1 in 2 people regret the purchase of their electric vehicle: what is your opinion? Digital, top 20 things to know before buying an electric car

Top 20 things to know before buying an electric car

It is a mistake to believe it, because it all depends on the embedded chargers (s). NOVE of VE designed for rapid recharging must, apart from this possibility, be satisfied with a slow recharge on the E/F type sockets (possibly reinforced). Others, having an additional 7 kW charger, will be able to operate the accelerated terminals, but not beyond about 6.6 kW.

1 in 2 people regret the purchase of their electric vehicle: what is your opinion ?

According to a recent study, the increase in the price of electricity would have pushed 54 % of the owners of electric cars and rechargeable hybrids to regret their choice. We wanted to ask our readers the question.

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54 %: It is the proportion of owners of electric and rechargeable hybrid cars who would regret their purchase following the increase in the price of electricity, according to a recent Yougov survey. It was led by Danish startup Monta, specializing in the management of charging stations.

This result surprised us somewhat, as well as our readers, according to the comments section of our article. So we wanted to ask you the question to you, readers of Digital having taken the plunge to the electric or rechargeable hybrid car.

Rather as asking the same question as the initial study to a different sample, we have slightly modified it. We wanted to separate this study into two different polls, one intended for 100 % electric car customers (EV), the other for rechargeable hybrid car customers (PHEV).

Give us your opinion !

Of course, we are aware that our readership is not representative of all customers of electric and hybrid car rechargeable cars. However, it remains interesting to give you the floor on your level of satisfaction as to the purchase or rental of your vehicle, whether new or used. Whether your choice is regretted or not, we also wanted to ask you what satisfies you least in your experience with your new vehicle.

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The survey dedicated to electric cars (please respond only if you have bought or rented one):

The survey dedicated to rechargeable hybrid cars (please respond only if you have bought or rented one):

Top 20 things to know before buying an electric car

You are not yet familiar with electric mobility ? This gives rise to many questions in you ? Here are 20 things to know before to sign for a trendy car, so that the experience of the electric vehicle is conclusive !

1. Buying an electric car is determined by your needs

If the Renault Zoé is the best -selling electric car in France, it is not necessarily the most suitable for your use or the most economical for you. From now on, the electric car covers a wide spectrum, from the low-cost Dacia Spring to the luxury sedan Mercedes Eqs !

Above all, in each category, there are now several proposals. Compare the manufacturers’ offers, try as many different models as possible, ask yourself on your actual needs in autonomy and the use you want to make of your electric vehicle (small or long journeys; city, road, and/or highway, etc.)).

2. Some models of electric vehicles experience weaknesses

The perfect car does not exist ! Depending on your needs, the weaknesses known on each models of electric cars can be blocking or unimportant in your use project. You still have to know these negative points. The ideal would be to read it after a vehicle testing. The large stars on the market necessarily went into our hands ! Also cross information gathered on the net, especially via user forums.

In addition to the faults that all cars can have (limited habitability, light finish, etc.), the electric car can add its own weaknesses. For example, the drop in rapid charging power during long trips with the Nissan Leaf 2. On the Bolloré Bluecar and Citroën E-Méhari, it is necessary to maintain at around 60 ° C the temperature of the batteries.

3. The autonomy announced on the purchase of an electric car is not real autonomy

As with the consumption of thermal vehicles, the electrical autonomy announced by the manufacturers arise from a harmonized measurement cycle, which does not completely reflect reality. There is still the best with the entry into force of the WLTP protocol, which has definitely replaced the far too optimistic NEDC.

To obtain the range of action that you can hope in correct conditions of use (mild temperature, outstanding storm and high drop, etc.), take approximately 20% of the figures officially communicated for each model.

4. Eco-driving promotes autonomy

For maximum autonomy, practice and develop your eco-driving skills. Anticipation, regularity of pace, recovery of energy to deceleration and braking when available, choice of the least energy -consuming route, driving out of a truck, overcoming tires from 0.1 to 0, 3 bars, windows little or moderately open to avoid the parachute effect … so many habits that are chargeable for the radius of action, all the more if they are cumulative.

