Reviews Parallels Desktop 18 (Test 2023): The King of Virtualization on Mac M1, KB Paulles: About Desktop Parallels for Mac with Apple Puce м

Parallel Desktop M1

To execute virtual machines on a Mac with Apple M1 chip, the Parallel engineers have created a New virtualization engine which uses the virtualization assisted by equipment with Apple M1 chip and which allows you to execute Arm virtual machines. All the best desktop parallel features have all been redesigned for the Apple M1 chip:

Parallels Desktop 18 (Test 2023): The King of Virtualization on Mac M1

Undoubtedly the most popular virtualization solution on Mac, Parallels Desktop was also the first of its kind to work on total compatibility with the new Apple processor architecture. Is it the best ? This is what we will see in this opinion.

Connoisseurs of the software ecosystem are not foreign to Parallels Desktop. Parallel hypervisor, INC. is to virtualization what Intego is to safety. In other words, its developers have chosen to completely dedicate to Mac, abandoning other platforms like Windows or Linux. Arrived first in the race for a native solution on M1 processors, it seems that the bet is winning.

  • Direct download of Windows 11 without leaving the application
  • Native compatibility with Apple Silicon
  • Simplified Virtual Machine Configuration
  • Permeability between Windows and MacOS
  • A complex tariff grid
  • Always more expensive
  • Some jerks during game sessions
  • Compatibility and performance: a giant step for Windows 11
  • Interface and features
  • Customer support and prices
  • Conclusion

Compatibility and performance: a giant step for Windows 11

With Parallels Desktop 17, Corel signed the first professional virtualization solution capable of running Windows on Apple Silicon processors. Just like for VMware Fusion, the software required an ISO file from Windows 10 or 11 compiled for ARM processors. However, the installation course was not easy. It must be said that Windows ARM builds do not run the streets, Microsoft is not very inclined to share this version of its operating system outside its Windows Insider program.

Previously, Parallels Desktop asked its users to join the Windows Insider program to use Windows on Arm

Parallels Desktop 18 takes the bull by the horns and goes entirely of this detour by Windows Insider to acquire a compatible build. It’s simple: from the first launch and in the space of a few clicks, you can end up with a virtual machine rotating Windows 11 in one of its different variations (Home, Pro or Business). Of course, the Windows download time will depend on your connection, but once this step has passed, the process is extremely fast and we find ourselves in front of a brand new Windows desktop.

Once the virtual machine is configured (we will come back to this process in the next part), performance is good. Difficult to judge objectively in the absence of a direct competitor, but it is to admit that Windows turns like a charm on our MacBook Air M1 with 16GB of RAM. The virtual machine with half of the computation power of the SOC and 6GB of Ram turns fluidly and without bug. Compared to the Intel version on a Mac with a similar budget, performance gains are notable. But where this native version of parallels really shines, it is on the autonomy gain. This version consumes up to 2x less energy on our MacBook than on an intel model equivalent of the same year (2020).

We find on the Windows desktop direct access to Mac files

Parallels Desktop and Gaming, a relationship that continues to flourish

One of the most surprising aspects of Parallels Desktop 18 is its management of 3D applications such as games. As Windows dominates the computers market, the developers have made it the privileged platform for games, and many old games which have Mac versions can no longer run more because of incompatibility with Architecture Arm Despite Rosetta 2, that is because of the end of the 32-bit applications support in macOS. Parallels can help fill this ditch and allow Mac users to play again.

Not everything works, and there are a few reasons for that. Modern titles like Halo: Infinite and Doom: Eternal do not work, just like titles like Valorant which depend on anti-triche software in terms of hardware which is incompatible with virtualization software as parallelles. Let us also cite DirectX 12, this exclusive graphic API in Windows, and whose “translation” to the Metal API MacOS gives a hard time to the developers of Parallels.

