Avolution of electricity prices in France for 15 years, an increase electricity between 10% and 20% in February 2024?

Electricity increase between 10% and 20% in February 2024


THE indexed price offers can be a great opportunity to pay systematically cheaper than the regulated rate despite the increases.

How the prices of electricity in France evolve ?

In France, the price of electricity has been evolving twice a year, and it has been increasingly increasing for more than 10 years (+ € 90 on the invoice since 2017) ! In 10 years, the price per kWh at EDF thus increased from € 0.1168 to € 0.1740. We tell you more in this article.

  • The price of electricity has increased by 4 % including tax in February 2022.
  • Without the pricing shield set up by the government, the regulated electricity sale rate would have increased by 35 % including tax.
  • In 2021, the price of electricity increased by around 3 % including tax.
  • THE KWH price So went from € 0.1168 in 2011 has € 0.2276 today (for an optional 6 kVA counter).
  • THE subscription price has also increased a lot, going from € 82 per year in 2011 has € 143 in 2023.
  • At the same time, the opening of the energy market at the competition has enabled several million consumers to choose a cheaper electricity supplier than the regulated rate.
  • The government has chosen Maintain the price shield in 2023. Thus, the increase in electricity and gas prices is limited to 15 %.

�� What is the evolution of the price of electricity in 2023 ?

Gel of the rise in prices: towards a catch -up in 2023 ?

The amendment tabled by the Prime Minister understands a Cattered clause over 12 months. It entered into force from the first evolution of the regulated prices of the year 2023, the February 1, 2023.

The objective is to compensate for the losses of revenue suffered by electricity suppliers and in particular those of EDF.

The last limitation of an increase in electricity prices, between August 2012 and August 2013, was indeed canceled by the Council of State in 2014. Consumers had therefore had to subjugate the following years.

Nevertheless, do not panic ! Although energy prices have evolved in 2023, The regulated rate remains limited to an increase of +15 %.

What is the price of electricity in September 2023 ?

The KWh Prize in France is changing regularly. In order not to lose the thread, you will find below the Electricity prices up to date for the month of September 2023. This is EDF’s residential blue price which is available as an optional base or full hours/off -peak hours.

Price grid regulated blue price / base

Update on September 13, 2023

Price grid regulated blue price / off -peak hours – full hours

Update on September 13, 2023

200 € in 2 minutes

This is on average what our users earn by changing energy supplier

�� How to protect yourself from increases in electricity prices ?

Difficult to escape the increases in electricity, especially when you know that the French are very dependent on this energy. Households consume an average of 5,000 kWh per year (RTE 2019 data). However, there are tips for reducing your bill.

Choose an electricity offer at a fixed price

Subscribe to an electricity offer at blocked prices can be a good solution to Avoid increases in electricity prices. Indeed, the prices of the KWH and the subscription will remain the same throughout your contract which can last 1, 2 or 3 years. Be careful however, this does not take into account any changes in the amount of taxes in force.

In the end, theInterest of a fixed offer is double:

  1. ✔️ You do not undergo the increases in regulated prices and therefore pass through the increase in electricity prices.
  2. ✔️ You can more easily organize your budget, without the risk of unpleasant surprises.

Finally, your contract remains however without engagement. In the event of a drop in the price of electricity, you can therefore always change your supplier.

�� Here is our Summary table of electricity offers at a fixed price The most interesting in September 2023:

Electricity offers at blocked prices

Subscription price

Kilowatt hour price

Annual invoice for a family in individual house

Annual invoice for a couple in an apartment

Green reference 1 year

(Share “Supply” of the contract)

100% green electricity – fixed

Fixed green electricity 1 year

Electricity increase: +10 % in August 2023 ?

Anticipate now the next increase in the price of electricity by choosing a cheaper or blocked price offer.

Participate in a group purchase of electricity

This is one of the best solutions to overcome the rise in electricity prices: participate in a Grouped energy purchase . Organized by energy brokers or consumer associations, these operations consist in bringing together a maximum of participants to go Negotiate an advantageous rate with energy suppliers.

�� Registration for group purchases is free, you will receive by email a group offer proposal in the following weeks. You remain free to take out or not the offer once the prices of electricity have been negotiated.

Compare electricity suppliers

The opening of the energy market has enabled the emergence of alternative suppliers which offer market offers often cheaper than regulated prices. The best discounts sometimes exceed 10 % on the HT price per kWh ! For example, Vattenfall is currently selling an offer at -5 %.

Not all electricity suppliers are equal in the prices they offer. If you are still at EDF at the regulated rate, know that you can Save up to 300 € By playing competition. Of course, it all depends on your consumption and the usual amount of your invoice. One thing is certain, the higher the latter, the more likely you are to save money.

