ADSL debit: Understand everything at the speed of your Internet connection, Internet debit: Measure the speed of your down and upright flows |

Downhill rate and amount amount: what differences

Concretely, this initiative consists in establishing a fiber optical connection between the subscribed connection nodes (NRA) and intermediate cupboards, the sub-partys serving sets of housing so far too distant. At the location of these sub-departors, new NRAs are converted, baptized very logically NRA-Med.

ADSL flow: Understand everything at the speed of your internet connection

Our guide to understand everything at the speed of your ADSL connection: from low speed to the right speed, what can we expect from internet access on the copper network ?

ADSL flow: Understand everything at the speed of your internet connection

Yann Daoulas – Modified on 02/25/2022 at 11:49 a.m

  1. A good adsl speed is how much ?
  2. Which operator offers the best ADSL speed ?
  3. Low ADSL flow: why ?
  4. The rise in flow: the ADSL boosted in rural areas
  5. When the ADSL flow is no longer enough

What is a Good flow in ADSL : 2, 10, 20 Mb/s ? If you have carried out an ADSL flow test, but don’t know what to think of the result, here is a point on what the speed that can be with this type of internet access. Can you hope for a better adsl speed, or should you estimate yourself well ? The answer in this guide.

A good adsl speed is how much ?

Internet access technology in ADSL (for Asymetric Digital Subscriber Line), has historically displays a flow that does not fly high. 512 kb/s at its launch in 1999, which was already a considerable advance compared to the 56 kb/s delivered by our ancient low-debit modems. ADSL connections were then improved to tease the 8 Mb/s.

But it is only with the developments of the ADSL2+, that French households have been able to arrive at the flows which they can benefit today on the copper network. To know up to 15-20 Mb/s in reception and 800 kb/s in broadcast For the best lotis. If you have a classic adsl connection, useless, therefore, to hope to exceed these ceilings. The average, in 2020, was around 8 to 10 Mb/s. And the speed of 8 Mb/s is also that retained by the government to characterize a home with a “good high-end”. That is to say a sufficient ADSL flow for an almost correct internet: navigation, HD TV, etc.

Check the speed of your internet box. Our speedtest will tell you the ping and the flows (download / emission) of your line.

Which operator offers the best ADSL speed ?

The answer is simple: all and no. On an ADSL line, the flow depends above all on physical constraints, as we will then see. No operator will therefore be able to overcome the limitations of your telephone line and offer you a really better debit than another. Orange, SFR, Bouygues Telecom or Free, it’s white and white hat hat then ? Not quite.

Indeed, to improve the connection speed of ADSL subscribers, an evolution of this technology was born in 2013 in France: VDSL. And today the VDSL2 with, at the end, a flowed flow up to 90-95 Mb/s in reception and 8 Mb/s in broadcast, by taking the same telephone line as the ADSL. Note, however, that these best performance is only accessible on lines less than 1,200 m. Beyond that, the speed of VDSL2 will be equivalent to that of the ADSL.

Very practical, therefore, this VDSL2, if we do not live too far from the telephone central, also called NRA for node of subscribers of subscribers. But beware : Not all operators offer it everywhere. Orange and Free have thus more widely developed this Internet access technology than SFR and Bouygues Telecom. To check if you can claim better flow rates on your ADSL line while benefiting from VDSL2 to another operator, a simple means: our internet eligibility test.

Just enter your address to instantly find out the offers available at home and Theoretical flows offered by the various access providers. And depending on the availability or not of VDSL2 on your line, the flow gain can be substantial.

Low ADSL flow: why ?

In France, at the end of 2020, 16 million French people depended on the copper network for their connection. But only 6 million households and companies were eligible for these best VDSL2 speed. The other 10 million must be satisfied with the performance of their classic ADSL connection. And for many of them, This sometimes amounts to composing with 5, 2, or even 1 Mb/s in reception on their line. But why such a low flow ?

These poor performances are explained by theSignal weakening passing through the copper cable to the subscriber’s home. This phenomenon, also called attenuation, is the result of two physical constraints:

  • the distance between your home and the NRA and therefore the length of the cable that connects you
  • The diameter of the cable sections (s) used to connect to the NRA: the higher it is, the better the transmission of the signal

The unit of measurement used to quantify this attenuation is the decibel (DB). It is generally considered thatFrom 65 dB, the ADSL flow can hardly exceed 2 Mb/s. The truly critical threshold located at 78 dB: with such a weakening, the theoretical flow cannot exceed 512 kb/s. And again, provided that the line in question benefits from Readsl technology. The latter makes it possible to increase the signal power and therefore to have it carried slightly further, with a distance gain of 5 to 10%. Under these conditions, it will probably be worth turning to an alternative Internet access solution.

