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Uplay Ubisoft

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Uplay Ubisoft





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Uplay Ubisoft

Bough the game and installed it on my mac book pro. But when i try to play it, it fails due to the missing “ubisoft game launcher”. COULD FIND A MAC Install for the next.

Anyone Else Facing Similar Issue or Any Know Fix for this?

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June 22, 2018 at 3:07 p.m
That is not a solution, at least do not work for me.
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Posted on Jan 1. 2018 at 11:16 a.m

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Uplay (Ubisoft Game Launcher)

Warning: Not finished script, need more work.



Source Code

#!/bin/bash # Date: (2020-10-19) # Last revision: See the Changelog BELOW # WINE Version USED: See the Changelog BELOW # Distribution USED TO TEST: XUBUNTU 20.04 64 bits (Linux Kernel V5.4.0). GPU: AMD Vega 11. # Author: Dadu042 # License: Retail # Only for: http: // # # tested Editions: Install '114.1 '(2020-10-20) # # Middleware used by this software: # # changeog # [DADU042] (2020-10-19 10-00). # Initial Script, Inspired by the Work of Fabi2607 for Lutris. # # Known from: # # Known from (Fixed): # - Wine AMD64 5.17: Something Dues Crash (Pol's Error Window), then a White rectangle with a black bold border. Workaround: Wine 5.11 -Staging # - Wine AMD64 5.0.2, 5.19 Staging: Something Does Crash (Pol's Error Window), then a black rectangle window (empty) does appear. Tried: /s, Lutris Script Hacks. ["$ Playonlinux" = ""] && Exit 0 Source "$ Playonlinux/Lib/sources" Title = "Uplay" prefix = "uplay" editor = "ubisoft" Game_url = "https: // "author =" dadu042 "steam_id =" "game_vms =" 256 "shortcut_filename =" uplay.ex "software_categories =" game; " # http: // _-_ Chapter_9: _Standardization # Advanced_standardization Document_file = "" # Starting the Script Pol_Setupwindow_init # Starting Debugging Api Pol_debug_init # Open Dialogue Box Pol_setupwindow_Pressentation " "$ Game_url" "$ author" "$ prefix" pol_requiredversion " 4.3.0 "|| Pol_debug_fatal" $ application_title $ version is required to install $ title "#Setting Prefix Path Pol_wine_SelectPrefix" $ prefix "############## ################# thus Architecture: 32 bit or 64 bit############### #########################Pol_Setupwindow_menu "$ (Eval_Gettext 'What Architecture Do you want to use ?') "" $ Title "" $ (Eval_Gettext '64 Bits (Recommended)') ~ $ (Eval_Gettext '32 Bits') "" ~ " # if [" $ app_answer "==" 32 bits "]; then # pol_system_setarch "X86" # Elif ["$ app_answer" == "$ (Eval_Gettext '64 Bits (Recometed) ')"]; then # Pol_System_Setarch "AMD64" # Fi Pol_System_Setarch "AMD64" # DOWNLOAD WINE IF IF IF te "5.11-Staging "Pol_System_tmpcreate" $ prefix "set_os" win7 "####################### ###Instaling Mandate Dependencies############################## thus Pol_call Pol_install_corefonts#Pol_call Pol_install_vcrun2008#Disable Nvidia Pol_wine_overridll "" "Nvapi" Pol_wine_overridll "" "Nvapi64" ############ thus#GPU ######### # # Set Graphic Card Information Keys for Wine Pol_wine_setvideodriver # Minimum Memory Size Requiered for the Graphic Card. Pol_setupwindow_vms $ Game_vms # Asking about Memory Size of Graphic Card # Pol_Setupwindow_Menu_List "How Much Memory Does Your Graphics Board Have?"" $ Title "" 64-128-256-320-384-512-640-768-896-1024-1536-1792-2048-3072-4096 ""-"" 256 " # VRAM =" $ app_answer " # Pol_wine_direct3D "Videomemormo" $ "Voum"#Useful for Nvidia Gpus#Pol_Call Pol_install_physx #################### thus##### ############Sound Problem Fix - Pulseaudio Related##################### ##############["$ Pol_os" = "Linux"] && set_sounddriver "alsa"#["$ Pol_os" = "Linux"] && set_soundemuldriver "y"# ################## thus############### thus#MAIN PART OF THIS Script##### ############################ thus####Choose Between Steam and Other Digital Download Versions#Pol_Setupwindow_installmethod "Steam, DVD , Local, Download "Pol_setupwindow_installmethod" Local, Download "Pol_setupwindow_message" Warning: please do not run the Software Immoredelly at the End of the Installation."" $ Title " # Pol_setupwindow_message" Warning: Do not install Punk Buster Nor Directx."" $ Title " # Pol_setupwindow_message" Warning: Do not install DirectX (Nor the Icons)."" $ Title " # Pol_setupwindow_message" Warning: Do not install Visual C ++ 2013 redistributable \ n Nor Direct X."" $ Title " # Pol_setupwindow_message" $ (Eval_Gettext 'Note: We Recommend You to Uncheck All The Checkboxes: \ n [x] -> []') "" $ title " # Pol_setupwindow_message" $ $ (Eval_gettext 'Note: End of the First Installer (It Does Instalels the Download Program), do not click run, Instatead close the window, then you will run the game from Pol/Pom.') "" $ Title " # begin game installation if [" $ install_method "==" steam "]; then pol_call pol_install_steam # mandate pre-install fix for steam pol_call pol_install_steam_flags" $ steam_id " # shortcut done before "Steam.Exte "" $ title "" "" steam: // rungameid/$ steam_id " # steam install pol_setupwindow_message" $ (eval_gettext 'when $ title download by steam is finished, \ ndo not click on play.