How to terminate your Cdiscount subscription at will?, How to terminate your Cdiscount subscription at will – Ideel

How to terminate a Cdiscount subscription at will


SGPN Customer Service

Cdiscount subscription

You have taken a “Cdiscount at will” fast delivery subscription to benefit from various discounts and delivery facilities, but you want to terminate it ? This subscription is automatically renewed every year, you will therefore have to terminate it to stop automatic direct debits.

  • How to terminate a cdiscount subscription ?
    • – The right of withdrawal
    • – 6 -day trial period
    • – Terminate at the annual maturity

    Terminate your Cdiscount subscription

    Cdiscount is one of the giants of French e-commerce founded in 1998 by the Charle brothers and today belonging to the Casino group. It offers more than 30 million products online and generates more than 2 billion annual turnover.

    There Cdiscount subscription formula at will (sometimes called CDAV) allows you to benefit from free 24 hours delivery for all your purchases for 1 year, on eligible products. It is a bit the equivalent of the Amazon formula prime of its competitor Amazon or La Redoute +. It also makes it possible to benefit from promotional advantages and services: unlimited press, unlimited prize pool (loyalty program), dedicated customer service. The annual amount is deducted on the anniversary of your subscription via your bank card, from your PayPal account or, failing that, on your Cdiscount kitty.

    The subscription to Cdiscount at will is annual and automatically renews to its deadline. You can first cancel it by exercising your right of withdrawal. If you benefit from a trial period, you will take advantage of an additional 6 -day period to cancel. Then you can terminate it at the annual maturity.

    The termination can be carried out in theory from your Cdiscount or telephone account. However, if the button does not appear or if you cannot reach them, or if you do not have a written confirmation, you can use the online termination service by registered mail to keep a proof of your approach in case of dispute.

    Right to retract

    In accordance with the provisions of article L221-18 and following of the Consumer Code, you have a delay 14 days calendars (consecutive) after subscription to the Cdiscount service to retract without fees or penalty. If this period expires a weekend or public holiday it is extended until the next working day.

    It is best to send your withdrawal request by registered mail with receipt notice in order to maintain proof of your approach.

    NOT.B. : You can use this right of withdrawal for the subscription subscription and/or for all the products possibly ordered simultaneously during your purchase on Cdiscount.

    End your 6 -day free trial period

    THE new subscribers Cdiscount (not having benefited from the service in the last 12 months) can benefit from a free 6 -day trial period, in addition to the legal withdrawal period.

    You can interrupt this current trial period, by going to the “Cdiscount” section then “unsubscribe” on your customer area or by contacting customer service by phone before the end of this 6 -day period. Please note the “unsubscribe” button can only appear on the last day. You will get the complete refund of your Cdiscount subscription within 72 hours.

    Refit your annual subscription before renewal (Chatel law)

    In accordance with the general conditions of sale after the end of the withdrawal period, you can no longer cancel your current annual subscription or request a refund.

    However if you do not want it to be renewed after 12 months, you must make a termination request CDiscount customer service. Note that in cases you will be warned of renewal by Cdiscount by email no later than 31 days before the birthday of your subscription. On your side, you must carry out your termination process at the latest the day before the anniversary date subscription.

    In accordance with the General Conditions of Sale Your termination request must be made during the 12th month (within 30 days of the anniversary date). We are not sure that Cdiscount has the right to demand this but try to respect it if possible to avoid a dispute.

    If you have not been notified by Cdiscount, generally by email, of automatic renewal, then in accordance with the Chatel law, you can terminate at any time.

    – Article 215-1 of the Consumer Code (Chatel law)
    – Article 4 of the General Conditions (notification within 30 days preceding the anniversary date)

    Use your Cdiscount kitty before termination

    If you have accumulated credit in your Cdiscount kitty, you canuse before terminating your subscription. Indeed, after the effective termination date of your subscription This balance will be lost.

    Online termination

    It seems possible to terminate your “Cdiscount” subscription from your Cdiscount account, as for Amazon Prime for example. But beware the “unsubscribe” button does not always appear. In addition, the general conditions indicate that the termination can be carried out by phone.

