Parsec: Connect and collaborate from any where | Unity, Parsec, Trust the Cloud – Parsec

Data centered security to guarantee the integrity of your sensitive information and the confidentiality of your documents

Offer Business on Premise: On quote

Parsec for Teams promotes hybrid workplaces

Exclusive access to very low parsec latency connects the teams to their equipment, from anywhere anywhere. Maintain your production flows, collaborate while fluidity and forget that you are physically absent.


Parsec is so fast that you will forget that you are elsewhere

Connect to your computer anywhere with a video performance in UHD 60FPS with absolute fluidity. The exclusive Parsec technology eliminates offsets and gives the impression that you are seated in front of your own computer at the office. Connect a graphic tablet, a game tablet and a few monitors, and you get the ideal distance work configuration.

Collaborate wherever you want, instantly

The members of your team can work together with a single click, by offering comments, expertise or help on a task. Put the computers available to your on -demand teams or even program invitations to independent professionals, journalists or people outside your business for limited periods.

Connect to your computer, where you want

Collaborate wherever you want, instantly

Secure access as soon as necessary

Parsec for Teams secures your computers by giving access only to people on your team with adequate authorizations. All connections are peer-to-peer and encrypted, and your data never approach our servers. In addition, with a unique reinforced authentication, detailed administrator privileges and group authorization management, your team can connect with confidence.


Check access to your documents with a “Data Centric Security” technology

Safety has been dealt with a long time as a subject of control of the network perimeter: the gentiles are inside the corporate network and the bad guys are outside. As for the Internet, it is considered from the point of view of security as absolute evil.

In a world where data transit clearly, there is therefore a real security problem specific to data. Data security must be managed crypto as close as possible to the user.

The Parsec system is natively able to endure compatibility with the Data Centric Security DCS and even beyond, it allows you to manage much more advanced features between the different actors who use PARSEC.

Gain confidentiality without losing ergonomics

Thanks to the ergonomics of our workspaces, you will make life easier for your teams without cropping on security. Completely intuitive and accessible from their computer desk, our solution offers functional and pleasant navigation, which promotes its use by your employees. This simplicity, expected from consumer clouds, can surprise you as the Parsec proposal in terms of security is complete.

Protect your ransomware files

The malicious data crypto lockage is only an additional version of the life cycle of your data. Just go back to the front version to counter such an attack.

With Parsec Recover your data is as simple as backing up the needles from your pendulum.

What is the zerotrust ?

A real confidence solution


Parsec is a certified solution CSPN by ANSSI , thus identifier as a reliable solution in terms of cybersecurity.

Our Partner Cloud is certified SecnumCloud by the ANSSI, This is the highest level of security commitment. Accommodation available on the ON Premise offer.

The host of Parsec metadata is certified HDS (health data accommodation) , a guarantee of trust in terms of security for the processing of personal health data.

Discover our innovative technology


Take advantage of technologies

Zerotrust & Zeroknowledge

Our solution capitalizes on our own algorithms, developed to optimize the integrity and resilience of data and guarantee you total confidentiality in your sharing. Our Zero Knowledge technology thus certifies the user’s workstation and deliver a strictly personal key to him: he is then the only one who can reconstruct a file, which we have previously cut to store each block separately and quantify them individually.

Parsec is designed to resolve the new challenge of cybersecurity in the cloud: to ensure that only the user controls access to his data.

Most services, such as Microsoft Office 365, Google, Box or Dropbox, are based on full access to your data. Despite their security efforts, these systems remain vulnerable to cybercriminals. They are regularly compromised by attacks against administrators and servers in order to access sensitive data from companies.

Save time and confidence

Management and arbitration
strictly autonomous

Certification of your workstation
Considered the sole entity of confidence

Confidentiality of your keys to suppliers
and parsec that does not keep your keys

Revocation of undesirable users
to permanently close them access to data

Ultra secure storage
and smart

Cutting your files into several blocks
Stored on different public or private clouds

Individual encryption of each cut block
To block the privileges of unauthorized users

Historization of versions and access
to allow duration control

Try Parsec for free
time limit

Create your workspace today and invite up to 2 users for free.

Also available on Android via Google Play.

What do our users think ?

I am a free freelance manager, this brings together the management secretariat and the management of human resources, which I exercise for VSEs/SMEs which outsource these functions.

I use Parsec on a daily basis, for all of my customers and also personally.