\ n \ nclose Complely the steam interface, \ nso that the installation script can continue ') "" $ title "cd" $ wineprefix/drive_c/$ programfiles/steam "Pol_wine start/unix" steam.EXE "Steam: // install/$ steam_id pol_wine_waitexit" $ title "Elif [" $ install_method "==" dvd "]; then pol_setupwindow_cdrom # pol_call pol_function_nocdwarning pol_setupwindow.EXE "Pol_wine Start /Unix" $ CDROM /SETUP.Exte "Pol_wine_waitexit" $ title " # Restore Screen Resolution (Game's Default is 800x600 ?) # Pol_Shortcut_inSertBefore "$ shortcut" "trap 'xrandr -s 0' exit" Pol_shortcut "$ shortcut_filename" "$ title" "" "" "" software_categories "Pol_Shortcut_quetdebug" $ Title "Pol_Shortcut_document" Tle "" $ document_file "Elif [ "$ Install_method" == "download"]; then cd "$ wineprefix/drive_c" # Pol_Setupwindow_message "$ (Eval_Gettext '\ n \ nnote: This script will download the demo .') "" $ Title "pol_download" https: // "MV Uplayinstaller.Exe Gameinstaller.Exe # mv x.Rar Gameinstaller.rar # mv x.Zip Gameinstaller.Zip # Pol_Setupwindow_Wait_Next_Signal "$ (Eval_Gettext 'extracting the archive. ') "" $ Title " # Pol_System_unrar X" Gameinstaller.Rar "" $ wineprefix/drive_c/game/"|| Pol_debug_fatal" Unrar is required to unarchive $ title (Unrar Package is not installed on the OS)." # Pol_System_unzip" "-d" $ wineprefix/drive_c/game/" # extract without sub -folder. # unzip "gameinstaller.Zip "-J -d" $ wineprefix/drive_c/" # Pol_setupwindow_message" $ (Eval_Gettext 'Note: We Recommend You to Uncheck All The Checkboxes: \ n [x] -> []') "" $ title " # CD" $ WinePrefix/Drive_c/Game/"Pol_wine Start/Unix" Gameinstaller.Exte " #"/Silent "Pol_wine_waitexit" $ title " # Pol_setupwindow_message" $ (Eval_Gettext '\ n \ nnote: do not install directx.') "" $ Title " # cd" $ wineprefix/drive_c " # rm gameinstaller.Exe Pol_Shortcut "$ shortcut_filename" "$ title" "" "" "/s" $ software_categories "Pol_Shortcut_quietdebug" $ title " # Restore Screen Resolution (Game's Default is 1024x768) # Pol_Shortcut "" trap 'xrandr -s 0' exit "Pol_Shortcut_document" $ title "" $ document_file "Elif [" $ install_method "==" local "]; then # Pol_Setupwindow_menu "$ (Eval_Gettext 'What is the type of the file?.') "" $ Title "" $ (Eval_Gettext'.Ex ') ~ $ (Eval_Gettext'.Zip ') ~ $ (Eval_Gettext'.Rar ') "" ~ " # Pol_setupwindow_menu" $ (Eval_Gettext' What is the type of the file?.') "" $ Title "" $ (Eval_Gettext'.Zip ') ~ $ (Eval_Gettext'.Rar ') "" ~ " # Pol_setupwindow_menu" $ (Eval_Gettext' What is the type of the file?.') "" $ Title "" $ (Eval_Gettext'.Msi ') ~ $ (Eval_Gettext'.Ex ') "" ~ "app_answer =".Exte "if [" $ app_answer "==".Exe "]; then # asking then Local Files Of The Game CD" $ Home "Pol_Setupwindow_Browse" $ (Eval_Gettext 'Please Select The Installation File (.Ex) ') "" $ title "setup_exe =" $ app_answer " # pol_setupwindow_message" Note: please ANSWER no to all the questions that will appear."" $ Title "Pol_wine Start /Unix" $ setup_exe "Pol_wine_waitexit" $ title " # Restore Screen Resolution (Game's Default is 640x480 ?) # Pol_Shortcut_inSertBefore "$ shortcut" "trap 'xrandr -s 0' exit" Pol_Shortcut "$ shortcut_filename" "$ title" "" ""/s "" $ software_categories "Pol_Shortcut_quietdebug" $ Title "Title" $ Title "" $ document_file " Elif ["$ app_answer" == "$ (Eval_Gettext '.Msi ') "]"]; then # asking locality local files of the game cd "$ home" pol_setupwindow_browse "$ (eval_gettext' please select the setup file to run ')" "$ title" setup_exe = "$ app_answer" Pol_wine Msiexec / I "$ setup_exe" Pol_wine_waitexit "$ title" # Restore Screen Resolution (Game's Default is 640x480 ?) # Pol_Shortcut_inSertBefore "$ shortcut" "trap 'xrandr -s 0' exit" Pol_shortcut "$ shortcut_filename" "$ title" "" "" "" software_categories "Pol_Shortcut_quetdebug" $ Title "Pol_Shortcut_document" Tle "" $ document_file "Elif [ "$ App_answer" == "$ (Eval_Gettext '.Zip ') "]; then cd" $ home " # pol_setupwindow_message" $ (eval_gettext' \ n \ nwarning: the file name must not have space in its names !.') "" $ Title "Pol_setupwindow_browse" $ (Eval_Gettext' Please Select the .Zip file ') "" $ title "CD" $ Pol_System_tmpdir "Pol_Setupwindow_Wait_Next_SIGNAL" $ (Eval_gettext' extract the archive. ') "" $ Title "pol_system_unzip" $ app_answer "-d" $ wineprefix/drive_c/game/"pol_shortcut" $ shortcut_filename "" $ title "" "" "" "software_categories" pol_shortcut_document " "Pol_Shortcut "Setup.Exte "" $ title - setup "" "" "$ software_categories" Elif ["$ app_answer" == "$ (Eval_Gettext '.Rar ') "]; then cd" $ home "pol_setupwindow_browse" $ (eval_gettext' please the .Rar file ') "" $ title "setup_exe =" $ app_answer "cd" $ pol_system_tmpdir "pol_setupwindow_wait_xigal" $ (eval_gettext' extract the archive. ') "" $ Title "Pol_System_unrar x" $ app_answer "" $ wineprefix/drive_c/game/"|| pol_debug_fatal" unrar is required to unarchive $ title (Unrar Package is not installed on the OS)."Pol_Shortcut" $ shortcut_filename "" $ title "" "" "" $ software_categories "Pol_Shortcut_document" $ title "" Document_file "Fi Fi ########### ############### thus#Hacks##Editing Configuration Files################ ############ thus cd "$ wineprefix/drive_c/users/$ user/local setings/data/ubisoft game launcher/" cat.TXT Overlay: Enabled: False Forceunhookgame: False FPS_Enabled: False Warning_Enabled: False User: Closebehavior: Closebehavior_Close _eof_ CP Settings.XML Settings.BAK CAT TEMP.TXT >> Settings.yml ################end############## pol_setupwindow_message "$ (Eval_Gettext 'Installed is finished.') "" $ Title " # Pol_setupwindow_message" $ (Eval_Gettext' Warning: To Avoid to have a Huge log File, You Should Type \ Ninto Debug Flags: Fixme-All ') "" $ Title "Pol_System_tmpdelete Pol_setupwindow