The virtualization software, however, supports the previous versions of DirectX, which means that many games can perform perfectly like The Witcher 3, Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition, Inscryption, Mass Effect Legendary Edition and Titanfall 2. Many other games are also playable, such as Grand Theft Auto V, Valheim and Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.

You will be even more successful with older games, many of which have Mac versions incompatible with modern equipment. Take the example of Half-Life and Half-Life 2. These valve classics are only available in the form of 32 -bit applications, even if you have Mac versions. This means that you cannot run these games (or their derivatives like Counter-Strike or Team Fortress 2) on a modern Mac, because Apple has abandoned support for 32-bit applications.

Aside on the game controllers

With Parallels Desktop 18, a bug consideration of the use of game controllers has been corrected. During our tests, the Dualshock 4 that we used was automatically recognized as an Xbox 360 controller like the soft DS4WINDS. This ensures compatibility with the majority of games even if those including support for PlayStation controllers will then display an interface dressed in Xbox buttons. If the idea is ingenious, we would have appreciated that the application leaves us the choice regarding the use of this functionality.

Parallel Desktop M1

  • Актуально для:
    • Desktop for mac standard edition
    • Parallels Desktop for Mac Pro Edition
    • Parallels Desktop for Mac Business Edition
  • Последняя Проверка: Июн 20, 2023
  • Доступные Переводы:INKrRuJpOFItFREsCnHk
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About Desktop Parallels for Mac with Apple M1 chip

About the Apple M1 chip

The Apple M1 chip is a successor to the A14Z chip of the iPad and the first chip specifically designed for Mac. It is based on ARM architecture and includes a system on a chip (SOC) which combines many powerful technologies in a single silicon processor, and has a unified memory architecture which considerably improves performance and efficiency.

Virtual machines created on Mac computers with Intel processor have an X86 64 processor architecture which is fundamentally different from Architecture Arm.

Software applications are strongly dependent on the processor architecture: a compiled application (created) for an architecture cannot be easily executed on another architecture.

Therefore, A virtual machine created on a Mac with Intel processor cannot be used on a Mac with M1 chip, and vice versa. If you go from a Mac with Intel processor to an Apple M1 chip, or vice versa, see article 125344 of the knowledge base for more information.

About Rosetta

Mac applications originally created for Mac computers with Intel processor operates directly on Mac computers with Apple M1 chip thanks to the use of the Rosetta converter which allows Intel X86_64 applications to be run on a Mac with Apple M1 chip. Rosetta can convert most Intel processor applications, but it cannot convert the following executable files:

  • extensions of the nucleus;
  • Virtual machine applications which virtualize the X86_64 platforms.

Due to these technical limits, Rosetta only converts applications that are executed in the user space. Rosetta can convert the Desktop Parallels User Interface and Web Services, but not virtual machines.

About Desktop Parallels for Mac with Apple M1 chip

To execute virtual machines on a Mac with Apple M1 chip, the Parallel engineers have created a New virtualization engine which uses the virtualization assisted by equipment with Apple M1 chip and which allows you to execute Arm virtual machines. All the best desktop parallel features have all been redesigned for the Apple M1 chip:

  • Possibility of making Windows invisible while continuing to use its applications in Coherence mode, in parallel with Mac applications.
  • The tool Shared profile Allows you to share your mac computer, your photos, documents and other folders with Windows, which facilitates their access from Windows applications.
  • THE Touch Bar checks For Windows applications allow you to run Windows apps on a mac transparently.
  • Your Mac keyboard provisions are automatically added to Windows to improve productivity.
  • And you will discover Hundreds of other desktop parallel features .

Noticed : Consult the list of operating systems supported in Paralles Desktop on a Mac with Apple M1 chip.

To run Windows 10 and its applications on a Mac with Apple M1 chip, you need to install Windows 10 on ARM Insider Preview which can run most of the Windows 10 Intel applications using an integrated emulator.

Noticed : To install Windows 10 on Arm Insider Preview in Paralles Desktop, consult article 125375 of the knowledge base.

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