Electric car: How much does a home recharge cost?, Electric car: what is the cost of recharge at home?

Electric car: what is the cost of recharge at home

For my part … I am in residence, and for the installation of an electric terminal for my vehicle, I must also install a new counter. The cost of the installation will thus be a minimum of € 3000 because it is rather complex for the electrician … and the installation of a secure terminal (so that the neighbor cannot pump the electricity since my catch) , 3000 € smoothed out of 10 years and a use of 20 full per year (average of 10.000 km per year)
Over 10 years, € 70 full of petrol versus 30 + € 15 of a full electric equivalent (installation + ELEC price)
This would save me € 4,400 out of 10 years without taking into account future increase in Elec or petrol. Because which of the two will increase the most in the coming years … Very clever is the one that can predict it € 4,400 … it is less than the difference between thermal and electric with help with help. Without help … it’s worse, we are far from the thermal prices. CQFD

Electric car: How much does a home recharge cost ?

Sold more expensive than thermal vehicles, electric cars have an undeniable asset to compensate for this additional cost for purchase: the price of recharging at home. But how much it really costs ?

Posted on January 3, 2023 at 12:00 p.m

Ioniq 5 Charge test

By 2035, all new cars sold in Europe will be electric. This is in any case the deadline announced by the European Union in 2022. If used thermal vehicles will always be offered, the electric is therefore doomed to democratize.

Good news for the wallet since the cost of a recharge is much more affordable than that of a full of petrol (or diesel). Provided you recharge your car at home, the cost of recharges in stations that have exploded.

But how much how does a home recharge cost ? To make a more precise estimate, several criteria should be taken into account: the cost of installing a home terminal, the aid offered for this installation and the price of each recharge.

How much is the installation of a charging station ?

Whether you choose to install a reinforced terminal or socket (almost compulsory for recharging an electric car), this represents a cost at the start of the project.

For the installation of a reinforced socket (safer), prices start at 500 euros. The installation of a home charging station costs more: Prices vary from 1,200 euros to 2,000 euros on average indicate Autoplus.

To support drivers in their transition, the government has implemented several aids. It exists first a tax credit up to 300 euros. In addition, the installation of a home terminal is subject to a 5.5% VAT instead of 20%. To benefit from it, the installation must be done in an accommodation at least two years old and be one of the following profiles:

  • be a tenant or occupant free of charge of the home
  • be a real estate company
  • be an occupant owner, lessor or syndicate of co -owners

It is therefore important to take into account the cost of this installation to assess the final cost of recharge at home. Because, you will see, the price of a recharge is extremely low compared to a full of fuel.

How much does a home recharge cost ?

The price of a home recharge varies strongly according to your habits. Indeed, the cost in off -peak hours is much lower than in full hours. Thus, EDF estimates that a daily recharge in full hour varies from € 2.60 to € 4.30 depending on the consumption of your car. This can vary from 12 to 20 kWh/100 km depending on the weight of the vehicle and the battery capacity.

If you are one of those waiting for the battery to be almost exhausted to recharge, then The price estimated by EDF is 8 to 11 € for the full load of a 50 kWh battery. Depending on the type of vehicle, the number of kilometers traveled with a full load varies sharply. For a city car, the autonomy revolves around 200 km, the SUVs travel on average 300 km and the most efficient reach 400/450 km.

Most of the time, it takes 2 to 3 recharges to travel the same number of kilometers as a thermal car of the same template. If we take up the cost of a full load, we obtain a charge cost (for the same number of kilometers traveled) from 24 to 33 euros. Even by adding the damping of the charging station, we are far from the rates of the fuel. CQFD.

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For my part … I am in residence, and for the installation of an electric terminal for my vehicle, I must also install a new counter. The cost of the installation will thus be a minimum of € 3000 because it is rather complex for the electrician … and the installation of a secure terminal (so that the neighbor cannot pump the electricity since my catch) , 3000 € smoothed out of 10 years and a use of 20 full per year (average of 10.000 km per year)
Over 10 years, € 70 full of petrol versus 30 + € 15 of a full electric equivalent (installation + ELEC price)
This would save me € 4,400 out of 10 years without taking into account future increase in Elec or petrol. Because which of the two will increase the most in the coming years … Very clever is the one that can predict it € 4,400 … it is less than the difference between thermal and electric with help with help. Without help … it’s worse, we are far from the thermal prices. CQFD

bjr, your battery on your car will last 10 years ? Mouah vive ethanol
And above all, the battery will have lost its capacity/yield before even 5 years

Nor should we lose sight of the fact that when a majority of cars will be electric the price of the current for their recharge will certainly not be identical to that of domestic current. See as a reminder the price difference between road diesel and fuel used to heat. One of the functions of the Linky is precisely to allow this double billing.

