when starting your vehicle. The badge delivered with you allows you to “disarm” the anti -theft function of the tracer.

Two months of subscriptions are offered during your purchase for this GPS tracer for motorcycle, then count two euros of monthly subscription to the SIM card.

The strengths of the monimoto

  • Easy to install
  • One year’s autonomy
  • The reactivity

Georide: the safety of your motorcycle in your pocket

With its third generation of GPS tracers, the French brand Georide offers a small quality object capable of managing much more elements than simple safety. In this case, the French start-up claims leadership of GPS trackers for motorcycles in France. This third version of the Georide is also a connected alarm, a fall or accident detector and an anti -theft. Obviously, everything works with a dedicated mobile application.

Two operations are planned. The first is to connect the georide to your motorcycle. It is necessary to know a minimum the skeleton of your vehicle to install it. Within it is a SIM card allowing to send all the data necessary for its proper use and security. It is thus possible to follow in real time the position of the tag.

The whole is still marketed at 329 euros, to which must be added the 5 euros in subscriptions. A substantial budget to take into account.

The strengths of the third generation georide

  • Simple to use
  • The versatility of functionalities
  • The position in real time

Pegasus: the GPS tracker for motorcycle without subscription


Here again, it is a French brand that is doing well. Like the two models mentioned above, the purpose of the product is not to prevent theft, but to offer additional security as well as daily monitoring of your vehicle. The GPS tracer for Moto Pegasus has a real asset in the face of competition: its lack of subscription despite the integrated SIM chip.

Installation is done in a fairly simple way. Just connect your pegase to the motorcycle at the level of its battery and then place it in a safe place, logo upwards. Once the whole is put in place, all that remains is to link the product to the Pégase Moto mobile application. This is compatible with both Android and iOS devices. Once your first journey has been carried out, you will have a precise and detailed monitoring on your smartphone.

The whole is sold from 299 euros. But beware, the product is currently out of stock until September.

The strengths of Pegasus

  • No subscription to pay
  • Easy to install
  • Also works abroad

Invoxia: the GPS tracer for cheap and discreet scooter

Invoxia tracer

In this market sector, all products are quite expensive. The investment in a motorcycle budget is therefore quite substantial. With the product from Invoxia, you are guaranteed to pay less than 100 euros. In addition, the purchase of the pack also includes 3 years of subscription. Then count 10 euros per year to benefit from the follow -up. The advantage of the product is also its versatility, since you can place this tracker for motorcycle in a car.

Like all products making up this selection, the GPS tracer from Invoxia also works with a dedicated mobile application. The eponymous software is available on the Play Store and the App Store. The object does not include a SIM card, but works thanks to a low -consumption network “Lora”. You will have a GPS updating every 3 minutes. The application also allows you to define areas to warn you when the tag comes out.

In terms of autonomy, the Invoxia holds 6 months and you can recharge it via a USB cable.

The strong points of the Invoxia

  • An affordable GPS tracer
  • Product versatility
  • A rechargeable battery

Trakmy: Draw the position of any vehicle

We have long thought out before we offer you this product. Indeed, the result does not seem to be consensus with buyers. However, TRAKMY takes into account the opinion of its dissatisfied customers, whatever the vehicle concerned. Because the strong point of the GPS tracer is its versatility. He is able to equip cars, motorcycles, scooters and even boats.

The offer also stands out for its ease of installation. The construction of the GPS tracer for motorcycles allows multiple fixings. Either through screws using the holes provided for this purpose, or thanks to a 3M type sticker to buy in addition. The Android and iOS compatible application makes it possible to mark out alert areas, but also to offer a complete monitoring history. The software is completely free.

The whole costs 119 euros, with the first year of subscription offered. Then, 3.90 euros of monthly payments are imposed on you.

The strengths of the trakmy

  • Useful on a scooter, a motorcycle or a car
  • Alert zone tags
  • Autonomy of 5 years

Coyote Secure Rider: Trust professionals

For bitumen regulars, Coyote is a familiar name. The company operates by a community system, but also of services. With the Coyote Secure Rider solution, you are entitled to a GPS tracer placed by a professional. Know in the preamble that this installation will cost you 199 euros. It can be done both at home and in the Carglass concession.

The GPS tracer is both compatible on cars as scooters and motorcycles. In terms of price, in addition to the installation, the offer requires a subscription billed at 14.99 euros per month. You are also committed to two full years. The tracer would be autonomous over three years.

When you notice the disappearance of your vehicle, you will have to contact the Coyote services for research to start. A somewhat tedious approach that can make you waste time.

