Develop repair – Fnac Darty, Repair: Fnac Darty buys n. S. F and entered the capital of Repair and Run

Repair: Fnac Darty buys n. S. F and entered the capital of Repair and Run

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Develop repair

With 3,000 experts mobilized within its after-sales service (after-sales service) and 2.3 million interventions in 2022, Fnac Darty is the French repair leader.

Darty Max

To repair a product is to delay its end of life and therefore decrease the quantity of waste, but also to reduce the ecological impact linked to the manufacture of its replacement. Repair also represents non -relocating jobs and an economic equation increasingly favorable to the customer.

Building on this observation and in order to lift the brakes to repair, in particular the cost, Fnac Darty launched in 2019 “Darty Max”, the first repair subscription service, which makes it possible to easily replace rather than replace, without limit on the number of devices, breakdowns or seniority, as long as the spare parts are available.

This innovative service includes remote assistance, diagnosis, labor and replacement of defective parts for all devices purchased from Darty or elsewhere.

While 40% to 70% of breakdowns is linked to an maintenance or use problem, all Dartymax subscriptions now include annual maintenance of subscribers, in Visio with an expert.


While about three -quarters of the environmental impact of a smartphone are linked to its manufacture (source: Ademe), lengthening the lifespan of these electronic products is a major lever to reduce this impact.

Since 2018 and the acquisition of the specialist in quick repair of Wefix smartphone, Fnac Darty offers smartphones repair and protection services.

At the end of 2022, Wefix had 143 points of sale/repair in France and Belgium.

Wefix technicians have repaired around 230,000 smartphones in 2021.

The after -sales service community

With approximately 2 million products repaired each year, the after -sales service teams have built over time a great knowledge base. Since 2018, this technical information has been published on the after -sales

Daily tool to extend the lifespan of products, the community of after -sales service is a collaborative site that allows Internet users and Fnac Darty technicians to share advice for use, maintenance and repair. In 2022, site attendance exceeded 10 million users !

The site offers 900 maintenance and repair tutorials, notices, customer experience feedback, more than 620,000 answers to 115,000 questions available without time limit, and the assistance of 8 Darty experts, for validation technique of the responses provided by the community.

Repair: Fnac Darty buys n.S.F and entered the capital of Repair and Run

Fnac Darty strengthens in the repair economy with the repurchase of SME n.S.F and entry to the capital of the network of maintenance and repair shops of repair and run bikes and scooters.

March 09, 2023 \ 08:00

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Repair: Fnac Darty buys n.s.f and entered the capital of Repair and Run

Fnac Darty continues to advance his pawns in the field of [.

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Bonus repair: how to benefit from helping your devices repaired ?

Bonus repair: How to benefit from helping your devices repaired?

The repair fund provided for by Agec law (anti-winning law) allows consumers to benefit from aid when they have certain electrical and electronic equipment repaired, the repair bonus. We explain how to get it.

The Agec law, an anti-winning system for a circular economy, includes several measures aimed at lengthening the lifespan of devices, to reduce waste and preserve natural resources. Among these, the establishment of a repair fund, controlled by eco-organisms Ecosystem and Ecologic, consists of financial assistance to encourage consumers to favor repair rather than replacement.

Under this ambitious device, launched on December 15, if your smartphone or your washing machine broke out, for example, you can benefit from a repair bonus under certain conditions to lighten the invoice a bit. Note that changes are planned for the coming years, the plan extended until 2027. Over six years, the envelope allocated to this fund amounted to 410 million euros which will be redistributed to consumers to repair their equipment. The objective is to see the total number of repairs excluding warranty increase by 20 %.

What products are concerned ?

Since December 15, 2022, 31 families of equipment have been affected by the repair bonus: household appliances (large and small), sport, beauty and health, electric mobility, computer and gaming, telephony ..

They were not chosen at random. They have been favored for various reasons: these are devices widespread in French households, deemed repairable and whose breakdown can put users in embarrassment.

The following years, other equipment will join this list, such as posable ovens, microwave ovens or fixed computers, in particular. In addition, the device being still brand new and having to deploy over several years, it is quite possible that adjustments take place, for example concerning products eligible for the bonus.

What aid amount ?

The amount of the repair bonus varies according to the equipment. For example, it amounts to 10 € for an iron or a kettle, 15 € for an electric scooter or a drill, 25 € for a smartphone, a tablet or a washing machine … For most repairs, we can Benefit from this aid regardless of the amount of the invoice, as soon as it exceeds the amount of the aid (which remains fixed). Only a few devices will be an exception – for the moment this is the case for laptops: we can benefit from an aid of € 45 if the invoice reaches or exceeds € 180.

For each device, the bonus was calculated to cover around 20 % of the average cost of repair (based on studies carried out by ADEME). The idea is to remove one of the brakes to repair: its cost. According to the studies in question, beyond a third of the cost of a new device, consumers tend to prefer replacement.

We have read in some media that the amount of the repair bonus would double during the summer, at the request of the government. In reality, this is only a track planned to accelerate the deployment of the bonus (as part of a more global policy of improving the purchasing power of the French). If adjustments concerning the amount of repair aids are not excluded, no decision is yet acted on this point.

What conditions to benefit from the repair bonus ?

To start, this aid is exclusively intended for French consumers to have a device bought in France repaired and belonging to an individual (professionals cannot benefit from it). The equipment to be repaired should not or no longer be covered by a warranty or by insurance (because in this case, the repair must already be covered).

To benefit from the repair bonus, it is essential to use a repairer labeled Qualirépar. This label was created as part of the system and currently brings together more than 1,200 repairers, the ambition being that in 2027, the network has at least 10,000 professionals. To find a labeled repairer capable of repairing your smartphone, washing machine or scooter, there is a directory-and even several-to which you can access from the site dedicated to the label.

Finally, some breakdowns or interventions do not give entitlement to the repair bonus:

  • Non -functional damage: for example a bump or scratch on the refrigerator door.
  • Breakdowns resulting from improper use or use not in accordance with the manufacturer’s prescriptions. Example: you have sucked water or “work dust” with your broom vacuum cleaner or you have damaged your food processor by falling a fork in it.
  • Replacement of consumables or accessories. For example, if the battery of your robot vacuum cleaner must be replaced, this intervention does not entitle a repair bonus. Note all the same a rather appreciable exception: the irremovable batteries of mobile phones are eligible.
  • Maintenance operations, in particular software.

How to benefit from the repair bonus ?

If you use a repairer labeled, you have no approach to do. The professional directly applies the bonus to his invoice and you only pay the rest at. It is he who will then take steps with eco-organisms to be reimbursed for this sum.

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