Electric cars: 3 things to know to recharge outside or at home – Numerama, electric car: how to install a charging station at home? 06/30/2023 at 17: 00 – Conso

Electric car: how to install a charging station at home? Information provided by Boursorama Banque • 30/06/2023 to 17: 00 Reading time: 7 min

If it is a collective infrastructure , That is to say which allows the connection to a collective connection of several charging stations for electric vehicles:

Electric cars: 3 things to know to recharge outside or at home

Electric car charging station. // Source: Canva

New use for motorists, recharging the electric vehicle is a key step to master. Between the different types of terminals and sockets, recharging at home, the rules of good conduct on the public network, cards and subscriptions, there are a lot of things to know. However, it’s not that complicated.

The acceleration of the electric market has consequences on the requirement for charging infrastructure. In 2023, France was rather well endowed in the matter. By 2025, all the member countries of the European Union will have to install fast charging stations every 60 kilometers. What to facilitate the daily life of owners of electric vehicles. Here are some rules to know for an optimal load experience.

Recharge on the public network: the different types of terminals and sockets

Recharge on a public terminal is an important step for owners of electric vehicles. On the move or if the home recharging is not possible, you must be able to take care of public limits. Generally present in city centers, in the car parks of shopping centers or on motorway areas, the charging stations are more and more numerous.

There were 101,681 to June 30, 2023 according to the barometer produced by Avere-France and the Ministry of Energy Transition. To ensure effective and secure charging experience, some good practices should be followed. To start, you have to choose the terminal that corresponds to your need. There are indeed different types of terminals, with variable charging speeds.

In France, there are five types of terminals:

  • Normal terminals: with a power between 3 and 6 kW
  • Semi-accredited terminals: a power delivered between 7 and 15 kW
  • Accelerated terminals: a power delivered between 16 and 30 kW
  • Rapid terminals: a power delivered between 30 and 100 kW
  • Ultra-rapid terminals (or superchargers): between 100 and 350 kW

The price varies depending on the terminal you choose. It is necessary to find out about the compatibility between your vehicle and the public terminal before connecting.

Connectors types

There are also different types of connectors. In 2023, the war of the catch was completed. The European Commission has appointed two standards on European territory: Type 2 taking for alternating recharge (AC) on normal, semi-accredited and accelerated terminals and the CCS combo for fast current recharge (DC) On the fast and ultra-fast terminals.

A Fastned charging station that is deserted // Source: Bob Jouy for Numerama

In the United States, Tesla’s NACTS (North American Charging) connector wins the field. Ford, General Motors, Hyundai, Volvo, Mercedes and Nissan have decided to comply with the standard imposed by the Elon Musk company. A new standard for manufacturers present on the North American market. Maybe also internationally in the near future, you never know. By adopting the NACS load port, brands allow their vehicles to access the network of 12,000 Tesla supercharges in the United States, Canada and Mexico.

Good practices on public charging stations

Badges and charging cards are essential accessories when you go to the electric. They allow access to public limits when the bank card is not accepted. Some operators also propose to subscribe to a subscription to access their services or advantageous prices. It is possible to register online or from dedicated mobile applications. Beyond the advantageous rates, the subscriptions allow the reservation of terminals or the monitoring of your consumption. Very convenient.

Ionity // Source Station: Ionity

Planning is an essential point. Recharge on a public terminal can sometimes require a little waiting, especially during peak hours or in very frequented areas. To avoid inconvenience, it is advisable to plan your charging sessions in advance. To do this, it is possible to anticipate and choose a public charging station according to its availability. An application like ChargeMap allows for example to make sure it in real time.

There are also some important rules of use to know to use public stations. Each terminal can have specific rules of use, such as the maximum authorized parking duration, additional parking costs after recharging, or the obligation to unplug your vehicle once the recharge is complete to release the terminal. Make sure to respect these rules to avoid blocking the terminal unnecessarily or expose yourself to additional costs. As a rule, out of courtesy, avoid staying connected when you have recharged your battery 100 % or you have reached the sufficient level to leave.

