How to pay your phone in several times at no cost?, Pay your phone in X times at no cost in Orange store

Finance your equipment in several monthly payments


Buying a phone with spread payment is possible that if you have a free subscription with an activated SIM card.

How to pay your phone in several times at no cost ?

You want to acquire a new mobile and inquire about the payment facilities that are possible ? Payment in several times may be a solution that would suit you. But what is payment in several times ? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this method ? Who are the operators and resellers who offer this service ? Is it always at no cost ? We answer your questions.

You are looking for a Package + Mobile offer ?

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  • The essential :
  • If you buy your mobile from your operator, you can stagger payment provided you subscribe to a Package with 24 -month commitment (except at Free Mobile).
  • THE resellers (Darty, Fnac, Boulanger or even Amazon), offer Loans to stagger your payment. These loans are subject to a Taeg (an interest rate, often less than 10%) which adds costs to the final sum.
  • When you opt for a mobile payment in several times, you must deposit and the rest of the sum is Distributed in several monthly payments (can go up to 24).
  • At the house of Apple, there are financing offers with a 0% TAEG But these are limited in time.

Pay phone in several times: what is the interest ?

The advantages and disadvantages of payment in several times

new phone

Nowadays, The cutting -edge smartphones of technology are more and more expensive. Buying a new or reconditioned mobile can therefore represent a real financial sacrifice which does not necessarily fall at the right time of the month. And that all the more if you are a student, or you pay attention to your expenses.

To help you take the plunge without the financial benefits being too heavy, there is a way for the bill to be less substantial: Payment in several times. Indeed, stagger the payment of a mobile allows you not to spend too much money at the time of purchase. This practice has become strongly democratized, since today, this method of financing is offered by mobile resellers (Fnac, darty, baker, etc.) physical or virtual, by manufacturers (Apple, Samsung) and even by FAI operators (Free, SFR, Bouygues, Orange).

Payment in several times has a definite advantage in terms of budget. However, as it is not a consumer credit, the management of this budget belongs to the customer who does not benefit from support. It is therefore up to you to estimate the budget necessary to buy your product and anticipate your debt capacity over the duration of the contract. Fortunately, the payment options in several times are multiple and allow you to adapt to all budgets and all situations.

What are the different types of payment in several times ?

It exists several forms of payment in several times. Indeed, this step is granted to you under certain conditions, which are specific to the store or the website on which you buy your new mobile.

For example, some operators grant payment in several times Only if you subscribe to a package with commitment.

You should also know that a payment staggered corresponds to a Loan over a fixed period, Since the shop in which you buy your phone advances you the amount, and reimburse it over the months. Therefore, This loan can be subject to monthly interests (TAEG) : this implies that at the end of your payment, the price of your mobile will be higher than if you had paid it at once.

Often, This loan is granted by a financial organization, which makes the intermediary between you and the mobile seller. This is not systematically the case. Sometimes there is no intermediary, and no additional costs either.

In short, the payments in several times are common but the conditions of the latter are very variable. In this article we will present the main ones.

Buy mobile phone and pay in several times at your operator: how it works ?

Pay phone in several times at SFR

SFR offers a system of payment in 4 or 24 times at the order. This payment in several times is subject to the condition of a subscription of a package with commitment.

You wish to take out an SFR offer ?

What are the monthly payments offered at SFR ?

For the purchase of your new mobile with SFR, you will have two possibilities for funding, which are possible for purchases between 50 and 3000 €.

  • Payment in 4 times at no cost, operated via Floa Bank (ex Bank Casino), which is SFR’s financial partner
  • Payment in 24 times at no cost, Managed only by SFR.

By choosing one or the other of these payments at no cost, you pay for a initial contribution And you then complete the price of your mobile by paying 3 or 24 monthly payments.

Important to take advantage of a payment in 4 or 24 times at no cost, you must either open a new mobile line with a mobile or renew your mobile on your existing line.

There are three monthly payments offered at SFR for payments staggered in 24 times, which depend on the price of your package and the price of your mobile: 3 €, 5 € or 8 € per month. Only the most interesting monthly payment will be presented to you.

How is a SFR mobile purchase with payment in 4 times ?

