Roomless Michelin tire: Discover the airless tire of tomorrow, Michelin reinvents the tire…! | Automotive

Michelin reinvents the tire…

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Roomless Michelin tire: Discover the airless tire of tomorrow

It is enough for any (the) motorist to know, if only once, the mishap of a flat tire – Often, moreover, at the worst possible moment – to wish that a manufacturer can offer a tire that would be insensitive to this problem. We already know the Runflat Michelin tires, but the manufacturer has just presented a New generation tire promising to revolutionize the market in the near future.

  • 1 Uptis: Tire without air and inadetest from Michelin
    • 1.1 Michelin Lance Uptis
    • 1.2 Can we already buy it ?
    • 1.3 release date: Uptis arrives on the market
    • 2.1 remarkable longevity
    • 2.2 eco tire
    • 2.3 high prices
    • 3.1 where to find a Michelin runflat tire ?
    • 3.2 In conclusion

    Michelin Invention Tire Incredible Uptis

    Uptis: Tire without air and indestructible from Michelin

    The concept of a car tire, capable of allowing the car which is equipped with it Roll safe after a puncture, has been planned for many years, notably with technology Runflat (flat rolling). Here, we are not talking about a tire that allows you to continue rolling when it is pierced, but a pneumatic impossible to die ! How is it possible ?

    Michelin Lance Uptis

    On June 4, 2019, in Montreal, the Non -consumable Michelin tire of the future was unveiled, following a development in partnership with the manufacturer General Motors. He was baptized Uptis, acronym of the unique puncture-proof Tire System.

    Can we already buy it ?

    The product in question seems so innovative that we do not expect to find it on the road to soon, and yet, if you are a driver (or a driver) potentially interested, rejoice: marketing of Michelin Interesting Tire is soon. On several Chevrolet brand models, prototypes are already in testing, with the aim of aligning several million kilometers to refine the development of this high-end tire.

    Release date: Uptis arrives on the market

    Thus, the French brand Michelin was able to specify that the presence of theUptis on serial vehicles is scheduled for 2024.

    On this date, it will probably be the very first tire without compressed air available on the market, in fact reducing the risk of puncture to zero, and exponentially increasing the steering wheel safety. In addition to individuals, fleet managers will also find their account, with a reduction in the time of immobilization of vehicles.

    The characteristic of the tire of the future

    Remarkable longevity

    In addition, the Uptis uses composite materials to maximize the performance of its rubber gum, with the aim of making it a UHP tire (Ultra high performance), with a longevity worthy of a high quality product of Michelin.


    What is more, the Uptis aims to be an ecological tire, knowing that at present, almost 20% of tires are thrown each year following a puncture or irregular wear, which represents around 200 million tires. Limiting this “mess” will therefore benefit the fight against global warming, allowing a reduction in CO2 emissions.

    High price

    In the end, the only unknowns – and potential drawbacks – are linked to the price, on the one hand, which has not yet been communicated; So don’t rush to your favorite search engine to type “Roomless Michelin tire”, there hasn’t been the slightest leak on this subject for the moment.

    On the other hand, no one knows how the replacement of the rolling band will take place in concrete terms, once it arrives at the end of its lifespan, because even specialists in the sector have never yet had the opportunity to change a.

    What Michelin tire to buy while waiting Uptis ?

    As mentioned above, the new indestructible tire of the French manufacturer at the famous Bibendum promises to be revolutionary, but it will not be available before 2024. However, by this date, there is a credible – although imperfect – alternative through Michelin Runflat tires. But what is it concretely ?

    Unlike Uptis, a runflat tire still uses compressed air, but the tightness of the lateral area has been considerably strengthened, so as to bear the weight of the vehicle with zero pressure. In other words, this type of tire is not anti-clipping, but it already allows flat rolling, which brings an appreciable gain in serenity in the face of a “classic” product.

    Where to find a Michelin runflat tire ?

    To date, Michelin has a wide range in Runflat, using a technology called ZP – for Zero Pressure – and that one can in particular choose on the Pilot Sport, Primachy HP, or even for winter tires Alpine pilot. As can be suspected, having a Michelin ZP tire leads to a slight additional cost, which depends on the range and the desired dimensions. However, for peace of mind that a runflat provides, this slight effect is really worth the candle, and it can be offset by finding the best tire at the best price.

    Purchase Michelin Runflat tire

    In fact, through our online comparator, on, just a few clicks to access a list of Michelin ZP tires that meet your needs, and immediately view the cheapest offers.

    In conclusion

    The Michelin Uptis tire could well be the pioneer of a new generation of tire, which would redefine our relationships with these gums, a bit like autonomous and connected cars are already changing our way of approaching the automobile. And, by then, the brand’s Runflat at Bibendum already provide an alternative for more serenity and security – while, on, you can quickly find the best offer in terms of quality / price.

    Michelin reinvents the tire… !

    Michelin tests its tires without air on post office utilities, prelude to marketing that may be long -long waited for a long time.

    Michelin and La Poste have devoile, exclusively in Europe, the first vehicles of factor factor factor

    AFP source

    Reading time: 3 min

    Audio reading reserved for subscribers

    It is by the factor that the revolution arrives: for the first time in Europe, up to forty yellow van will test these airless tires over two years, that their very design makes it inconsistent. A similar test was launched with DHL in January in Singapore. The first three Citroën equipped with Uptis tires were enthroned Tuesday in front of the Roost-Warendin Tri Center, near Douai (North of France).

