How to use Google Translation and its offline function? | Milesopedia, IA advances: Google translation attempts its luck and ..

IA advances: Google translation tries its luck and ..


This first feature was announced by Google to be available very soon in the main languages: English, French, German, Spanish and Japanese.

Guide: How to use Google Translation and its Outside Connection Function

Use Google Translation Outside Connection

In short you go on a trip, are abroad or need a powerful translation tool? Here is our guide on Google Translation and other competing tools on the market.

Google Translation: The Instant Translation Revolution Introduction How Google Translation works ? Google translation functionality

Use Google Translation Without Internet: The French Download Guide to English and much more how to use the Google Translator Offline? Use google translation offline with iPhone use google translation offline with Android

Overview of other popular translation services 1. Deepl Translator 2. Microsoft Translator 3. Yandex.Translate 4. BAIDU FANYI 5. SDL Trados Studio 7. Reverso Context 6. Promot online

Data security and confidentiality with each Yandex Google Translation Service.Translate, Baidu Fanyi, and others Microsoft Translator Deepl Translator

API integrations for Google Translate Microsoft Translator Deepl Translator developers
Comparisons side by side of Google Translation Microsoft Translator Deepl Translator
Conclusion The other Google Fair Tools Questions

Google Translation: The Instant translation revolution


In an increasingly interconnected world, the need to translate information from one language to another has become common. And this is where Google translation comes in, one of the most popular translation solutions in the world.

Launched in April 2006, Google Translation is the fruit of efforts made by Google to break linguistic barriers. When it comes, the service offered the translation between English and Arabic. Today, it supports more than 100 languages, thus covering a large majority of languages ​​spoken in the world.

How google translation works ?

Originally, Google translation was based on statistical methods to translate texts. However, with the advent of neural networks and deep learning, Google has adopted a model based on machine learning, offering more precise and natural translations.

Google translation functionality

The tool is well known now and we appreciate each of its features. Here are its main characteristics:

  • Instant translation of websites : With the browser extension, you can instantly translate any web page.
  • Conversation fashion : For real -time dialogues, this mode allows an instant bidirectional translation.
  • Camera translation : Point your camera on a text (such as signaling or menu) and get an instant translation.
  • Offline translation : Download specific languages ​​for a translation without internet connection.

Use Google Translation Without Internet: The Guide

Did you know that it is possible to use the Google translation without connection? In real life, it is not only possible but also very simple. You just have to know how to get the best of the translator recognized worldwide, wherever you are. In the next lines, discover the simplest method to get there.

Download French to English and much more

You are on a trip or plan to leave soon? Be sure to have or provide a good translation solution, whether it be translated from French to English, Italian English, French in Spanish, etc. Indeed, having a reliable translator at hand can avoid many puzzles! We think here of the classic request for departments, but also of more serious situations, the price of an activity, the closest hospital, etc.

Google translation proposes here as a solution of choice, which requires only one thing to do your translation offline: the Google translation application. We are waiting for you: Go download it if it has not yet been done and come back to read our indications below.

How to use the offline Google translator?

Here, remember that Only the application allows you offline use of Google Translation. What is rather logical, given that the standard version is accessible online.

In itself, the application is very intuitive. It is rather easy to navigate. However, some distinctions exist between Android and iPhone versions. Here is a procedure that will allow you to take your first steps on Google Translation, without a mobile network – is better to test it before you need it to make sure that everything goes as on casters.

Telephone travelers

Users can download specific language packs on the Google Translation Mobile Application for Offline Use. This is particularly useful for travel abroad where internet connectivity may not be reliable.

Use google translation offline with iPhone

The translator offered by the Google translation app on iPhone (available on App Store) is easy to use (whether you have access to a mobile network or not). Start by opening the latter before carrying out the next steps:

  1. Locate and select the “Settings” tab.
  2. Under the “voice” category of the options offered, you will find “offline translation”. Open up.
  3. You may have downloaded languages, like English and French. If this is the case, they will be listed on the page where you are. Otherwise, click on “Add a tongue”.
  4. A drop -down list of languages ​​business by Google Translation will appear. Head to the language you want to consult offline and press the download option.
  5. That’s it! Your application has everything you need to translate to the language that interests you. But beware! Be sure you have downloaded the French language to be able to write in French what you want to translate!