Home recharge: which solution to choose ?

Green'up taken. // Source: screenshot YouTube Mac4Ever

By loading your electric vehicle at home, you can also enjoy advantageous prices during off -peak hours. Learn about these prices and program your charge to take advantage of these periods when electricity is cheaper. Some electric cars are equipped with features that allow you to plan the recharge according to off -peak hours automatically. Some electric cars are also equipped with charging management systems that allow you to plan and monitor your vehicle recharging remotely.

Another point to take into account: monitor the level of the battery. Before starting a home recharge session, the battery load must be checked. Reloading unnecessarily can cause premature battery wear. If your battery is not very discharged, it may be wise to postpone the recharge or plan it for a more conducive hour: in any case see your manufacturer’s advice on the load thresholds to be respected (different for a daily use or a long journey, depending on battery technologies). In short, home recharging offers certain flexibility, useful for always having a sufficiently loaded battery and going calmly on each trip.

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Electric car: how to install a charging station at home ?

What if you installed your own charging station? (Photo credits: Adobe Stock -)

While the days, or in any case in the years, vehicles with thermal engines are counted (their manufacture should be prohibited from 2035 in Europe), sales of electric cars seem to be doomed to take an increasingly market share important. There remains a major problem: how to recharge them ?

Why have an electric charging station install ?

Between increased price of conventional fuel and programmed end of the production of thermal engines, sales of electric cars will probably increase in the years to come.

One of the brakes often mentioned for drivers who hesitate to take the plunge is that of recharging: duty to go to a paid electric terminal can be tedious and complicated because we do not find it everywhere.

In this context, directly installing your own home terminal can be a real life facilitator.

Recharge your electric car at home is easier, faster and also cheaper than a public terminal since there is no subscription to pay in addition to the price of electricity.

If it is in theory possible to be satisfied with a domestic electrical outlet (legally limited to 10 amps in France), invest in the installation of a “wallbox”, that is to say a case that is Fixed to the wall allows in most cases to recharge in 16 amps (therefore to reduce your charging time).

Do you know the “right to take” ?

In order to accelerate the technological transition to electric and hybrid, decree n ° 2011-873 of July 25, 2011 established what is called a “right to take”. Clearly, each individual living in condominium, whether owner or tenant, has the right to have an “electric vehicle recharge infrastructure (IRVE) installed” installed “. The decree concerns all parking spaces: covered space, outdoor parking, closed or not.

This right allows individuals to apply for the installation of a charging station in their parking space.

How to install an electric charging station in individual house ?

If you own, you have no brakes other than your budget and the configuration of your electricity network.

To get started, you just have to bring a professional who will establish you as a quote (especially depending on the terminal model you choose) then will carry out the necessary work.

You can benefit from a tax credit without income condition, granted for the expenses of acquisition and installation of load systems for the work invoiced between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2025.

This tax credit is equal to 75% of the amount of expenses within the limit of 300 euros per load system. It is limited to a charge system by taxpayer (provided that you are subject to common taxation) and for the main and secondary residences.

A couple with a main residence and a second home can therefore benefit from the tax credit on four maximum load systems.

How to install a charging station for your electric car in condominiums ?

Collective housing, whether new or old have a “right to take”. For new accommodation, their design incorporates a quota of parking spaces equipped with charging stations.

For older buildings, work is necessary: ​​the individual who wishes can make a request for an installation of electric vehicle recharge infrastructure (IRVE) in its parking space for a device in the power will not be able to exceed 22 kW ::

  • Individual equipment: You have an IRVE at your expense. You just have to send a letter to your trustee by registered letter with acknowledgment/reception. You must detail the work to be carried out and provide an installation scheme, which involves having made a quote upstream with a professional. Your installation request will be placed on the agenda of the next general meeting, without being subject to a vote.
  • Collective equipment: If a majority of co -owners agree, all or part of the parking spaces can be equipped with electric charging stations.