    Manufacturing secrets

    The aluminum wheel and the strip of rubber ride remain rather classic, but between them slide 64 black and curved “fins”. These fins, make a mixture of fiberglass and resin filaments, must do as well as air pressure in terms of comfort, heat resistance and shocks. The idea is also that by avoiding under-inflation these tires last longer. The method of assembling these fins such as the characteristics of the belt which sticks them to the bearing strip remain well kept secrets. Michelin wants to make motorists dream who had the misfortune to die, or roll with poorly inflated tires, but also offer a solution of indestructible tires, on subscription, to the delivery fleets.

    Made in USA

    “It’s good for safety, the environment and our performance,” said Philippe Dorge, Deputy Managing Director of La Poste. “It doesn’t change anything, the sensations are even a little better,” says Thomas Thant, who delivers parcels near Lille. “We no longer care about punctures or pressure”, and these tires are no noisier than others, he says. The prototypes mounted by post have been made to a few thousand copies by Michelin in his Greenville factory. This American factory already manufactures tweel, an airless tire launched in 2004 for off -road and low -speed uses, for large lawn mowers or leisure vehicles.

    Michelin Uptis © Jerome Cambier/Michelin

    Bibendum is not the only one who wants to reinvent the wheel. In May 2022, Goodyear presented its version of the air without air, having the press tesla tested with its Nextrek. The American manufacturer also wants to test it on delivery vehicles, especially independent, and aims for production in series by 2030. The American start-up Smart takes its side on a memory metal developed by NASA for its March exploration vehicle. Smart Tire works with the Korean manufacturer Hyundai, but first plans to launch an indestructible tire for bikes, sold about 150 dollars from the end of 2023.

    Marketing planned in 2030

    Michelin also targets 2030 for the start of marketing, and would also like this tire to be more ecological, and connected. “There is a lot of progress to make,” explains Bruno de Feraudy, who runs the line of new car tires from the French manufacturer. “We learn much more by rolling them with the fleets. We will continue to work on rolling resistance, on recutation ”, that is to say the replacement of the gum band in contact with the road, explains M. Will.

    Uptis’ performance is already the same as those of a Michelin tire “all seasons”, in braking as well as rolling resistance, assures the manufacturer. The test with La Poste, then with other customers, will allow them to experience them over millions of kilometers. But it will then be necessary to approve these tires, produce them in the hundreds of existing sizes and above all equip the garages to maintain them.

    Police and army could be among the first customers of these indestructible tires: French police have already tested them at high speed, blows Michelin, just as soldiers had already tested Tweel.

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    Caradisiac tested the Michelin stunning tire

    The new tire without an indestructible air Uptis Michelin rolls on the road open for the first time in Europe. Caradisiac tried it during a mini-tour aboard a Citroën Jumpy of La Poste des Hauts-de-France.

    Built in resin glass composite, Michelin's Uptis air tire marks the start of

    Sixty-four cvr fins (composite glass-resin) fixed on one side on the rim and on the other on the holding belt surmounted by a classic strip of rolling. This is the physiognomy of the new “ready-to-roll solution (tire-jante)” by Michelin.

    Incredible, this new generation tire does not require any balancing, no inflation, and has an endurance greater than a conventional tire. A grail “qUI requires little maintenance for use “Explains Bruno de Feraudy, director of activities First Monte Michelin.

    Bruno de Feraudy, director of activities First Monte at Michelin explains the design of the model without Uptis air

    As for the technology used in its design ? “” It is a combination of fiberglass filaments with a few microns of thickness associated with a heat -resistant thermodrosal resin “Continue Burno de Feraudy. Impossible to know more ! The Uptis (unique puncture-proof Tire System) or anti-climbing tire system is the subject of around fifty patents jealously kept. “” It is a break -in innovation that has nothing to do with the Tweel Airless model used to equip construction equipment and agricultural vehicles at low speed »Explains Cyril Roget, Director of Michelin Innovation Communication. Tested since 2020 in Las Vegas, marketed in early 2023 with DHL Singapore on 50 Toyota utilities, the Uptis will equip by 2024 up to forty Citroën Jumpy from La Poste des Hauts-de-France. The opportunity for Caradisiac to go on tour with a postal operator and to test in situ these new tires.

    Caradisiac tested the Michelin stunning tire

    The journalist of Caradisiac and the postier Albert, on board

    Designed to drive up to 210 km /h

    First there is the intrigue ! When stopped, the lower part of the tire accuses like a little soft stroke. The part in contact with the road forms like a flat on the bitumen. From the first laps, the feeling of comfort surprises. At low speed, the Jumpy plays on velvet. Albert, our pimpting postman ” The lightness of the management »». A little boost in the roundabout, at the exit of the sorting center of Douai experiences the handling and the UPTIS catch.


    Michelin's airless tire deforms without risk of

    Player, Albert agrees to redo a ride slightly faster. The tire remains linear. No bad surprises so. According to our driver of the day it is mainly on slippery soil that the tire turns out to be amazing. To have !
    In the meantime we attack the paved sector, around 40 km/h, the tremors are soft. Albert lets go of the hand to show us the stability of the latter. It is true that he does not tremble. But the most surprising comes from the crossing of the circulation rail of the input grid, swallowed with a minimum of jolly.

    The roughness of the cobblestones are swallowed gently

    So really superior than the others the Uptis ? To be of course our printing, we therefore asked La Poste to redo a turn on board this time with a Jumpy wearing “classic” Michelin Cross Climate Tires. The difference is sensitive. First of all at the level of management. According to Albert ” She seems to be without assistance “, But it is especially in terms of comfort and roughness on the road that an important gap appears with a more marked” rebound effect “feeling on the air tire. Uptis swallows the shock more. And under extreme conditions ? According to Cyril Roget, Director of Michelin Innovation Communication ” The police have done conclusive tests on our tracks at more than 200 km/h. And according to our pilots in turns, the Uptis would be less likely to lie down under the rim. “In front of obvious qualities, when this tire is offered to the general public ?

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