All theoretical evaluations, however, since it is also influencing the dilapidation of the network or any parasitic signals. If the latter generate a “noise”, that is to say too large disruptions on your telephone line, It may also be your ADSL flow voluntarily limited by your access provider. This in order to increase what is called the “noise margin”, to guarantee the stability of the signal and thus avoid untimely desynchronizations of your internet box.

The rise in flow: the ADSL boosted in rural areas

Anyway, on a telephone line very far from the NRA, there will be no miracle. This will only allow a low ADSL flow, a handful of MB/s at most. An unbearable situation for millions of French Internet users long deprived of alternative to their slow internet access, if slow. Reason why many communities have launched in recent years programs Flowing on the copper network, also called Med.

Concretely, this initiative consists in establishing a fiber optical connection between the subscribed connection nodes (NRA) and intermediate cupboards, the sub-partys serving sets of housing so far too distant. At the location of these sub-departors, new NRAs are converted, baptized very logically NRA-Med.

Explanatory diagram of the rise in flow

This device reduces the length of the copper telephone line between these cabinets and the dwellings. Therefore to reduce attenuation, and therefore mechanically, increase the ADSL flow which they can benefit from. And even, on the shortest lines, to make them enjoy a really comfortable flow thanks to VDSL2. Note nevertheless that if this rise in flow is done automatically for subscribers of certain operators (Free for example), with certain suppliers, it will be necessary to ask.

When the ADSL flow is no longer enough

For number of isolated rural households, these initiatives have made it possible to significantly improve the ordinary connected. Even if it’s not Peru, go from 2 Mb/s to 10 Mb/s, it changes your connected life. Especially when a health crisis requires you to stay at home while facing everyday needs: work, studies, administrative procedures, medical consultations. Without forgetting entertainment.

The constraints born of successive confinements have also demonstrated what has been anticipated for a few years already: ADSL, even improved, will quickly show its limitss. Explosion of digital uses, content requiring more and more flow (TV or HD or 4K streaming, video games, visio) and simultaneous use of the Internet connection by the various members of the households. The addition will prove more and more substantial and require flows that, quickly, even a boosted ADSL will no longer be able to provide. Debt rise operations carried out by communities are most often presented as “transient”, the time to wait for the arrival of the fiber optics.

Because it is not a question of stopping there. The objective of the public authorities is thus to cover all French homes in very high speed (30 Mb/s minimum) by the end of 2022. 80% of them will benefit from it thanks to fiber optics, but part of the remaining 20% ​​will have to turn to alternative technologies to obtain such performances. : 4G box, radio radio, satellite. Unless you keep your old ADSL, while waiting to enjoy the advantages of fiber. It will be in five years at the latest, in accordance with the commitment made at the end of 2020 by the government: the generalization of optical fiber by the end of 2025.

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  • All about the end of the ADSL and the closure of the copper network
  • No fixed internet access: in white ADSL zone, how to do ?
  • VDSL2: Understanding very high speed internet on the telephone network
  • NRA and NRA-MED: All about the ADSL connection node
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Downhill rate and amount amount: what differences ?

The quality of an internet connection is characterized by the speed at which the latter transit the digital data. It is thus necessary to distinguish two kinds of flows: the downward flow and the amount. What are the latter ? Why is it essential to know the values ​​of this data when you adhere to an internet box ? And finally, what is the real meaning of the theoretical flow highlighted by Internet operators ? deciphers the subject in this article.


Posted on 12/10/2022 | Updated on 06/16/2023 | by Charlène Michel

Debt and downward speed: what definitions ?

When you subscribe to an internet offer, three indicators allow you to know the connection speed and the performance of your future Internet box:

  • The amount amount (also called ” upload »Or ascendant) which corresponds to the data flows you send from your Internet line. This flow is used for example for e-mail routing, sharing photos on social networks or sending or saving any type of data in the cloud.
  • The descending speed (also called ” download »Or debit for download) which designates the digital data flow that you receive on your Internet line. It is this flow that determines the speed at which a file can be downloaded from your connected device. It is used in particular for downloading files, viewing movie streaming or to open a web page.
  • The ping (packet internet groper) or latency that allows you to measure the time (in milliseconds) put by digital data packets to make the round trip between your computer and the Internet network. Latence is an important parameter to take into account since it allows for example to watch a film in streaming without slowing down or cutting.

