What is the difference between payments between relatives and payments of goods and services?, Paypal transfer: send money simply and free

Paypal transfer: send money simply and free

Your relatives have a PayPal account but do not use the mobile app ? Nothing obliges them to send you money. Just use the Paypal system.implemented by the payment service. It allows you to directly attach your account. A method which avoids transmitting to your loved ones the email address used for this account or allows them to avoid typing faults in entering your address for example.

Paypal Defer between close

When you send money, we ask you to choose a type of payment. Your shipment of money can belong to one of the following categories:

  • Personal payment sent to relatives (“sending money to a loved one”)
  • Purchase of goods and services (“Payment of an object or service”)

Personal payments

Select the Shipping Money option to a loved one for the daily money transfer between you and your loved ones. You can use personal payments when you send money as a gift, share the addition of a meal, participate in daily expenses or any other transfer of this kind.

We do not cover personal payments in the context of PayPal purchases protection.


Costs may apply depending on the payment method chosen or if it is an international payment. Consult our prices page to find out more.

Purchases of goods and services

Select the option Payment of an object or service when you buy a property or a service.You can use this type of payment when you set an object that you have won as part of an auction, when you buy online items, when you download music or during any other transaction of this kind.

Paypal purchasing protection covers payments relating to eligible goods and services.


When you make this type of payment, the seller pays low value costs to receive money. Consult our prices page to find out more.

Paypal transfer: send money simply and free

You want to reimburse a friend, offer money to a loved one or pay someone ? No need to go through a complicated bank transfer: Paypal offers a simple, practical and free function to transfer money.

“I reimburse you tomorrow !”” This sentence, we have all heard or pronounced it without the promise being always held. When you have no cash on yourself or checkbook, it is difficult to give a small amount to a friend or a loved one to compensate him for a shared addition to the restaurant or an express loan. As for making a bank transfer, the operation can be complex and take some time before money is actually paid to the desired account.

On the other hand, if you have a PayPal account, everything can get better. The famous payment service, which notably allows you to make online purchases without providing its bank card number, has a function to easily send money to anyone also having a PayPal account. The transfer is immediate and, above all, at no cost for sums of up to 10,000 euros. Practical !

Paypal allows the same way to send money to offer a gift to wish a birthday, obtaining a diploma or any other event that is close to your heart. Also ideal for giving money to a loved one located abroad. Or to pay a transaction – a second -hand purchase between individuals, for example – without having to handle species. Finally, if you are the one to whom you owe money, you can ask your debtors to ship it to your PayPal account thanks to the PayPal service.very simple to use. In this case, they do not need to have the Paypal app to transfer money to you (a PayPal account remains mandatory) and can go through a simple web browser.

Note that all these operations can be carried out from the Paypal app for Android or iOS smartphones or through any web browser on a computer, visa the Paypal site, completely secure. Before you get started, you will of course have to create a PayPal account. A free operation that only requires a few minutes. Follow for this the advice of our practical sheet.

How to send money with a PayPal account ?

You want to reimburse a loved one or just give him a little gift ? If it also has a PayPal account, handling will only ask you for a minute, whether you use the Paypal app on your mobile or you go through a web browser on your computer.

With a smartphone

► Download the Paypal app to your mobile then set up your account if you have not already done.

► The home page displays the balance of your account. Press the link Send section Send money.

► In the new page that arises, enter the name or email address used by your contact for its PayPal account then press Send to.

► Now indicate the amount you want to send.

► You can also write a small message to indicate what it is or even add a sticker (sticker) to customize your message if it is a gift for example. Press on Following.

► Paypal invites you to choose between sending money to a loved one and the payment of a property or a service. Press on Close then on Following.

► Define the payment method. If you have recorded multiple bank cards on your PayPal account, choose the one that suits you and press Following.

► It only remains to validate the transaction after having verified that all the information provided is correct. Press on Send.

► It’s done. You are shipped. After a few minutes, your contact is informed of your donation. He finds the trace in the activity section of his PayPal application.

With a web browser

► You do not want to use the Paypal app on mobile ? No worries. You can send money from your Paypal account from any web browser on a Mac or PC. Connect to the Paypal site and identify yourself to access your account. Your paypal balance appears. Click on the button Send, placed at the top right.