    To terminate online at any time and keep legal proof of your approach, you can use our Online termination service : you make up your letter in a few minutes from the termination form indicating your contact details. The Termination letter model and the address of Cdiscount are already indicated. Your letter will be sent by post during the day by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt. It is a very practical service used by thousands of Internet users every month.

    Letter Type of termination for Cdiscount

    [Firstname name] :
    [Your address ] :
    Cdiscount contract number:

    Object : Cdiscount contract termination

    Recommended shipment with acknowledgment of receipt

    By this, I ask you to terminate my Cdiscount subscription for the following reason:

    – Termination of the contract on its anniversary date
    – Information lack (Chatel law): I was not warned of automatic renewal
    – other : .

    Thank you to return to me a confirmation of taking into account my request.

    I beg you to accept, madam, sir, my sincere greetings.

    Withdrawal letter model

    [Firstname name] :
    [Your address ] :
    Cdiscount contract number:

    Purpose: CDiscount contract termination

    Recommended shipment with acknowledgment of receipt

    In accordance with article L221-18 of the Consumer Code and by this, I share my decision from canceling my “Cdiscount” subscription subscribed to the ../../..

    Please refund the sums possibly already paid within 14 days maximum following the reception of this letter.

    I beg you to accept, madam, sir, my sincere greetings.

    Cdiscount contacts and customer service address

    customer service
    120-126 Quai de Bacalan
    33300 Bordeaux
    Telephone from France: 09 70 80 90 50 (number not surcharged)
    Telephone from Belgium on 0800 58 211 (free number)

    How to make a complaint ?

    In the event of a problem with Cdiscount, for example an termination not taken into account, or a subscription to “Cdiscount” subscribed without your consent, you can first contact Cdiscount customer service, by phone or cat for example.

    Without favorable response you can make a written complaint (model here), by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, At the address below.

    Cdiscount.COM / SGPN
    Customer service
    BP 90200
    94472 Neuilly sur Marne

    The next step to resolve the dispute is to seize the FEVAD mediator, the last amicable step before a judicial appeal.

    Terms and conditions

    Here are the latest general conditions available on the Cdiscount

    Questions answers

    Does my subscription end automatically after a year ?

    No, your contract is tacitly renewed. You must apply for termination if you do not want it to be renewed.

    Do I have to use my kitty before terminating ?

    If you do not use it before the effective termination date, your credits will be lost.

    Do I have to terminate by registered mail ?

    This method is not compulsory. You can terminate by phone or via your Internet customer area. A registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt allows you to keep proof of your sending in the event of a dispute.

    Can I cancel a cdiscount subscription that I have just subscribed ?

    Yes, you benefit from a 14 -day withdrawal period to cancel free of charge and be fully reimbursed.

    I subscribed my subscription on March 1, 2021 The anniversary date of my contract is well on March 1, 2022 ?

    It depends. If you benefited from the test offer, then the first anniversary date is March 7, 2022 (12 months + 6 days), then then March 7, 2023, then every 12 months. Otherwise, the birthday date is every year, or 1st March 2022, 2023, etc..

    I can’t find the “unsubscribe” button to cancel my trial period

    The button can only appear until the end day or two. If he still doesn’t appear, you can contact customer service.

    Offer 6 days of testing

    I wish to order a product on Cdiscount. I would like not to have to pay the delivery costs. Can I subscribe to the “Cdiscount” service with 6 days of free trial, order my product and once to receive the product, exercise my right of withdrawal to be reimbursed ? (Kevin C., May 30, 2021)

    Yes to our knowledge you can first during the 6 free days according to your subscription simply cancel the subscription. Then, the period of 14 days where you can use your withdrawal right begins, and you can also use it. It is not indicated in the general conditions of sale of the Cdiscount subscription that you had to reimburse the delivery costs that you did not pay during the trial period. Note, however, that free delivery costs is only valid for orders above 10 euros. Do not hesitate to contact Cdiscount customer service to check it before your order, the conditions of the offers that can vary.

    My subscription to Cdiscount was renewed by tacit renewal can I benefit from the 14-day withdrawal period ?