Set Message
DADU042 TUESDAY 20 October 2020 at 9:56


This update has been approved by the team.


Not Tried Login in.


@@ -7.7 +7.7 @@ # License: Retail # Only for: http: // # - # Tested Editions: Install V114.1 (2020-10-20) +# Tested Editions: Install '114.1 '(2020-10-20) # # Middleware used by this software: # @@ -16,11 +16,10 @@ # initial script, Inspired by the Work of Fabi2607 for Lutris. # # Known from: - # - Wine AMD64 5.0.2, 5.19 Staging: Something Does Crash (Pol's Error Window), then a black rectangle window (empty) does appear. Tried: /s, Lutris Script Hacks. -# - Wine AMD64 5.17: Something Dues Crash (Pol's Error Window), then a White rectangle with a black bold border. Fix: Wine 5.11 -Staging # # Known Issues (Fixed): - # -Wine AMD64 5.0.2: x +# - Wine AMD64 5.17: Something Dues Crash (Pol's Error Window), then a White rectangle with a black bold border. Workaround: Wine 5.11 -Staging +# - Wine AMD64 5.0.2, 5.19 Staging: Something Does Crash (Pol's Error Window), then a black rectangle window (empty) does appear. Tried: /s, Lutris Script Hacks. ["$ Playonlinux" = ""] && Exit 0 @@ -76,10 +75.6 @@ set_os "win7" ############## ###############HACKS# -##################### ######### - - ################## thus############ ###Instaling Mandate Dependencies############################ , 18 +271.6 @@ fi fi -############ -#Patch Update# -########### -# Pol_Setupwindow_menu "$ (Eval_Gettext 'Do You Have A Official Patch-Update to Install ?') "" $ Title "" $ (Eval_Gettext' No ') ~ $ (Eval_Gettext' Yes') "" ~ " - -if [" $ app_answer "==" $ (Eval_gettext 'Yes') "]; Pol_setupwindow_browse "$ (Eval_Gettext 'Please Select the .Exe files to run ') "" $ title " - patch_exe =" $ app_answeer " - Pol_wine start /unix" $ patch_exe " - Pol_wine_waitexit" $ patch_exe "-fi ########## #################### thus#hacks#@@ -296.10 +279.9 @@ cd "$ wineprefix/drive_c/users/$ user /Local Settings/Data application/Ubisoft Game Launcher/" -# Overlay: \ n Enabled: False \ n Forceunhookgame: False \ n FPS_Enabled: False \ n Warning_Enabled: False \ Nuser: \ n Closebehavior: Closebehavior_Close - Cat Temp.TXT + Overlay: Enabled: False Forceunhookgame: False

