Revolut Standard: Notice on the free account of the neo-banque, N26 Standard vs Revolut Standard: comparison of free cards

N26 Standard VS Revolut Standard: comparison of free cards

Unlike their metal offer, N26 and Revolut did not name their free offer in the same way. At Revolut, we are talking about “standard” offer, when N26 simply prefers to name its “N26” offer, to leave the offers “N26 You” and “N26 Metal” be more visible. N26 and Revolut only need a phone number and an ID to open an account to their customers. The two neo-banks are indeed the champions for the ease of opening of account and the speed of their subscription. In less than 10 minutes, you will have your account activated, and the bank card will only take a few days to arrive at your home.

Revolut Standard: Notice on the free account of the neo-ban

To make their place and compete with traditional establishments, neo-banks now offer to open a bank account free of charge. At Revolut, this offer is called “standard”, and apart from its bank card which will cost you five euros, the opening of your account and its use will not cost you anything. If you want to discover the advantages of a neo-pop or you do not need the services offered on premium accounts, Revolut Standard may be for you.

Below, you can discover our standard revolut opinion, as well as all the features of the free revolut account, its bank card, its application and its conditions.

Introduction to the free Revolut Standard account

Before going into details, let’s start our Revolut Standard opinion by recalling what a neo-Banque is, and quoting some of the points that make the attraction of Revolut today. On the banking market, the development of fintech (new technologies in finance) has created a boom, which has clearly changed the codes. Today, the rigidity of the past has given way to great flexibility and theopen banking, As some people like to call it. Customers can opt for a bank when creating a fast account and directly from their smartphone, and enjoying international advantages thanks to a bank card knowing no borders. This is how we could today define the neo-banks.

Revolut Free Card

Revolut is one of the leaders in this new sector, competition with online banks, in other words the digitized versions of traditional banks. Today it has more than 8 million customers, including one million in France which trust this neo-ban. She was born in England in July 2015, and continues to please investors who inject millions of dollars into its development. To give you an idea, over the next five years, Revolut aims to acquire 100 million customers worldwide. To date, 36 countries already offer its bank accounts.

To make room, Revolut is one of these few competitors to have launched a free offer. N26 is also in the field, and online banks are starting to understand the challenge of offering similar offers, allowing to initiate still skeptical customers on the model. Hello Bank!, Boursorama, Bforbank and many other establishments have launched their own free account. But neo-banks generally have still undeniable advantages. Is this the case here ? Our Revolut Standard opinion.

Open a standard revolut account

Take an initiation to the neo-banque is very fast: in less than ten minutes, your Revolut Standard bank account will be open. The neo-banque enjoys this advantage that its competitors also share: an undeniable simplicity, which allows them to attract customers. With its free offer, they will be all the more confident to subscribe to the offer to discover what it offers. No hidden costs will be invoiced.

To be able to subscribe to Revolut Standard, you will also not have to justify monthly income, or to use your bank card so that it is not overcharged. Revolut requires no special condition, and even banking prohibitions will be able to subscribe to the offer. In the same way, the documents to be attached, such as the supporting documents for income and home, are a distant memory.

By connecting to the application or the Revolut website, the free re revolut standard account will ask you for a phone number, an identity document to justify being at least 18 years old and being in the one of the 36 current countries in which Revolut is present. For France, you will understand, Revolut is available. Obviously, this geographical criterion is not linked to the use of the card afterwards. You can travel without problem.

Small warning: if you are abroad and want to subscribe to Revolut, remember to indicate France as your place of residence, if you do not have a work permit, visa or identity document of the identity document country in which you are. Subsequently, sending the bank card can always be done in the destination country in which you are, but it is important to note your real country of permanent residence, to be able to justify your identity.

Let’s summarize what is necessary to open a revolut account:

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Have a smartphone and a phone number
  • Reside in one of the countries covered by Revolut
  • Have an identity document

Once you have read these documents, the time can be launched. In less than ten minutes, you can subscribe to the free revolut offer. Once you have entered your phone number, you have a copy of your identity document, a last security point will be requested. It will be a video call in selfie mode which will allow the neo-banque to check your identity automatically.

This article concerns our Revolut Standard opinion, but know that these conditions are required for all the offers currently offered by Revolut. You can find our full opinion on the whole revolut range here.

Characteristics of the Revolut Standard offer

A free account

Revolut is no exception to the rule: like all neo-banks, it is currently focusing on a conventional bank account, namely a current account and a bank card. At Revolut, the account characteristics are practically the same for the three offers offered. It is more on the part of the bank card that the characteristics differ. But let’s see together the elements to note here, in our Revolut Standard opinion.