�� To find the cheapest electricity supplier, think for example of Compare prices per kilowatt hour and subscription ! It is often easier to go through an online tender comparator than to consult dozens of pricing grids.

⚡ Why do electricity prices increase ?

Despite the opening of the energy market to competition, the price of electricity continues to increase. The reasons for these increases are multiple. First, the maintenance and modernization of the electrical network cost the taxpayer. The energy transition and investments in renewable energies as well as a strong energy tax in France are also for something.

Nuclear: a major issue for EDF

The question of nuclear in France brings together several points of different natures but it is intrinsically linked to the Electricity prices increase. The problem is such that the government even raises the question of a partial renationalization of EDF.

The renovation of the French nuclear park

For the past 10 years, EDF has been in charge massively in the grim. Concretely, while the average age of French reactors approaches 30 years, it is about extend the lifespan For reach 40 to 60.

To do this, EDF has committed numerous works as the replacement of steam generators, main transformers, bodies of exchange for aerorefrigerants or the renovation of turbines. In parallel with this work, EDF must guarantee increased monitoring of the state of containment facilities and reactor tanks.

Upgrading French power plants

Nuclear safety standards are higher and higher. In addition to the age of buildings, theFukushima accident, which occurred in Japan on March 11, 2011, leads to the compliance of French power plants at new standards. The implementation of rescue cooling systems working on diesel and new fire alarms are on the workday.

ℹ️ The renovation site of the French nuclear fleet alone should cost a little more than 50 billion euros at EDF.

The construction of new nuclear power plants

Last site of great importance, the construction of new generation power plants. L’EPR (European pressurized reactor), is supposed to meet France’s energy needs in the years to come. Problem: the various projects have been late, whether in Olkiluoto in Finland or Flamanville in France. These delays led to significant additional costs for EDF, The majority shareholder of Framatome, the company responsible for designing these power plants.

L’EPR of Flamanville was initially launched in 2012, at a total cost estimated at 3.3 billion euros per EDF. The Court of Auditors now assess the final invoice at 19.1 billion. What make the production cost of the prohibitive megawatt hour production: Over 110 €/MWh for the future EPR of the round against 36 €/MWh for power plants currently in service. Its start -up is planned for 2023.

The network: ever more important investments

Part of the price of electricity is used to remunerate network managers. This part is quite important since it represents almost 30% of your bill ! In France, the network is managed by two different organizations:

  • Rte manages the part linked to the transport of electricity through high voltage lines;
  • Enedis (ex ERDF) manages the distribution of network electricity to your accommodation.

Managers must invest a lot of money to modernize electrical installations. For example, the Deployment of the new Linky counter, of which the 30 million counters will be installed at the end of 2021, will still have cost 4 billion euros in Enedis. Smarter than old meters, it facilitates the monitoring of its electrical consumption, allows network managers to intervene remotely and gives the possibility of energy suppliers to offer new contracts with dynamic pricing.

Taxes and contributions: an increased invoice

Taxes and contributions represent 36 % of your electricity bill. These taxes are the same for all suppliers and it is not possible to escape them. There are four of them and their objectives are diverse:

  1. VAT is the tax tax since in addition to applying to the price of KWH, it also applies to other taxes.
  2. The CSPE (Contribution to the public electricity service) is a tax which was used at the start especially to compensate the electricity suppliers of the additional costs linked to their public service obligation. Taken by customs, it is now an integral part of the state budget. Its amount is set at € 0.0225/kWh since January 1, 2016.
  3. TCFE (Taxes on final electricity consumption) are local taxes set by departments and municipalities.
  4. The CTA (Delivery rate contribution) is directly applied to your electricity bill. It finances specific rights relating to the old age insurance of personnel which fall under the regime of electric and gas industries.

��️ History of the evolution of electricity prices in France

Increase in the price of electricity in 2022

In 2022, your electricity bill may increase again. In question: the outbreak of prices on the energy market since last year.

In order to avoid this increase and preserve the purchasing power of households, the government of Jean Castex has filed an amendment to the finance bill (PLF) 2022 which caps at 4 % increase in February 2022 regulated electricity prices. Without this measure, the regulated prices would probably have increased by 10 to 15 % !

What are the measures taken by the government ?

In order to avoid repercussions of the high increases in the energy price on the markets, the government has implemented several important measures:

  1. The payment of a Exceptional energy check of 100 euros in December 2021 (5.8 million households were beneficiaries).
  2. The implementation of a ” pricing shield ”, Which translates into a Gasels regulated gas prices From November 1, 2021 at their October level.
  3. There increase in regulated electricity prices scheduled for February 1, 2022 is limited to 4 % incl Thanks to tax cuts.
  4. The payment of a Inflation allowance of € 100 to the French who earn less than 2,000 euros net per month (38 million people are beneficiaries). This measure aims to compensate for the rise in energy prices to the overall (electricity, gas, fuel oil and fuel).