New Source Code

#!/bin/bash # Date: (2020-10-19) # Last revision: See the Changelog BELOW # WINE Version USED: See the Changelog BELOW # Distribution USED TO TEST: XUBUNTU 20.04 64 bits (Linux Kernel V5.4.0). GPU: AMD Vega 11. # Author: Dadu042 # License: Retail # Only for: http: // # # tested Editions: Install '114.1 '(2020-10-20) # # Middleware used by this software: # # changeog # [DADU042] (2020-10-19 10-00). # Initial Script, Inspired by the Work of Fabi2607 for Lutris. # # Known from: # # Known from (Fixed): # - Wine AMD64 5.17: Something Dues Crash (Pol's Error Window), then a White rectangle with a black bold border. Workaround: Wine 5.11 -Staging # - Wine AMD64 5.0.2, 5.19 Staging: Something Does Crash (Pol's Error Window), then a black rectangle window (empty) does appear. Tried: /s, Lutris Script Hacks. ["$ Playonlinux" = ""] && Exit 0 Source "$ Playonlinux/Lib/sources" Title = "Uplay" prefix = "uplay" editor = "ubisoft" Game_url = "https: // "author =" dadu042 "steam_id =" "game_vms =" 256 "shortcut_filename =" uplay.ex "software_categories =" game; " # http: // _-_ Chapter_9: _Standardization # Advanced_standardization Document_file = "" # Starting the Script Pol_Setupwindow_init # Starting Debugging Api Pol_debug_init # Open Dialogue Box Pol_setupwindow_Pressentation " "$ Game_url" "$ author" "$ prefix" pol_requiredversion " 4.3.0 "|| Pol_debug_fatal" $ application_title $ version is required to install $ title "#Setting Prefix Path Pol_wine_SelectPrefix" $ prefix "############## ################# thus Architecture: 32 bit or 64 bit############### #########################Pol_Setupwindow_menu "$ (Eval_Gettext 'What Architecture Do you want to use ?') "" $ Title "" $ (Eval_Gettext '64 Bits (Recommended)') ~ $ (Eval_Gettext '32 Bits') "" ~ " # if [" $ app_answer "==" 32 bits "]; then # pol_system_setarch "X86" # Elif ["$ app_answer" == "$ (Eval_Gettext '64 Bits (Recometed) ')"]; then # Pol_System_Setarch "AMD64" # Fi Pol_System_Setarch "AMD64" # DOWNLOAD WINE IF IF IF te "5.11-Staging "Pol_System_tmpcreate" $ prefix "set_os" win7 "####################### ###Instaling Mandate Dependencies############################## thus Pol_call Pol_install_corefonts#Pol_call Pol_install_vcrun2008#Disable Nvidia Pol_wine_overridll "" "Nvapi" Pol_wine_overridll "" "Nvapi64" ############ thus#GPU ######### # # Set Graphic Card Information Keys for Wine Pol_wine_setvideodriver # Minimum Memory Size Requiered for the Graphic Card. Pol_setupwindow_vms $ Game_vms # Asking about Memory Size of Graphic Card # Pol_Setupwindow_Menu_List "How Much Memory Does Your Graphics Board Have?"" $ Title "" 64-128-256-320-384-512-640-768-896-1024-1536-1792-2048-3072-4096 ""-"" 256 " # VRAM =" $ app_answer " # Pol_wine_direct3D "Videomemormo" $ "Voum"#Useful for Nvidia Gpus#Pol_Call Pol_install_physx #################### thus##### ############Sound Problem Fix - Pulseaudio Related##################### ##############["$ Pol_os" = "Linux"] && set_sounddriver "alsa"#["$ Pol_os" = "Linux"] && set_soundemuldriver "y"# ################## thus############### thus#MAIN PART OF THIS Script##### ############################ thus####Choose Between Steam and Other Digital Download Versions#Pol_Setupwindow_installmethod "Steam, DVD , Local, Download "Pol_setupwindow_installmethod" Local, Download "Pol_setupwindow_message" Warning: please do not run the Software Immoredelly at the End of the Installation."" $ Title " # Pol_setupwindow_message" Warning: Do not install Punk Buster Nor Directx."" $ Title " # Pol_setupwindow_message" Warning: Do not install DirectX (Nor the Icons)."" $ Title " # Pol_setupwindow_message" Warning: Do not install Visual C ++ 2013 redistributable \ n Nor Direct X."" $ Title " # Pol_setupwindow_message" $ (Eval_Gettext 'Note: We Recommend You to Uncheck All The Checkboxes: \ n [x] -> []') "" $ title " # Pol_setupwindow_message" $ $ (Eval_gettext 'Note: End of the First Installer (It Does Instalels the Download Program), do not click run, Instatead close the window, then you will run the game from Pol/Pom.') "" $ Title " # begin game installation if [" $ install_method "==" steam "]; then pol_call pol_install_steam # mandate pre-install fix for steam pol_call pol_install_steam_flags" $ steam_id " # shortcut done before "Steam.Exte "" $ title "" "" steam: // rungameid/$ steam_id " # steam install pol_setupwindow_message" $ (eval_gettext 'when $ title download by steam is finished, \ ndo not click on play.\ n \ nclose Complely the steam interface, \ nso that the installation script can continue ') "" $ title "cd" $ wineprefix/drive_c/$ programfiles/steam "Pol_wine start/unix" steam.EXE "Steam: // install/$ steam_id pol_wine_waitexit" $ title "Elif [" $ install_method "==" dvd "]; then pol_setupwindow_cdrom # pol_call pol_function_nocdwarning pol_setupwindow.EXE "Pol_wine Start /Unix" $ CDROM /SETUP.Exte "Pol_wine_waitexit" $ title " # Restore Screen Resolution (Game's Default is 800x600 ?) # Pol_Shortcut_inSertBefore "$ shortcut" "trap 'xrandr -s 0' exit" Pol_shortcut "$ shortcut_filename" "$ title" "" "" "" software_categories "Pol_Shortcut_quetdebug" $ Title "Pol_Shortcut_document" Tle "" $ document_file "Elif [ "$ Install_method" == "download"]; then cd "$ wineprefix/drive_c" # Pol_Setupwindow_message "$ (Eval_Gettext '\ n \ nnote: This script will download the demo .') "" $ Title "pol_download" https: // "MV Uplayinstaller.Exe Gameinstaller.Exe # mv x.Rar Gameinstaller.rar # mv x.Zip Gameinstaller.Zip # Pol_Setupwindow_Wait_Next_Signal "$ (Eval_Gettext 'extracting the archive. ') "" $ Title " # Pol_System_unrar X" Gameinstaller.Rar "" $ wineprefix/drive_c/game/"|| Pol_debug_fatal" Unrar is required to unarchive $ title (Unrar Package is not installed on the OS)." # Pol_System_unzip" "-d" $ wineprefix/drive_c/game/" # extract without sub -folder. # unzip "gameinstaller.Zip "-J -d" $ wineprefix/drive_c/" # Pol_setupwindow_message" $ (Eval_Gettext 'Note: We Recommend You to Uncheck All The Checkboxes: \ n [x] -> []') "" $ title " # CD" $ WinePrefix/Drive_c/Game/"Pol_wine Start/Unix" Gameinstaller.Exte " #"/Silent "Pol_wine_waitexit" $ title " # Pol_setupwindow_message" $ (Eval_Gettext '\ n \ nnote: do not install directx.') "" $ Title " # cd" $ wineprefix/drive_c " # rm gameinstaller.Exe Pol_Shortcut "$ shortcut_filename" "$ title" "" "" "/s" $ software_categories "Pol_Shortcut_quietdebug" $ title " # Restore Screen Resolution (Game's Default is 1024x768) # Pol_Shortcut "" trap 'xrandr -s 0' exit "Pol_Shortcut_document" $ title "" $ document_file "Elif [" $ install_method "==" local "]; then # Pol_Setupwindow_menu "$ (Eval_Gettext 'What is the type of the file?.') "" $ Title "" $ (Eval_Gettext'.Ex ') ~ $ (Eval_Gettext'.Zip ') ~ $ (Eval_Gettext'.Rar ') "" ~ " # Pol_setupwindow_menu" $ (Eval_Gettext' What is the type of the file?.') "" $ Title "" $ (Eval_Gettext'.Zip ') ~ $ (Eval_Gettext'.Rar ') "" ~ " # Pol_setupwindow_menu" $ (Eval_Gettext' What is the type of the file?.') "" $ Title "" $ (Eval_Gettext'.Msi ') ~ $ (Eval_Gettext'.Ex ') "" ~ "app_answer =".Exte "if [" $ app_answer "==".Exe "]; then # asking then Local Files Of The Game CD" $ Home "Pol_Setupwindow_Browse" $ (Eval_Gettext 'Please Select The Installation File (.Ex) ') "" $ title "setup_exe =" $ app_answer " # pol_setupwindow_message" Note: please ANSWER no to all the questions that will appear."" $ Title "Pol_wine Start /Unix" $ setup_exe "Pol_wine_waitexit" $ title " # Restore Screen Resolution (Game's Default is 640x480 ?) # Pol_Shortcut_inSertBefore "$ shortcut" "trap 'xrandr -s 0' exit" Pol_Shortcut "$ shortcut_filename" "$ title" "" ""/s "" $ software_categories "Pol_Shortcut_quietdebug" $ Title "Title" $ Title "" $ document_file " Elif ["$ app_answer" == "$ (Eval_Gettext '.Msi ') "]"]; then # asking locality local files of the game cd "$ home" pol_setupwindow_browse "$ (eval_gettext' please select the setup file to run ')" "$ title" setup_exe = "$ app_answer" Pol_wine Msiexec / I "$ setup_exe" Pol_wine_waitexit "$ title" # Restore Screen Resolution (Game's Default is 640x480 ?) # Pol_Shortcut_inSertBefore "$ shortcut" "trap 'xrandr -s 0' exit" Pol_shortcut "$ shortcut_filename" "$ title" "" "" "" software_categories "Pol_Shortcut_quetdebug" $ Title "Pol_Shortcut_document" Tle "" $ document_file "Elif [ "$ App_answer" == "$ (Eval_Gettext '.Zip ') "]; then cd" $ home " # pol_setupwindow_message" $ (eval_gettext' \ n \ nwarning: the file name must not have space in its names !.') "" $ Title "Pol_setupwindow_browse" $ (Eval_Gettext' Please Select the .Zip file ') "" $ title "CD" $ Pol_System_tmpdir "Pol_Setupwindow_Wait_Next_SIGNAL" $ (Eval_gettext' extract the archive. ') "" $ Title "pol_system_unzip" $ app_answer "-d" $ wineprefix/drive_c/game/"pol_shortcut" $ shortcut_filename "" $ title "" "" "" "software_categories" pol_shortcut_document " "Pol_Shortcut "Setup.Exte "" $ title - setup "" "" "$ software_categories" Elif ["$ app_answer" == "$ (Eval_Gettext '.Rar ') "]; then cd" $ home "pol_setupwindow_browse" $ (eval_gettext' please the .Rar file ') "" $ title "setup_exe =" $ app_answer "cd" $ pol_system_tmpdir "pol_setupwindow_wait_xigal" $ (eval_gettext' extract the archive. ') "" $ Title "Pol_System_unrar x" $ app_answer "" $ wineprefix/drive_c/game/"|| pol_debug_fatal" unrar is required to unarchive $ title (Unrar Package is not installed on the OS)."Pol_Shortcut" $ shortcut_filename "" $ title "" "" "" $ software_categories "Pol_Shortcut_document" $ title "" Document_file "Fi Fi ########### ############### thus#Hacks##Editing Configuration Files################ ############ thus cd "$ wineprefix/drive_c/users/$ user/local setings/data/ubisoft game launcher/" cat.TXT Overlay: Enabled: False Forceunhookgame: False FPS_Enabled: False Warning_Enabled: False User: Closebehavior: Closebehavior_Close _eof_ CP Settings.XML Settings.BAK CAT TEMP.TXT >> Settings.yml ################end############## pol_setupwindow_message "$ (Eval_Gettext 'Installed is finished.') "" $ Title " # Pol_setupwindow_message" $ (Eval_Gettext' Warning: To Avoid to have a Huge log File, You Should Type \ Ninto Debug Flags: Fixme-All ') "" $ Title "Pol_System_tmpdelete Pol_setupwindow



