Maximum amount for an instant transfer | Gocardless, instant separate transfer – finance for all

Instant separate transfer

However, the ceiling varies under the terms and conditions of banking establishments, it may be limited in particular by transfer and per day. Here are some examples of banking establishments, online banks and fintech, which offer instant transfer and the maximum amount possible.

Maximum amount for an instant transfer

The Gocardless content creation team is a group of experts in the field in several fields of Gocardless. The authors and revisers work in sales, marketing, legal and finance departments. All have in -depth knowledge and experience of the various aspects of payment systems technology and operating rules applicable to each. The team has expertise in well-established payment networks such as direct debit in the United Kingdom, the European SEPA network and the US network ACH, as well as in the Networks operating in Scandinavia, Australia and New Zealand. See the full biography

Last modification March 2022 – 2 min read

An instant transfer includes a maximum amount possible, in order to transfer money in the space of a few seconds between entrepreneurs. In addition to its temporary nature, the instant transfer is an integral part of the daily life of entrepreneurs and individuals, as more and more banking establishments offer this type of service.

It is important to know the maximum amount of the instant transfer, in order to use this practical payment method in the best way. We are now talking with the advent of instant transfers in a new way of paying an invoice against a supplier or a service provider, the new instant sepa transfer is now present in certain countries in the SEPA zone and in France since 2018.

History of the instant transfer

The instant transfer that can also be called instant payment is in force on the Asian continent since the 1970s. He then arrived in Europe, especially in Switzerland in the 80s. The United Kingdom, Poland and Sweden subsequently adopted the instant transfer. The European Central Bank (ECB) had expressed the wish to generalize the instant transfer in the SEPA space.

The assets of the instant transfer

Before you can know the maximum possible amount of the instant transfer, it is necessary to know the advantages of this type of payment:

  • Fast: an entrepreneur can make an instant transfer within a maximum of 10 seconds. Thus, the sum may be credited immediately against the beneficiary of payment within the framework of the commercial transaction.
  • Available: Availability is another advantage of the instant transfer, it can be issued at any time of the day, also on weekends and holidays, unlike the SEPA transfer .

What is the maximum possible amount of the instant transfer ?

The maximum amount of the instant transfer depends on the banking establishment of the professional bank account. The ceiling applied in online banks is generally € 15,000 per transfer.

However, the ceiling varies under the terms and conditions of banking establishments, it may be limited in particular by transfer and per day. Here are some examples of banking establishments, online banks and fintech, which offer instant transfer and the maximum amount possible.

Banks / Online Bank / Fintech

Maximum possible amount of instant transfer

€ 1000 per transfer

€ 2000 per transfer

Limit of 5 transfers/day

€ 15,000 per transfer

€ 15,000 per transfer

€ 15,000 per transfer

We can note through these examples that conventional banking establishments generally apply a maximum amount of € 15,000. This amount may be particularly advantageous for companies with a certain level of turnover . A self-employed or self-employed worker will be able to opt for an online bank or a fintech, which offer relatively lower ceilings.

The sample is a credible alternative to the instant transfer

However, the instantaneous transfer applies for very specific situations, and in particular for punctual payments. Any entrepreneur will not be able to use instant payment for recurring payments.

The direct debit for recurring payments: an online payment solution like Gocardless offers for entrepreneurs, a device for recurring payments such as subscriptions and memberships. It will be enough to create a flexible payment schedule which can be integrated with management software like that of the Sage Company . It is possible to collect payments in more than 30 countries and choose the start date, the frequency and duration of payments.

The direct debit for punctual payments: like the instant transfer which is a punctual payment, Gocardless also offers its device for the payment of invoices, which allows to automatically bring the payments closer. The customer must fulfill the online direct debit and customers will be automatically notified as soon as payment is deducted.

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Instant separate transfer

Finance for all

Instant SEPA transfer, also called “Instant Payment”, makes it possible to make bank transfers in real time, 7 days a week and 24 hours a day, between bank accounts open in the European SEPA area.

Since November 2018, banks have been empowered to offer individuals and companies instant sepa transfers.

A transfer of funds in less than 10 seconds

An instant separate transfer must be made within 10 seconds to debit and then credit two bank accounts in the European SEPA area (European Union Pays Plus Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland).

