SFR fixed phone prices, fixed telephony: which fixed phone subscription alone or with box to choose?

Fixed telephony: the fixed phone subscription alone or with the Internet

Example below, a 10-digit number starting with 082.

All about telephone rates from a SFR fixed line

The entire SFR telephone rates can be consulted on the SFR tariff brochure, from page 38 (page 20 of the downloadable PDF document below).

  • All prices are valid from a fixed position located in mainland France.
  • All calls are deducted to the second from the first second.

To know
To know
  • Call restrictions to mobile numbers and/or to international destinations are not possible with your phone connected to a box.
  • To call unlimited to mobile phones, go to your SFR customer area, sections MyOffer and my Equipment> Add Options> Calls To subscribe to an option. And to call to other unlimited destinations, you can also change your offer !

I consult the pricing of value -added services (SVA)

Since 01/10/2015, pricing has changed for value -added services (SVA) also called special numbers.

These are numbers allowing access, for example, of games, weather forecasts, to vote on a TV show, distance sales services or even to public services.

Applied pricing is simpler with a distinction in the price of the call and the price of the service, and more transparency:

  • The communication price is determined by your telephone operator.
  • The price of the service is determined by the service publisher.
  • The rules for invoicing a call to an SVA number will be identical from a landline or mobile phone.

If you have a mobile or unlimited package subscription, Only the price of the service will be billed to you.

If you have a mobile or limited package subscription, The price of the service will be billed to you and the price of the call will be deducted from your package.

This new pricing is accompanied by a simple and clear signage, which allows us to know how much will cost a call to an SVA number.

100% free numbers

All 4 -digit numbers starting with 30 or 31 and 10 -digit numbers starting with 0800, 0801, 0802, 0803, 0804 and 0805 are free.

Example below, a 10-digit number starting with 0801.


The numbers whose service is free and the communication is at the cost of a local call

All 10 -digit numbers starting with 0806, 0807, 0808 and 0809 are billed at the price of a local call.

Example below, a 10-digit number starting with 0801.


The numbers whose service is paid and communication is at the cost of a local call

All 10 -digit numbers starting with 081, 082 and 089 and 4 -digit numbers starting with 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38 and 39.

Example below, a 10-digit number starting with 082.

Fixed telephony: the fixed phone subscription alone or with the Internet

home phone

This file draws up a complete inventory of fixed telephony in France. Of the programmed abandonment of the network switched to the advent of VoIP telephony, selectra reviews recent developments in the sector and its news, and presents the main Fixed phone subscriptions Available on the market.

  • The essential
  • THE RTC historical telephone network is being gradually replaced by the VoIP system.
  • Operators adapt and offer Different box offers including, at least, a Fixed telephony service and one Internet service.
  • You have the choice between offers allowing you to Join fixed or mobiles, in France but also internationally.
  • If you want to find out about Best fixed telephony offers offered on the market, contact us for free.

What are the fixed telephony subscriptions offered by operators ?

The end of Subscriptions Fixed telephone RTC

The obligation imposed on Orange to share its network on competition has enabled new operators to emerge and in turn offer fixed telephony subscriptions.

Nevertheless, since November 2018, it is no longer possible to take out a subscription in RTC. In addition, Orange will finalize RTC services from the end of 2023.

Double play box: fixed phone subscription + internet

All Internet operators currently offer fixed telephone services by the Voip In their box offers. Details of the operators’ double play offers is available in the table below (in fiber version).

People with a reduced budget and wishing to benefit from a Unlimited fixed telephony (towards fixed in France) and a Internet access with very high speed can turn to the Red Fiber offer which guarantees all of these services from € 18.99/month, either the lowest price on this market segment.

Triple play box subscriptions

Operators also offer more complete offers including television service in addition to the Internet and fixed telephony.

As we can see for double and triple play offers, there are three main categories of offers:

  • Subscriptions including unlimited calls to landlines in France and abroad, often to a hundred destinations.
  • Subscriptions adding unlimited calls to mobiles in France.
  • The subscriptions offering all of these services, but also unlimited calls to the mobiles of certain countries abroad (e.g. European countries).

