Mounted computer – top purchase, mounting your gaming pc in 2023! Tuto assembling your gaming pc

Raise your gaming pc in 2023! Tutorial

THE assembly of a Gamer PC may seem intimidating at first, but with a bit of patience and of expertise, He is completely possible of go up a computer that will meet your video game needs. here is a Step by step guide To help you put up your own gaming pc.

Mounted gaming pc

The mounted computer is the ideal solution when you don’t really know how to go up a yourself, you don’t have time, or simply that you decide to trust an experienced seller , professional, and especially aware of the latest news and technological updates. Even when you know it in computer science, it is not always easy to stand at the level of the latest outings and new features. Prices and technical characteristics are parameters that change so quickly that you sometimes have the impression that, the time we inquire, we have already missed the check of the new best solution. By buying a mounted computer, we avoid this kind of question and we are sure to buy the ideal computer at the ideal price. A mounted computer is what most customers prefer. It is true, some people know themselves enough to choose the parts of their computer themselves, but it is not within everyone’s reach. To set up your own computer, you must first know the essential components: motherboard, processor, hard drives, RAM memory, graphics card, power, turn, ventilation, cooling system. It is a whole technical world that may seem very complicated when you do not master it. And knowing the basic elements necessary for the proper functioning of a computer is not yet sufficient: you must also be able to choose the right ones, at the right price, that is to say, follow a market whose offer whose offer is enormous and evolves extremely quickly. You must therefore have technical knowledge and time to follow the evolution of technology. Buying a mounted computer is the best solution if you are not a computer pro or just don’t have time to do research on all components.

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Raise your gaming pc in 2023 ! Tutorial


Mount your gaming PC in 2023! Tutorial

THE assembly of a Gamer PC may seem intimidating at first, but with a bit of patience and of expertise, He is completely possible of go up a computer that will meet your video game needs. here is a Step by step guide To help you put up your own gaming pc.

Step 1: Plan and prepare

There first stage consists of to plan And prepare your configuration of Gamer PC. You will have to decide the platform (Intel or AMD), Graphic card, of the RAM, of storage and of power supply. You will also have to choose a housing for your Gamer PC, which will determine the size and the arrangement internal components.


It is important to note that some parts may be more complex to choose only others. For example, the Graphic card is an essential element for video games, but maybe Difficult to choose due to Variety of brands and models Available on the market.

Step 2: PC assembly

Once you have selected your components, you can start assembly of your Gamer PC.

Installation of the power supply (PSU)


L’power supply is the component that provides energy to all the components of your Gamer PC. It is important to choose a diet that has a sufficient power To supply all your components and which is compatible with the size of your case.

To install the power supply, you will have to follow these steps:

  • Remove there screw of the’location food in the case
  • Do slide L’food in the location and screw-in place
  • Connect THE power cables of the’food to the components of your Gamer PC (motherboard, hard drives, etc.))

Motherboard installation


There motherboard is the main component of your Gamer PC. She connect all other components between them and with the operating system. It is important to choose a motherboard that is compatible with other components of your Gamer PC And who has the features you are looking for (number of USB ports, extension slots, etc.))

To install the motherboard, you will have to follow these steps:

  • Place there motherboard in the case and screw it up in place
  • Connect THE connector d ‘main food motherboard
  • Install the processor on the motherboard and fix it in place
  • Install the bars of RAM (RAM) on the motherboard
  • Install The graphics card on the motherboard (if it is not integrated)

Processor installation


THE processor is the brain of your gaming pc. He is responsible for theexecution of the IT tasks and some coordination other components. It is important to choose a processor that has a speed and an sufficient performance To meet your needs.

To install the processor, you will have to follow these steps:

  • Remove THE heatsink of the motherboard (if there is one)
  • Insert THE processor in the appropriate socket on the motherboard (by taking care to align it properly)
  • Replace THE heatsink on the processor and screw it up in place
  • Connect THE fan cable of heatsink in the motherboard

To get even more information do not hesitate to read our Other articles and in particular that dedicated to Best gaming processors !

Installation of RAM (RAM)


There RAM (RAM) is the component that Stocke temporarily THE data in use by your Gamer PC. It is important to choose a RAM that has a ability and an sufficient speed To meet your needs.

To install the RAM, you will have to follow these steps:

  • Open THE clips of each side of the location of the Ram on the motherboard
  • Insert RAM in the appropriate location (by taking care to align it properly)
  • Press firmly on the Ram until the clips se automatically close

To get even more information do not hesitate to read our Other articles and in particular that dedicated to Best Ram Gaming !

Graphics card installation


There Graphic card is the component that deals with graphics of your Gamer PC. It is important to choose a graphics card that has a sufficient power For execute THE games and the applications that you want to use.

To install the graphics card, you will have to follow these steps:

  • LOCATE The location of the graphics card on the motherboard
  • Remove THE caches of PCI-Express location
  • Insert there Graphic card in the appropriate location (by taking care to align it properly)
  • Screw The graphics card in place (if necessary)

To get even more information do not hesitate to read our Other articles and in particular that dedicated to Best Gaming graphics cards !

Installation of hard drives


THE HDDs are the components that store data of your Gamer PC, including operating system, THE games, THE Multimedia files, etc. It is important to choose hard drives that have a sufficient capacity To meet your needs.

To install the hard drives, you will have to follow these steps:

  • Insert THE HDDs in the appropriate locations housing
  • Screw THE HDDs in place (if necessary)
  • Connect THE SATA cables from each hard drive to the motherboard

Installation of fans or watercooling


THE fans are the components that keep your Gamer PC At costs in dissipate there heat produced by components. It is important to choose fans who have a size , a speed and one sound level Suitable for your needs. THE Watercooling, or cooling liquid, has many advantages for PC Gamers that seek to improve performance and the reliability of their system. Using water or a specialized cooling liquid, watercooling can provide a more efficient cooling that the traditional air ventilators, which allows maintain of the Lower temperatures and of reduce the risks of overheated. In addition, watercooling systems can be quieter and more Aesthetically pleasant that air cooling systems.

To install the fans, you will have to follow these steps:

  • Place THE fans in the appropriate locations housing
  • Screw THE fans in place (if necessary)
  • Connect THE cables of each fan to the motherboard or at power supply (depending on the type of fan)

To install a watercooling system, you will have to follow these steps:

  • Check that your case can welcome a system of Watercooling and has anchor required.
  • Choose A watercooling kit compatible with your processor, your Graphic card and the other components to cool.
  • Ensure compatibility different components of the watercooling system between them.
  • Withdraw THE Original components of your CPU and your graphics card.
  • Install THE cooling blocks On these components, in following THE instructions manufacturer.
  • To go up THE radiator on the housing, Using pointsanchoring available.
  • Test the watercooling system for make sure that he works correctly, by monitoring temperatures and checking the absence of leaks.

By following these steps with care, you should be able toinstall A system of watercooling effective And reliable in your Gamer PC.


Once all components are installed, you can close THE housing And connect all the cables at thepower supply. It is recommended to check that all the components are good connected and that cables are good fixed Before switching on your Gamer PC. Then you can install your operating system, your pilots and your favorite applications To start playing on your new Gamer PC ! You can also design your gaming pc configuration on our Configurator without worrying of the compatibility Components because it will do everything for you. For to access Click on the following link: Instinctgaming PC Configurator.GG.
If you ever want more information or if you want you to develop your config together do not hesitate to Contact us To discuss your needs and desires !

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