4G/5G speed test: Test the speed of your mobile connection, mobile coverage: what are the 4G/5G networks near you?

Mobile coverage test

Regarding latency also called ping, this value is expressed in milliseconde. Generally, this response time or transmission time is around 50 ms for a mobile internet connection. Latence is considered to be excellent if it is below 30 ms and bad above 100 ms. Thanks to the speed test, you can know the minimum latency observed during this examination as well as the average latency observed during this test.

4G / 5G speed test

Discover the best mobile operator near you by testing your address. You will know what are the 4G and 5G antennas of Orange, Free, SFR and Bouygues Telecom closest to your accommodation.

How to know the maximum internet speed in you ?

Like your internet connection at home, it is quite possible to test the speed of your mobile internet connection available on your smartphone in 4G or 5G. Just do a mobile flow test also called speedtest.

Test the quality of your mobile internet connection (3G, 4G, 5G)

End to know the speed of your mobile internet connection on your mobile phone, you can test for free and in just a few seconds the quality of your 4G connection, using our mobile flow test (or Speedtest). This test calculates the speed of your mobile connection on 3G, 4G and 5G networks. To get a little more into the details, this speed exam tells you about your mobile internet connection:

  • Reception debit (Download),
  • The program flow (Upload),
  • and latency (ping).

To better understand this 4G speed test, the flow receipt of your connection corresponds to the speed obtained for data download and the connection in connection of connection corresponds to the data transfer speed. Thus, the higher the flows obtained, the faster your faster your mobile internet connection.

Regarding latency, the latter corresponds to the response time, this information thus makes it possible to verify the stability of your mobile internet connection. The shorter the transmission time, the more stable and responsive your mobile internet connection. Conversely, the higher the latency time, the less your Internet connection on your smartphone is stable and responsive.

Recommendations before launching the speedtest

Before starting the mobile flow test to calculate the speed of your internet connection, it is advisable to deactivate the Wi-Fi of your smartphone. Once your wireless connection is disabled, all you have to do is click on the “Start the flow test” button.

Another recommendation, to check the results, it is suggested to restart the mobile flow test a second time. For information, this speed test is functional with Android smartphones and Apple phones (iOS).

Understand the results of your mobile flow test

To correctly decipher the results of your bandwidth test, you need to know what the values ​​indicated. For flow rates (in broadcast and reception), the latter are expressed in megabit per second (MB/S), the more they are high, the faster your mobile connection. Other information, between 512 kb/s and 30 Mb/s, your mobile (or fixed) Internet connection is high speed. And from 30 Mb/s, it is very high speed. With the mobile debit test, you will be able to know the average speed of your mobile internet connection observed during this examination as well as the crest, that is to say the maximum speed observed during the speedtest.

Regarding latency also called ping, this value is expressed in milliseconde. Generally, this response time or transmission time is around 50 ms for a mobile internet connection. Latence is considered to be excellent if it is below 30 ms and bad above 100 ms. Thanks to the speed test, you can know the minimum latency observed during this examination as well as the average latency observed during this test.

What factors influence the quality of the mobile network ?

Certain factors such as network coverage or even the model of your smartphone may have an impact on the quality of your 4G mobile internet connection and therefore on the results of your speedtest. Here are different elements that can influence the quality of the mobile network:

  • Your network coverage : Depending on your geographic location, there are still disparities in the territory in terms of mobile coverage with operators. The densest areas are generally better covered in 4G than less dense areas.
  • Electromagnetic disturbances : Your Internet connection on your mobile can be impacted by electromagnetic waves that are present around your smartphone such as Wi-Fi waves for example or even the Bluetooth integrated into some of your equipment.
  • The walls of your accommodation : And yes, depending on the design of your accommodation, receiving 4G/5G may vary. You should know that the radio signal loses performance when it must cross certain obstacles such as the walls of a building for example. To limit losses and optimize the performance of the mobile network, operators use different frequency bands. Concretely, certain frequencies penetrate better inside buildings than other.
  • The density : the more you connected to the network of your operator, the less your mobile connection offers a quick and stable speed. Certain hours of the day can therefore also have an impact on the quality of your internet connection on your smartphone. The 5G mobile network allows in particular to overcome this connectivity problem. 5G improves simultaneous connectivity capabilities without loss of quality. Recall that the deployment of 5G networks from Orange, SFR, Free and Bouygues Telecom started at the end of 2020 and that it will gradually continue in France until 2030.
  • Your mobile phone : The model of your phone can also affect the quality of your mobile internet connection. Indeed, some smartphones offer better performance in terms of mobile internet connection thanks in particular to more effective integrated antennas allowing to benefit from a more stable and faster connection.