Use Google translation offline with Android

The steps to be performed to take advantage of the same functions on Android are similar enough to those for iPhone. Here they are:

  1. Open Google Translation
  2. Click on your username or profile photo at the top of your screen, right
  3. Locate and select the “Downloaded Languages” option
  4. Scroll the list to find the languages ​​you want to download. Again here, be sure to have the French language in your list.
  5. To download them, locate and click on the arrow to the right.

Overview of other popular translation services

1. Deepl Translator

Launched by a German start-up in 2017, Deeppl quickly gained popularity thanks to its precision. Deepl uses neural networks to provide translations which, in many cases, are considered more natural than those of its competitors. It also offers an API for companies.

The Deepl Translator tool, which automatically detects up to 26 translation languages, is condident as one of the best tools.. However, it is unfortunately not available offline.

2. Microsoft Translator

Developed by Microsoft, this is the translation service integrated into many products from the company, including Bing, Microsoft Office and Skype. Microsoft Translator supports a multitude of languages. It also offers collaborative functionalities such as real-time multi-part translation on Skype.

The Microsoft Translator tool can be used offline for certain languages. Languages ​​packs are to be downloaded for use via its mobile application.

3. Yandex.Translate

Proposed by Yandex, the “Google of Russia”, this service is particularly effective for Slavic languages. Free and easy to use, it supports texts, websites and images. He also joined a dictionary.

Again, packs of certain languages ​​can be downloaded for offline use.

4. Baidu Fanyi

Developed by Baidu, the main search engine in China. Although less known in the West or in North America, Baidu Fanyi is a solid choice for the translation between Chinese and other main languages. In some versions of the application, it is possible to download language packs for offline use, but, as based in China, the availability of functionalities may vary depending on the region.

5. SDL Trados Studio

SDL is a leading company in the management of global experience. Unlike other services mentioned which are mainly free and online, SDL Trados Studio is a paid computer -assisted translation solution (TAO) and intended for professionals.

7. Reverso Context

6. Promot online

Reverso is an application that emphasizes the context during the translation. In addition to the basic translation, Reverso provides examples of sentences to show how words and sentences are used in the real context.

Reverso is an application that emphasizes the context during the translation. In addition to the basic translation, Reverso provides examples of sentences to show how words and sentences are used in the real context.

Security and confidentiality of data with each service

Google Translate

Google has implemented strict measures to protect information from Google Translate users. However, it is important to note that the translated texts can be used to improve the service. Thus, for very sensitive information, it is advisable to use professional tools with confidentiality guarantees.

Yandex.Translate, baidu fanyi, and others

Microsoft Translator

Deepl Translator

These services, in particular those based in Russia and China, can have different privacy policies. It is essential to read their conditions before translating sensitive information.

Like Google, Microsoft uses data to improve its services. However, they guarantee that your translations are not used to send you advertisements.

Deepl is distinguished by his commitment not to store the texts that you translate after a certain period. This is a positive point in confidentiality.

API integrations for developers

Google Translate

Offers a robust API, widely used by developers to integrate real -time translations into their applications or websites.

Microsoft Translator

Deepl Translator

Offers an API via Azure, offering easy integration for developers familiar with Microsoft tools.

Also with an API, although its use can be more expensive than that of Google.

Which translation tool to choose: is Google Translation ?

It all depends on the use you make of it and your preferences.

  • Linguistic coverage: Google translation supports a greater variety of languages.
  • Accessibility: with its mobile applications and integration into other Google services, Google Translation is very accessible.
  • Precision: Deeppl is often cited to have more natural translations for certain pairs of languages.
  • Additional features: some services, such as Microsoft Translator, offer unique features, such as real -time translation in conversations.

Google translation is therefore a tool for the most popular and accessible but it can be useful according to your use and your preferences to consider other translation options as in the least common languages.

Comparisons side by side of translations

Google Translate

The precision of the translation largely depends on languages ​​and the context. In general:

  • Google Translate: Excellent for most languages, especially the most common.
  • Deepl Translator: Many consider DEEPL as offering more natural translations, in particular between English and European languages.
  • Microsoft Translator: Tends to be more formal, but offers good precision, especially with the addition of personalized terminologies.