The strengths of the Coyote Secure

  • A autonomy of 3 years
  • Undetectable
  • A service available 24 hours a day

Apple Airtag: the ideal companion of the GPS tracer

Apple Airtag

First designed to be attached to your keychain, Apple Airtag can also become a formidably effective monitoring tag. Using Bluetooth, it has only a range of a hundred meters. This may seem limited, but when we add to this the fact that any surrounding iPhone can detect them, almost 800 million users are completed for the Findmy network.

In practice, this network allows real-time follow-up in urban areas. Your servant uses it daily on his bike and attests to the formidable precision of the machine. One of the main advantages of the AirTag is that it requires no subscription and has one year’s autonomy (with a replaceable button battery).

Everything is not perfect, however, it is impossible to have an alert if your vehicle is moved for example. And if no iPhone is nearby, it will be logically impossible to locate it. Latest weakness: Airtag requires an Apple product to be paired. It is therefore impossible to use it if you are an Android fan.

If we do not recommend it as main GPS tracker, the AirTag will be a good anti -theft backup system thanks to its affordable rate and its discretion. The module itself costs 35 euros to which will be added a support. Many exist, but we particularly appreciate that of Ninja Mount. He settles down easily and discreetly and does not cost too much. We tell you about it in more detail in our Apple Airtag test.

Apple Airtag’s strengths

  • A tiny price
  • Very fast and precise detection in urban areas
  • Autonomy of one year and replaceable battery

How to choose your GPS tracer for motorcycle or scooter ?

Where to place your GPS tracker on your motorcycle ?

As you may have seen in our selection, all manufacturers offer different connectors for their products. Some connect directly to the electric bundle of your vehicle while others are placed directly in the compartment of your choice. If all manufacturers communicate on the ease of installation, it’s up to you to choose according to your level of knowledge vis-à-vis the vehicle.

Why use a scooter GPS tracer ?

Do not go for false ideas, place an object of the genre on your motorcycle or your scooter will not prevent its potential flight. It is simply a security for you and a easier way to help the police locate it in case of disappearance. The investment in such an object is therefore less compared to the price of a motorcycle at present. In addition, some devices also manage to have enough versatility to also work with a car or even a boat.

How does a motorcycle and scooter GPS tracer work ?

There are several technologies to operate a GPS tracker. Most models in our selection contain a SIM card within them via from the GSM network. Through a monthly subscription, the product detects the unusual movements of your vehicle and contacts you directly. Whether by a call, an SMS or an email. Some devices allow you to define alert areas immediately signaling a suspect movement of your motorcycle. Others go through the radio network to avoid a subscription for a SIM card.

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The best GPS tracer to protect and connect its motorcycle

How to go on a road trip in the best conditions if you are not equipped with Best GPS tracker for motorcycles? On this iPhone and Android application, you can protect your motorcycle during your road trip with ease.

Visual Statistics

The best motorcycle gps tracker to go on a road trip

How to go on a road trip in the best conditions if you are not equipped with Best GPS tracker for motorcycles? On this iPhone and Android application, you can protect your motorcycle during your road trip with ease.

Georide automatically records your journeys made via the Motorcycle GPS tag and allows you to see them again later. If two consecutive journeys have been made from the Georide Moto GPS tracker, you can merge them together so that they only make one, and then export it in format .GPX so that you can read it via any other browser or road book motorcycle. You can even send it to a friend who did not wish to download the Georide motorcycle app, and who will still be able to discover your race created from the Autonomous Moto tracer.

Visual with notif vibration, position sharing and home screen in the application

A motorcycle gps tracker to reduce the number of flights

It is recognized that having a motorcycle GPS tracker helps reduce the number of vehicle flights. He does not always act on reduction of risk, unless the thief is worried to notice a GPS box for motorcycle and prevents acting, but helps to easily find the vehicle removed. You take a step ahead of him, since you can notify the police who will go to the position provided by the Motorcycle GPS tracer with SIM card on your two wheels and find it before the thief touches or starts The darling for the flight of parts for example.

The objective, during the creation of Georide, was to make up for the ineffectiveness of the independent sound alarm. The idea is to equip your motorcycle with a GPS tracker who can warn the owner of the detection of an unusual vibration, and then geolocating it as precisely as possible. In order to avoid any power outage, Georide also works using an autonomous battery in the event of voluntary disconnection. The motorcycle anti -theft gps tag works for both Android and iOS.

Motorcycle visual with notive

A connected motorcycle box that reassures your loved ones

Our connected motorcycle box has been designed in order to reassure those close to the driver. There are many worried those when his friend, brother or sister, parent or child goes on a motorcycle without knowing if he will happen to him any accident along the way.