  1. When you have chosen the mobile you want to buy, Select your package, and pre-select the Payment in 4 times at no cost.
  2. Add them to your basket. The entire amount of your basket “To pay today” maybe paid in 4 times at no cost.
  3. Validate your basket.
  4. Once you are at the payment stage, choose the option and complete the information that may be required as part of the processing of your request.
  5. You get an answer in a few seconds from Floa Bank.
  6. Once your order is validated, you will receive your email your schedule that will specify you Sampling dates. The monthly payments will be taken by Floa Bank from the dates indicated, on the bank account which is associated with the bank card used for the payment of the first monthly payment.

Namely the 1st payment begins on the day of shipment of the order. He understands 1/4 of the total amount. The 2nd payment takes place 30 days later, The 3rd payment takes place 60 days later, and 4th payment takes place 90 days. It is not possible to settle the deadlines in advance. You can access your schedule by creating a casino bank account.

How is a purchase of SFR mobile with payment over 24 months ?

  1. Choose your mobile then select your package and the Payment in 24 times at no cost. Then add them to your basket. Only your mobile will be funded in 24 times.
  2. Validate your basket And complete your order if you wish.
  3. Once your order is validated, monthly payments will be taken from the same invoice as that of your mobile subscription.
  4. Once you have made your order, you will receive by mail or by email a schedule containing the details of the 24 monthly payments that you will be required to pay.

Your monthly payments will be indicated in the schedule, which you will have received either by email or by mail. You can at any time result in all of your remaining monthly payments By connecting to your SFR customer area.

You will become the owner of your mobile once all of the monthly payments are paid.

What should be known about payment in several times at Orange ?

What is the financing system offered in Orange store ?

Orange offers you a slightly different financing system from other operators since the latter goes through Orange Bank. This approach Do not require you in any case to be an orange customer or to have a bank account at Orange Bank.

To buy your mobile, you have the possibility Spread your monthly payments over 3 to 36 months, with a 0% rate.

To take advantage of it, you have 2 possibilities:

  • That of Finance your purchases in 3 monthly payments If you are not an orange customer.
  • That of Choose between 3 and 36 monthly payments, if you have subscribed or if you subscribe to a minimum 80GB orange package with a 24 -month commitment (Whether it is a mobile plan or open offer).

You want to take out an Orange Mobile offer ?

How to request an orange bank staggered payment ?

To request a staggered payment at Orange, you can make yourself supervise Once you have chosen your mobile. The Orange Bank advisor will support you in your approach and will make the financing file. You will have supporting documents to provide:

  • If you are New Orange Customer, You will have to provide Proof of identity, your Iban and proof of address of less than three months.
  • If you are Already Orange Customer, You will only need a Proof of identity (identity card, passport) and a Iban.

Once you have provided the supporting documents, a response will be given to you quickly. Know that for the procedures to be simpler, everything Your file is digitalized and you don’t have No file fees.

You will have a first deposit to pay which will be at least 10 €, to pay in a bank card subject to eligibility (if you want to know more, Go to Orange store to have the conditions)).

Your funding will be made in Only 15 minutes. If the request is accepted, you will leave right away with a new mobile vote.

Pay your phone in several times with the mobile orange sprawl

Orange offers another solution that can allow you to stagger the payment of your mobile. You just need to hold a 4G package little prices 2 hours 100MB or 2h 5GB, 10GB and 70GB to be able to benefit from it. Thanks to this system you can acquire a new phone and spread payment, From € 2 to 8 € per month, for 24 months. You have to pay a initial contribution which varies depending on the phone model you choose.

Monthly payments are Reported to your Orange bill monthly. At any time, you can choose to Sold the entire remaining monthly payments Since your Orange customer area, if you wish it.

How to pay your phone in several times at Bouygues Telecom ?

What should be known about payment in several times at Bouygues ?

If you don’t buy your Bouygues Telecom mobile at once, you can opt for a payment solution spread over several monthly payments. Payment ease is a free service, since you only pay for your mobile at no additional cost. You pay in several monthly payments depending on your mobile and the package you have chosen and you are taken from your monthly invoice. You can pay the remaining monthly payments at any time, simply by calling customer service.

Namely this approach is reserved for Customers of a Bouygues Telecom package (excluding blocked and outdated eco -version package), with commitment, According to offers on, in Bouygues Telecom stores or 1064. Monthly payments must not exceed € 199.

