On Tinder, men and women evolve in parallel worlds, how to get more matches on Tinder in 2023? Roast

How to get more matches on Tinder in 2023

To get more matches on Tinder, you will have to create an attractive Tinder profile. This article explores several brilliant tips that will help you make TonProfil more attractive and increase your chances of getting more games.

On Tinder, men and women evolve in parallel worlds

Survey An analysis of the profiles of the meeting application shows that the average success rate for a woman is 50 %, and for a man of … 2 %. This difference allows Tinder to sell juicy paid options.

This article was initially written in English in June 2019 by journalist Judith Duportail, author of the book Love in algorithm (which explores the mechanics of the Tinder application), With the help of Nicolas Kayser-Bril, Datajournalist. Its writing was also made possible thanks to the support of the EU journalism fund. The world in publishing below a translation in preview.

“It’s been only two hours, and yet I can no longer bear guys ! »» loose Nicolas, throwing his phone on the table. “I didn’t even put a real photo ! I just put a black screen, and they are still there to flirt with me ! Seriously, guys ? A black screen ? »» Nicolas has just created a false account of a woman on Tinder. ” Welcome to my world ! »», I replied, laughing halfway.

Nicolas Kayser-Bril is datajournalist. We started our experience first as a game. We had just spent an evening mentioning the differences between men and women on online dating applications. We did not agree with much, but animated by the same conviction: “On the guy side, it’s the worst” ; “No, it’s girl side ! »» To try to agree, we decided to subscribe to the application each with a profile of the opposite genre, before embarking on research of heterosexual relationships. “Like that, you will see ! »»

Nonexistent on one side, harassed on the other

So I created a false Facebook account of an imaginary male ego alter, in order to connect it to Tinder. Expressly, I chose it rather attractive, but not too much, it had to be realistic. First connection: no “match” (this moment when Tinder connects two people who indicated, each for their side, that they like each other, in order to be able to initiate a conversation). Perhaps it had to be time for the application to start and show my profile.

Second and third connections, I had to face the facts: on Tinder, my male profile was far from being successful. And in the rare cases where a person “matched” with me, she did not answer me. I who, in my life as a woman, had often used Tinder in search of a “match” to boost my ego, there, I was nonexistent. Nicolas, for his part, quickly disabled his account: he felt harassed with messages.

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How to get more matches on Tinder in 2023 ?

Obtaining Tinder matches is the dream of most dating applications and particularly Tinder. This article will give you the practical means to get more, in particular by improving your profile or by drawing the best part of a subscription.

Tinder Matches How To Get More Matches on Tinder in 2022

With more than 75 million monthly active users, Tinder is one of the most popular dating applications. It is normal to think that with as many potential matches, finding someone should be easy. However, it is not always as simple as it seems. Obtaining more matches on Tinder implies one to show strategy and abor a little luck.

To get more matches on Tinder, you will have to create an attractive Tinder profile. This article explores several brilliant tips that will help you make TonProfil more attractive and increase your chances of getting more games.

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Here is the plan of the article, do not hesitate to jump in the section that interests you the most.

  1. Is it normal that men do not get any match on Tinder in 2023 ?
  2. Why do I have no match on Tinder ?
  3. How men can get more matches on Tinder: 8 tips for your Tinder profile

Is it normal that men do not get any match on Tinder in 2023 ?

It is not uncommon for men, even the most attractive, receive no games on popular meeting applications like Tinder.

Many factors can explain this low attractiveness rate, such as the number of active users in your region, the competition for matches and the way your profile is busy. It is also possible that your profile does not coincide with the preferences of the users with which you are looking to make games.

In general, it is essential to be aware that online meetings can also be a question of probabilities and that receiving a small number of games does not necessarily mean that something is wrong with you.

Since Tinder is mainly focused on how you present yourself on the application, photos under bad light and too ugly selfies can clearly impact your chances of obtaining matches on the application.

Fortunately, you can always try to adjust your profile, expand your search criteria or take a break from the dating app and come back later to see if you get more games.

Little aside. Do you know that it is possible to make your profile more attractive in 2 minutes and get more games every day ?

Thanks to our artificial intelligence trained on more than 10,000 photos evaluated by women, you can get feedback and personalized advice to boost your dating profile for good.

You will know exactly what photos are good or not, and especially why.

So what are you waiting for to take charge of your love life ?

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