Service centers | Ti | Laval University, best all-in-one ti platform | Rippling

Facilitate the management of your Ti

Abitibi-Price pavilion
2405, rue de la Terrasse
Local 1290b
418 656-2131, post 402433

TI service centers

IT service centers of faculties and units offer a multitude of services to the university community. They remain your priority reference for your needs relating to information technologies.

  • Technical assistance
  • Help for identifiers and password
  • Help for the use of computer equipment
  • Help for the use of university systems
  • Reservation of computer laboratory or a computerized teaching room
  • Reservation of computer and audiovisual equipment
  • Visioconference organization
  • Technical support in premises
  • Design of websites, applications or multimedia equipment
  • Realization of various IT projects
  • Purchase of software, computer and audiovisual hardware
  • Support for pedagogy and technopedagogy through training councilors

Find your IT services center

Select your faculty, unit or vice-rectorate in order to obtain the contact details of your IT services center.

Development, architecture, art and design

Service and resource center in technopedagogy (CSRT)

Higher School of Spatial Planning and Regional Development
Laurentian pavilion
1030, avenue du Séminaire
Local 0333
418 656-2131, post 408255

Art school and design school
Factory building
295, boulevard Charest is
Local 052
418 656-2131 Post 407034

School of Architecture
Quebec Vieux-Séminaire Building
1, Côte de la Fabrique
Local 2238
418 656-2131, post 405945


IT and pedagogy service center (CSTIP)

Charles-de Koninck pavilion
1030, avenue des Sciences-Human
Local 0248
418 656-2131, post 405222

Forestry, geography and geomatics

Common IT, educational and technological resources (script)

Abitibi-Price pavilion
2405, rue de la Terrasse
Local 1290b
418 656-2131, post 402433

Louis-Jacques-Casault pavilion
1055, avenue du Séminaire
Local 1349
418 656-2131, post 408429

The services are offered to members of the Faculty and its departments:

  • Geography
  • Wood and forest sciences
  • Geomatic sciences

Letters and Human Sciences

IT and pedagogy service center (CSTIP)

Charles-de Koninck pavilion
1030, avenue des Sciences-Human
Local 0248
418 656-2131, post 405222

The services are offered to members of the Faculty and its departments and its school:

  • Language school
  • Information and communication
  • Languages, linguistics and translation
  • Literature, theater and cinema
  • Historical Sciences


Center for learning resources (CRA)

Ferdinand-Vandry pavilion
1050, avenue de la medicine
Local 2625
418 656-2131, post 404569

Dental Medicine

Service in pedagogy, informational resources and new technologies (Sprint)

Dental Medicine Pavilion
2420, rue de la Terrasse
Local 4535
418 656-2131 Post 402427


Service and resource center in technopedagogy (CSRT)

Laurentian pavilion
1030, avenue du Séminaire
Local 0333
418 656-2131, post 408255


Service in pedagogy, informational resources and new technologies (Sprint)

Ferdinand-Vandry pavilion
1050, avenue de la medicine
Local 1433
418 656-2131, post 400400


IT and pedagogy service center (CSTIP)

Charles-de Koninck pavilion
1030, avenue des Sciences-Human
Local 0248
418 656-2131, post 405222

Administration sciences

Student community support | APTI Aid Compt

Palasis-prince pavilion
2325, rue de la Terrasse
Local 2215
418 656-2131, post 406258

Support for staff members

Palasis-prince pavilion
2325, rue de la Terrasse
Local 2212
418 656-2131, post 402666

Agriculture and food sciences

Common IT, educational and technological resources (script)

Abitibi-Price pavilion
2405, rue de la Terrasse
Local 1290b
418 656-2131, post 402433

Louis-Jacques-Casault pavilion
1055, avenue du Séminaire
Local 1349
418 656-2131, post 408429

The services are offered to members of the Faculty and its departments and its school:

  • Nutrition school
  • Agrifood economy and consumer sciences
  • Phytology
  • Animal sciences
  • Food sciences
  • Floor and agrifood engineering

Educational Sciences

Service and resource center in technopedagogy (CSRT)

Laurentian pavilion
1030, avenue du Séminaire
Local 0333
418 656-2131, post 408255

Sciences and genius

Information and educational support technology service

Support for staff members

Adrien-Pouliot pavilion
1055, avenue de la medicine
Local 3708z
418 656-2131, post 404651

Alexandre-Vachon pavilion
1045, avenue de la medicine
Local 0062
418 656-2131, post 404651

Support for students | Comptoir Libert

Adrien-Pouliot pavilion
1065, avenue de la medicine
Office 3709
418 656-2131, post 413316

The services are offered to members of the Faculty and its departments:

  • Actuariat
  • Biochemistry, microbiology and bioinformatics
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Chemical engineering
  • Civil engineering and water engineering
  • Genius of mines, metallurgy and materials
  • Electrical engineering and IT engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Geology and geological engineering
  • IT and software engineering
  • Mathematics and Statistics
  • Physics, physical and optical engineering


Service in pedagogy, informational resources and new technologies (Sprint)

Ferdinand-Vandry pavilion
1050, avenue de la medicine
Local 1433
418 656-2131, post 400400

Social Sciences

IT and pedagogy service center (CSTIP)

Charles-de Koninck pavilion
1030, avenue des Sciences-Human
Local 0248
418 656-2131, post 405222

The services are offered to members of the Faculty and its departments and its school:

  • Anthropology
  • Higher School of International Studies
  • Economic
  • Psychology
  • Industrial relations
  • Political science
  • Sociology
  • Social work and criminology

Theology and religious sciences

IT and pedagogy service center (CSTIP)

Charles-de Koninck pavilion
1030, avenue des Sciences-Human
Local 0248
418 656-2131, post 405222

Facilitate the management of your Ti

The latest generation of RIPPLING PROCESS Automation allows anyone, from HR to TI, to fully configure computers and employee applications in just 90 seconds.