5. Autonomy is seriously decreased in winter

The addition of consumers in service in winter (heating, outdoor lighting, etc.), but also a certain laziness of lithium technology to operate under low temperatures, can reduce by 30, 40, 50% and even more the autonomy of an electric car.

The time spent in traffic jams is an aggravating factor. A heat pump, or even a (additional) thermal device instead of resistance for heating, minimizes the phenomenon. Additional eco-driving efforts can partially erase the problem.

6. Lithium-ion polymer batteries resist the cold better

In the opinion of regular users of electric cars equipped with particularly well-protected lithium-ion packs (Kia Soul EV, Hyundai Ioniq, etc.), this technology is less sensitive to winter colds, which results in a lower loss of autonomy.

7. The autonomy of electric vehicles has improved

Over the years, batteries have grown up and their technology has improved. For example, the Zoé battery increased from 22 to 52 kWh ! Logical consequence, its autonomy has more than doubled. Citadine Renault now announces 395 km with the mixed WLTP cycle. The new SUVs of the Volkswagen group, for example the ID.4, offer up to 530 km. The Tesla Model 3 promises more than 600 km. Suffice to say that journeys that seemed risky in the past can now be considered without worry.

8. No discomfort with the ZFE

The low -emission areas will multiply in France, their deployment being imposed in the agglomerations of more than 150.000 inhabitants by 2025. With them, traffic restrictions. But owners of electric vehicles will never be put aside, being in the best possible classification of the system !

9. The charging network finally develops

As with batteries, the charging network develops. In July 2022, there were 26.500 stations open to the public in France, for a total of 67.000 sockets. On the recharging side with rapid terminals (DC DC), in addition to the Tesla superchargers (some of which are now open to competition), the ionity network has grown well. The Fastned brand is also starting to set up.

However, fast charging points are less than 10 % of the total. A large majority of the plugs are 22 kW terminals by alternating current, cut in particular for the Renault Zoé ! The network develops thanks to the involvement of supermarket chains, in particular Carrefour.

10. To be checked before the purchase of an electric car: the maximum terminal power and the effective charging power

Dealers are not always very clear with customers when it comes to talking about recharge in public space. Sometimes they suggest that an electric car equipped for the 50 kW fast terminal can also use an accelerated terminal at its maximum, that is to say 22 kW of power.

It is a mistake to believe it, because it all depends on the embedded chargers (s). NOVE of VE designed for rapid recharging must, apart from this possibility, be satisfied with a slow recharge on the E/F type sockets (possibly reinforced). Others, having an additional 7 kW charger, will be able to operate the accelerated terminals, but not beyond about 6.6 kW.

11. Operators that promote roaming

It might seem difficult to cross France with a conventional electric car (excluding Tesla) by adjusting the recharge with only a bank card or by employing badge only of one operator. The situation has evolved thanks to the roaming principle by which it is possible to pay on a network using a card from another network or a charging operator, for example the ChargeMap Pass card.

12. Hotels, restaurants, campsites and shopping centers are equipped with terminals

More and more establishments that welcome the public are equipped in terminals, some taking advantage of the recharging at their destination that Tesla develops in particular in well -located hotels, restaurants, casinos and commercial zones. The equipment can also be planned to accommodate electric cars from other brands.

If this is not the case, it is often doubled with other infrastructures for the electricity supply of a larger number of connected models. Before a tourist stay or for vacation, consulting the ChargeMap site can be very interesting to find the establishments that help electric mobility.

13. Energy failure: tens of millions of sockets to help you out

One thing to never forget: in the event of an imminent risk of energy failure with an electric car, a simple power outlet allows you to help out. Admittedly, it may be necessary to wait one or more hours, -not necessarily lost -but it is possible to request a merchant, an administration, a farmer, an amusement park … and even an individual if he The need, in order to find enough energy to get to the next terminal or arrive at destination. Which is not possible with a thermal car !