Georide has been equipped with a falling detector that allows you to alert people chosen if the driver ever falls on a motorcycle, or undergoes an accident. Your loved ones can contact help if they ever receive this notification, and give them your position thanks to the GPS tracker.

Our team has chosen to develop an Android motorcycle application that can work without you think of opening it on your smartphone. Thus, all its capacities will be functional even if you forget to launch the application.

An incredible experience rediscover the motorcycle experience

We believe that each biker must have the freedom to live their passion without stress, to be safe and to remain connected with those who count for him.

Motorcycle tracker


The most effective GPS tracker to locate and protect your motorcycle from theft.

✅ More than 400,000 conquered customers. �� Several times awarded.


GPS monitoring and History Anti -theft alert in real time autonomy up to 6 months subscription included 3 years proximity radar with ringing

In France, 1 motorcycle stolen every 10 minutes or more than 50,000 motorcycles per year

Discover the GPS Invoxia tracker, the solution to monitor your motorcycle and find it in the event of a flight.

Invoxia GPS TRACKER hung on the handlebars

GPS position monitoring

Locate your motorcycle and follow its positions every 3, 5 and 10 minutes, as soon as it is in motion (depending on configuration and network)


Never find yourself without battery in the event of theft. Up to 6 months between two recharges thanks to its optimized design.


3 years of subscription included in the LORA or SIGFOX network then from € 24.95 / year.


Three geolocation technologies (Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS) to maximize the performance of your GPS tracker.

An innovative network dedicated to connected objects

The Invoxia GPS Tracker works without SIM card or monthly subscription. He uses low -flow or sigfox low -flow networks which allow him to be more autonomous and effective than other GPS tracers.

Networks scheme used by the GPS Tracker Invoxia (in the


Several thousand vehicles and stolen goods found

Excellent product I was robbed my motorcycle and found it thanks to this tracker. I recommend.

A person wanted to move the bike to my work and he was caught in the act.

My motorcycle was stolen and thanks to the tracker and the Bluetooth radar I spotted with the help of the police that my motorcycle was in a truck. The police brought the pound to recover the vehicle.

I found my motorcycle yesterday thanks to the police services. I am very happy with your services, I did well to install a tracker on my motorcycle. She was in a box in a basement.

It is now essential to me. The tracker is very reliable and effective. Used for my motorcycle, this one tells me in real time its location as well as movement alerts, of inclination. Nothing to say, really !

I was able to find my motorcycle in less than 1 hour. Vibrations were detected at 10:06 p.m., the motorcycle was moved a few kilometers from my home, and with the help of the police at 11 p.m. my motorcycle was again at my home.

Even more intelligent with IFTTT

The Invoxia GPS tracker can interact with other applications. Example: when the car leaves the garage, the alarm is triggered automatically. If your child leaves school or gets out of a predefined security zone, you can receive emails alerting you. In an emergency, an alert button allows it to share its position with users of the account. The possibilities are unlimited.

GPS TRACKER Invoxia in front of a motorcycle

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GPS position every 3, 5 or 10 minutes

Entrance/area output alert

Autonomy up to 6 months

Compatible with IFTTT

Real -time anti -theft alert

Proximity radar with ringtone

Subscription included 3 years

Online assistance

14 days to change your mind

Technical specifications


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Two-wheelers who are still as numerous

In France, a motorcycle is stolen every 10 minutes ! In all, more than 100,000 two-wheeled flights are identified each year, or about 150 flights per day.

The Invoxia GPS Tracker: A turnkey solution to protect your two-wheeler from theft ..

The GPS tracker for Motorcycles of Invoxia allows you to keep an eye at any time on your vehicle and to react in the event of a flight, in order to spare you any anxiety. Whether you have a Triumph 675, a BMW R or a Suzuki 650, each motorcycle deserves effective anti -theft protection !

The Invoxia GPS Tracker combines performance, reliability and discretion. Slide it in the top case or under the seat to follow its position every 3, 5 or 10 minutes, and be alerted in real time in the event of suspicious movement, degradation or change of inclination (greater than 30 °) thanks to the anti -theft alarm.

… With record autonomy and moderate cost

This GPS beacon uses low -consumption Lora or Sigfox networks, which allow it to benefit from an autonomy of several months, without SIM card and without additional costs: the subscription is included for 3 years then from only € 24.95 per year.

Our teams make the GPS tracker evolve on a daily basis, remember to update it regularly to benefit from the latest features !

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