Google Play Store: How to be reimbursed for an application, Google Play Store: the reimbursement period extended at 14 days in France

Playstore Refund

So far, the reimbursement period on the Google Play Store was only 48 hours. And this is always the case for countries that are not part of the EEA. Once this period of two days have passed, it was necessary to make a request directly from the developer to be reimbursed, which is often difficult to obtain.

Google Play Store: how to be reimbursed for an application

Refund an application purchased on the Google Play Store, it is possible. Sometimes we cracked a little impulsively for an Android application which is ultimately very disappointing. To recover your money immediately and without justification, you have a 2 -hour retraction period if you live in the EU. We explain the maneuver from A to Z.

Refund on the Google Play Store

  • The reimbursement conditions of the Google Play Store
  • How to be reimbursed for an application of the Google Play Store within two hours ?
  • How to be reimbursed after two hours
  • How to be reimbursed directly to the developer
  • Comments

First of all you should know that Google Play Store has several reimbursement policies. For applications and games, it is possible to Make an immediate refund request within 2 hours Depending on the purchase. You don’t have to justify yourself and the refund is instantaneous.

The reimbursement conditions of the Google Play Store

After the two -hour period, Google is ambiguous on the possibilities offered. However, it is always possible to apply for reimbursement after the retraction period. A good justification will be requested. For example because the application does not work or that it does not correspond to the description of the editor.

For other types of purchase, the retraction deadlines are different. You have a delay in 7 days for books, Google Play Movies and Series content, provided you have not started reading them. For digital services such as the purchase of a storage service for example, you have the possibility of applying for reimbursement within 14 days.

Finally the third possibility is that of request a refund directly from the developer, especially if you are out of time.

How to be reimbursed for an application of the Google Play Store within two hours ?

You have just bought an application on the Google Play Store. Unfortunately the latter does not suit you or work badly on your smartphone, don’t panic you can get reimbursed within two hours without justification.

  • Open the Google Play Store on your Android smartphone
  • Go to the application page that you want to be reimbursed
  • Press
  • Confirm by pressing yes
  • that’s done. The application will be immediately uninstalled.

Google Play Store Refund application

In the minutes that follow you will have confirmation of the refund. Once again we repeat it This method only works within 2 minutes after purchasing an application. Know that you cannot return an application or a game and get his reimbursement only once. If you buy it again, no refund will be granted to you.

How to be reimbursed after two hours

The method is a little different. If you have missed the opportunity to request a refund within two hours, you can still make up for. Google does not specify until when for games and applications, but This period goes up to 14 days For digital services.

To request a refund, we will have to fill out this form. In the latter, several information will be requested to you including the Refund reason. Because yes, this method also works to be reimbursed for an in-app purchase or a monthly subscription to an application.

Afterwards, Google asks you how to contact you, it is better to select by call, because it will be faster. The study study takes less than a day in general. If your request is accepted, the reimbursement period also varies according to the payment method (Google reimburses you according to the means used for purchase). To find out the reimbursement times according to your payment method, go to this page.

How to be reimbursed directly to the developer

Finally last scenario, if you exceed the 14 -day period or you have a concern with an application you can do A refund request directly from the developer, It will be up to him to decide whether or not he accepts the refund.

To do this go to the application page, then at the bottom in the details is the developer’s email, copy it and send an email with the reasons for the refund. The duration of treatment will really depend on the developer, for large developers it can take a few minutes for the little ones for several days.

Here I hope that this little tutorial will be useful to you to have you reimbursed an application or an in-app purchase. And if not have you already used a refund on the Google Play Store ? Have you encountered concerns with these few systems ?

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Google Play Store: the reimbursement period extended to 14 days in France

The Google Play Store extends the purchase reimbursement period to 14 days in France and in Europe. A substantial extension since this duration was limited to 48 hours before March 28, 2018 and is still for countries that are not part of the European Economic Area (EEE). The customer therefore has more time to note that a product does not work or does not correspond to the promise. Within two hours of purchase, it is always possible to obtain an immediate refund.

Google Play Store Refund

The reimbursement period on the Google Play Store was extended to 14 days for the countries of the European Economic Area (EEE) and therefore France on March 28, 2018. A change of policy at Google which allows European consumers to have much more time to realize that their product (app, game, music, ebook …) does not work or does not correspond to the promise of description.

Google Play Store: the elongated reimbursement period

To request the refund of a purchase on the Play Store after the period, here is the procedure to follow:

  • Go to your Google Play account via the website and not the app
  • Go down to the section Order history
  • Locate the application, game or other that you want to be reimbursed in the list
  • Click on Three small points right -wing
  • Select Request a refund
  • Choose the option corresponding to your situation and fill out the form

So far, the reimbursement period on the Google Play Store was only 48 hours. And this is always the case for countries that are not part of the EEA. Once this period of two days have passed, it was necessary to make a request directly from the developer to be reimbursed, which is often difficult to obtain.

Also be aware that you are still having a withdrawal window two hours following the purchase an application or a game to obtain an immediate refund. A procedure that it is only possible to carry out once per product to avoid abuse. The approach described above is then simplified since there is no form to be completed or validation to be expected from Google.

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