14. Right to take

In France, the regulations on the right to take progresses. When there is no installation available in a building parking for accommodation, it is necessary to go through the general meeting of co -owners. Service companies offer offers that facilitate the operation and set up a dedicated billing system.

Overall, article 41 of the TECV law n ° 2015-992 of August 17, 2015 fixes 7 million recharge points for electric and rechargeable hybrid vehicles the minimum objective to be achieved by 2030. Minimum quotas in dedicated pre-teams are fixed as a percentage for the parking lots of buildings for main use of residential, tertiary, industrial, welcoming a public service, constituting a commercial set, or welcoming a film shows.

15. Towards increasingly clean electric cars

The impact on the environment of an electric vehicle is conditioned by the supply chain in raw materials, the manufacture of the elements of the vehicle, the electrical source for recharging, the use of the machine, its recycling at of life. The cobalt, which enters the composition of the batteries, is a potentially black point, because of the inhuman work sometimes inflicted on children to extract it.

Under pressure from NGOs, the manufacturers of VE made convincing commitments for a more acceptable supply. BMW has shown how to make an electric car using recycled and recyclable materials, renewable energy sources, and much less water. By practicing eco-driving, we manage to limit the share of abrasion particles (tires, floor covering, brakes) which is not negligible.

Traction batteries can have a second life for storage of electricity. Their final recycling is set up as lithium-ion packs arrive at the end of his life. Signals come from everywhere to testify to what it is possible to do and what is concretely put in place to make the VE more virtuous throughout its life cycle.

16. Green electricity for a more virtuous VE

In France, the share of thermal for electricity production is reduced, for the benefit of renewable energies. Nuclear is however very present, which can be a psychological obstacle. But it is already possible to grow the portion of the ENR in the energy mix by driving with an electric car.

Thus by choosing one of the many green offers offered by electricity suppliers, from the most militant (ENERCOOP), to those of historic companies (EDF, Total, etc .)). If the electricity at the catch comes from the common mix, that purchased and actually injected on the network is very virtuous. Another possibility: to produce your energy yourself, from solar panels for example.

17. Robustness of the traction battery

When launching on the market in the early 2010s of the current generation electric cars in the early 2010s, the question of the lifespan of batteries arose. How long could they last: 5, 8, 10 and over ? For how many kilometers: 50.000, 100.000, 150.000 km and beyond ? Now we know more.

Some battery technologies are better than others and make it possible to exploit a lithium-ion pack. The passing time and the use (including the heating of cells) are the two factors that proceed to the aging of the battery. Overall, we can count on 8-10 years on average and more than 100.000 km with a new pack. The more you ride, the more the counter will be able to turn with the same batteries. On the other hand, at 5.000 km per year, do not intend to reach 100.000 km with the same pack.

18. Rental to get rid of the aging of the battery

The communication of manufacturers is to date rather bad on the conditions and the replacement price of traction batteries which have become too low for correct comfort of use in an electric car. It is possible to bypass the problem by praising (LLD) the whole electric car, or only the battery.

Not all manufacturers offer this last choice, but it is possible at Renault (which has long imposed it), Nissan and Smart, for example. Below a certain threshold, the battery is automatically changed, which always has a minimum autonomy throughout the use of the vehicle.

19. There are also good deals

The electric car is fashionable, but that does not prevent manufacturers from making promotions. As with other cars, they will be greater when the vehicle is age. For example, Nissan is always generous on his leaf ! Some agents also present on the web display attractive prices.

20. There are always aid for purchase

If the sum does not exceed 27% of the cost of acquisition including tax of the vehicle, -increased if the cost of rental of the battery -, thePurchase of a new electric electric car is accompanied in France with an environmental bonus of 6.Euros.

Please note: this aid is often already deducted from the prices displayed by manufacturers and dealerships. To this can be added a conversion bonus in the amount of 2.500 euros if the operation is accompanied by the destruction of a private car or a light diesel utility registered before January 1, 2011, or a petrol model put into circulation for the first time before January 1, 2006.

There are also local purchasing aids, which combine those of the State.

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