This update has not been approved yet by the team.
Use it at your own risk


@@ -0.0 +1,325 @@ +#!/bin/bash +# Date: (2020-10-19) +# Last revision: See the Changelog BELOW +# WINE VERSION USED: See the Changelog Below +# Distribution Used to Test: XUBUNTU 20.04 64 bits (Linux Kernel V5.4.0). GPU: AMD Vega 11. +# Author: Dadu042 +# License: Retail +# Only for: http: // +# +# Tested Editions: Install V114.1 (2020-10-20) +# +# Middleware used by this software: +# +# changelog +# [DADU042] (2020-10-19 10-00). +# Initial Script, Inspired by the Work of Fabi2607 for Lutris. +# +# Known from: +# - Wine AMD64 5.0.2, 5.19 Staging: Something Does Crash (Pol's Error Window), then a black rectangle window (empty) does appear. Tried: /s, Lutris Script Hacks. +# - Wine AMD64 5.17: Something Dues Crash (Pol's Error Window), then a White rectangle with a black bold border. Fix: Wine 5.11 -Staging +# +# Known Issues (Fixed): +# - Wine AMD64 5.0.2: x + + +["$ Playonlinux" = ""] && Exit 0 +Source "$ Playonlinux/Lib/Sources" + +Title = "Uplay" +Prefix = "Uplay" +Editor = "Ubisoft" +Game_url = "https: // " +author =" dadu042 " +steam_id =" " +game_vms =" 256 " +shortcut_filename =" uplay.Exte " +software_categories =" game; " +# http: // _-_ Chapter_9: _standardization# Advanced_standardization +Document_file = "" + + +# Starting the Script +Pol_Setupwindow_init + +# Starting Debugging API +Pol_debug_init +# Open Dialogue Box +Pol_setupwindow Title "" $ editor "" $ game_url "" $ Author "" $ prefix " + + pol_requiredversion" 4.3.0 "|| Pol_debug_fatal" $ application_title $ version is required to install $ title " + +#Setting Prefix Path +Pol_wine_SelectPrefix" $ prefix " + +############ ##################### +#Choose Architecture: 32 Bits or 64 bit# +########## ######################### thus + +#Pol_Setupwindow_menu "$ (Eval_Gettext 'What Architecture Do you want to use ?') "" $ Title "" $ (Eval_Gettext '64 Bits (Recommended)') ~ $ (Eval_Gettext '32 bits') "" ~ " + +# if [" $ app_answer "==" 32 bits "]; +# Pol_System_Setarch "X86" +# Elif ["$ app_answer" == "$ (Eval_Gettext '64 Bits (Recommended) ')"]; then +# Pol_System_Setarch "AMD64" +# FI + +POL_SYSTEM_Setarch "AMD64" + Download Wine If necessary then Create Prefix +Pol_wine_Prefixcreate "5.11-Staging " + + + Pol_System_tmpcreate" $ prefix " + + set_os" win7 " + + ################## ######## +#hacks# +######################### ### + +################################# +#Instaling Mandate Dependencies# + ################################ thus + + Pol_call Pol_install_corefonts + +#Pol_call Pol_install_vcrun2008 + +#Disable NVIDIA +POL_WINE_OVERRIDEDL "" "NVAPI" +POL_WINE_OVERRIDEL "" NVAPI64 " + +############ +#GPU# +####### ####### + +#Set Graphic Card Information Keys for Wine +Pol_wine_setvideodriver + +#Minimum Memory Size Requisred for the Graphic Card. +Pol_setupwindow_vms $ Game_vms + +# Asking about Memory Size of Graphic Card +# Pol_Setupwindow_Menu_List "How Much Memory Does Your Graphics Board?"" $ Title "" 64-128-256-320-384-512-640-768-896-1024-1536-1792-2048-3072-4096 ""-"" 256 " +# VRAM =" $ app_answer " +#Pol_Wine_Direct3D "Videomemormo" $ "VRAM" + +#USEFUL for NVIDIA GPUS +#POL_Call Pol_install_Physx + +################ ################# +#Sound Problem Fix - Pulseaudio Related# +############### ##################### +#["$ Pol_OS" = "Linux"] && set_sounddriver "Alsa" +#["$ Pol_os" = " Linux "] && set_soundemuldriver" y " + ## End Fix + + + ################### #### +#MAIN PART OF THIS Script# +######################## ### + +# Choose Between Steam and Other Digital Download Versions +# Pol_Setupwindow_installmethod "Steam, DVD, Local, Download" +Pol_setupwindow_installmethod "Local, Download" + +Pol_setupwindow_message "Warning: please Software IMMIDATELY AT THE END OF The installation."" $ Title " + +# Pol_setupwindow_message" Warning: Do not install Punk Buster Nor Directx."" $ Title " +# Pol_Setupwindow_Message" Warning: Do not install DirectX (Nor the Icons)."" $ Title "+# Pol_setupwindow_message" Warning: Do not install Visual C ++ 2013 redistributable \ n Nor Direct X."" $ Title " +# Pol_setupwindow_message" $ (Eval_Gettext 'Note: We Recommend You to Uncheck All The Checkboxes: \ n [x] -> []') "" $ title " + +# Pol_setupwindow_message" $ $ (Eval_Gettext 'Note : AT The End of the First Installer (It Does Installers the Downloader Program), do not click run, INTEAD CLOSE THE WINDOW, then you will run the game from Pol/POM.') "" $ Title " + + + + # begin game installation + If [" $ install_method "==" steam "]; then + pol_call pol_install_steam + # mandate pre-install fix for steam + pol_call pol_install_steam_flags" $ steam_id " + # Shortcut Done Before Install for Steam Version + Pol_Shortcut "Steam.Exte "" $ title "" "" steam: // rungameid/$ steam_id " + # steam install + pol_setupwindow_message" $ (eval_gettext 'when $ title download by steam is finished, \ ndo not click on play.\ N \ nclose Complelly the steam interface, \ nso that the installation script can continue ') "" $ title " + cd" $ wineprefix/drive_c/$ programfiles/steam " + pol_wine start/unix" steam.EXE "Steam: // Installer/$ Steam_id + Pol_wine_waitexit" $ Title " + + Elif [" $ install_method "==" DVD "]; then + Pol_Setupwindow_cdrom + + # Pol_Call Pol_function_nocdwarning + + Pol_setupwindow.Exte " + Pol_wine Start /Unix" $ CDROM /SETUP.Exte " + + Pol_wine_waitexit" $ title " + + # Restore Screen Resolution (Game's Default is 800x600 ?) + # Pol_Shortcut_inSertBeforewine "$ shortcut" "trap 'xrandr -s 0' exit" + + Pol_Shortcut "$ shortcut_filename" "$ title" "" "" "Software_categories" + Pol_Shortcut_quietdebug "$ Title" + ment "$ title" " $ Document_file " + + Elif [" $ install_method "==" download "]; then + cd "$ wineprefix/drive_c" + + # Pol_Setupwindow_message "$ (Eval_Gettext '\ n \ nnote: This script will