    This period only applies for the first subscription of a distance contract, not for its renewal. However, you should have been informed in accordance with the Chatel law of your possibility of terminating the contract at its end. If this has not been done, you can terminate your contract at any time, the termination will be effective the day after the reception of your letter, the acknowledgment of receipt being proof.

    Am I subscribed to Cdiscount at will after my order for express delivery ? (Lionel C., July 25, 2022)

    Free unlimited express delivery is an advantage offered by the Cdiscount subscription. If during your order you have benefited from free express delivery it is likely that you have taken out this subscription.

    Is it possible to be reimbursed from the 29 euros that were taken at the same time as my order ? (Dounia Z., October 6, 2022)

    You can cancel the subscription offer at will and be reimbursed for 29 euros by exercising your right of withdrawal within 14 days of the order, and 6 more days if you benefit from the test offer.

    How to terminate the Cdiscount subscription ?

    You can in theory terminate from your Cdiscount account. If the “unsubscribe” button does not appear, or you do not have written confirmation, you can use the online termination service by registered mail to maintain proof of your approach in the event of a dispute.

    How to send a recommended ?

    registered mail slip

    To send your termination letter by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt, without moving, follow the following steps:

    • Personalize your letter from the form Send your registered mail in a few minutes, without traveling -> Indicate your contact details ->
    • Perform the regulations (from € 7.49, without subscription)

    Letter sent by post

    Last update on Thursday, January 26, 2023

    Online termination

    Send your registered mail termination letter

    How to terminate a Cdiscount subscription at will ?

    Cdiscount at will is a Unlimited delivery subscription which allows you to benefit from many advantages: the free delivery on the eligible products ordered on the site, reduced prices on a selection of products, the Cdiscount Family program, Privileges “Ma Catagot at will”.

    You want to terminate your Cdiscount subscription at will ? This article takes stock of termination methods. For this subscription and many more, think of Ideel !

    How to terminate your Cdiscount subscription at will ?

    It is quite possible to terminate your subscription in several ways. Choose to unsubscribe by email, phone or with ideel.

    Easily terminate with ideel in a digital way

    Ideel therefore allows you to terminate your Cdiscount subscription at will in your place. Just send us your contact details and We take care of everything ! If you want to manage your subscriptions or even stop other contracts, Think of Ideel !

    1. Create Your Ideel Account
    2. Add Your Cdiscount subscription at will at your Ideel dashboard
    3. Select the subscription
    4. Click on “Terminate“, and fill out the details of your account
    5. You will receive confirmation by email in a few hours.

    Join Ideel now to terminate this subscription and all the following, in a few clicks.

    Termination by registered mail

    You can terminate your Cdiscount subscription at will by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt. Indeed, this method is recommended because it allows you to have insurance concerning the arrival of your request as well as to keep it proof of it. Your mail will be handed over to your recipient by a factor. You will have to specify your wish to terminate your subscription and provide a reason for termination, with account information as the email address to allow Cdiscount to identify you. You will receive in the following days your request a confirmation email for your termination.

    The address for sending your termination letter is as follows:


    93,472 Neuilly-sur-Marne

    Termination by email

    It is possible to terminate your Cdiscount subscription at will by email. To do this, you will need to contact customer service by email by precisely formulating your declaration of termination.

    Termination by phone

    You can terminate your Cdiscount contract at will by telephone call with customer service. From France, you can contact the customer service by phone, by clicking on this link (non -surcharged number). From Belgium, you can contact customer service by phone, by clicking on this link (free number). When you are in touch with an advisor, you will have to provide him with the email address connected to your Cdiscount account and give a reason for termination. Once the procedure is completed you will receive a confirmation email for your termination.

    Summary of termination methods

    Terminate with
    Ideel Yes
    E-mail Yes
    Phone Yes
    Registered mail Yes
    Simple mail No
    Online No
    In person No

    Termination letter model

    You will find below a Type of termination letter a subscription to the Cdiscount delivery service at will:

    I inform you to date by this letter of termination sent by registered mail, that I wish to stop my subscription contract to Cdiscount at will, under the subscriber number [Indicate your contract number]. According to the general conditions of my contract, I am entitled to terminate my subscription to your delivery service at any time. I therefore invoke my right to terminate at no additional cost. Thank you for taking my request for termination into account upon receipt of this registered letter, and send me in return a letter justifying the judgment of my contract.