► Enter the name or email address used by your contact for its PayPal account then click on Following.

► Indicate the amount you want to send.

► You can also write a small message to signify what it is and even personalize it if it is a gift. Click on the icon in the form of gift And choose a card theme. Indicate your message and click on Save.

► then click on Continue on the page that appears. Opt for Sending money to a loved one. Then choose if you want to use your paypal balance for the payment or one of the bank cards associated with your account. Click on Following.

► Finally, check the accuracy of the information entered and click on Send payment.

► Paypal confirms the smooth running of the operation.

► After a few minutes, your contact receives a notification of the payment that you have just made.

How to receive money on your PayPal account ?

Your relatives have a PayPal account but do not use the mobile app ? Nothing obliges them to send you money. Just use the Paypal system.implemented by the payment service. It allows you to directly attach your account. A method which avoids transmitting to your loved ones the email address used for this account or allows them to avoid typing faults in entering your address for example.

Activate the PayPal service.me

► Paypal.is completely free. To activate it, open a web browser on your computer, log into the Paypal site and identify yourself to access your account. Then click on the toothed wheel, At the top right of the interface. On the page that appears, click on the link Paypal.me placed in the section Preferences, on the left of the page.

► In the new page that arises, click on the button Create a PayPal profile.me. You are then invited to add a profile photo (so that your contacts can identify you). If you want to do it, click on Add a picture Then choose a saved photo on your computer. Otherwise, click on Not now.

► then complete the Paypal link.which will be used for your contacts to send you money. Indicate for example your name or an abridged version of it. Click on Following.

► Accept the general conditions of use of the service and click on Validate and create. The Paypal service.I am now activated.

Receive money with Paypal.me

► You now have a PayPal link.me. To use it, nothing could be simpler. Send the link created in the form paypal.me/nom_utilizer To your loved ones by email or instant messaging.

► Your contacts must then click on this link. The default web browser then displays a page corresponding to your account. Then click on the button Send.

► It is then necessary to enter the identifiers of the Paypal debtor account (the one from which your contacts wish to send money).

► Once the identity has been confirmed, it only remains to define the sum to be paid. The process is identical to the method described above.

Paypal Stories Archive

Paris, September 27, 2016– It is now possible to send, receive and request money in a few seconds with the new Paypal application available on the App Store and Google Play, or from the PayPal website.

The sending of money in euros is now free from a French paypal account to another Paypal account located in France or in the European Economic Area, regardless of the source of supply of the Paypal account: payment card, Bank account or paypal balance.

No need for RIB: a simple mobile number or an email address is now enough to send money. As soon as the money is sent, the recipient receives a notification on his Paypal application, by SMS or by e-mail indicating that his money is available on his PayPal account.

“By launching this free service, our ambition is to be at the heart of the daily life of our 7.1 million French active customers. At Paypal we think that paying and being paid must be safe, fast and accessible to all. In a few clicks, and soon with the voice thanks to Siri, sending, receiving and asking money has never been easier !»» Declares Damien Perillat, Managing Director Paypal France.

How it works ?

1. Download the new PayPal application on your smartphone (or update with the latest V6 version.6) or go directly to the Paypal website

2. Go on the section ” Send money “, choose ” Send money to your loved ones »»
3. Enter the recipient’s email address or mobile number
4. Register the desired amount to send the money in a few moments
More information also on the Paypal website.

If the recipient does not have a PAYPAL account he receives a notification to send money and then has a period of one month to create one quickly and easily recover and recover the funds. Otherwise, the money goes to the sender.

Paypal: a unique user experience

With this new initiative, Paypal confirms its ambition to facilitate daily life by providing a friction payment system.

Paypal has previously launched other initiatives such as:

  • One Touch ™, making it possible to make payments safely among traders without having to re -enter your identifiers or payment data.
  • Paypal.Me ™, Launched in 2015, which allows the user to recover their money thanks to a PayPal link.Customizable. No species, no checks, no worries: just click and enter an amount.
  • THE cashless, The experience of the ideal electronic wallet for music festivals or holiday centers: a simple bracelet equipped with a contactless chip allows you to make all purchases on site without money or bank card.

So many services that show a real Paypal ambition to facilitate payments for its users.

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