Demagoguery when you hold us. Go ask the professionals, to really competent in the field of electricity production, what they think of this.
I will only take one example here. The electrical network operator, which explains to the property developers that they cannot deliver enough energy to connect and supply their real estate programs for both housing and automotive electric recharge terminals, while promoters have the obligation to Install a number of terminals according to the number of housing.
You will understand, the terminals will exist but they will not be operational.
Stupid. Then, 8 to 12 € for 100 km or 40 € for the best actual autonomy (variation of temperatures with everything that goes with …) it is below the autonomy of a thermal vehicle anyway. Let’s take a vehicle with 800 km of autonomy, it starts to complicate … because the price passes how much according to you … Simple rule of 3 and we could answer € 64 in the best of cases.
It is not the correct answer.
Indeed, the autonomy not being 800 km, it will be necessary to waste time recharging your vehicle on the route concerned and there … The prices are not the same.
Go see how much the recharge costs on a terminal of motorways … just to realize it. This rule of 3 only applies to cars remaining around his home. Then, 2000 or 3000 € the installation of this terminal ..
It is between 25 and 40 full of fuels (on average depending on the full)
The return on investment is still a bit long to absorb. And finally, when we see the absurdity of the economic and energy situation in our country, we can ask the question of what would happen if we were already all with coffee mills as a vehicle … I let you imagine The situation this year ..
We are already forced to buy at astounding energy prices (produced by German coals factories … Bravo to German watermelons in passing !
It will be the same thing in 2035. If we had visionary, managers, non -supporter policies and serving the population, we would not be irreparably engaged in a stupid path (total transfer of our dependence on China in particular) but we would have an extraordinary opportunity to open up to a Total energy mixed, encouraging R&D in this in all possible energy options. There, we can really say CQFD.

You have to learn to read ..
8 to 12 € for full and not 100km. For my kia niro that means about 400/450km.
Then the home terminal is the most, I charge on a classic socket so no investment on this side.
Finally, the latest studies show a deterioration rate of batteries of around 5% per 100,000km. Which means that at 500,000km I could still do more than 200km when the car was widely amortized.

And all your demonstrations forget the taxes that the state will not give up so early … The car is the golden egg chicken of our rulers do not forget it! As for the generously distributed aid thank you for remembering that it is our taxes that finance them ! This is a shame because those who cannot afford an all -electric vehicle contribute by their taxes to the financing of those who have the means !

André Grenier said:

For my part of the Atlantic, a home recharge costs me about $ 1.20 to add 100 km of autonomy to my Nissan Leaf 2015.

Electric car: what is the cost of recharge at home ?

Electric car: What is the cost of recharge at home? © Wikimedia

Aside from its preponderant role in reducing the carbon footprint and its silent engine, the electric car also has the advantage of being less expensive for use. Indeed, the cost of an electric recharge is much cheaper than a full of gasoline. But then concretely, what will be your expenses ?

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If we refer to the data of AAA-Data dating from April 2020, there would be in France more than 220,000 electric cars in circulation. The sales figure even jumped more than 40% between 2018 and 2019. It must be said that the government, accompanied by local municipalities, multiplies aid to promote this transition. The investment in an electric car is not to be taken lightly, but one thing is certain, in the long term, you will be a winner.

How do you calculate the price of a recharge ?

If the consumption of a car with a heat engine heat engine is expressed by the number of liters per 100 km, on an electric car, it’s in KWH/100 km. On average, a vehicle consumes between 12 and 20 kWh/100km.

The battery size is also a determining element. The capacity varies from one vehicle to another but it is on average around 50 kWh.

Finally since we are talking about recharging at home, we must also take into account off -peak hours and full hours. In off -peak hours, the kilowatt hour is billed around 13 cents for around 15 cents for full hours.

So how much it will cost you ?

Today electric cars can be scheduled to initiate the recharging automatically in off -peak hours. We therefore base ourselves on the price of 13 cents per kilowatt hour.

If we take for example the Renault Zoe, a pioneer of its kind on the French market, the latter has a 52 kWh battery. A recharge of 0% to 100% will therefore cost you 52 x 0.13, or 6.76 euros. The Renault Zoe consumes on average 13.2 kWh/100 km.

A Tesla Model 3 has a wider battery of 75 kWh wider. The cost of the recharge will therefore amount to 9.75 euros (75 x 0.13). This model consumes 15 kWh for 100 kilometers.

Note that to speed up the battery recharging you will need a reinforced plug sold between 200 and 400 euros. It is also possible to install a quick charging station at home. These Wallboxes are however associated with a special subscription from the electricity supplier to offer a larger flow rate . Again, this is an investment – between 500 and 1000 euros – to which the installation costs of around 500 euros will have to be added.

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