How much brought in 200m2 of solar panels?, What is the performance and profitability of photovoltaic solar panels? kWh/m²/year

Performance and profitability of photovoltaic solar panels

Take an installation of 1247 solar panels or 1247 x 1.67 = 2083 m² of total area approximately with a yield of 24%. The theoretical power of the installation is: 1247 x 1.67m² x 240wc/m² = 499.8 kWc

How much brought in 200m² of solar panels ?

200m² of solar panels report maximum 5.000 €/year. It represents an installation of 109 solar panels, which produces approximately 30.000 has 50.000kwh energy per year. The cost of 200m² of solar panels is between 65.000 and 80.000 €, state subsidies are set up to help households in the installation.

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How much brought in 200m² of solar panels ?


The stern house

The place available for installation

solar energy

solar panel


The power consumption of the home

There are several criteria to maximize the profitability of solar panels:

  • The location of the accommodation plays an important role since an installation located in the North will not have the same yields as an installation in the south
  • The place available for installation
  • The orientation of solar panels south is privileged
  • The inclination at 30 ° in summer makes it possible to capture as much radiation as possible
  • The electrical consumption of the household is different from one home to another and depends on the geographic area

Simulation yields 200 m² of solar panels


The stern house

The place available for installation

solar energy

solar panel


The power consumption of the home

  • The location of the home is important is in the yield since a household in the south will produce more than a home in the North
  • The place available on the roof for installation is important. It allows you to know the number of solar panels to install
  • A southern orientation of solar panels is privileged to have the best yields
  • The inclination at 30 ° in summer is the best for good yields
  • The electrical consumption of the household is different from one region to another

How many solar panels for 200m² ?

It’s necessary 109 Solar panels for an installation of 200m². The number of solar panels depends on the type and model of the installation. Generally a solar panel at a power of 375WC and its area is 1.8m².

Simulation Installation of 200m² of solar panels


food cart

The installation of 200m² of solar panels is generally intended for companies or farmers. They usually have unused spaces that can be used to install a large amount of solar panels. 200m² of solar panels is a large installation, you must have a sufficient roof to place 109 solar panels.

How many households can we feed with 200m² of solar panels ?

About 15 households can be supplied with an installation of 200m² of solar panels.

How to install 200 m² of solar panels ?

The installation of solar panels can be done on a sloping roof, flat roof or directly on the floor using suspension. It must be done by a RGE certified craftsman in order to benefit from aid.

1. Installation solar panels on a sloping roof


Building integration


Simplified integration into the frame

solar panel

Installations not integrated into the frame

The installation of solar panels on a sloping roof can be done in two ways: in superimposed or in integration into the frame. The cost of the installation is between 24.000 And 33.000 €.

  • Suriming solar panel installation consists in placing the solar panels directly on the roof. Its amount is 24.000 and 30.000 €
  • The integration of solar panels into the frame (IAB) is to replace the roof cover with solar panels. Its amount is 27.000 and 33.000 €

2. Installation solar panels on flat rooftops

The installation of solar panels on flat roof is done thanks to rails or bins to be dester. They allow the solar panel to have the best inclination and orientation.


Surimition on rails

Installing solar panels on rails makes it possible to capture as much solar radiation as possible in order to have the best yields. The price of rails is between 20 and 40 € for 2m.

2. Solar panel on Lester bins

solar panel

Lester bins are plastic bins filled with small stones that keep the solar panel in place in the event of a storm. The price of the Lester bac is between 100 and 200 €.

3. Sun panel installation on a lake

floating photovoltaic

It is possible to install floating solar panels on a body of water. They make it possible to capture the solar rays and transform them into energy.

What are the aids for installation of solar panels ?

State, energy suppliers and local communities have implemented aid for the purchase and installation of solar panels. These aid generally depend on the annual income of the household and the amount of the work.

1. Self -consumption bonus

self -consumption

1: Energy production

2: I consume my production

3: I resell the excess energy

4: I buy energy at night or in rainy weather

The self -consumption premium is a bonus paid to all homes wanting to consume their own energy. It depends on the power of the installation.

Installation power Amount of the premium
Less than or equal to 3kwc € 500/KWC
Between 3 and 9kwc € 370/kwc
Between 9 and 36kwc 210 €/KWC
Between 36 and 100kwc 110 €/KWC

3. Buying obligation

The purchase obligation is the sale of the surplus or all of the energy produced to an energy supplier. The sales contract at a maximum duration of 20 years.