Increase in the price of electricity in 2021

The Energy Regulation Commission (CRE) announced a first increase in the price of electricity by 1.6 % including tax for February 1, 2021. This represents a Average increase of € 15 per year On the French current bill.

Several causes have been invoked to justify this increase:

  • COVID-19 epidemic health measures have led to a Delay in maintenance operations for nuclear power plants;
  • L’crushingArenh Following exceeding its ceiling in 2020 (146.2 TWh instead of the 100 TWh initially planned);
  • a Inadage of unpaid, especially observed in the professional sector due to the pandemic.

The regulated electricity sales prices (TRV) increased again on August 1, 2021. CRE has indeed offered a Electricity price increase of 0.48 % TTC for individuals and 0.38 % including tax for professionals. This increase represents on average 4 € more per year on the household electricity bill (and € 6 more per year for professionals).

The evolution of August 1, 2021 is mainly due to the entry into force of the sixth version of the Turpe (price for the use of the public electricity network). It is this system that makes it possible to finance the transport and distribution of electricity in France.

CRE has planned to gradually increase the amount of the Turpe Until 2024 To finance Enedis and RTE investments in network maintenance and for the energy transition.

No respite for consumers is therefore planned for the moment. Turpe must continue to increase by around 1 % per year until 2024, which represents a Average annual increase of € 15 per household.

The prices of electricity increasing in 2020

A new increase in the price of electricity has entered into force the February 1, 2020: +2.4 % TTC, an average increase of € 20 per year for individuals. For a family of 4 people who use electric heating, this even represents more than 30 € per year ! An increase that also affects the professional sector.

This new increase is mainly due to the freezing of energy prices during the winter 2019. In full yellow vests movement, The government had chosen not to increase the prices of gas and electricity so as not to cause new disputes.

Very high increase in electricity prices in 2019

2019 is a dark year for the household budget, with regard to electricity prices. With Almost 10 % increase in 12 months, The country has known in a summer its higher increase Since the liberalization of the energy market:

  • +5.9 % including tax in June 2019;
  • +1.23 % including tax in August 2019.

There Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE), the independent body responsible for regulating the energy market, wanted Increase electricity prices From 3 to 4 % in February 2019.

Due to the Yellow Vests Movement, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe announced in December 2018 a Electricity and gas prices gel Until May 2019. After this moment of respite, the price per kWh finally started to rise in 2019, but much more than initially planned ! (The fault of the postponement).

Electricity increase between 10% and 20% in February 2024 ?

cheaper electricity

Usually, the price of electricity changes each year during the revision by the authorities. After the increase in electricity prices by 10 % in August 2023 (instead of 74.5 %) with the price shield, the president of the energy regulation commission (CRE) announces a potential increase of 10 % of electricity prices on February 1, 2024.

�� New increase in electricity from 10 % to 20 % in February 2024 ?

Emmanuelle Wargon, president of CRE, said this new increase in electricity prices on Thursday, September 14, of around 10 % to 20 % could take place on February 1, 2024 according to the next theoretical calculation of tariffs electricity in France.

However, Emmanuelle Wargon wants to be reassuring and declares during her press conference “We are going to get closer to the increase which will be significant, but which will not be of the order of doubling or more than 50 % [. . It’s still a bit early to make the equation [. ], we will have to wait until the prices at the end of 2023. At this point, our estimate is around 10 %.””.

For the moment, the energy price shield is still in force until the end of 2024 in order to limit the increase in the regulated electricity rate. However, the Minister of Public Accounts Gabriel Attal warned the French in early July “We will get out of it gradually”.

Bruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy and Finance, wanted to reassure the French: “An increase in electricity rates from 10 % to 20 % [. ] At the beginning of 2023 is excluded “. Indeed, it is important to distinguish the recommendations of the CRE established on a formula for theoretical calculation of regulated prices and the government’s decision which will be in force. CRE subjects recommendations to the public authorities that will decide to apply them or not.

The percentage of increase in electricity prices will be officially press release at the end of the year.

What is the price of electricity currently in force ?

Base optional electricity price

The following price grid presents the price of the optional electricity varying depending on the subscribed meter power.

Price in € incl. Tax of the supply of regulated electricity prices of the EDF supplier up to date at 24/09/2023

Optional electricity prices full hours off -peak hours

The double price full hours and off -peak hours does not exist for the meter powers at 3 kVA. The following table presents the price of electricity in full hours off -peak hours depending on the power of the subscribed meter.

Price in € incl. Tax of the supply of regulated electricity prices of the EDF supplier up to date at 24/09/2023

Optional electricity price

The following tariff grid presents the prices of the subscription and the KWH of the regulated electricity sale price optional tempo marketed by EDF.