You want to take out a bouygues offer ?

To benefit from a staggered payment, you just need to pay a first payment when ordering. You then set the rest in the form of monthly payments, which are spread over 24 months (the amount of the monthly payment depends on the chosen mobile).

For example, if you choose a Sensation package 20 GB with a Smartphone at 201 €, You can pay a first payment of € 9 on the day of purchase, Then 24 monthly payments of € 8.

How to ask for payment ease from Bouygues ?

You can choose the ease of payment directly online on the Bouygues Telecom website. Here are the steps to follow :

  1. Choose the mobile you want to buy.
  2. The phone presentation page is displayed. If you are not already a customer and want to take out a Bouygues package, click on Choose this mobile with a package.
  3. Once the mobile is in your basket, choose the payment in several times (payment in 3 times at no cost, payment in 12 times, or payment in 24 times).
  4. Click on To validate Once you have made your choice to have the details of the funding.
  5. Validate your command.
  6. Follow the delivery and payment indications.

If you wish to adjust all the lining remaining by bank card, you can do it from your Bouygues customer area::

  1. Go to your invoices.
  2. Position your cursor on the ease of payment concerned.
  3. Click on Pay.

Namely the ease of payment over 24 months is also possible For a mobile renewal, Provided you are not in a unpaid situation.

Paying phone in several times with free: how it works ?

Free offers two temporalities to stagger payment of your mobile: you can buy your mobile in 4 times at no cost, or in 24 months at no cost.

The choice of payment takes place directly when ordering the phone.

  • THE Payment in 4 times at no cost implies pay a first deposit during the order. The following monthly payments are taken 30, 60 and 90 days later on your bank card.
  • There Rental over 24 months at no cost also requires a deposit and payments are staggered over two years, monthly.

Namely as part of a purchase in 4 or 24 times free of charge, a control can be carried out by the free partner, Fia-net. In this case, it is recommended to respond quickly to their request to be able to validate your order.

Buying a phone with spread payment is possible that if you have a free subscription with an activated SIM card.

You wish to take out a free package ?

Payment in several times with a dealer: some examples

Buy a mobile several times on Amazon with Paymens

Amazon allows you to pay your order in 24 times. This system is possible thanks to Paymens, A deferred payment service offered by the COFIDIS organization. This allows you to pay purchases, the amount of which is included Between 100 and 3000 euros in 24 monthly payments.

To pay your order in several times with Paymens:

  1. Add the article you want in your basket.
  2. Click on To order.
  3. Click on Modify the payment method.
  4. Select Pay in several times with Paymens.
  5. Confirm by clicking on Pay in several times with Paymens (at the bottom of the screen).
  6. Choose your financing time (3, 6, 10, 12 or 24 times)).
  7. Click on continue.
  8. Complete the form required by Cofidis: you will need your identity document, a RIB, as well as to enter your profession, your number of dependent children …
  9. Then sign the contract.

Subject to acceptance from Cofidis, your order will be paid in several times. Amazon will debute the sum agreed each month of your bank account.

Namely the overall, fixed annual rate, varies depending on the price of your order. If the value of it does not exceed € 1000, you will receive immediate acceptance from Cofidis. Otherwise, your request will first be examined in order to check your solvency.

Amazon also offers a formula that allows you to stagger your payment in 4 deadlines, by bank card (duration less than or equal to 3 months). In this case, if your order is shipped in a single package, your first deadline will start 3 days after its shipment.

To be able to benefit from it, there are two conditions:

  • You have to have Created your Amazon account over 60 days ago and that you have passed at least two orders on the site.
  • The total amount of your order must include Between 75 euros and 1200 euros.

If your order is shipped in several packages, your first deadline will start 3 days after sending the last article.

As soon as your entire order is dispatched, its amount will be divided into 4 deadlines which will be taken in turn. The first sample occurs One day after shipment, the second 32 days after shipping, the 3rd 63 days after shipping and the 4th 90 days after shipping.

Pay phone in several times on

If you want to buy a mobile phone and pay it in several times on, you have the possibility to stagger your payment. This works from the moment the amount of your purchase is included Between 150 and 2000 euros. If you are in this case, you can pay your purchase in 3 or 4 times by bank card. The first deadline is to be paid at the time of your purchase, then the following will be automatically taken every 30 days.