Revolut Standard

First, know that the Revolut account is an account that does not allow overdrafts. This differentiates it from the neo-banks of traditional banks, but most customers will not see this as a drawback, but rather as an advantage: if you have trouble managing your money, the revolut bank account and its bank card in authorization systematic will never put you in red.

The money from the Revolut Standard account can be transferred free of charge to Europe (transfers to the SEPA zone), the same thing for transfers to the account. Internationally outside Europe (transfer outside SEPA zone), Revolut carries a policy where a 0.5 % commission is vigor. This only concerns customers with a free revolut offer. Thus, if wish a bank account where the transfers outside Europe, we rather recommend the Revolut Premium or Revolut Metal offers (our Revolut Standard vs Metal comparison is to be read here).

The Revolut Standard account is a very simple account, which is practically the same as that of other offers from neo-banks. Furthermore, it is much more in tune with the times than that of traditional banks: the mobile revolut application allows you to configure it, personalize it, and see its funds very clearly. Indeed, the application proposes to create sub-accounts to categorize your savings and your budget.

Bank card characteristics

Now let’s move on to the characteristics of the bank card. Obviously, the free revolut account will not offer the same premium features of offers requiring a financial consideration. Nevertheless, for an initiation or if you use this bank card in addition to your main account, it may well be that the account characteristics are clearly sufficient.

First, Revolut works with Visa and Mastercard. The choice between one or the other of the transmitters will be automatic, depending on your geographic location. Obtaining the bank card is the only party on which Revolut will ask you for a financial counterpart: because the bank account is free, you will not be able to order the bank card free. In reality, this is the cost of delivery, which will take between 2 and 9 days. For France, the price is 5.99 euros.

The Revolut Standard bank card offers contactless payment. You can therefore make payments easily and quickly, without entering the code of your card, which you can also choose yourself. In addition to contactless payment, Revolut is compatible with Apple Pay. The apple brand mobile payment service will allow you to integrate your bank card into the Apple Pay Wallet application, to make payments directly from your iPhone. If you are on Android, it will be the same thing: Revolut Standard and compatible with Google Pay. These two services have the advantage of being secure: to unlock your card and make payment from the NFC chip from your smartphone, you will need to use facial recognition, your fingerprint or a code. Your card data is encrypted.

On its two paid offers (Premium and Metal), Revolut offers a guarantee and insurance set. If the free Revolut Standard account does not offer a reduction in airport salons and reimbursement up to € 370 in the event of flight delay, it nevertheless proposes to subscribe to international medical insurance. For 1 euro per month, this insurance will be active, and will cover medical and dental emergencies. Revolut automatically activates this insurance once your geolocation is abroad abroad. A good point, which will allow you not to pay the subscription if you spend the month without leaving the country.

Revolut Application

Payments and withdrawals at no cost abroad

When they started, neo-banks began to make themselves known thanks to their advantages abroad. Indeed, unlike traditional banks, you will not have to pay to have an international card. Even the Revolut free account offers the advantages of payments and withdrawals of a neo-ban.

Ceiling level, the standard revolut card gives you access to 7,000 euros in payments per 4 -day edge. In terms of withdrawals, the limit is set at 5,000 euros per day. Normally, this should suit everyone. In more than 150 currencies, payments will be completely free, Revolut will not take any commission and you will pay your purchases at the exchange rate of the market.

For their sides, withdrawals to the distributor are not housed in the same brand, and this is the main drawback of the free revolut account. Abroad as in the European area, withdrawals are limited to 200 euros per free month (without commission). The Premium offer repels the amount to 400 euros, and the Revolut Metal account at 600 euros. If you exceed the free limit, the costs generated will still remain fairly limited: Revolut invoices a commission of only 2 %, which is certainly more advantageous than exchange offices (especially those at airports), and more interesting than banks traditional, which invoices on average at 5 %.

Summary Revolut Metal Payments and withdrawals

  • Payments at no additional cost in euros
  • Payments at no additional cost abroad
  • Free withdrawals up to 200 € France/foreigner

Revolut is in direct competition with N26. But today, free bank accounts are also starting to be offered by online banks held by traditional banks. If you had planned to turn to their services, know that the standard revolut account remains advantageous on the part of the payments and withdrawals. Hello One, the new free offer from Hello Bank! caps payments at 1,000 euros per 30 -day tranche, and 400 euros for withdrawals. At Boursorama, the limit is even lower, at 400 euros/30 days for payments and 100 euros for withdrawals.