Sale price according to the power of the installation

Installation power Self -consumption selling price Sale price in total resale
Less than or equal to 3kwc 0.10 €/kWh 0.02022 €/KWH
Between 3 and 9kwc 0.10 €/kWh 0.1718 €/kWh
Between 9 and 36kwc 0.€ 06/KWH 0.€ 1231/kWh
Between 36 and 100kwc 0.€ 06/KWH 0.€ 1070/kWh

4. Maprimerenov ’

Prime Renov colors

Maprimerenov ’is a bonus paid to all households wanting to install hybrid solar panels. It depends on the income and the number of inhabitants in the home as well as its location.

5. Maprimerenov serenity

Maprimerenov serenity is attributed to all households wanting to carry out energy renovation work. It that the accommodation can allow an energy gain of at least 35% after the work.

6. Other aids

  • The energy check: it is an aid of energy suppliers to all households wishing to do energy renovation work.
  • VAT with reduced rate: VAT goes from 20 to 10% for the purchase and installation of solar panels
  • The PTZ eco-loan: is a loan granted by subsidized banks (BNP Paribas, CIC, etc.) to carry out energy renovation work for all accommodation over 2 years old
  • Aid from local communities: they depend on regions and departments

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Performance and profitability of photovoltaic solar panels

performance and profitability of a photovoltaic installation

Is it interesting to invest in photovoltaic panels ? How much electrical energy produce photovoltaic solar panels ? To answer these questions, a number of criteria must be taken into account such as the surface of the panels, the production capacity of solar panels or the region and location of your building. The damping time, financial aid or electricity buyout rates also weigh in the balance. Butagaz you support in deciphering the profitability of solar panels and helps you make a decision with more visibility. In a period when the price of electricity increases, becoming more energy independently becomes necessary !

How to calculate the profitability and performance of photovoltaic panels ?

Although the power of a solar panel per m² can be similar, it can have different yields and an annual production in electrical energy as much divergent. Take the example of a m² of solar panel lit by a fixed power of 700 W. With a yield of 11%, the m² of solar panel will generate 700W x 11% = 77w. THE Solid panel yield, It is in fact the percentage that represents the power produced by the solar panel in relation to the captured power.

However, to get an idea of yield and profitability of solar panels photovoltaic, a certain number of criteria must be taken into account. To know the profitability of a solar installation on your roof or on photovoltaic shade in your parking lot, you can make a simulation on our site.

The type of photovoltaic cells

Three types of photovoltaic cells are used in the manufacture of solar panels. Depending on the manufacturing mode and the type of cells, the yield and profitability of solar panels are not equal. According to Ademe:

  • Solar panels provided with Monocrystalline silicon cells have an average yield of 20% (up to 25%). Monocrystalline solar panels are made from a single silicon crystal;
  • Solar panels provided with Polycrystalline silicon cells have a yield oscillating between 13 and 15 %. Polycrystalline solar panels are made with several juxtaposed crystals;
  • The solar panels Amorphous silicon based present the smallest yield, between 6 and 9 %. Amorphous solar panels are designed with 1 % silicon deposited on an amorphous material.

Monocrystallins-photvoltaic panels

A concrete case for calculating the yield (production of a solar panel per m²)

Take a monocrystalline type panel with a yield around 24%. In testing conditions, for a light radiation of 1000W/m², the panel will produce 1000*24% or 240wc/m². The dimension of the panel being 1.67 m²:

Its nominal power will therefore be 240 x 1.67 = 400WC (approximately)

The total surface of solar panels

Important criterion when mentioned the yield of solar panels, the total surface of these. Indeed, the surface makes it possible to determine the power (expressed in kilowatt -crew – kwc) theoretical installation. Hence the necessary step to determine your energy needs with a qualified professional.

To get a more precise idea

Take an installation of 1247 solar panels or 1247 x 1.67 = 2083 m² of total area approximately with a yield of 24%. The theoretical power of the installation is: 1247 x 1.67m² x 240wc/m² = 499.8 kWc

How many solar panels for 36 kwc, 100 kwc, 200 kwc, 300 kWc, 400 kWc and 500 kWc ?

Power (KWC)

Number of panels (if 400 toilets exactly)

Approximate required surface (m²)

The geographic location and the sunshine rate

Another criterion to take into account, your geographical region and its sunshine rate (Expressed in kilowatt hour (kWh) per kwc per year). This sunshine influences the production of electricity (expressed in kilowatt hours (kWh) by KWC). An average was made, under optimal conditions, on French territory. Performance oscillates overall between 825 kWh per year and by KWC in the north of France and 1,550 kWh per year and by KWC in Corsica and on the French Riviera

However, living in the north of France should not slow down the project to install solar panels on your hangar, your warehouse or other, because the production of electricity thanks to solar energy is relevant everywhere in France. Profitability can be estimated differently depending on the inclination and orientation of the roof : two key points which will be well understood by the professional that you will choose for this project. You can make a precise estimate with your address on our simulator.

A concrete example :

Take a building in Limoges. The sunshine is 1114 kWh/kwc/year.