If you wish to find out about the various existing fixed telephony services, you can find more information in our items dedicated to the fixed telephony of Orange, SFR, Free and Bouygues.

How to install a telephone line ?

The telephone line already exists

The opening procedures and costs of a telephone line, with or without the Internet, essentially depend on the inactivity time of the old line.

If the line has been inactive for less than 6 months, Just recover the fixed phone number of your new habitat and take out an internet package including a fixed telephone service at the operator of his choice. The line is thus reactivated. The phone number of the previous occupant can be recovered from the white pages directory. If this is not the case, the new occupant will have to connect a phone on the wall outlet. If he obtains a tone, he will only have to compose a geographic number (beginner by 01, 02, 03, 04, 05). He will thus come into contact with the Express connection service, a vocal server which will communicate the line number.

If the line has been inactive for more than 6 months, This cannot be reactivated. The new occupant must therefore open a new line. He will receive a new phone number. Two possibilities then exist: request an opening line from Orange or start an unbundling process on an inactive number from a third -party operator.

Note that in the event of eligibility for optical fiber or ADSL, the user will be able to take advantage of telephony Voip with a high speed or high speed box offer. Thanks to portability, he will also be able to request the conservation of his non -geographic number (the number starting with 09 associated with his box).

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Eligibility test – ADSL and fiber

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The telephone line is not yet built

In the event of the construction of an internet line (ADSL or fiber), the technician’s intervention lasts about half a day. You must contact the operator beforehand to agree on an appointment date. The opening of a telephone line has a cost that corresponds to the technician’s trip ::

  • From € 69 at Orange.
  • € 49 at SFR.
  • € 39.99 at Free and Bouygues Telecom.

Line creation takes more time than a simple reactivation or an ADSL connection. According to arcep statistics, these deadlines vary between 9 and 14 days depending on the operators. If it is a move to new habitat, connection to the telephone network is included in standard services, as can be the electrical or water connection.

What are the alternative solutions to call ?

  1. VoIP telephony makes it possible to make calls thanks to the telephone handset but also thanks to many VoIP software Like Skype, Live Messenger, ICQ, etc. To use them just have a terminal connected to its Internet box and a microphone.
  2. Another alternative solution to call, thePrivate telephone coat, also called pabx. The PABX are mainly used to connect the internal positions of a company between them, but they also allow you to connect to the RTC network. A PABX can thus connect the internal telephone lines of an establishment with external telephone lines of the public network.
  3. Finally, with the drop in mobile prices, the multiplication of applications allowing to communicate and the democratization of “unlimited calls” included in the plans, one can legitimately wonder if having a fixed phone is still essential. Thus, individuals believing that they can do without a fixed line will undoubtedly find their happiness by subscribing to one of the many mobile packages without commitment. They mostly integrate communication services equivalent to fixed telephony services, while presenting lower rates.

Where to buy a cheap fixed phone ?


You need a phone ? Despite the advent of the smartphone, many brands still offer fixed phones. They are of course found at Orange, who as heir to France Telecom is above all fixed telephone operator. You will also find them in household appliances, from the most confidential to the most famous: baker, Fnac-Darty, etc.

However, to avoid spending too much, many people prefer to turn to the Internet to find a cheap fixed phone, and who will do the business. On the web, we are spoiled for choice between the pure e-marchands and the specialized e-shops. Rue du Commerce, Price Minister, Cdiscount and other Amazon are all platforms that will allow you to find a cheap, new or used landline phone, wireless Or wireless.

Some examples of cheap fixed phones

  • Alcatel D285 wireless telephone
  • Gigaset CL390A wireless phone
  • Logicom vega 150 wireless telephone

Fixed telephony history

Fixed telephony, what is it ?

