Find out who is the best fiber operator in France, all criteria combined, fiber optics – file – UFC -Que Choisir

Optical fiber

All offers from Internet Access providers are not alike. To differentiate the ISPs, our record is based on elements such ..

Find out who is the best fiber operator in France, all criteria combined

You want to change your internet box and want the best operator for fiber ? We make for you a quick inventory of the best operator in number of sockets, in number of subscribers, in debit as well as in rate of adoption of fiber.

Which operator has the most fiber sockets ?

Let’s start at the beginning: the number of fiber sockets per operator. Because, before knowing which operator offers the best fiber, it is important to know which benefits from the greatest number of eligible households. Even if all operators work hard on the deployment of fiber, an operator is particularly detached.

According to figures for the first quarter of 2023 communicated by operators, the one who benefits from larger number of fiber sockets is orange with 34.6 million catches Fiber far ahead of its competitors. Just behind, we find SFR with 32.7 million sockets.

Which operator has the most fiber subscribers ?

Once the fiber is deployed, users must still subscribe to it ! And, still according to figures from the first sad 2023, It’s orange, once again, who finished first ! With 7.5 million fiber subscribers, the operator is far ahead of his competitors.

Indeed, at Free there are 4.8 million subscribers, when, at SFR, there are 4.5 million and finally, Bouygues Telecom arrives last with 3.1 million FTTH subscribers.

Which operator has the best fiber flow ?

According to our fiber flow bar, theoperator who delivered the best speed in June 2023 is free. Indeed, with an average fiber optical flow of 590 Mb/s, it flattens its competitors. Bouygues Telecom is second with a speed of 507 Mb/s, Orange Le Talonne with 456 MB/S and finally SFR closes the step with 450 Mb/s.

Why such speed in Free ? Perhaps because the operator markets ultra-powerful and ideal internet boxes for flow. The Freebox Revolution, which is however the cheapest box in its catalog, allows to reach up to 1 GB/s. And, the Freebox Delta, allows it to reach up to 8 GB/S. In short, figures that can very quickly fly our barometer of flows.

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Optical fiber

Optical fiber

In the end of replacing the copper network, fiber optics is deployed everywhere in France with an objective: covering 80 % of the population by 2022. How to choose the best offer ? How to set a dispute with its operator ? How to get the fiber when you don’t have it ? Our file answers all your questions about this technology which, little by little, is essential in households.

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