Recaptcha Enterprise | Recaptcha Enterprise | Google Cloud, Recaptha’s words for registration forms | Mailchimp

Recaptha’s words for registration forms

Google Recaptcha is a system designed to distinguish humans from computers, so that bots are unable to fill the forms in a malicious manner in the name of a human being. The English acronym Captcha means fully automated Turing test to distinguish humans from computers.

Recaptcha Enterprise

Protect your website against fraudulent activities, spam and abusive uses, with ease.

Protect your website with simple safety

Fraudulent web activities cost businesses to companies every year every year. Safety teams must prevent IT hackers from accessing their websites while maintaining this access to their customers. For over ten years, Recaptcha has been protecting the Internet and data on its network of more than five million sites. Recaptcha Enterprise relies on this technology in order to offer functionalities specifically designed for business safety challenges, such as two -factor authentication and compatibility with mobile applications. With Recaptcha Enterprise, you can protect your website against current web attacks, such as Creential Stocking, Account Handling and Scraping, and avoid flaws that could prove expensive if they were exploited by malicious people and Automated bots. In addition, just as recaptcha V3, Recaptcha Enterprise does not interrupt the navigation of your users with a Captcha test. So you can perform it on all web pages where your customers interact with your services.

About the recaptcha for registration forms

We make every effort to provide email with tools capable of protecting you from fraudsters and spams. Google Recaptcha is a challenge test intended to prevent spambots from adding fraudulent email addresses to your audience.

This article invites you to discover the different types of recaptha and their use in Mailchimp.

About the recaptcha

Google Recaptcha is a system designed to distinguish humans from computers, so that bots are unable to fill the forms in a malicious manner in the name of a human being. The English acronym Captcha means fully automated Turing test to distinguish humans from computers.

In Mailchimp, the recaptcha prevents bots from adding false or malicious electronic addresses to your audience. There are two types of recaptha: check box and invisible.

  • Check box
    This type of recaptcha requires new subscribers to check a box “I am not a robot”. If you have activated the double opt-in and you use an integrated or contextual form, this option will appear as soon as your subscriber has clicked on the link in the Opt-in Confirmation E-mail.
  • Invisible
    This type of recaptcha performs additional analyzes in the background. He does not ask the new subscribers to check a box and only offers a visible Captcha in the event that he detected that it could be a bot.

The type of form you use determines the type of recaptcha.

Form type Recaptcha format Mandatory ?
Forms hosted by Mailchimp Check box Yes
Integrated or contextual forms Check box No
Blocks of registration form on destination page (audience with simple opt-in) Invisible No
Registration form blocks on destination page (audience with double opt-in) Check box No

The recaptcha is required only for registration forms hosted by Mailchimp, but it is advisable to activate it to protect your audience if you use incorporated or contextual forms or even registration form blocks on the destination page.

Activate Recaptcha

To activate the recaptcha for the registration forms of your audience, whether integrated, contextual or present on a destination page, proceed as follows.

  1. Click on Audience, then click on Dashboard audience (audience dashboard).
  2. If you have several audiences, click on the drop -down menu Current audience (current audience) And select the one you want to use.
  3. Click on the drop -down menu Audience manage (manage the audience) , Then select Settings (Settings).
  4. Click on Audience Name and Defaults (name and default parameters of the audience).
  5. Check the box Enable recaptcha (activate recaptcha) .
  6. Click on Save Audience and Campaign DEFAULTS (Save the default parameters of the audience and the campaign).

And There you go ! From now on, the integrated and contextual registration forms of your audience will display a recaptcha check box, and your registration for destination page will include an invisible recaptcha.

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