There home phone includes all telephone systems whose subscriber’s terminal line relates to a fixed location. The fixed line can be implemented from a wired technology (namely copper, optical fiber or a coaxial cable) or through a wireless technology : We then talk about a local radio loop.

In classical telephony, the subscriber’s terminal line is the part of the telecommunications network between the customer’s telephone socket and the telephone central or the distributor or the distributor.

Appearance and evolution of fixed telephony

Chappe telegraph

A Chappe Telegraph

The history of telephony draws its origins at the end of the 18th century with the appearance of Chappe telegraph. Operating using tours and optical signals, it is the first communication system capable of transmitting messages over tens of kilometers. A century later, it gives way to electric telegraph then at Morse telegraph.

To find trace of first phone, We had to go back in 1876, when Alexander Bell concretizes the famous invention, the fruit of the work of different inventors. From 1880, the phone was integrated into the post, forming the Ptt (Telegraph and phones). Subscribers lines are connected by A pair of copper threads at the closest PTT office. A few years later, the radiotelephony appears, thanks to which communications pass through hertzian waves.

This is called 1G, which will then evolve in 2G, 3G and 4G, used in mobile telephony. Consequently, these wired and non -wired technologies will coexist while in recent years have appeared new communication techniques such as VoIP (voice on IP, of English Voice Over IP)).

What are the main technologies used for fixed telephony ?

The two main modes of diffusion of fixed telephony are the RTC and the VoIP. We present them both below.

RTC, what is it ?

The historic fixed telephone network in France is the RTC (Switched telephone network). This network was developed in the 1980s at the initiative of France Telecom (today Orange). In RTC, the subscriber line is connected thanks to a pair of threads to a telephone switch public network.

These telephone switches make it possible to relate two correspondents. The diffusion of the voice is done by bidirectional transmission from the vocal signal in basic band, that is to say without modulation, and at low frequencies, namely from 300 Hz to 3400 Hz.

Fixed telephony in RTC is based on the analog mode, This means that the signal is recorded continuously (as opposed to the transmission in digital mode, which only records certain signal values).

Digital supplanted analog in the early 2000s and new IP telephony solutions have now taken precedence over the RTC. The network, aging and less and less used, also suffers from a lack of competent staff to maintain it. This is why, at the beginning of 2016, Orange announced its gradual abandonment. The end of the RTC follows a calendar in several stages:

  • 2018: Stopping the production of new analog RTC lines.
  • 2019: production stop of new digital lines to (digital telephone access two channels).
  • 2021: gradual stop of the service.
  • 2024: full stop of the RTC and TO network.

This abandonment is under the supervision of theArcep (Regulatory authority for electronic communications and posts), which ensures that users of the RTC lines concerned can be adequately supported and benefit from replacement solutions.

How to define VoIP technology ?

In parallel with the RTC developed the Voip which is based on Transport of voice by internet. It is this technology that is used, in particular, with the Internet boxes including a fixed telephony service. VOIP thus makes it possible to transport data via the TCP/IP network instead of the classic telephone network.

The process is as follows: the voice captured with the combined microphone sends an analog signal. In order to be switched to the TCP/IP digital network, this analog signal is scanned. He is then compressed thanks to a codec In order to be inserted into an IP package.

Digital data, grouped in packages, is nothing other than a succession of 0 and 1 taking the form ofElectric pulses. The data packets then pass through the IP network to the recipient of the call, to be decompressed and converted into a sound signal.

VoIP has the advantage:

  1. Not to require any particular work since it is enough to have a broadband internet connection to benefit from it.
  2. To make it possible to make calls without worrying about communication time, since most access providers offer double play internet offers (Internet + fixed telephony) or triple play (Internet + Fixed Telephone + TV) including calls unlimited to France, many countries abroad and sometimes even to mobiles.
  3. To allow Keep your fixed phone number thanks to portability. Indeed, phones are no longer physically connected to switches, which makes portability procedures possible.
  4. To guarantee sound quality greater than RTC. It employs a larger frequency band (50-7000 Hz), called Vlb (Voice on wide strip).

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