Current account management

Account monitoring via the Revolut application

In 2019, a study by the Deloitte firm put forward that out of the 7 % of French people who have subscribed to an online bank (+ 3 percentage points over one year), 47 % of them explained their choice in part for the Simplicity of using its platform. In addition to their costs reduced for foreigners, neo-banks are actually very attractive thanks to their banking application. At Revolut, everything is done so that the customer can best use his account, just like having a most relevant overview possible on his expenses.

With the Revolut Standard free account, you can find all the management features of the Revolut Mobile Application. A great way to get an idea of ​​the application, and to be enough for this formula without trying to subscribe to a paid offer. Let’s see together what are the advantages of the Revolut mobile application to obtain its account monitoring, configure your bank card and access the various services offered.

Revolut offers a very refined account history, whose expenses are displayed in real time (the neo-pop does not wait for payment to be effective), an excellent advantage to have an overview of its funds available. Each expenditure made is identified, notified, and classified in a category in order to give you an overview of your expenses of expenses. By speaking of payment, the application makes it possible to configure recurring expenses. If you need to settle something monthly for example, the Revolut application will be a good tool to advise you to have the necessary funds for this transaction.

From the application, the bank account can be organized thanks to the creation of sub-accounts. The latter can be used to decide between the different budgets of the users of the account, but also and above all establish different budgets for our different categories of expenditure. If you have trouble saving, the Revolut application could chew your work.

Account monitoring is one of the strengths of neo-banks. But the computer baggage of these establishments also benefits the interconnection between your application and your bank card. You will be able to configure the latter to the à la carte and in real time; Change your PIN code; deactivate it; Edit his ceilings, or even give him access or prohibitions for more security.

Revolut App

Account food

Previously, neo-banks suffered from being limited to “payment establishments”. Without banking approval when they started, they could not offer certain financial products such as credits. Today, things have changed. But they still do not give the possibility of deposits of checks or liquid, because they do not have physical structures.

Revolut erases this defect, however, thanks to simple means to feed your current account. The first solution to add money to your revolut account is to make a transfer (free), but the neo-banque also has the advantage of accepting bank card transactions. In the “Add money” tab, Revolut offers to recharge your account with a bank card by entering the details of it as if you were paying online.

Regarding transfers, Revolut does not charge any commission. The only condition is to recharge your account with a coherent currency. For example, if you are in the United States and you want to have US dollars, you will have to recharge your account with an American bank account, with US dollars. Recall that this is not useful to have the motto linked to the country in which you are: Revolut offers you 7,000 euros of payment abroad per 4 -day tranche.

Finally, Revolut offers an instant transfer functionality for its user community. Like transactions with Lydia, Revolut offers to perform simple and ultra fast transfers to another revolut account. This may be useful if you have to reimburse a friend, or add money to a family member.

Standard revolut customer support

Let’s finish on customer support offered in the free revolut offer. As at N26, premium customers have priority on free customers. Nevertheless, the customer experience if necessary is one of the most important so that neo-banks are erected in front of traditional banks. Revolut is aware of it, and offers customer service available every day.

Compared to N26, users have the choice between calling a phone number or using the cat online. The telephone line is not real assistance strictly speaking. Revolut customer support is available 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. If you want more complete customer support, you will have to subscribe to Revolut Premium or Revolut Metal offers. The employees of this priority line are available between 8 a.m. and 11 p.m.

Premium and Metal offers also have a guarantee in the event of loss of their bank card. Wherever you are in the world, the neo-banque undertakes that you can have a new Revolut Premium or Revolut Metal bank card within 3 days after the declaration of your loss thanks to express delivery.

Revolut Prices

Our Revolut Standard opinion

Who is addressed Revolut Standard ?

Finally, our Revolut Standard opinion is simple: the free revolut account is aimed at two types of customers. The first concerned by the free account of the neo-banks are the individuals who have never tried the mobile bank model before. The free offer requesting no commitment will be a perfect opportunity to learn the formula, discover its advantages and the interest of its application.

Second potential customers will be those who wish to have a secondary international bank card, such as for a specific trip. These customers will also be able to appreciate having this secondary bank account to be able to better manage their expenses, using the tools of the Revolut mobile application. Thereafter, in the event of a longer trip or if you want to use your revolut account more dominantly on the account of your traditional bank, it will then be possible to move to a premium offer. This will add advantages comparable to those of Mastercard Gold or Visa Premier, higher ceilings, and a bank card of the most beautiful effect.