What aid to install an electric charging station in condominiums ?

Installing an electric vehicle recharge infrastructure (IRVE) in co -ownership makes it possible to benefit from certain financial aid under conditions:

If it is a collective infrastructure , That is to say which allows the connection to a collective connection of several charging stations for electric vehicles:

  • The 75% tax credit of the amount of eligible expenses, namely the purchase and installation of the terminal, capped at € 300, without resources.
  • A reduced VAT of 20 to 5.5% applicable directly on the installation quote for installation, installation and maintenance of the charging stations.
  • The Adverse Program for collective condominium infrastructure: reserved for condominium unions, its maximum amount is set for collective infrastructure (excluding outdoor road works) at 8.000 €. The maximum aid amount for collective infrastructure with external road works is set up to 3.000 € per condominium.
  • Good to know: communities sometimes offer additional financial aid.

If it is a project to install a shared terminal in collective residential carried by donors or unions of co -owners in shared parking spaces:

  • A reduced VAT of 20 to 5.5% applicable directly on the installation quote for installation, installation and maintenance of the charging stations.
  • The program Adverse for shared charging point: reserved for donors and unions of co -owners, the amount of the Advent premium amounts to 50% of the amount excluding tax of the supply and installation of the funded recharge points capped at 1.€ 660 per recharge point.
  • Co -owners’ unions can accumulate the premium “Advent for shared charging point” and the premium “Advent for collective co -ownership infrastructure” detailed above.
  • Communities sometimes offer additional financial aid.

Can you install a charging station if you are a tenant ?

If you rent an individual house, you can apply for an installation of an electric terminal from your landlord, but it is free to refuse, even if you offer to take all or part of the costs at your expense.

If you are a tenant in collective housing, you benefit from the “right to take”, that is to say to have a charging station installed (at your expense) on a parking space of the condominium.

However, you must request it from the owner and the condominium union, which generally does not pose a problem, unless work in this sense is already provided or if there is a technical impossibility.

Good to know: the tenant must go through a qualified professional to install the terminal and take out insurance (or check that it is already covered) for any damage that the charging station could cause.

Which EDF subscription for a charging station ?

If your terminal is independent, you can choose the energy supplier of your choice, EDF or one of its competitors.

An advisor will guide you to the appropriate subscription according to the technical characteristics of your electrical network and the power you need.

Which pays the electricity of the co -ownership charging stations ?

Several types of installations are possible in a condominium:

  • The charging station is directly connected to your personal meter: This solution is possible but rarely retained because it requires more work and therefore a greater installation cost.
  • The charging station is connected to the electrical supply room of the common areas: so that the energy supplier is the same but an individual counting device is installed. This solution is not possible if too many charging stations should be installed due to a limited available power.
  • The charging station is individually connected to common areas by installing a new delivery point: Each user is then independent on the choice of their energy supplier. On the other hand, this solution implies larger costs for installation, it is therefore rather recommended when several users are interested in the project or if the condominium decides to install several terminals.

Whatever the case retained, no invoicing is addressed to the condominium: an individual counter measures the electricity consumed by each and individual invoices are issued.

Good to know: you fear that an indelicate neighbor will get into the habit of discreetly plug into your terminal ? The manufacturers have thought about it and have developed different security systems, for example through a badge to be able to activate your terminal.

Where to install a charging station at home ?

The ideal to install your electric terminal is to place it indoors, in a covered and closed place, such as in your garage or in an underground parking lot.

Your electrical installation will be in this way out of bad weather but also any degradations.

In addition, climatic conditions have an impact on battery charging performance in your electric or hybrid vehicle: for example, in case of hot weather, the terminal slows the load to avoid overheating. Carry out recharging on the limit limits these undesirable effects.

If you do not have a sufficient interior, you can still place your terminal outdoors because it is designed to be waterproof and resist the weather.

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