Instant SEPA transfer is accessible 24 hours a day, every day of the year. While the current time of classic separate transfer is of a working day (days actually worked in a company, for example from Monday to Friday included). Which can sometimes take up to three calendar days.

The amount of the instant separate transfer is capped at 100,000 euros per operation (European regulations) since July 2020 (against 15,000 euros before). But each banking establishment is free to set a lower ceiling.

Only occasional separate sepa transfers are offered in instant transfers. The permanent transfers implemented for regular payments and occasional transfers on delayed execution are therefore not concerned.

This new means of settlement is instituted in all countries of the SEPA zone. It is added to the classic separate transfer, without replacing it.

While the issue of an occasional transfer, made online in its personal space on the bank site, is free in the majority of banks, the issue of the instant transfer is billed by a large part of the banks that offer this service.

The issue of an instant transfer is billed in the majority of banks. The average cost of Instant transfer is around € 1.

Out of 100 banking establishments (followed by the bank prices observatory), 72 invoice the same cost regardless of the amount of the instant transfer. 28 banks offer differentiated rates according to the amount of the transfer (less than 300 euros to more than 15,000 euros).

Price conditions and instant transfer ceilings for a few banks (April 2022)

Bank Transfer ceiling
Unit cost
Popular bank € 100,000 from 1 to 10 € depending on the amount of the transfer
BNP Paribas unspecified € 1 (free for package holders)
Balance Bank € 2,000/day free
Savings fund (Loire Center) € 3,000 1 €
Savings fund (9 establishments) € 100,000 from 0 to 10 € depending on the amount of the transfer
Cic € 10,000 1 €
Crédit Agricole (Aquitaine) € 15,000 1 €
Crédit Mutuel de Bretagne unspecified 1 €
The postal bank € 1,000 free
LCL unspecified € 1 (free to an LCL account)
Nickel € 1,000/cumulative month € 0.50
Societe Generale € 4,000 0.80 €

Source: Report 2022 of the Banking Prices Observatory (excluding Nickel establishment)

Personal payment between individuals

An additional objective for this ultra -fast means of settlement is to implement a tokenization system in order to link an IBAN telephone number and thus allow customers of banks to send money directly through their phone. This system is positioned as the direct competitor of mobile payment applications (Lydia, Pumpkin, etc.).

Tokenization is a process making it possible to substitute data, here banking data, with so-called disposable data, of English “token” that is to say “token”. Using cryptography, disposable data is less sensitive than raw banking data and it is more secure to handle it to carry out operations.

For further

  • New means of payment Practical
  • What is a separate transfer ? ( External link
  • Use the SEPA transfer well ( External link
  • Can we cancel a transfer ? ( External link

25 comments on “Instant SEPA transfer”

Hello I made an instantaneous transfer in early May to the professional account of a third party by transmitting to my bank its IBAN and its such as. 8 Jous later the recipient of the transfer informs me never having received it. After 3 months of investigation with our 2 banking establishments and the referral by me by my bank’s mediator, I have just learned that the amount was fired in a personal account of the recipient, without informing it, Under the pretext that the professional account could not receive “Paylib” transfers. Who is responsible ? How could the transfer be credited with another account than the one whose IBAN appears on the notice of transfer ? Thank you in advance for your response. CRT.

The Lafinancepourtous said:

Good morning,
To obtain information concerning the conditions of execution of the transfer, from a bank account to another bank account, you must question the prudential control and resolution authority (ACPR), through the Banque Epargne insurance platform Info Service, by phone: 34 14 (price of a local call) or by mail: Banque de France – ACPR request – TSA 50120 – 75035 Paris Cedex 01
Best regards.
The Lafinancepourtous

Rafik Jemai said:
am happy to use your site

Good morning
I was made a transfer for a month but my account has never been credited, while the money was debited from the issuer’s account and the latter thinks that I lie to him. How can it happen ?

The Lafinancepourtous said:

Hello, it would be advisable to question your bank and ask for an investigation into this situation. Technical explanations or fraud are possible. The transmitter should do the same with his bank. Best regards
The Lafinancepourtous

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