Free offer: Revolut or N26 ?

And quid of n26 ? Is the free revolut offer more interesting than that of its competitor N26 ? Note that Revolut requests that you pay 6 euros for sending the card, while N26 does not invoice it. But the Revolut offer has a much more attractive withdrawal ceiling: 5,000 euros per day instead of 2,500 for N26. Excluding transfers are billed only 0.5 %, and currency withdrawals are not billed 1.7 % of the amount as is the case with its competitor.

Faced with conventional banks

Finally, compared to traditional banks and their online banking variations, Revolut Metal has the advantage of flexibility in the face of income and expenditure conditions. You will not need to justify a certain level of food for the account each month, just as you can leave your card inactive for weeks or even months. Revolut will not put you aside or ask you to pay additional costs.

N26 Standard VS Revolut Standard: comparison of free cards

N26 Standard and Revolut Standard give access to the simplicity of neo-banks with free accounts and cards. In this comparison, we invite you to discover the differences between N26 and Revolut on their free offer. So, is it time to leave your bank in the old way ? We help you know if this simpler and flexible alternative is really made for you.

N26 vs revolut

N26 and Revolut are the favorite neo-banks of customers in France and in Europe. We will look at all of the characteristics of their free bank account offer, account opening, and more services to which each bank gives access. You will also know everything about the real cost of insurance, and we will also tell you that which is best suited abroad to find out which offer to choose for . Without further ado, here is our N26 vs revolut comparison, the free bank account match.

N26 Standard vs Revolut Standard: comparison, common points

Before deciding on the free N26 and revolut offers by leaning on their differences, let’s start this comparison with the common points shared by the two formulas. Here you will find all the advantages proposed by their common model-that of the neo-Banque. With a simplified system and fully managed from an application, N26 and Revolut manage to offer simple, easy and very fun banking offers to better manage your money. If you have never had experience with a neo-banque, these free offers are certainly made for you.

Simple and quick account opening

Unlike their metal offer, N26 and Revolut did not name their free offer in the same way. At Revolut, we are talking about “standard” offer, when N26 simply prefers to name its “N26” offer, to leave the offers “N26 You” and “N26 Metal” be more visible. N26 and Revolut only need a phone number and an ID to open an account to their customers. The two neo-banks are indeed the champions for the ease of opening of account and the speed of their subscription. In less than 10 minutes, you will have your account activated, and the bank card will only take a few days to arrive at your home.

In addition to a valid telephone number and identity document, free N26 and Revolut offers will require that you are at least 18 years old and that you live in one of the countries in which neo-banks are established. You can imagine it, France is well covered, and more than a million respective customers have already registered in the two neo-banks. That’s almost everything for the conditions. The policy of the two establishments does not require a certain level of income or that you use your account each month. This is valid on free accounts, but also on other paid formulas.

Small warning: if you are abroad and want to subscribe to Revolut, remember to indicate France as your place of residence, if you do not have a work permit, visa or identity document of the identity document country in which you are. Subsequently, sending the bank card can always be done in the destination country in which you are, but it is important to note your real country of permanent residence, to be able to justify your identity.

Revolut Application

Free N26 standard or revolut account conditions:

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Have a smartphone and a phone number
  • Reside in one of the countries covered by the neo-ban
  • Present an identity document (passport, CNI, driving license)

A basic, simple and without fuss account

The second common point between standard N26 and Revolut standard offers concerns the bank account itself in itself. Whether it is a standard revolut or N26, customers open a basic current account without extras except the payment card. In detail, this is a bank account without authorized overdraft, which works with a systematic authorization card. If this can disturb some customers, the system without authorized discovery and the updating of the real credit available in real time is an excellent way to better manage your money. In addition, you will not have to be afraid to pay overdraft costs: if your balance is insufficient, your card payment will simply not pass, and the bank will not take agios.

Limits persist despite everything with this banking base. As these are neo-banks and not traditional banks with physical agencies, you will not be able to deposit check or cash in your account. To be able to add money, N26 as Revolut propose to make transfers between accounts. Recently N26 has followed the step of a revolut by introducing a bank card charging solution. Thus, you can put money on your account by registering the contact details of the bank card on which you would like to take part of the balance.

If the account and the card are most classic, the two neo-banks put all their added value in their application. It is she who manages your account, and you can thus access multiple parameters. One of the most interesting about the account concerns the creation of virtual sub-accounts, which can allow us to separate our different budgets, or to carry out savings projects.

