The Tor project | Download Tor, first start of the TOR browser | The Tor project | Tor browser user guide

First start of the Tor browser

In most cases, choosing “connecting” will allow you to connect to the TOR network without additional configuration.

Tor Navigator

The TOR special package contains Tor and Pluggable Transport Binaries, Pont Channels, and Geoip data used in the Tor browser. The two versions indicated indicate the version of the TOR browser for which these particular binary was built and the version of the Tor Content. These packages are intended for developers who need to group Tor with their applications.

Download the Tor browser

Download the Tor browser to discover a navigation that really protects your privacy and your personal data, without tracking, nor surveillance, or censorship.

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First start of the Tor browser

When you open the TOR browser, you will see the “Connect” window “. This offers you the option either to connect directly to the TOR network, or to configure the TOR browser for your connection. There is a box that requires if you want to automatically connect to the Tor network, if this is the case, check the box.


Click 'Connect' to connect wrongly

In most cases, choosing “connecting” will allow you to connect to the TOR network without additional configuration.

Once clicked, a status bar will appear, showing the progress of the connection wrongly. If your connection is rather fast, but this status bar seems to be blocked at a certain level, try the ‘Connection assistant’ or consult the troubleshooting page to find help in order to solve the problem. Or, if you know that your connection is censored or uses a proxy, you must click on “Configure the connection”.

Click on 'Tor' network settings to adjust network settings

Connection assistance

If Tor is blocked where you are, a bridge could help. Connection assistance can choose one for you according to your geographical position.

Automatic connection assistance

If connection assistance is unable to determine your location or want to configure your connection manually, you can choose your region from the drop -down menu and click on “Try a bridge”.

Connection configuration


The Tor browser will review a series of configuration options.

The connection wizard informs you of the state of your internet connection and your connection to the TOR network.

Successful connection test

Uncommon connection test

The first check box is “quick start”. If it is selected, whenever you open Tor Browser, it will try to connect with your previous network settings.

Quick Start

If you know that your connection is censored, or if you have tried and failed to connect to the TOR network and that no other solution has worked, you can configure the TOR browser to use removable transport. ‘Ponts’ will display the bypass section to configure removable transport or to connect using bridges.

Configure the Tor bridge

Other options

If your connection uses an agent, you can configure it by clicking on “Settings” next to “Configure how the TOR browser connects to the Internet”. In most cases, this is not necessary. You will generally know if you should check this box, because the same settings will be used for other browsers in your system. If possible, ask your network administrator. If your connection does not use an agent, click on “Connect”.

Proxy settings for the Tor browser

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