download the demo .') "" $ Title " + Pol_Download" https: // " + + MV Uplayinstaller.Exe Gameinstaller.Exe + # MV X.Rar Gameinstaller.RAR + # MV X.Zip Gameinstaller.Zip + + # Pol_Setupwindow_Wait_Next_Signal "$ (Eval_gettext 'extracting the archive. ') "" $ Title " + # Pol_System_unrar X" Gameinstaller.Rar "" $ wineprefix/drive_c/game/"|| Pol_debug_fatal" Unrar is required to unarchive $ title (Unrar Package is not installed on the OS)." + # Pol_System_unzip" "-d" $ wineprefix/drive_c/game/" + + # extract without sub -folder. + # unzip "gameinstaller.Zip "-J -d" $ wineprefix/drive_c/" + + # Pol_setupwindow_message" $ (Eval_Gettext 'Note: We Recommend You to Uncheck All The Checkboxes: \ n [x] -> []') "" $ title " + + # cd "$ wineprefix/drive_c/game/" + pol_wine start/unix "gameinstaller.Exte " #"/Silent " + Pol_wine_waitexit" $ title " + + # Pol_setupwindow_message" $ (Eval_Gettext '\ n \ nnote: do not install directx.') "" $ Title " + + # cd" $ wineprefix/drive_c " + # rm gameinstaller.Ex + + Pol_Shortcut "$ shortcut_filename" "$ title" "" "" "/s" "Software_categories" + Pol_Shortcut_quetdebug "$ title" + + # Restore Screen Resolution (Game's Default is 1024x768) + # Pol_Shortcut $ Shortcut "" trap ' xrandr -S 0 'exit " + + Pol_Shortcut_document" $ title "" $ document_file " + + Elif [" $ install_method "==" local "]; then + # Pol_setupwindow_menu "$ (Eval_Gettext 'What is the type of the file?.') "" $ Title "" $ (Eval_Gettext'.Ex ') ~ $ (Eval_Gettext'.Zip ') ~ $ (Eval_Gettext'.Rar ') "" ~ " + # Pol_setupwindow_menu" $ (Eval_Gettext' What is the type of the file?.') "" $ Title "" $ (Eval_Gettext'.Zip ') ~ $ (Eval_Gettext'.Rar ') "" ~ " + # Pol_setupwindow_menu" $ (Eval_Gettext' What is the type of the file?.') "" $ Title "" $ (Eval_Gettext'.Msi ') ~ $ (Eval_Gettext'.Ex ') "" ~ " + + app_answer =".EX " + + if [" $ app_answer "==".Exte "]; then + # asking location local files of the game + cd" $ home " + pol_setupwindow_browse" $ (Eval_Gettext 'Please Select the Installation File (.Ex) ') "" $ title " + setup_exe =" $ app_answer " + + # Pol_setupwindow_message" Note: please ANSWER no to all the questions that will appear."" $ Title " + + Pol_wine start /unix" $ setup_exe " + pol_wine_waitexit" $ title " + + # Restore screen resolution (game's default is 640x480 ?) + # Pol_Shortcut_inSertBefore "$ shortcut" "trap 'xrandr -s 0' exit" + + Pol_Shortcut "$ shortcut_filename" "$ title" "" ""/s "" Software_categories " + Pol_Shortcut_quietdebug" $ Title " Document "$ Title "" $ document_file " + + + Elif [" $ app_answer "==" $ (Eval_Gettext '.Msi ') "]"]; then + # asking locality local files of the game + cd "$ home" + pol_setupwindow_browse "$ (eval_gettext' please select the setup file to run") "" $ title " + setup_exe =" $ app_answer " + Pol_wine msiexec /i" $ setup_exe " + pol_wine_waitexit" $ title " + + # restore screen resolution (game's default is 640x480 ?) + # Pol_Shortcut_inSertBeforewine "$ shortcut" "trap 'xrandr -s 0' exit" + + police "$ shortcut_filename" "$ title" "" "" "software_categories" + pol_shortcut_quiestdebug "$ title" + ument "$ title" "$ Document_file" + + Elif ["$ app_answer" == "$ (eval_gettext '.Zip ') "]"]; then + cd "$ home" + + # Pol_setupwindow_message "$ (Eval_Gettext' \ n \ nwarning: The File Name Must Not Have Spaces in its name !.') "" $ Title " + Pol_setupwindow_browse" $ (Eval_Gettext' Please Select the .Zip file ') "" $ title " + CD" $ Pol_System_tmpdir " + Pol_Setupwindow_Wait_Next_SIGNAL" $ (Eval_Gettext' extract the archive. ') "" $ Title " + Pol_System_unzip" $ app_answer "-d" $ wineprefix/drive_c/game/" + + + Pol_Shortcut" $ shortcut_filename "" $ title "" "" "" "Software_categories" + + Pol_Shortcut_document " "$ Document_file" + + + Pol_Shortcut "Setup.Exte "" $ title - setup "" "" "" $ software_categories " + + + elif [" $ app_answer "==" $ (eval_gettext '.Rar ') "]; then + cd" $ home " + pol_setupwindow_browse" $ (Eval_Gettext' Please Select the .Rar file ') "" $ title " + setup_exe =" $ app_answer " + cd" $ pol_system_tmpdir " + pol_setupwindow_wait_sigal" $ (eval_gettext' extracting the archive. ') "" $ Title " + pol_system_unrar x" $ app_answer "" $ wineprefix/drive_c/game/"|| pol_debug_fatal" unrar is required to unarchive $ title (Unrar Package is not installed on the OS)." + Pol_Shortcut" $ shortcut_filename "" $ title "" "" "" $ software_categories " + + pol_shortcut_document" $ title "" $ document_file " + fi + + + ######## ## +#Patch Update# +############ + +#Pol_Setupwindow_menu "$ (Eval_Gettext 'Do You Have A Official Patch-Update ?') "" $ Title "" $ (Eval_Gettext' No ') ~ $ (Eval_Gettext' Yes') "" ~ " + + IF [" $ app_answer "==" $ (Eval_Gettext 'Yes') "]; Pol_setupwindow_browse "$ (Eval_Gettext 'Please Select the .Exe files to run ') "" $ title " + patch_exe =" $ app_answer " + pol_wine start /unix" $ patch_exe " + pol_wine_waitexit" $ patch_exe " + fi + + ######### ####################### +#Hacks# +#Editing Configuration Files# +########### ##################### + + + CD "$ WinePREFIX/DRIVE_C/USERS/$ User/Local Settings/Data/Ubisoft Game Launcher/ " + +# Overlay: \ n Enabled: False \ n Forceunhookgame: False \ n FPS_Enabled: False \ n Warning_Enabled: False \ Nuser: \ n Closebehavior: Closebehavior_Close + + Cat Temp.TXT + Overlay: + Enabled: False + Forceunhookgame: False + FPS_Enabled: False + Warning_Enabled: False + User: + Closebehavior: Closebehavior_close + _eof_ + + CP Settings.XML Settings.BAK +CAT TEMP.TXT >> Settings.yml + +############# +#End# +############ + + +Pol_Setupwindow_message "$ (Eval_Gettext 'Installation is finished.') "" $ Title " + +# Pol_Setupwindow_message" $ (Eval_Gettext' Warning: To Avoid to have a Huge Log File, You Should Type \ Ninto Debug Flags: Fixme-All ') "" $ Title " +Pol_System_tmpdelete +Pol_setupwind +exit 0 \ no newline at end of file