Microsoft Translator

Deepl Translator

Offers an API via Azure, offering easy integration for developers familiar with Microsoft tools.

Also with an API, although its use can be more expensive than that of Google.


Google Translate, With its ease of access and powerful translation capacities, has revolutionized the way we interact with foreign languages. Although it does not replace the finesse of a human translation, it remains a precious tool for daily communication and language learning in a globalized world. The community is put forward since a user can “suggest a modification” in the spirit of improving translations and helping to perfect the system over time.

Other Google tools

Google was founded in September 1998 and offers a wide range of products and services to make information accessible and useful. The company has set up a multitude of tools and services, the most popular of which are:

Google Search: Google’s emblematic search engine.
Gmail: electronic messaging service.
Google Drive: Cloud storage and office automation suite including Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Forms.
Google Calendar: planning and calendar tool.
Google Maps: Cartography service with navigation, satellite views, and street view.
Google Earth: Exploration of the earth through detailed satellite images.
Google Photos: Storage and organization of photos and videos.
Google Flights: flight search tool developed by Google.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can we use the offline voice translation?

Although the voice translation is a very interesting parameter of Google Translation, the functionality is not yet available in connection mode. An internet connection is required to take advantage of this instant translation option.

However, you can still use Google’s synthetic voice when using offline. If you are at the hotel for example and want to translate “where are the bathrooms”, but you are not sure to pronounce well “Phòng Vệ Sinh ởâu”, you can ask Google to do it for you. Just press the speaker icon on the left or near the translation. Practical, no?

Can we translate from a photo with google translation without connection?

Yes, and this is a still underestimated function of the app to date. However, it is very practical! For example, you could use the Google lens on the text of a menu to translate the content. And, moreover, it is possible to achieve it without access to a mobile network such as Wi-Fi! With your camera, using a screenshot: no matter the source of your image, languages ​​can be translated (if they are part of your downloaded languages ​​list, of course). A function that can be strong useful in Asia for example where English is not always spoken!

Can I also use Google Translation on iPad?

Yes, and the same features are offered to you as on your iPhone.

Is it free?

Entirely. However, if you use it with your data abroad activated, this may increase your invoice! Go to important things and get offline systematically when you use your application.

IA advances: Google translation tries its luck and ..

And if Google translation also seized AI technologies to develop the quality of its service ? Would you be interested ? You should look at the subject because the integration of AI to Google Translation could allow new features … We tell you more in this article in this article !

Artificial intelligence news

How Google translation wishes to take AI ?

On February 8, 2023, Google announced new features on its linguistic translation service: Google Translation. Here are the main available features.

1. A more precise translation according to the context

Thanks to the integration of AI into Google Translation, the service is now capable of understand the context in which the text is proposed to him, which allows him a greater precision during translation.

How will it manifest concretely ? By the possibility of specifying:

  • A description of the text
  • The choice of the proposal to translation a keyword in the text in order to target the rest of the translation
  • Precise examples in the language targeted by translation

As you can see in this example below, the user can choose the suitable translation when a word can be translated in different ways. This allows the translation tool to better target the request and not to translate a text on a novel, while the user wishes to understand something about something original.

Precision of the translation on Google with the

This first feature was announced by Google to be available very soon in the main languages: English, French, German, Spanish and Japanese.

2. The possibility of translating the present text on your images

With recent AI developments, it is possible to do more and more manipulation. Translate the present text on an image in JPG or PNG format is one of them. And this is what Google translation will now offer its users.

  • What ? Translation of the text present on an image and direct integration of the translation on the original image
  • How ? Thanks to automatic learning
  • Or ? Available at the moment on Android phones with more than 6 GB of RAM
  • For what ? To make the service even more functional and accessible

3. A more intuitive interface for the application

You may not have known, but Google translation is available in mobile application. And the integration of AI is accompanied by a new look for this application !

The interface is now more intuitive, facilitating access to certain services such as vocal entry for example, and allowing translation in a greater number of languages ​​(+33 languages !!))

For the moment, this application update is only accessible to Android devices, but iOS device owners should soon be able to access it.

Before leaving ..

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