The more these two flows are high, the more the speed of your internet connection will be efficient.

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What is a good flow of sending or reception ?

For Have an optimal internet connection The reception and shipping flow must be logically as high as possible. However, a good flow rate must correspond to the use you make of it. For example, if your use of the Internet comes down to sending emails, surfing the Internet or watching TV, an offer providing a speed up to 20 Mb/s is quite sufficient. On the other hand, if several members of your home take advantage of the Internet connection simultaneously to view Netflix or download heavy files, it will be necessary to opt for a subscription offering flows greater than 500 Mb/s. The use you make of your internet connection will not also have the same impact on your bandwidth and will not require an identical connection speed to have a good flow.

Also note that according to Classification of flows, An internet connection is considered to be “good” from 8 Mb/s in descending speed. However, a new level should be crossed by the end of 2022 with the THD for all in France. This deployment would offer the possibility of benefiting from at least 30 Mb/s for each French household.

What MB/S means ?

It’s’unit of measurement descending speed and rising flow. This unit of measurement designates the number of digital data transmitted in a second. The “m” means “mega” or a million bits and the “s” represents the seconds. The “B” can result in data.
A flow of 1 Mb/s corresponds to 1 million data sent per second.

Why an upright flow is lower than a downward flow ?

When you subscribe to an internet offer, you will surely notice that the amount amount has a weaker flow that a descending flow. This is explained by the fact that a user receives much more data than it sends it. Thus, for economic reasons, Internet access providers (ISP) grant less speed amount within their offer. However, there are offers offering so -called “symmetrical” flows which provide an amount (upload) and an almost identical descending speed (Download).

Theoretical flow and real flow: what differences ?

Whenever you compare operators’ offers are often the flows that are highlighted since they represent an important criterion during your final choice of internet boxes. These figures announced by ISP are Theoretical flows and they don’t necessarily reflect the real flow to which you can claim. To reach the traffic promised by operators, it is indeed necessary to benefit from optimal internet connection conditions and without interference. This is not necessarily the case according to your residential area, the Distance with the telephone central (if you have an ADSL connection), etc. This is why we must discern the theoretical volume of real flow. In general, an internet speed of 5 % to 30 % lower than that announced by FAI must be provided. For example, for a fiber offer at 1 GB/s, provide a real speed between 700 Mb/s at 950 Mb/s. The difference between these transfer capacities (real and theoretical) is valid for any type of internet connection (optical fiber, ADSL/VDSL, satellite or mobile networks).

Internet connection via an Ethernet cable provides better stability and slightly higher flows. This is explained by the fact that this type of connection undergoes less interference which may harm the quality of the connection.

What are the descending and amounts rates provided by broadband ?

High speed concerns ADSL and cable technologies (HFC Hybrid/Fiber Coax). This technology uses Local copper loop of telephone lines. High speed provides a so -called ” asymmetric »». The amounts of the amounts are then lower than the downward flows.

High speed: what theoretical speed is proposed by FAI ?

On the site of the four main operators of the French telecommunications market, here is what everyone offers in terms of connection debit. This volume indicated is the theoretical flow, but note that it is not necessarily the one you will get.

Fai Downspout Upright
Orange 15 Mb/s 1 Mb/s
SFR 20 Mb/s 1 Mb/s
Bouygues Telecom 28 Mb/s 1.3 Mb/s
Free 15 Mb/s 1 Mb/s

Maximum high speed theoretical flows

What are the real speeds for broadband ?

The real flow proposed by your operator is slightly lower than that displayed on its site. Indeed, it may depend on the Distance from your accommodation with the NRA (subscriber connection knot). For an ADSL offer, the closer your home will be the NRA and the higher your flow will be.

Fai Downspout Upright
Orange 7.47 Mb/s 0.57 Mb/s
SFR 7.16 Mb/s 0.53 Mb/s
Bouygues Telecom 8.29 Mb/s 0.52 Mb/s
Free 8.32 Mb/s 0.63 Mb/s

Average real flow for HD in the first half of 2022 according to the latest NPERF barometer of fixed internet connections

What a speed for very high speed in France ?

Very high speed concerns FTTH or FTTLA optical fiber connections, FTTB and VDSL2 fiber but also satellite technology and THD radio. These technologies make it possible to reach Flates much superior to broadband. FTTH fiber is the connection that brings the fastest internet flows to the world.

What are the theoretical flows in very high speed ?