Note if you choose payment in 3 times, the cost of financing is to 1.5% of the total amount of your order. If you opt for a payment in 4 times, it will be 2.2% of the total amount of your order. This sum will be integrated not into the first payment but in the second.

If you want to use this type of financing, remember to look at the movable product sheets that interest you. When the payment of payment in several times is available, it is indicated directly there.

Here are the steps to benefit from payment in several times:

  1. Once you have finished your order, click the button 3x or 4x per cb.
  2. Click on “In several times by bank card»».
  3. Then click the “In 3 times by bank card” Or “In 4 times by bank card»Depending on your wish.
  4. Once you have chosen your option, you will need Validate your contact details, Enter your date and place of birth as well as the number of your bank card.
  5. Validate.

In the same way as when you pay an online purchase in one go, a confirmation page opens once your order validated. After this step, you will receive an email which will inform you of the validation of your payment, subject to acceptance by CA Consumer Finance which is the organization which manages funding for Darty.

Payment in several times at Fnac

The Fnac group offers several payment facilities in 3, 5, 10 Or 20 monthly payments. You can choose your number of monthly payments, and these start from € 25 per month. These payment facilities are subject to the condition of having a Fnac Sofinco card.

Take the example of a smartphone at 900 € (offers valid on August 12, 2022):

You opt for 3 monthly payments You opt for 5 monthly payments You opt for 10 monthly payments You opt for 20 monthly payments
You pay € 305.99 per month during 2 months
And € 308.65 For your last monthly payment.
You pay € 185.40 per month during 4 months
And € 188.19 For your last monthly payment.
You pay € 94.49 per month during 9 months
And € 96.80 For the last deadline.
You pay € 49.50 months during 19 months
And € 52.42 For the last deadline.
Fixed taeg: 12.627%
Total amount: € 922.83
Fixed taeg: 12.604%
Total amount: € 929.79
Fixed taeg: 11.296%
Total amount: € 947.21
Fixed taeg: 11.682%
Total amount: € 992.92

Apple payment several times: what solutions ?


If you want to buy an iPhone and stagger payment, you can do it directly from Apple.

iPhone payment in several times at no cost: how to buy an Apple product in several times ?

IPhone are among the most expensive smartphones on the market. And the brand is well aware of this, that’s why it has set up payment facilities. It works in a simple way: you pay a first part of the sum, then Apple lends you the rest. You reimburse Apple every month. On the other hand, like all consumer loans, a TAEG applies and adds you a little money. To take advantage of a payment in several times at no cost, you must inquire about Apple offers: quite frequently, the apple brand offers funding with a 0% taeg. These offers are limited in time but often renewed.

For example, imagine that Apple lends you 909 € for the acquisition of a iPhone 12 and that you want to reimburse Apple over 24 months. THE Taeg is of 9.47%, Which gives you monthly payments at € 41.56 per month. The total amount you will have to pay at the end will amount to € 997.44.

If you want to apply for funding from Apple, you can do so in an Apple Store or online. If your request is accepted, the exact amount of your monthly payments will be communicated to you by e-mail. The minimum amount of your order must be 249 €.

To know if you have an iPhone picked up and have a discount, you will not be able to stagger the payment of your new iPhone.

iPhone payment several times: where to find it outside the Apple Store ?

If you want to acquire an iPhone without going through Apple, it is quite possible. You can buy your iPhone from a dealer, inquire about the taeg practiced. For example, at Baker, It is possible to acquire an iPhone with a 0% taeg, which is rather advantageous. You can also buy your iPhone from your operator, taking advantage of a package with commitment, according to the terms developed above in this article.

If you have no problem with buying a used iPhone, you can also turn to Backmarket. The site proposes to stagger payment if you wish.

Example of funding for an iPhone 12 – Offers valid for August 12, 2022

Apple Store Payment in 24 times, TAEG 9.47%.
Baker Payment in 20 times at no cost.
Amazon Payment in 10 times at no cost.
Darty Payment in 3 or 4 times with variable TAEG (approximately 2%).

Pay a phone in several times at Samsung: how to proceed ?