I use it on a fixed teleworking position and on a laptop during my trips.

This is the only solution I trust entirely to store the confidential data of my customers and my personal documents because I am sure they are safe.

I know the company publisher of the software well and I know that it was developed by very high level engineers.

Parsec helps me meet the following needs:

Sensitive data security

-Use of cloud for document storage

Kelly Mezeray

Office Manager / Redactual

Discover our use case with our partner

3D additive manufacturing

Why Scille and Vistory got closer ? ( Extract from the full use case ))

In order to secure the exchanges of 3D plan between actors of the Mainchain platform as well as to draw all the actions made on the various F450 stratasys printers, the fleet support service (SSF) wanted to have a simple tool, And secure ..

With its aim of developing the solution Hand, Vistory has decided to get closer to the company Scille to be able to integrate the taking into account of the solution Parsec in its various agents.

Confidential data sharing

Extract from the full use case

Our activity at the Montpellier Mediterranean airport means exchanging daily subjects on cybersecurity as well as airport safety aspects. We work on limited dissemination documents, it is therefore essential for us to have a total control of the means of sharing and disseminating these documents to recipients whether internally or externally ..

Olivier Alzouniès
IT infrastructure manager / Management information systems

Negrepelisse Hospital Center

Extract from the full use case

Mostly, Parsec is a tool that corresponds to the needs of our structures. It is compatible with our requests (multisites and multiple management of files). It is “Frendly” which allowed people to appropriate it fairly quickly. It has been perfectly integrated into the management of the joint admission commission and we are all very delighted “

Sonia Perez
Social assistant at the Turenne hospital center in Nègrepelisse.

Your questions, our answers ..

What are the risks when sharing and stores sensitive files by insecure channels like Dropbox ?

The Internet is the playground of pirates, and with the arrival of 5G technology, the direct intercommunication of computer terminals and connected objects will be generalized: the confidentiality and integrity become the new challenges of data sharing . The corollary is that if the data remains clear on the networks, the Internet of the future opens the way to an Orwellian nightmare and the right to privacy will gradually disappear to give way to a generation of digital slaves manipulated or controlled.

How to do telework safely ?

Fundamentally teleworking cannot be done without the contribution of digital and without the use of the cloud. Therefore, all companies, regardless of their size, can be subject to a cyber attack if they use a communication channel and unsecured collaborative tools. Several companies are found today in this case, where it becomes urgent to rethink the working environment in order to face the crisis. To do this, the company can rely on Secure, efficient and above all ergonomic collaborative tools such as Parsec, allowing an easy and very fast handling.

What is the cybersecurity of the data ?

Cybersecurity in general, consists in setting up means or processes aimed at protecting digital information.

These means can be both

  • Technical: data encryption software
  • Physical: protective boxes
  • Human: good safety practices on your workstation
What is the cloud ?

In computer science, the cloud represents an online storage system made up of several remote servers on which your computer data is stored (files, image, photo, video, etc.). Access to data is only possible by internet. The use of the cloud is increasingly increasing; The choice is made according to the needs and uses of the company. There are mainly 3 types of cloud:

What is the Zero Trust ?

The “Zero Trust” model was born from an observation: in terms of information system, the distinction between “external” and “internal” areas tends to disappear. The Zero-Trust approach can be summarized in five points:

  • Any network is considered hostile.
  • Internal and external threats are present at any time on the network.
  • Being inside an internal network is never a guarantee of absolute trust.
  • Each terminal, each user and each network flow must be authenticated and authorized.
  • Security policies are dynamic and act on each data sources.
How to transfer my Dropbox data to Parsec ?

The Parsec solution is designed to facilitate collaborative work while maintaining a high level of security. Transfering documents in Parsec is very easy, just make a simple copy paste your files to your Dropbox to your Parsec browser on your computer. The duration of the transfer is relatively to the size of your files.

Where my sensitive data is stored in parsec ?

The sensitive data recorded in Parsec is stored on the public or private cloud according to your subscription.

SAAS standard offer 20 €/User/month

-The data is stored on a public cloud (AWS, Azure etc …). The choice of cloud is made by the publisher of the Parsec solution

SaaS business offer: on quote

-The data is stored a cloud defined by the customer according to his privacy policy; It is to the client that the choice of cloud returns, in particular the geographic location of the servers.

Offer Business on Premise: On quote

-The data is stored on a private cloud, that is to say that the servers are physically located within the customer’s company.

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