Quickly secure your business

Deploy best safety practices on your applications and devices in a few minutes. Simply activate a safety feature, such as SSO, and personalize it according to your needs.

Simplify compliance, like SOC

RIPLING allows you to implement security protocols and to extract the audit data required for the SOC, the GDPR and other standards of compliance. All in a few clicks.

Run TI and HR closer

Only Rippling connects all your HR and TI data to a single employee folder, without additional configuration. In this way, all your HR and TI systems are automatically synchronized.

Departure management

Integrate the new employees in a few seconds, entirely remotely

Configure the computers of employees, professional applications and much more in 90 seconds, whenever HR hires a new employee. In this way, new employees can be productive from the first day. The best in all that ? You can devote all the time thus recovered to strategic work rather than tedious tasks.

Buy, configure and deploy computers

Provide apps, from Slack to Zoom

Activate unique authentication (SSO)

Apply security policies

User groups update

Scheduled departure and automatic departure management

Easily and securely dismiss employees and service providers to ensure that the company’s information remains confidential. Rippling automatically launches a cascade of departure management events on the TI and HR side for you, thus eliminating the need to make changes manually.

Lock, transfer files and erase the devices

Recover the device in person or by Fedex

Remove applications

Disable unique authentication (SSO)

Update groups


Everything you need to manage the applications, devices and safety of your employees

Application and identity management

Configure the applications of your employees in a few seconds (from Slack to Salesforce) and closely control their access to all your systems and data.

Provision and deprivision of applications

Unique authentication (SSO)

Team password management

Multi-Factory Authentication (MFA)

Audit audit journal

Life cycle management and automation

Management of devices and stocks

From the configuration of computers for new employees to storage and follow -up of devices, you can manage the entire life cycle of your devotee park entirely remotely.

Configure and deploy computers in 90 seconds

Put on service and automatically deprivate devices

Buy, update, follow, lock and format the devices

Apply predefined and personalized safety rules

Detect threats to real -time devices

Store and ship from the remote inventory (additional module)

Rippling Unity

Connect all of your systems, devices and third -party applications to a single source of reliable data for employee data, reports, process automation, etc.

Unified enrollment repertoire

Unified groups and permissions

Unified process automation

Unified document management

Personalized fields and cartography


Powerful safety and compliance controls

Apply new generation security practices in your company in a few minutes, simply by activating predefined Rippling safety features. Advanced users, such as IT administrators, can go further by creating personalized rules and reports.

Audit newspapers for activities

Conformity reports

end -to -end departures

Behavioral detection rules

Personalized process and policies

Application of multi -factors passwords and authentication (AMF)

Say goodbye to systems, data and disconnected processes.

Rippling Unity, our main platform, connects all your TI systems to a single source of truth for employee data, therefore a change in RIPPLING will affect everywhere everywhere. And with the unified automation of processes, analyzes, authorizations and policies, you can orchestrate actions on all your systems, directly from Rippling.

Find out more: Rippling Unity

Automate your manual approval processes and chains

Companies spend more than 60 % of their time to administrative tasks. This is the reason why we created the Workflow Studio tool. It allows you to easily automate complex processes directly from your office, without code.

Reception of new employees
Device performance
Suspicious activity

Unified analytics

Detect IT problems faster and simplify audits thanks to unified analytics

Rippling’s unified analytical system allows you to create, visualize and share personalized reports using each data element of your company employees, that it was added by HR or TI. Easily create reports on elements such as:

Device performance

SOC 2 audit requirements

Activity and application events

Plot group management and the application of policies completely

Unlike other systems, Rippling automatically gives appropriate people access to devices, applications, email lists, Slacks, Politics channels, and even more thanks to the super groups RIPLING .

Hyper personalized groups

Define granular groups according to data relating to employees, such as work location and service, LMS courses followed, use of the device processor, and even data relating to applications, such as people who have Closed over 100 Zendesk tickets this month.

Lists of dynamic groups

The members’ lists are dynamic and always up to date in Rippling. Whatever employee changes, you may be assured that policies and distribution lists will always apply to the right people. Which means you can say goodbye to manual updates.

Automatic application of policies

Whether it is to send automatic reminders to non -compliant employees or prohibit them from access to a building as long as they have not updated their COVIVS vaccination status, RIPPLING makes it possible to pass the policies to A higher level by providing the IT of dynamic lists and the processing tools and reports necessary to easily encourage employees to act.

See Rippling in action

Learn how Rippling can help you integrate new employees and manage them effortlessly, whether your workforce has 2 or 2,000 employees.

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