Eligibility test with optical fiber, ADSL and VDSL2, fiber test: your two -click eligibility.

Fiber test: your two -click eligibility

The flow test measures the speed of an internet connection to technology such as ADSL, optical fiber or even 4G box. The eligibility test makes it possible to identify the technologies that you have access.

Eligibility test

What are the Internet boxes available at home ?

Test your address or your fixed line number to discover the fiber, ADSL or 4G box subscriptions that operators offer in your home.

Find the best box

Compare Orange, SFR, Bouygues Telecom, Free prices and speeds and other access providers and unlock the best offers of the moment.

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Why do an eligibility test ?

Many internet offers are available and it is complicated to find your way … The Ariase eligibility test is the best way to quickly and easily find the best Internet boxes at a specific address.

To get fiber

You may already have access to fiber but you don’t know. The fiber eligibility test allows you to know if the very high debt is available at your address.

To change operator

Your commitment comes to date or you are no longer satisfied with it ? It may be time to change operator. The fiber eligibility test lists the best offers among all operators.

To move well

The boxes accumulate, the house empties, but have you thought about your future internet box ? The eligibility test allows you to know the internet debit of your future accommodation.

How to know if I am eligible for fiber ?

You want to enjoy the speed of fiber optics at home but you do not know if you have access to it ? With the Ariase eligibility test, check quickly if your accommodation is connected to the very high-speed networks of the operators and compare the fiber optic and cable internet boxes available at your home.

To do this, this free service simultaneously questions the various fiber eligibility servers of all access providers to control the eligibility of your home. Thanks to the address or the telephone line that you will indicate, you will discover the prices and flows of fiber optic offers from Orange, Free, SFR, Bouygues Telecom and all access providers offering fiber at home.

How to test the eligibility of your accommodation ?

Ariase simultaneously questions operators’ eligibility servers (Orange, SFR, Bouygues Telecom, Sosh, Red, Free, etc.) to check the compatibility of your address or telephone line with ADSL packages, fiber optic and cable offers, and 4G boxes that operators market at the address entered.

It is therefore easy to test via your telephone line or address. For the first case, simply enter your fixed number in the form, the comparator will find all the offers associated with your line. If you no longer have your telephone line number in mind, you can completely test with your postal address. These simple manipulations will allow you to compare in the blink of an eye the internet boxes of a dozen ADSL and fiber operators.

Ariase advisers also support you in your various steps. Dial 02 99 36 30 54 and have free of charge on your fiber eligibility.

What Internet networks are available in France ?

In France, four main networks allow access to the Internet: ADSL, fiber, cable and 4G box. Eligibility for ADSL or fiber is thus defined by your address or telephone line. Even if more than 14 million households are already connected to the very high debt, there are still several non-equipped areas.

ADSL guarantees a high-end connection

Eligibility to the ADSL

ADSL, also called the Haut-Débit internet, is present in 99% of households. With ADSL, you benefit from a flow between 1 and 20 Mb/s. 20% of these same homes are lucky and benefit from a boosted flow of 95 Mb/s thanks to VDSL2. To know the debit to which you would be entitled to ADSL, take the adsl eligibility test.

Optical fiber for all should be deployed in France by 2022

Fiber eligibility

Optical fiber is a technology that allows you to have very high-end access to the Internet. Widely used, the fiber allows a minimum flow of 100 Mb/s even if most fiber offers offer a flow of 1 GB/s. It allows you to have a stable connection, very fast, ideal for simultaneous uses and Ultra High Definition TV for example.

The coaxial cable allows you to access the Internet in very high debt

Eligibility to cable

The cable, more often called coaxial cable, guarantees very high-end access to the Internet. However, it remains slower than fiber optics. Indeed, it offers a maximum speed of 1 GB/s in reception and 100 Mb/s in emission. Today, 9.5 million dwellings in more than 1.000 municipalities are wired.

The 4G box allows the most insulated accommodation to have access to the Internet via 4G mobile networks

Eligibility at the 4G box

With the delay in deployment observed on access to the very high fixed lift for less dense, even very dense areas, the operators offer this transient solution. It allows the most insulated accommodation to connect to the Internet using existing 4G mobile networks of telecom operators.

Who are the operators who offer internet boxes at home ?

According to the exact address of your home, subscriptions and operators can vary. The internet eligibility test allows you to see a little more clearly. Free, Orange, Bouygues Telecom, SOSH, SFR, RED or even public initiative networks: with one click, you can see operators who offer internet boxes at your home.

In terms of operators, the range is large and complete. Like the Freebox Mini 4K of Free and the Livebox of Orange, the Bbox Must of Bouygues Telecom is compatible with our eligibility test. Widely deployed in the territory, these mid -range internet boxes guarantee a complete offer.

Several entry -level internet offers also provide good internet service. This is the case with the Sosh box, the Red Box but also the Bbox Fit. However, despite their attractive price, they do not offer a TV decoder. They are all compatible with our eligibility test.

Public initiative networks are also analyzed by our eligibility test. For good reason, deployed by communities, they allow an alternative to traditional operators.

Your questions about the eligibility test

What if I am not eligible for fiber or adsl ?

The deployment of fiber optics and ADSL progresses very quickly in France. If you want to be informed of their arrival at home, register for our fiber alert and good deals.

Why don’t all accommodation have access to the same offers and the same flows ?

In terms of debit and technology, not all French people are housed in the same brand. If you benefit from the ADSL for example, the distance from your accommodation compared to the telephone central will determine your connection. The more you move away, the more flow you lose.

