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Preventive physical activity andmedicine

We offer solutions of innovative donations allowing individuals and companies to support non -profit organizations of our portfolios.

our planet

Epic is an international foundation whose mission is to transform the lives of children and young people, and to protect the planet. We are a bridge between non -profit organizations that develop solutions to the urgent problems of our time, and individuals and businesses wishing to make positive changes.

What do we do

Our actions

We support non -profit organizations

We constitute and manage portfolios of non -profit organizations, rigorously evaluated, for which our strategic support will change the situation.

We mobilize donors

We offer solutions of innovative donations allowing individuals and companies to support non -profit organizations of our portfolios.

We guarantee an impact

We analyze the performance of supported organizations and communicate them to our donors, in order to guarantee confidence and transparency.

Physical activity and preventive medicine

Attached to the Montreal Cardiology Institute, the Epic Center contributes to health promotion and the acquisition of healthy lifestyles in order to maintain optimal health and prevent risk factors associated with diseases cardiovascular. A specialized multidisciplinary team detects, evaluates and deals with the risk factors for cardiovascular disease according to a specific preventive medicine approach to the Center Epic.


Everything you need to know

Monday September 25, 2023

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Discover our YouTube channel !

Anxious to multiply the content broadcasting platforms to share its expertise, the Epic Center team is proud to present its new YouTube channel to you. Cardiovascular training and cycling, muscle and postural strengthening, meditation, yoga and relaxation, cardio sports dance, New content will be posted every week. Subscribe without delay, you will enjoy, in the comfort of your home, of training routines specially developed for you by our kinesiologists!

The news that runs – edition August 31, 2023

To read in this bulletin: the word management dear members, summer is already coming to an end and I hope you enjoyed it! First of all, we are very proud to mention the reopening of the bistro which took place on August 9. If not already done, we […]

The news that runs – edition July 6, 2023

To read in this bulletin: the word management dear members, I hope you keep form and morale during these days of smog and heat wave. In this bulletin you will find several dates and relevant information on the progress of activities at the Center Epic. With the current summer, we will be brought to […]

The news that runs – edition June 8, 2023

The news that runs

To read in this bulletin: the word management dear members, I hope you are all in great shape and that you enjoy spring! You will find in this edition of the NQC several interesting information. I am very happy at the idea that we will find our bistro, under a new formula, very soon. I’m holding […]

The Montreal Cardiology Institute is an ultra -specified hospital center in cardiology dedicated to care, research, teaching, prevention, rehabilitation, as well as the evaluation of new technologies in cardiology. Constantly at the forefront, the ICM is a leader in its field and plays a leading role in Quebec, Canada and the world. He is affiliated with the University of Montreal.

Montreal Cardiology Institute

Promote the primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases to extend healthy life expectancy.

The Epic Foundation is a charity organization which is the property of its members. It collects and manages the donations of members and friends of the Center Epic in order to support and participate in the evolution and development of the Center and the Directorate of Prevention of the Montreal Cardiology Institute, as well as to satisfaction of epic members.

Agile epics: definition, examples and models

Use agile Epics to segment a large corpus of tasks in smaller stories.

Max Rehkopf

By Max Rehkopf

Browse the headings

Summary: EPICS are corpus of tasks that can be subdivided into specific tasks (called “User Stories”) based on customer or final users’ needs/demands. Epics are an important practice for agile and devops teams.

When you adopt Agile and DevOps, the Epics are used to manage tasks. These are corpus of tasks which can be subdivided into specific tasks (called “stories” or “user stories”) based on the needs/demands of customers or end users.

Epics are a useful way to organize your work and create a hierarchy. The idea is to divide the work into smaller deliverables, so that you can carry out major projects and continue to deliver value to your customers on a regular basis. EPICS help teams break their work, while continuing to pursue a more important objective.

Maintaining agility in the organization of large tasks, like Epics, is not an easy task. Knowing the relationship between Epics and good agile and healthy practices is an essential competence, regardless of the size of your organization.

What is an agile epic ?

An Epic is a vast corpus of tasks that can be subdivided into smaller stories, sometimes called “tickets” in Jira. Epics often include several teams, on several projects, and can even be followed on several tables.

Epics delivery practically always covers a series of sprints. As the team deepens their knowledge of an EPIC thanks to the development and feedback of customers, user stories will be added and deleted, if necessary. This is the key with agile Epics: the perimeter is flexible, depending on the customer feedback and the team’s pace.

Example of Agile Epic

Imagine that we are in 2050 and that we are working for an agency organizing recreational space trips. We do around ten launches per year, none of them is therefore the biggest project of the year, but each launch is far from routine and will therefore require many hours-personnes. This configuration is perfect for an epic.

An example of Epic, “Launch of space tourism, March 2050” includes stories for routine tasks, as well as stories aimed at improving the key aspects of the launch of the shuttle: of the purchase of space tickets to the Launch of the shuttle itself. Thus, several teams will contribute to this Epic by working on a wide range of stories.

The development team supporting the purchase of tickets for the launch of March 2050 could structure its Epic as follows:

Epic: Launch – March 2050
Story: update the dates beach to include the dates of the launch of March 2050. Story: reduce the loading time of the flight lists requested to