These are the theoretical maximum speeds offered by the fiber optics of the main operators. These traffic data can however vary depending on the ranges and the technology offered.

Fai Download minimum Maximum download
Orange 500 Mb/s 2 Gb/s
SFR 500 Mb/s 8 Gb/s
Bouygues Telecom 400 Mb/s 2 Gb/s
Free 1 Gb/s 8 Gb/s

Fiber optics flows in download

Fai Minimum upload Upload maximum
Orange 500 Mb/s 800 Mb/s
SFR 500 Mb/s 1 Gb/s
Bouygues Telecom 400 Mb/s 900 Mb/s
Free 600 Mb/s 700 Mb/s

Fiber optics flow rates in upload

What are the real flows of operators ?

Again, real flows are lower than those indicated by FAI. This is linked to theconnection environment (bad connection for example) and to the performance of the Wi-Fi network (too many users simultaneously).

Fai Downspout Upright
Orange 273.28 Mb/s 217.95 Mb/s
SFR 231.06 MB/S 147.27 Mb/s
Bouygues Telecom 279.37 Mb/s 192.93 Mb/s
Free 325.20 Mb/s 220.58 Mb/s

Average real flow for the THD in the first half of 2022 according to the latest NPERF barometer of fixed internet connections

If you have an ADSL/VDSL subscription and your Internet debit is very slow, you may be going to a fiber optic offer. Faster and much more stable, this technology guarantees a higher and more efficient quality internet connection. Indeed, descending speeds and rising fiber optic flows are much higher than those offered by broadband. It is then wise to verify your eligibility for optical fiber to benefit from a better internet connection. You can carry out an eligibility test on your ISP website or contact the teams to You just have to bring your postal address and your fixed phone number. Once this information is entered, you will be able to know if you can claim a fiber optic offer.

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Why is it essential to know the speed of its internet connection ?

It is important to know the value of its upright flow and its downward flow, Because it is its flow rates that condition the quality and speed of your internet connection. Data reception speed can in particular influence the choice of your internet box.

There Download quality can bring you:

  • a much faster download of your files;
  • Better quality of internet browsing with pages that are loaded and open faster;
  • much more qualitative streaming videos.

Also note that if you have an internet offer including a TV bouquet, the latter’s viewing will also be impacted by this downward flow. Indeed, if the connection is not efficient, the quality of the images will be affected.

The amount rising, meanwhile, is interesting for users who wish to send large files such as YouTube videos, for example.

How to measure the speed of my internet connection ?

For Know your connection flow, You can make a Debit test or speed test. This test will be used to measure the speed of your Internet connection in downward and flow rate. At the end of this test, you will get the actual and descending speed in MB/S of your connection. You can Perform a debit test on the Internet by typing “flow test” on your search engine and selecting a. For this test to be performed in optimal conditions, it is necessary to:

  • Stop current downloads;
  • Close all the tabs on your browser with the exception of the test page;
  • close all external programs open to the PC;
  • Perform the test using an Ethernet cable (wired connection).

This debit test will be effective for you to Calculate descending flows and rising flows, But also to measure your bandwidth. You can therefore check if your ISP respects the commitments entered in your contract.

It is not always easy to assess The flows of your Internet line, Because the latter vary constantly according to the use you make of the Internet (Internet browsing, online games, file download, etc.)).

Some tips for improving the quality of the Wi-Fi signal

A few tips optimize descending and amounts of your internet box. For example, you can:

  • Place your box in a central room of the accommodation (the living room for example) and in a clear and ideally high place;
  • Discard the box from other wireless equipment that could interfere with the Wi-Fi signal of the modem;
  • Use the CPL (online carrier current) to ensure a wired connection while going through the home electrical network. The connection will thus be broadcast in the most distant parts of the Internet box;
  • Use a Wi-Fi repeater to extend the quality of the Internet signal;
  • Promote Wi-Fi 5 GHz frequencies because the 2.4 GHz band is used by several connected and peripheral devices (Bluetooth, microwave, babyphone, etc.)). This can then cause interference at the signal level;
  • Use an ethernet cable which allows by means of a wire (connected between a connected device and an internet box) to provide an internet speed of better performance and not subject to interference.

To guarantee you to select the Internet subscription that meets your expectations in terms of flows, make sure you have chosen the internet package that best suits you thanks to our internet tender comparator !

Other questions about this subject ?

  • What are the different types of internet connection ?
  • What is the ADSL ?
  • What is VDSL and VDSL 2 ?
  • What is a wireless wifi router ?

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