In the case of optimal orientation, my 500kWC installation will therefore produce 500 x 1114 = 557,000 kWh/year .

Note that due to the wear of the panels, an installation may undergo a drop in productivity of solar panels of approximately -0.5%/year.

In addition, most manufacturers guarantee a performance of at least 85% after 25 years (i.e. an average annual decrease in panel production between 0% and -0.6% per year).

Pproximation of efficiency Solar installation

Inclination \ Orientation

The efficiency of the installation

Depending on your geographic area, the energy efficiency of an installation can change at all. Indeed, the irradiation of the sun’s rays will not be the same everywhere.

The efficiency of the installation is The connection between the orientation and the inclination of your roof. It translates how long your panels are exposed directly or on the contrary in the shadow compared to the sun. In other words, how the sun’s rays directly touch the panel.

An optimal classic roof is facing south with an inclination of 35% compared to the horizontal. If it may be relevant to position solar panels oriented towards the east or west, it is generally not recommended to orient solar panels to the north, except special case.

According to the geographical location, the more the roof on which you want to put your panels is aligned with the southern axis, the more your installation will produce over the year. To learn more about your installation, you can make an online estimate and get your detailed report.

Electrical production annual solar panel = installation power x sunshine rate x efficiency of the installation

For our example ?

Let us admit that your building in Limoges has a classic south-east-oriented roof (45 ° compared to the southern axis) and an inclination of 35 ° compared to the horizontal. The efficiency of your installation will then be 94.5%. With an orientation “full east” or “full west”, efficiency would be 80%.

With an installation of 500 kilowatt On a classic roof oriented south is in Limoges, we therefore calculate an annual production of 600,000 x 0.945 = 567,000 kWh/year

Note that the panels further east will tend to produce more in the morning, and vice versa for the panels oriented to the west.

Depending on the orientation of your roof and where your solar panels are installed, the overall yield can vary:

  • Roof tilted at 35% south oriented (0 ° compared to the southern axis). Here you have the best possible provision. The yield of your installation surrounds 100%.
  • Roof oriented towards the west or east (90 ° or -90 ° compared to the southern axis). Here, the yield is still good, about 79%.
  • Roof oriented north (180 ° compared to the southern axis). Here, the yield is the least good and to be avoided in general. Indeed, the rays of the sun will have much more difficulty in reaching your solar cells and your yield will be surrounded by 55%.

Finally, the search for a south -facing orientation should not be an absolute criterion in itself. For multiple reasons, installations oriented in a different way have all their meaning (for example to “smooth” a production during the day, an installation oriented partly to the east and partly to the west will be preferable, at the risk of lose a little bit of production at a full year).

Other criteria must be taken into account such as temperature, inclination or quantity of panels installed.

In addition, the maintenance of your installation is essential for the good performance of the latter. Indeed, one of the factors for lowering productivity and efficiency of photovoltaic cells is the presence of dirt. We advise you to have your installation cleaned at least once a year by your installer.

What is the profitability and yield of solar panels ?

Between the installation costs and the operating mode of the electricity produced, it is preferable to calculate the profitability of your solar panels and their profitability and thus the depreciation time to be expected.

Self -consumption or resale ?

The production of electricity by solar energy has made it possible to bring out three main operating methods:

  • The total resale of the energy produced

In this context, you subscribe a supply contract 20 years with EDF OA, mandated by the State for this mission, on the basis of prices set by the public authorities. Opt for total resale ideally requires large areas to ensure the profitability and performance of your solar panels.

  • Partial self -consumption with the resale of surplus electricity

An increasingly popular consumption mode by individuals and professionals to produce their electricity, consume it and resell the possible surplus at EDF OA. This solution is to be favored if your consumption is important and if your consumption charging curve correspond to the electrical production curves of your installation.

If you choose self -consumption, you consume the electricity you produce and therefore use less energy from the network. You can reduce your bill, and benefit from an additional income linked to the resale of the surplus.

  • Total self -consumption

This type of installation is the same as above, but is simply not connected to the network. If the production is not entirely self -consumed or stored, it is then lost

The factors to be considered before an installation of solar panels

What solar energy buyout rate ?

If you choose the total resale of your energy, you benefit from a price subsidized by the State and guaranteed 20 years. The purchase rate depends on the power you install. In the case of the total resale of electricity, the redemption prices of the KWH by EDF evolve every quarters, the prices in force in 2023 are:

Power installed

Total resale buyout of the 3rd quarter 2022 (C €/KWh)

Total resale buyout of the 4th quarter 2022 (C €/KWh)

Total resale buyout rate of the 1st quarter 2023 (C €/kWh)

Total resale repurchase rate of the 2nd quarter 2023 (C €/kWh)

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