Have your smartphone repaired in 1 hour with Wefix!, How much is a phone screen repair? | Bouygues Telecom

How much is a phone screen repair

Wefix has set up ATMs provided withHigh-tech accessories in the biggest stations French.

Broken smartphone ? Wefix repairs it in an hour !


Small new in the Fnac Darty group, Wefix specializes in repairing smartphones and tablets. How it works ? Express presentation.

For the little story

Wefix is ​​a French company, Created in 2012, which counts Over 90 points of sale in France and Belgium. Broken screen change or battery, camera, charging connector … Wefix technicians regulate 98 % of these breakdowns.

Repairs made in 1 hour on average

This is their commitment ! Just go to the wefix shop closest to you. No RV need. Experts make a tailor -made diagnosis and quote, then offer you to collect your device like nine after only 60 minutes.

Wefix geolocation

And the price ?

By connecting to the Wefix site, all prices are displayed according to the brand and the model of your phone. The price of the repair includes the parts used and the labor. In addition, for all repairs, Wefix ensures one year warranty (3 months for batteries).

Want a new cheap phone ? Discover their reconditioned phones !

iPhone 5S, iPhone 6S, iPhone 7, Samsung S7… if you want to have fun Without breaking the piggy bank, it’s possible. Reconditioned phones are verified through 34 control points. Battery, screen, Wi-Fi, camera, connector. The device is Guaranteed 6 months.

You forgot your charger for your trip ?

Wefix distributor at Gare de Lyon

Wefix has set up ATMs provided withHigh-tech accessories in the biggest stations French.

Xforce: Make your screen unbreakable screen !

Who has never happened to drop your smartphone in the street or on the kitchen tiles ? Protecting it has become necessary and Xforce has the solution to make it indestructible. Finally, forget the scratches and the broken screens.

And if your phone cannot be repaired, take advantage of good phone plans all year round, sales on smartphones or reconditioned smartphones !

How much is a phone screen repair ?

How much cost repair screen phone

Patatras ! It’s the fall and here is the screen of your smartphone reduced to crumbs ? Rest assured: whether it is simply scratched or simply broken, your slab can be replaced. We explain everything to you, and especially how much it costs. It is not a scoop: the screen of your smartphone is its most fragile and exposed part. As proof, screen breaks occupy the first step of the podium of the Avaries reported. Fortunately, it is also one of the parts that repair the most easily. And even if your screen is completely broken and unusable, you probably don’t need to change your phone !

How to repair a broken phone screen ?

For the repair of smartphone, and in particular a screen, it is better to trust an approved specialist. If it is not so complex in itself, the intervention is somewhat “surgical” and risky, and asks to be perfectly equipped. If your phone is recent, you can also keep its warranty.

Where to repair a smartphone screen ?

Smartphones repair brands are now legion, but not all. You will probably find the most advantageous prices in small neighborhood shops. Problem: they are not always approved by manufacturers, and do not systematically offer a guarantee. We therefore advise you to turn to recognized providers, both present on the Internet and with a storefront. This is the case of our partner Wefix, whose prices are perfectly transparent and the expertise widely recognized. In addition, repair at Wefix is ​​guaranteed for a year. And by moving to one of their 120 shops, the screen change is done in only a few tens of minutes.

Is the phone screen under warranty ?

If your mobile bought new is still under warranty and the breakdown is not due to an accidental fall, but to a dysfunction of the device, you are then covered. The manufacturer must repair your smartphone or replace the defective part. Contact your dealer, who will indicate the procedure to follow. In our shop, all our new mobiles are guaranteed 24 months. If you bought your phone on our website and it broke down within 14 days of purchase (7 days if you bought it in one of our stores), it will simply be replaced by a nine. On the other hand, the screen break is not covered by the warranty. But if you have subscribed to a Bouygues Telecom package, we give you a 30% discount on repairing your screen at Wefix. Our partner can give you a quote for free.

How much is the phone screen repair ?

The price of the phone screen repair is very variable from one model to another. When writing this article, it was necessary to count 120 euros for replacing the screen of a Samsung Galaxy A20E at Wefix, 140 euros for that of a Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro, 199 euros for that of an iPhone 11, or 319 euros for that of a Samsung Galaxy S20. Prices to which the 30% discount should be applied if you have one of our Bouygues Telecom packages. In the event of a dysfunction of the new slab, it is guaranteed for 1 year per Wefix. And the intervention has no impact on the telephone manufacturer warranty.
Make a quote at Wefix

Can we make insurance for a broken screen ?

When you buy a smartphone with your Bouygues Telecom mobile package, we invite you to take out mobile insurance within five days of the date of purchase of the phone. This insurance, whose monthly price depends on your mobile, effectively covers accidental damage, by clumsiness or negligence. On the other hand, any intentional fault or any lack of precaution will prevent you from running insurance. This is the case if you leave the phone insured in a place where it is not immune to any predictable risk of falling or deterioration, or if you leave it outside, exposing it to bad weather ( Rain, snow, wind …).

How to protect the screen from your smartphone ?

To avoid any scratch or screen break, a last tip: think of the accessories that go well when purchasing your phone. A quality shell as well as wet glass screen protection will cost you a few tens of euros, but will strongly limit the risk of damage. And if your mobile is preserved from any scratch or trace of wear, its value will be all the more important when resale or recovery, when the time has come to choose a new mobile ..
See Screen Cocks and Protections

  • Whether tired, partly broken or completely unusable, a phone screen can easily change at an authorized repairer.
  • The price of repairing a phone screen is very variable, and is generally between 100 and 400 euros.
  • If you have a Bouygues Telecom mobile plan, we give you a 30% discount for any repair in one of the stores of our partner Wefix. You can directly make a free quote on their website.
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