    Please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my distinguished greetings.

    Things to know about termination

    Is there a commitment period ?

    The commitment period is 12 months.

    Is there a notice period ?

    The termination must be done at the latest 31 days Before the date of renewal by phone or last period 1 day before if the termination is made by e-mail.

    What are the different formulas ?

    Cdiscount at will only offers one subscription formula lasting one year and at the price of € 29.00. This subscription is renewed by tacit agreement. This means that it is renewed automatically each year, unless requests for termination on your part. The annual amount of € 29.00 is therefore automatically taken on the day of the birthday of your subscription, on your bank card.

    Do I have the right to retract myself ?

    You can also notify the platform of your wish by sending the part 8 withdrawal form.2 b) CGVs made available in your contract and return it to the following address:


    SGPN Customer Service

    BP 90200 – 93472 Neuilly sur Marne, France

    Who contact if I need help ?

    In the event of a problem or for any additional information, you can reach customer service via your customer area. In addition, you can reach the various services (termination, customer, etc.) by contacting Cdiscount at will by phone.

    You want to terminate your Costco subscription ? Ideel supports you in your approach !

    How to terminate your Cdiscount account at will

    Black Friday has passed and you may have subscribed to a Cdiscount subscription at will to enjoy the advantages such as delivery in 24 hours. But this one year subscription is renewable, here is how to terminate it.

    Cdiscount at will is the equivalent of Amazon Prime for the French e-merchant. For a one -year subscription, you have access to 24 hours unlimited delivery and certain exclusive offers. Many take advantage of the holiday season and black friday to subscribe, but what should not be forgotten is that this subscription is automatically renewed.

    In order not to have unpleasant surprises, you have to be able to communicate to Cdiscount your desire to terminate as much as possible the day before the subscription of the subscription. But it’s not that simple, Cdiscount has not set up a 100 % online termination system from the customer area as Amazon can do.

    There are three means: by phone, postal or via social networks.

    How to terminate your Cdiscount subscription at will

    Terminate cdiscount at will by phone

    The best known technique to terminate your Cdiscount at will is to contact the Customer Service of the e-merchant by phone. Call on 09 70 80 90 50 (not taxed number) or the 39 79 (70 cts per minute + price of a call according to the operator), it will be necessary to request the Cdiscount termination service at will.

    When you are in contact with your interlocutor, you will have to provide your Cdiscount account email address and give a reason for your termination (no need to invent an exceptional scenario, a simple ” I don’t need it anymore »Is enough).

    A few minutes later, you will receive an email confirming your unsubscription to the service !

    Terminate cdiscount at will by post

    It is possible to terminate your Cdiscount subscription at will also by post. You must go through a shipment with an acknowledgment of receipt to the following address:

    BP 90200
    93,472 Neuilly-sur-Marne

    In this letter, specify your desire to terminate your Cdiscount subscription at will and why, with account information as the email address to allow Cdiscount to identify you.

    You will receive a few days later an email confirming that your subscription will not be renewed.

    Terminate cdiscount at will by social networks

    Going through social networks is the fastest way to unsubscribe from Cdiscount at will. The group’s community managers are very responsive and you can terminate your account in a few minutes if everything goes as planned, without having to make a single phone call or send a letter.

    Go to the account Facebook Or Twitter of Cdiscount and head to their private messages. Specify in the first message you want to terminate your subscription at will and wait for the response of a CM.

    He should then ask you either an order number or your email address. Give him one of the two and he will be able to follow your request to the termination service.

    Only a few minutes later, you will receive the famous email confirming the termination.

    Although costing 29 euros per year usually, Cdiscount often offers offers bringing up the price at 9 euros. So even if you want to renew the subscription, stay on the lookout for promotions to save 20 euros on the note.

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