New Source Code

#!/bin/bash # Date: (2020-10-19) # Last revision: See the Changelog BELOW # WINE Version USED: See the Changelog BELOW # Distribution USED TO TEST: XUBUNTU 20.04 64 bits (Linux Kernel V5.4.0). GPU: AMD Vega 11. # Author: Dadu042 # License: Retail # Only for: http: // # # tested Editions: Install V114.1 (2020-10-20) # # Middleware used by this software: # # changelog # [DADU042] (2020-10-19 10-00). # Initial Script, Inspired by the Work of Fabi2607 for Lutris. # # Known from: # - Wine AMD64 5.0.2, 5.19 Staging: Something Does Crash (Pol's Error Window), then a black rectangle window (empty) does appear. Tried: /s, Lutris Script Hacks. # - Wine AMD64 5.17: Something Dues Crash (Pol's Error Window), then a White rectangle with a black bold border. Fix: Wine 5.11 -Staging # # Known from (Fixed): # - Wine AMD64 5.0.2: x ["$ Playonlinux" = ""] && Exit 0 Source "$ Playonlinux/Lib/Sources" Title = "Uplay" prefix = "Uplay" editor = "Ubisoft" Game_url = "https: // "author =" dadu042 "steam_id =" "game_vms =" 256 "shortcut_filename =" uplay.ex "software_categories =" game; " # http: // _-_ Chapter_9: _Standardization # Advanced_standardization Document_file = "" # Starting the Script Pol_Setupwindow_init # Starting Debugging Api Pol_debug_init # Open Dialogue Box Pol_setupwindow_Pressentation " "$ Game_url" "$ author" "$ prefix" pol_requiredversion " 4.3.0 "|| Pol_debug_fatal" $ application_title $ version is required to install $ title "#Setting Prefix Path Pol_wine_SelectPrefix" $ prefix "############## ################# thus Architecture: 32 bit or 64 bit############### #########################Pol_Setupwindow_menu "$ (Eval_Gettext 'What Architecture Do you want to use ?') "" $ Title "" $ (Eval_Gettext '64 Bits (Recommended)') ~ $ (Eval_Gettext '32 Bits') "" ~ " # if [" $ app_answer "==" 32 bits "]; then # pol_system_setarch "X86" # Elif ["$ app_answer" == "$ (Eval_Gettext '64 Bits (Recometed) ')"]; then # Pol_System_Setarch "AMD64" # Fi Pol_System_Setarch "AMD64" # DOWNLOAD WINE IF IF IF te "5.11-Staging "Pol_System_tmpcreate" $ prefix "set_os" win7 "####################### ###hacks################################ ######### ################################INSTALING MANDAND DEPENDENCIES########### ###################### thus Pol_Call Pol_install_corefonts#Pol_Call Pol_install_vcrun2008#Disable Nvidia Pol_wine_overridll "" "Nvapi" Pol_wine_overridl "" ##############GPU###############SET GRAPHIC CARD INFORMATION KEYS FOR WINE POL_WINE_SETVIDRIVER#Minimum Memory Size Requiered for the Graphic Card Card Card Card Card. Pol_setupwindow_vms $ Game_vms # Asking about Memory Size of Graphic Card # Pol_Setupwindow_Menu_List "How Much Memory Does Your Graphics Board Have?"" $ Title "" 64-128-256-320-384-512-640-768-896-1024-1536-1792-2048-3072-4096 ""-"" 256 " # VRAM =" $ app_answer " # Pol_wine_direct3D "Videomemormo" $ "Voum"#Useful for Nvidia Gpus#Pol_Call Pol_install_physx #################### thus##### ############Sound Problem Fix - Pulseaudio Related##################### ##############["$ Pol_os" = "Linux"] && set_sounddriver "alsa"#["$ Pol_os" = "Linux"] && set_soundemuldriver "y"# ################## thus############### thus#MAIN PART OF THIS Script##### ############################ thus####Choose Between Steam and Other Digital Download Versions#Pol_Setupwindow_installmethod "Steam, DVD , Local, Download "Pol_setupwindow_installmethod" Local, Download "Pol_setupwindow_message" Warning: please do not run the Software Immoredelly at the End of the Installation."" $ Title " # Pol_setupwindow_message" Warning: Do not install Punk Buster Nor Directx."" $ Title " # Pol_setupwindow_message" Warning: Do not install DirectX (Nor the Icons)."" $ Title " # Pol_setupwindow_message" Warning: Do not install Visual C ++ 2013 redistributable \ n Nor Direct X."" $ Title " # Pol_setupwindow_message" $ (Eval_Gettext 'Note: We Recommend You to Uncheck All The Checkboxes: \ n [x] -> []') "" $ title " # Pol_setupwindow_message" $ $ (Eval_gettext 'Note: End of the First Installer (It Does Instalels the Download Program), do not click run, Instatead close the window, then you will run the game from Pol/Pom.') "" $ Title " # begin game installation if [" $ install_method "==" steam "]; then pol_call pol_install_steam # mandate pre-install fix for steam pol_call pol_install_steam_flags" $ steam_id " # shortcut done before "Steam.Exte "" $ title "" "" steam: // rungameid/$ steam_id " # steam install pol_setupwindow_message" $ (eval_gettext 'when $ title download by steam is finished, \ ndo not click on play.\ n \ nclose Complely the steam interface, \ nso that the installation script can continue ') "" $ title "cd" $ wineprefix/drive_c/$ programfiles/steam "Pol_wine start/unix" steam.EXE "Steam: // install/$ steam_id pol_wine_waitexit" $ title "Elif [" $ install_method "==" dvd "]; then pol_setupwindow_cdrom # pol_call pol_function_nocdwarning pol_setupwindow.EXE "Pol_wine Start /Unix" $ CDROM /SETUP.Exte "Pol_wine_waitexit" $ title " # Restore Screen Resolution (Game's Default is 800x600 ?) # Pol_Shortcut_inSertBefore "$ shortcut" "trap 'xrandr -s 0' exit" Pol_shortcut "$ shortcut_filename" "$ title" "" "" "" software_categories "Pol_Shortcut_quetdebug" $ Title "Pol_Shortcut_document" Tle "" $ document_file "Elif [ "$ Install_method" == "download"]; then cd "$ wineprefix/drive_c" # Pol_Setupwindow_message "$ (Eval_Gettext '\ n \ nnote: This script will download the demo .') "" $ Title "pol_download" https: // "MV Uplayinstaller.Exe Gameinstaller.Exe # mv x.Rar Gameinstaller.rar # mv x.Zip Gameinstaller.Zip # Pol_Setupwindow_Wait_Next_Signal "$ (Eval_Gettext 'extracting the archive. ') "" $ Title " # Pol_System_unrar X" Gameinstaller.Rar "" $ wineprefix/drive_c/game/"|| Pol_debug_fatal" Unrar is required to unarchive $ title (Unrar Package is not installed on the OS)." # Pol_System_unzip" "-d" $ wineprefix/drive_c/game/" # extract without sub -folder. # unzip "gameinstaller.Zip "-J -d" $ wineprefix/drive_c/" # Pol_setupwindow_message" $ (Eval_Gettext 'Note: We Recommend You to Uncheck All The Checkboxes: \ n [x] -> []') "" $ title " # CD" $ WinePrefix/Drive_c/Game/"Pol_wine Start/Unix" Gameinstaller.Exte " #"/Silent "Pol_wine_waitexit" $ title " # Pol_setupwindow_message" $ (Eval_Gettext '\ n \ nnote: do not install directx.') "" $ Title " # cd" $ wineprefix/drive_c " # rm gameinstaller.Exe Pol_Shortcut "$ shortcut_filename" "$ title" "" "" "/s" $ software_categories "Pol_Shortcut_quietdebug" $ title " # Restore Screen Resolution (Game's Default is 1024x768) # Pol_Shortcut "" trap 'xrandr -s 0' exit "Pol_Shortcut_document" $ title "" $ document_file "Elif [" $ install_method "==" local "]; then # Pol_Setupwindow_menu "$ (Eval_Gettext 'What is the type of the file?.') "" $ Title "" $ (Eval_Gettext'.Ex ') ~ $ (Eval_Gettext'.Zip ') ~ $ (Eval_Gettext'.Rar ') "" ~ " # Pol_setupwindow_menu" $ (Eval_Gettext' What is the type of the file?.') "" $ Title "" $ (Eval_Gettext'.Zip ') ~ $ (Eval_Gettext'.Rar ') "" ~ " # Pol_setupwindow_menu" $ (Eval_Gettext' What is the type of the file?.') "" $ Title "" $ (Eval_Gettext'.Msi ') ~ $ (Eval_Gettext'.Ex ') "" ~ "app_answer =".Exte "if [" $ app_answer "==".Exe "]; then # asking then Local Files Of The Game CD" $ Home "Pol_Setupwindow_Browse" $ (Eval_Gettext 'Please Select The Installation File (.Ex) ') "" $ title "setup_exe =" $ app_answer " # pol_setupwindow_message" Note: please ANSWER no to all the questions that will appear."" $ Title "Pol_wine Start /Unix" $ setup_exe "Pol_wine_waitexit" $ title " # Restore Screen Resolution (Game's Default is 640x480 ?) # Pol_Shortcut_inSertBefore "$ shortcut" "trap 'xrandr -s 0' exit" Pol_Shortcut "$ shortcut_filename" "$ title" "" ""/s "" $ software_categories "Pol_Shortcut_quietdebug" $ Title "Title" $ Title "" $ document_file " Elif ["$ app_answer" == "$ (Eval_Gettext '.Msi ') "]"]; then # asking locality local files of the game cd "$ home" pol_setupwindow_browse "$ (eval_gettext' please select the setup file to run ')" "$ title" setup_exe = "$ app_answer" Pol_wine Msiexec / I "$ setup_exe" Pol_wine_waitexit "$ title" # Restore Screen Resolution (Game's Default is 640x480 ?) # Pol_Shortcut_inSertBefore "$ shortcut" "trap 'xrandr -s 0' exit" Pol_shortcut "$ shortcut_filename" "$ title" "" "" "" software_categories "Pol_Shortcut_quetdebug" $ Title "Pol_Shortcut_document" Tle "" $ document_file "Elif [ "$ App_answer" == "$ (Eval_Gettext '.Zip ') "]; then cd" $ home " # pol_setupwindow_message" $ (eval_gettext' \ n \ nwarning: the file name must not have space in its names !.') "" $ Title "Pol_setupwindow_browse" $ (Eval_Gettext' Please Select the .Zip file ') "" $ title "CD" $ Pol_System_tmpdir "Pol_Setupwindow_Wait_Next_SIGNAL" $ (Eval_gettext' extract the archive. ') "" $ Title "pol_system_unzip" $ app_answer "-d" $ wineprefix/drive_c/game/"pol_shortcut" $ shortcut_filename "" $ title "" "" "" "software_categories" pol_shortcut_document " "Pol_Shortcut "Setup.Exte "" $ title - setup "" "" "$ software_categories" Elif ["$ app_answer" == "$ (Eval_Gettext '.Rar ') "]; then cd" $ home "pol_setupwindow_browse" $ (eval_gettext' please the .Rar file ') "" $ title "setup_exe =" $ app_answer "cd" $ pol_system_tmpdir "pol_setupwindow_wait_xigal" $ (eval_gettext' extract the archive. ') "" $ Title "Pol_System_unrar x" $ app_answer "" $ wineprefix/drive_c/game/"|| pol_debug_fatal" unrar is required to unarchive $ title (Unrar Package is not installed on the OS)."Pol_Shortcut" $ shortcut_filename "" $ title "" "" "" "Software_categories" Pol_Shortcut_document "$ title" "Document_file" Fi Fi ############# ################Pol_Setupwindow_menu "$ (Eval_Gettext 'Do You Have A Official Patch-Update To Install ?') "" $ Title "" $ (Eval_Gettext' No ') ~ $ (Eval_Gettext' Yes') "~" If ["$ app_answer" == "$ (Eval_Gettext 'Yes')"]; (Eval_Gettext 'Please Select The .Exe files to run ') "" $ title "patch_exe =" $ app_answer "Pol_wine start /unix" $ patch_exe "Pol_wine_waitexit" $ patch_exe "fi ############ ################ thus#Hacks##Eding Configuration Files################# ############ thus CD "$ wineprefix/Drive_c/USERS/$ User/Local Settings/Data/Ubisoft Game Launcher/"#Overlay: \ n Enabled: False \ n Forceunhookgame: false \ n fps_enabled: false \ n warning_enabled: false \ nuser: \ n closebehavior: closebehavior_close cat temp.TXT Overlay: Enabled: False Forceunhookgame: False FPS_Enabled: False Warning_Enabled: False User: Closebehavior: Closebehavior_Close _eof_ CP Settings.XML Settings.BAK CAT TEMP.TXT >> Settings.yml ################end############## pol_setupwindow_message "$ (Eval_Gettext 'Installed is finished.') "" $ Title " # Pol_setupwindow_message" $ (Eval_Gettext' Warning: To Avoid to have a Huge log File, You Should Type \ Ninto Debug Flags: Fixme-All ') "" $ Title "Pol_System_tmpdelete Pol_setupwindow
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