The main on the mobile speed test

That measures the mobile flow test ?

Unlike a “fixed” flow test that measures the internet connection speed of your Internet box at home, the “mobile” flow test tests the performance of the network of your mobile package from your smartphone.

What is a “good” rate in 4G and 5G ?

According to the barometer of the flows of our partner degroupttest, the average mobile speed measured revolves around 60 Mb/s for download. This speed corresponds to an average also established in 4G as in 5g. We can estimate that a lower flow in 5G is therefore bad since the promise of operators is several hundred mega -centers. In 4G, a bandwidth greater than 20 or 30 Mb/s is a good performance especially in very dense areas as in the city centers.

Why does the download speed vary as much on smartphone ?

Quite simply because the rate of use of the mobile network of your operator varies much more. The distance between the phone and the relay antenna, the topography, the weather can also influence the reception and emission flows.

Mobile coverage test

4G / 5G network test which is the best operator near you ?

Discover easily and quickly:

  • If Orange, SFR, Free and Bouygues Telecom offer 4G or 5G near you
  • The best mobile packages classified by network
  • the location of antennas and their distance from your address

Degrouptest mobile coverage test

Know the network coverage of an address in one click

Degrouptest informs you about the theoretical mobile coverage of your address. Our test is compatible with the 3G, 4G and 5G networks of Orange, SFR, Bouygues Telecom and Free which are the only operators authorized to deploy and operate mobile telephony networks in mainland France.

Not all networks are identical

Mobile operators do not deploy their networks in a homogeneous manner. The technology that equips their antennas (and in particular radio frequencies), and the distance between the site and your smartphone can significantly influence the power of the radio signal and the quality of service. The location of the antenna and the type of network offered by operators are useful information that helps you compare and choose a mobile plan.

Why check its mobile coverage ?

  • To find out which networks and operators are available at home : 5G is far from available everywhere and the deployment of this new generation network will take several years before reaching the level of coverage of the current dominant network (4G LTE). In addition, your address can be close to a 5g antenna from Free while the nearest networks of Orange, SFR or Bouygues Telecom can very well be limited to 4G for example.
  • To compare networks : depending on the technology, the flow of your mobile connection may vary strongly. In 5G, the theoretical connection speed on a compatible smartphone can climb up to 2 GB/s while it will be 3 to 4 times slower in 4G.
  • To compare mobile plans : Orange, SFR and Bouygues Telecom networks are also used by other virtual mobile operators (MVNO) such as YouPrice, Lebara, Prixtel, La Poste Mobile, Ridlo Mobile or NRJ Mobile.
  • To check the presence of 4G/5G networks of your future home : in the event of a move, especially in rural or peri-urban areas, it is likely that the characteristics of operators’ networks change both in terms of the antennas and their level of equipment.

Our Frequently Questions

Your questions . Our answers

What information is provided by this test ?

For each of the 4 mobile network operators, Degrouptest indicates the best technology available and the distance from the closest antenna to the address tested. You can thus compare the equipment of each antenna, each operator and obtain the list of all operators using this or that network. Finally, a card allows you to geolocate the antennas nearby and obtain information on each of them.

What is the source of the data provided by the Degrouptest mobile network test ?

Degrouptest uses “open data” information provided by the National Radio Frequency Agency (ANFR). These data are updated every week as declarations of commissioning of new antennas or updating of already existing antennas.

What is the card for the test result ?

The card allows you to view the location of mobile phone antennas closest to the address tested. You see where the radio sites of Orange, Bouygues Telecom, Free and SFR are installed. Degrouptest also tells you the kilometric distance as the crow flies. By clicking on an antenna, you will get additional details such as the precise postal address of the relay and especially the available radios frequencies corresponding to the best technology deployed by the speaker.

The operator with the nearest antenna is the best ?

Not necessarily ! Many factors can influence the quality of service of operators (weather, topology, network saturation. )). Nevertheless, we believe that factual information on the nature of the antennas near your home or your workplace can help you choose one network rather than another, and therefore one operator rather than another.

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