You can buy your smartphone from Samsung and pay it in several times directly online. Here is the method:

  1. Select your products and add them to your basket.
  2. Choose the payment method In 3 or 4 times free of charge by bank card: Payment in 3 times at no cost is offered from 149 € of purchase, payment in 3 or 4 times at no cost is offered from € 400 purchase.
  3. Fill out the form (you have no documents to provide).
  4. You receive a Immediate response online.
  5. Then wait until confirmation of your order.

You can also apply for funding with a longer staggered via the organization Oney, who is a partner of Samsung.

Examples of funding for a Samsung Galaxy S21 – Offers valid for August 12, 2022

Samsung Payment in 10, 20 or 36 times with Oney with Fixed Taeg of 0%.
Baker Payment in 20 times at no cost.
Amazon Payment in 10 times at no cost.
Darty Payment in 3 or 4 times with variable TAEG (approximately 2%).

You want to take advantage of the promotions of the moment ?

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Frequent questions about the payment in several times of a phone

How does the payment of a mobile work in several times ?

You must pay a deposit, then the rest of the amount is divided into several monthly payments, going up to 24 months.

What are the advantages of payment in several times ?

This allows you to stagger the payment of a large sum. So you can afford to buy a quality phone without exceeding your budget.

What are the different types of payment in several times ?

It is often a fixed -term loan, with monthly payments to be reimbursed for 12, 24 or 36 months.

Updated on 03/13/2023

Magali joined Selectra in 2020 as a freelance editor. It mainly takes care of articles on subjects linked to mobile and internet themes.

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Finance your equipment in several monthly payments

A practical financing solution for your purchases

Take advantage of payment in several times in Orange stores with Orange Bank financing.

The benefits of funding

From 3 to 36 months

Choose your monthly payment: from 3 to 36 months depending on your preference and your situation.

Take advantage of the rate at 0%

To take advantage of it, 2 possibilities ::

– Finance your purchases in 3 monthly payments
– You are an orange customer ?
Choose between 3 and 36 monthly payments, if you hold or opt for a minimum 80GB package with 24 -month commitment (mobile plan or open offer).

For any equipment

The whole purchase basket is eligible for Orange Bank funding: phones, smartphones, accessories, connected objects and tablets up to € 3,000. Check your eligibility conditions with one of our advisers.

Accessible to everyone

Whether you are an orange customer or not, whether you have an Orange Bank bank account or not, you can apply for funding. Go to Orange store.

Go to store to request your funding

  • 1
    Subscription with an advisor
    Choose your new equipment, our advisor supports you and makes the financing file with you

  • 2
    Immediate response
    An answer is given to you immediately following the sending of supporting documents. For more simplicity, your whole file is digitalized and there is no file fees.

  • 3
    1st deposit settlement
    A first deposit is requested with a minimum of 10 euros to pay in a bank card subject to eligibility, see conditions in store.

  • 4
    Subscription completed
    About 15 minutes are enough to make your financing request. If the request is accepted, you immediately leave with your equipment.


Financing of a smartphone in stores

For example, for a purchase of € 579, with a deposit of € 99, ​​you borrow € 480 over 10 months at Overall effective annual rate (TAEG) fixed of 12.80% (fixed annual debtor rate of 12.11%), excluding optional insurance, you reimburse 10 monthly payments of € 50.70. Total amount due: € 507 (including 27 € of interest and without fees). Conditions in force on 08/20/2020, likely to modify.

A credit commits you and must be reimbursed. Check your repayment capacity before you commit.

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Find all the useful information to prepare your visit: timetables, access plan, Sunday openings and exceptional hours.

Buy a new phone thanks to payment in 3 or 4 times

You dream of a new late Smartphone ? You can buy your phone with payment in 3 or 4 times 1 . This funding mode has many advantages. Find out how to pay your phone in several times !

Buy a phone thanks to payment in 3 or 4 times: access to high -end mobiles

Recent models of smartphones offer a wide range of features: 5G connection, Extensible memory card, HD camera, Bluetooth, Office and Multimedia tools, GPS or Agenda ! These technical advances have an often high price.