N26 Application

Free bank card at N26 Standard as Revolut

Let’s go to standard N26 and Revolut Standard bank cards, which also have characteristics that are not necessarily found in an online bank. The first – and the most important – concerns payments. Free N26 and Revolut free bank cards all allow you to avoid paying costs during purchases in France and abroad. You will understand, for other currencies than the euro, the exchange rate is that of the market. An advantage that you will appreciate from your next trip abroad

Free N26 and Revolut free bank cards both offer contactless payment. The function is available for transactions up to 30 €. After this ceiling, the possibilities of mobile payment are not to be outdone: the N26 and Revolut bank cards are compatible Apple Pay and Google Pay. On the application of neo-banks, it is possible to create in addition to this a virtual bank card, as well as a single-use bank card.

The free bank card, whether at N26 and Revolut can be fully managed via the application. You can therefore block it at any time, choose a maximum payment amount, authorize or not contactless payment, and even change your PIN code (see our opinion N26). It is also possible to allow payments only when your smartphone and card are in the same area, to avoid any risk of flight.

Standard N26 customer service and Revolut Standard

In the absence of physical agencies, customers of N26 neo-banks as Revolut must trust their application in the event of a problem (see our revolut opinion). By subscribing to the free offer, they have access to standard customer service. The support is equivalent, on one or the other offer. At N26, a “LiveChat” is offered from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm. Revolut claims assistance available 24 hours a day, but N26 users have the advantage of also being able to call an advisor to solve their problem faster in some cases.

N26 Standard vs Revolut Standard: the differences

We arrive on the most important part of this comparison. What are the differences between standard N26 and standard revolut ? Let these free offers together.

Order a bank card

On paper, N26 and Revolut clearly display that their standard account is free, at 0 €. This is the case, if we talk about monthly payment: neither Revolut nor N26 makes no subscription for his standard formula. In the same way, this offer is the only one that requires no commitment. On paid formulas, customers must subscribe to at least 12 months.

In addition, costs are added to these bank accounts. No worries, they are transparent and you will not have a unpleasant surprise. At Revolut, this is the payment of the delivery of the bank card that you have ordered. For France, it costs € 5.99. On the side of N26, the card is fully taken care of by neo-banque; It is therefore completely free. But you will be able to see it, additional costs are added, and we tell you below.

Fresh cash withdrawals: standard N26 and standard revolut divergent

On each of our comparisons between standard N26 offers and standard revolut, the part of withdrawals is always one of the main elements of differentiation. On the free bank account, this is all the more the case. N26 and Revolut do not follow the same strategy.

N26 mobile application

To start, N26 Standard differentiates its free withdrawal ceilings in France with those internationally. Abroad indeed, withdraw from cash to the distributor adds a commission of 1.7 %. It is here that N26 recovers its expenditure of delivery of the card. In France, N26 is more generous and offers up to 5 free withdrawals per month, whatever the amount – within the limits of the daily ceiling of € 2,500.

On Revolut Standard, politics is the same in France or abroad. € 200 or equivalent in currency can be withdrawn from market exchange rates and without commission. This is an advantage compared to N26, on the part of the international. For withdrawals in France, you will have to weigh the pros and cons between a limited number of withdrawals (N26), and a limited amount of withdrawal (Revolut). This will determine your choice between N26 and Revolut Standard.

Beyond free withdrawal ceilings, N26 and Revolut do not, again, follow the same strategy. At Revolut, each withdrawal after the 200 € ceiling will be added by a fixed sum of € 2 costs. At N26, it is a percentage that will be added the 5 free withdrawals. It is around 2 %.


As surprising as it is, we are going to talk about insurance in this comparison of standard N26 and revolut offers. This is an important point, because although neither Revolut nor N26 offer insurance in their free formula, the British neo-banque Revolut still offers it to customers who wish via a paid option. For only 1 euro per month, customers have access to health and dental coverage, the same as that offered with the Revolut Premium paid offers and Revolut Metal.

Customers can choose whether or not to subscribe to this option on Revolut Standard, which is not possible at N26 without going to the upper third party. Note that these insurances have little interest in France. You can only have them play abroad when you are traveling. If you have not yet read our comparison N26 vs revolut global, we invite you to go there to discover the advantages of the premium cards of N26 and Revolut, which offer multiple insurance.