Why is my flow different from that of my neighbors ?

Defective cable, use of different technology (fiber or ADSL) … Several reasons can explain a difference in flow between yours and that of your neighbors. The best way is to perform a debit test and contact your Internet access provider to understand where this difference comes from.

What if the test does not work ?

If the test does not work, it may be because your accommodation is recent and it is not yet in a covered area. You may also live in a white area, that is to say a place where suppliers have not yet done installation work. In any case, you can request a connection by directly contacting suppliers who interest you.

Why the eligibility test only offers fiber offers ?

With more than 75% of premises eligible for optical fiber in September 2022, France is one of the most advanced countries in the deployment of the very high-end. In fiber areas, operators no longer offer ADSL Internet offers using the “Copper” network. In the coming years, the ADSL network will also be closed and no more adsl subscription will be operational by the end of 2030.

Why don’t I have the fiber yet ?

You should know that the deployment of optical fiber is done by zones. And from one to the other, there are large differences in coverage depending on whether you are in a large city, on the outskirts or in rural areas. The objectives set by the government guarantee the very high-expansion for all by the end of 2022. To be informed of the arrival of fiber in your accommodation, register for our fiber alert.

What is the difference between an eligibility test and a flow test ?

The flow test measures the speed of an internet connection to technology such as ADSL, optical fiber or even 4G box. The eligibility test makes it possible to identify the technologies that you have access.

Why the test does not work with my line number ?

Only geographic numbers (numbers related to housing and not to calls) can give rise to the eligibility test. Try to do the test again with your postal address.

I move, how to be sure I have the internet in my new accommodation ?

During a move, the best way to have the internet in your new accommodation is to follow these three crucial steps: a few weeks before your installation, do an eligibility test to find out if your new house is eligible for fiber, then Subscribe an internet offer adapted to your daily uses and return your old equipment within the imparted period.

Fiber test: your two -click eligibility

on the platform

Is your accommodation eligible for optical fiber ? To find out, only one solution: do an online fiber test. Here is a clear and precise guide to answer all your questions.

What is a fiber eligibility test ?

THE eligibility test simply serves to check that your accommodation is well capable of being connected to fiber optics. It is therefore important to carry out this test if you want to take out an internet box that works with this technology.

In addition, the eligibility test will allow you to know the theoretical average speed of your future connection to fiber optics. Maximum flow, minimum rate sometimes … For each operator, you will be informed in advance of speeds and loading time.

A fiber test carried out at Orange or SFR, for example, does not allow you to compare fiber offers from the various suppliers. Only a comparison on lelynx.fr will give you this overview in one click !

Test your fiber eligibility !

Which operators offer fiber optics ?

The fiber optic market has developed well in France for a few years. The very high speed plan has extended the fiber network through almost the country. The four traditional Internet access providers (ISP) offer you fiber optic offers. But they are not the only ones:

  • Bouygues Telecom ;
  • Orange ;
  • SFR;
  • Free;
  • Sosh;
  • Red by SFR;
  • Mobile post ..

Here is a comparison of the best fiber offers on the market:

How to do a fiber test ?

To carry out a fiber eligibility test, it is only enough for you: either your precise postal address, or your telephone line number. However, your unbundling zone will, on the other hand, be of any use, unlike an ADSL test.

Before you start the test, know that you can classify the different offers offered according to several criteria:

  • The price ;
  • The desired flow;
  • The operator ;
  • The category of the offer (Internet alone, Internet and Mobile …).

Test your fiber eligibility

Orange fiber test

Orange offers a livebox fiber range, but it is compulsory to be eligible for fiber to take advantage of it. If so, different offers will be submitted to you: Livebox Up, Livebox and Livebox Open. You will have a 400mb/s flow that can go up to 2GB/s for the best box offer.

Bouygues Télécom fiber test

You want to access Bouygues fiber offers ? Know that already, more than 14 million households have access to it-so you may already be part of it ! Just test your eligibility and see if the Bbox Fiber range is possible at home. Note that your flow will be between 300MB/s and 2GB/s depending on the box you choose.

SFR fiber test

SFR fiber allows you to have 500MB/s box contracts for the least expensive at 2GB/s for the best. Eligibility for SFR fiber therefore opens the door to offers such as the SFR 8 box. A test, where you will have to enter your address, tell you if your accommodation can benefit from the brand services to the Red Carré.

Free fiber test

Freebox Free offers are sold in more than 17 million dwellings in France. Thousands of municipalities, both small and large, are part of the network covered by the most recent of traditional operators. You can benefit from 1Gb/s for the entry -level at 8GB/s for the Freebox Delta.

Sosh fiber test

Sosh is an Orange partner and its fiber offer is deployed in more than 14.5 million dwellings in France. Is the Sosh Fiber package available in your apartment or house ? If this is the case, you will benefit from an internet connection with a speed up to 300MB/s.

Red by SFR fiber test

A little less served than the other operators, the Red by SFR package still affects more than 13 million households and this figure is rapidly increasing.

Questions fairs (FAQ)

How to know if you are eligible for fiber ?

To find out if you are eligible for fiber, simply enter your address in our tool and we will tell you in less than two minutes whether or not you are eligible.

Is the fiber test compatible with all operators ?

The Lynx fiber eligibility test allows you to test your optical fiber eligibility for all operators (SFR, Bouygues, Orange, Sosh or Free)

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