You may be looking for an appropriate financing solution. Buy your phone with payment in 3 or 4 times, it’s possible. It is an advantageous alternative for the purchase of a new or reconditioned smartphone. Paying your phone in 3 or 4 times is to stagger payment by making 3 to 4 monthly payments. This is a good way to get a state -of -the -art mobile.

By using payment in 3 or 4 times, it is possible to afford an expensive smartphone. The modalities depend on the type of financing chosen. But it is possible to have access to a state -of -the -art phone with payment in 3 or 4 times. As a rule, a first monthly payment is paid on the day of purchase and immediately debited on your bank account. The other deadlines are echeldered in the following months.

Depending on your refund capacity, it may then be appropriate to buy your phone with payment in 3 or 4 times. Depending on your mobile needs and the offers offered, do not hesitate to study the solution !

Buy a phone thanks to payment in 3 or 4 times: watch out for additional costs !

If payment in 3 or 4 times provides access to high -end phone models, it is also necessary to take into account the costs inherent in this operation. In effect, buy your phone with a payment in 3 or 4 times may have costs. Depending on the number of monthly payments and the financial partner who offers this service, the costs may differ.

It is important to check the costs applied as part of a telephone purchase financing offer with payment in 3 or 4 times. Regarding payment in 3 or 4 times free of charge, the total amount paid is identical to the displayed price (cash price). So there is no additional cost ! It is therefore a real opportunity to be able to pay your mobile in 3 or 4 times free of charge. However, penalties can be applied in the event of non-payment of a deadline (if your account is not provisioned or if you have exceeded your authorized overdraft).

Our tip: if you have the possibility, do not hesitate to compare different financing offers. A lower rate can allow you, for example, to choose a higher -end smartphone with new features. By choosing payment in 3 or 4 times, it is important to compare the proposed solutions.

The ideal is to opt for a solution that allows you to pay your mobile in 3 or 4 times at no cost.

Please note: always rely on the fixed TAEG which includes both the interest rate and the additional costs, in particular the case costs. This is what will allow you to really compare offers to buy your phone with payment in 3 or 4 times .

Paying your mobile in 3 or 4 times at no cost, it is possible !

It is possible to buy your phone with payment in 3 or 4 times free of charge. To do this, it is necessary to have a bank card which authorizes this operation. At Floa, we offer this solution thanks to our range of bank cards. We will come back.

In summary, to pay your mobile in several times at no cost, it involves the detention and the use of a specific bank card, or the choice of a financing solution merchant in order to pay your phone in 3 or 4 times.

In any case, when you buy your phone with payment in 3 or 4 times, whether it is a purchase made with a specific bank card or with a split payment service offered by the merchant, you have A timetable specifying the monthly payments to come (amount + date of direct debit). It is therefore easier to follow your accounts.

Note: you have a legal withdrawal period of 14 days following the implementation of the split payment service. You are after all liable for the full sum of the purchase made. If you buy your phone with payment in 3 or 4 times and you finally want to cancel the service, you will have to pay the phone in its entirety and only once.

Pay your new phone in 3 or 4 times with Floa bank cards

Buying your phone with payment in 3 or 4 times, it is possible with Floa ! Indeed, we offer 3 advantageous 1 bank cards, which allow you not only to pay your purchases, but also to take advantage of payment solutions:

– Casino bank card: it allows you to choose payment in cash, credit or in 3 or 4 times each purchase. You can combine cashback 2 and advantages in all stores in the Casino group. It is then possible for you to buy your phone with a payment in 3 or 4 times without additional costs.

– The Cdiscount bank card: you can set all your purchases in 3, 4 times on Cdiscount. Pay your phone in 3 or 4 times, it’s possible with the Cdiscount card !

– The Gold of Floa card: Take advantage of payment solutions all year round on Cdiscount and in the stores of the Casino group. To pay your purchases in 3 or 4 times, simply use the 2 key from the payment terminal. You can also stretch a posteriori payments, going to your personal space. Paying your mobile in 3 or 4 times at no cost is an available service that you benefit from with your GOLD card !

Whether you are already a customer or not, you can subscribe to one of our bank cards to buy your phone with a payment in 3 or 4 times free of charge !

With Floa, you can request the bank card of your choice. It’s fast thanks to the 100 % online subscription ! Do not wait. This is the ideal solution to quickly buy your phone thanks to payment in 3 or 4 times !

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