Revolut Free Card

Additional services and functionalities

Obviously, free N26 and Revolut offers remain very basic formulas. Their additional features are much more limited than those available with the premium accounts of the two neo-banks. Besides, if you want to know more about paid offers, we offer our Revolut Premium VS N26 you comparison.

If we turn to the little more offered by N26, we can see that its consumer credit service is accessible to customers of the free offer. N26 offers loans between 1,000 and 50,000 euros thanks to a partnership with the startup Younited Credit. For once, this service is a real asset for customers of the N26 bank.

At Revolut, the first advantage is that which has been mentioned about access to medical and dental coverage on a trip. Otherwise, its application offers to buy other unaccompanied currencies, like a exchange office. Customers in a free account can thus exchange 30 fiduciary currencies – up to € 6,000 per month – and without any hidden costs. This service does not exist at N26.

Cryptocurrencies, scholarship: advantage for revolut

If N26 offers consumer credits, which Revolut does not currently offer, this second has a little extra for investors. Revolut Standard allows you to buy free of charge up to $ 200,000 of crypto per month from a selection of more than 30 cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum. The application also allows you to invest in raw materials like gold from 1 euro. Revolut also allows you to make stock market investments from 1 euro. So many advantages that N26 accounts do not offer, regardless of the offer.

Note, however, that the Revolut Crypto accounts are quite limited. You will not be able to transfer your crypto to an external wallet. And the only way to transfer your crypto purchased via Revolut is to send them to another revolut user. In the same way, you do not have access to any wallet identifier for your crypto which could allow you to receive cryptocurrencies of external accounts like Coinbase, Binance or Kraken. Serious crypto investors will therefore prefer to go directly through pure players in the sector.

However, the Crypto account still has an advantage: when you sell your assets, the funds are immediately transferred and available to your account, when it takes a delay of up to a few days with Binance and Coinbase. But of course, if investing in the stock market does not interest you, this advantage of revolut is suddenly very relative ..

Which free bank card to choose on a trip ?

In this part of the comparison of free N26 vs revolut offers, you will be able to discover our opinion on the use of free N26 and revolut cards on a trip. Overall, the elements to be taken into account here have already been mentioned. But to help you make the best choice, we come back to the subject.

If our opinion had been measured enough in our comparison of paid cards, he will lean here for the Revolut Standard bank card. Quite simply by the fact that Revolut offers to make withdrawals up to € 200 per month for free, when N26 adds costs amounting to 1.7 % of the amount. Obviously, the two cards are perfectly comfortable thanks to their entirely free payments, but this little extra side made the difference while many countries are used to using cash. In addition, the Revolut card offers a € 1 option to subscribe to medical coverage, which is not trivial on a trip if you do not have international insurance.

N26 is not bad: its strategy is simply different. The German neo-banque has always wanted to become a daily bank for its users, and not to limit itself to a traveler bank. Thus, it will be just as – even more – interesting for use on national territory. If you plan to subscribe to a neo-bank for a higher duration of your simple trip, the offer is clearly to be taken into account.

Our opinion: Should we open a standard account at N26, or Revolut ?

So, should we rather open a standard N26 account, or standard revolut ? First of all, in the two cars, N26 as Revolut offer a completely functional free account, with a card and (almost) no hidden costs. It should be noted that limits apply to withdrawals, beyond which commissions may in both cases be deducted. But neither of the two neobancs will take you anything a month.

However, even in 2022, these banks do not necessarily always give access to the same things as traditional banks. For example in France, you will certainly not be able to ask your employer to pay you the salary directly on the N26 or Revolut account. In the same way, many vehicle rental companies refuse N26 cards as Revolut to pay your rental as well as the deposit.

However, in addition to your traditional account, N26 Standard as Revolut Standard can provide you with much better management of your expenses. Before even mentioning the fact that these two banks are very advantageous abroad, it should be noted that their applications are adorned with well thought out tools to better follow your expenses, categorizing the different transactions, and by helping you save – with a balance that changes in real time.

As you can read in our part devoted to our opinion on the card most suited to travel, we note that Revolut Standard is more interesting if you are looking for a card for your next trip abroad, while N26 Standard will certainly be more capable of supporting you on a daily basis in France – with a big advantage its offer of consumer credits. Our latest advice is to find out, already, in parallel with the paid offers, to know what to expect if you have to change the formula. Because if the metal card of the two neo-banks is quite expensive, the N26 you or Revolut Premium offer are certainly presented as the best formulas if you plan to use the services of these two banks more intensely.

And you, what is your choice between N26 and Revolut Standard ?

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