Price grid of the electricity regulated prices offer by EDF Option Tempo

Annual subscription price �� KWH price blue ⚪ KWh price white day �� KWh Red Day Price
Off -peak hours (HC) Full hours (HP) Hc Hp Hc Hp
6 KVA 153.60 € 0.1056 € 0.1369 € 0.1246 € 0.1654 € 0.1328 € 0.€ 7324
9 KVA 192.00 € 0.1056 € 0.1369 € 0.1246 € 0.1654 € 0.1328 € 0.€ 7324
12 KVA 231.48 € 0.1056 € 0.1369 € 0.1246 € 0.1654 € 0.1328 € 0.€ 7324
15 kVA 267.60 € 0.1056 € 0.1369 € 0.1246 € 0.1654 € 0.1328 € 0.€ 7324
18 KVA 303.48 € 0.1056 € 0.1369 € 0.1246 € 0.1654 € 0.1328 € 0.€ 7324
30 KVA 457.56 € 0.1056 € 0.1369 € 0.1246 € 0.1654 € 0.1328 € 0.€ 7324
36 KVA 531.36 € 0.1056 € 0.1369 € 0.1246 € 0.1654 € 0.1328 € 0.€ 7324

Price in € incl. Tax of the supply of regulated electricity prices of the EDF supplier up to date at 24/09/2023

The EDF Tempo price does not exist for the meter powers at 3 kVA

Optional electricity price erasure of tip days (EJP)

The following table represents the pricing grid of the regulated electricity sale price offered by EDF for the EJP option.

Price grid of the electricity regulated prices offer by EDF Option EJP

Annual subscription price Normal day price kWh Price kWh day ejp
9 KVA 187.56 € 0.1518 € 1.€ 4958
12 KVA 223.20 € 0.1518 € 1.€ 4958
15 kVA 259.44 € 0.1518 € 1.€ 4958
18 KVA 294.60 € 0.1518 € 1.€ 4958
36 KVA 515.52 € 0.1518 € 1.€ 4958

Price in € incl. Tax of the supply of regulated electricity prices of the EDF supplier up to date at 24/09/2023

The best electricity offer to choose from the rise in prices contact Selectra at:
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(Free service from Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.)

EDF Electricity Price increase up 10% August 2023 Government

Increased electricity capped at 10 % in August 2023 (instead of 74.5 %)

On July 17, 2023, the government announced a Increase in the price of electricity at the regulated rate (TRV) by 10 % in August 2023 By applying the price shield still in progress until 2025.

What would have been the increase in electricity applied without the price shield in August 2023 ?

Without this price shield, the electricity prices would have increased theoretically by 74.5 % According to Cre.

According to the deliberation of June 22, 2023 on the proposal of the regulated prices for the sale of CRE electricity, the increase in the price of electricity in August 2023 would be due essentially to:

  • L’increase inPrice for the use of public electricity distribution networks (Turpe HTA-BT) resulting from the deliberation of May 31, 2023: + 1.17 % on TRVE TTC;
  • there increase in financial compensation that suppliers received as customer management on behalf of the network manager deduced from marketing costs: – 0.04 % on TTC TRVE;
  • there Component update cost relating to Marketing and CEE costs For 2023: – 0.04 % on the TRVE TTC;
  • L’updating the catch -up component Unscreased amounts for the year 2022: – 0.32 % on TRVE TTC.

How many euros corresponds to the increase in electricity by 10 % in August 2023 on the invoice ?

Indeed, according to the government, an average cleaning heating up with electricity with a consumption of 7,000 kWh per year sees its invoice go from € 1,640 to € 1,800 per year.

Discover the pricing grids of the EDF regulated rate on August 1, 2023 published by the Official Journal of the French Republic ! Consult the regulated EDF prices of August 1, 2023

Which is affected by the increase in electricity by +10 % in August 2023 ?

Which is affected by the price increase and when ?

Type of electricity contract subscribed Customer assigned or not the increase in electricity ? When the rise in electricity prices is effective ?
EDF regulated tariff customers
Regulated blue rate
✅ Yes From August 1ᵉʳ 2023
Clients of an indexed price offer ✅ Yes From the publication of the price grids of August 2023
Customers of a variable price offer ✅ Yes Based on the publication of new rates of the offer at variable prices
Customers of a fixed price offer ✅ Yes From the end of the fixed offer contract

The increase in electricity of 10 % in August 2023 concerns Households and small professionals having a meter power not exceeding 36 KVA and having taken out a contract at regulated price Or an offer indexed to the regulated rate.

Note that households at the residential regulated blue rate represent 93 % of sites at the regulated rate, or 91 % of consumption. Professionals at non -residential regulated blue rate represent 7 % of sites at the regulated rate, or 9 % of consumption.

Consumers who have opted for a Contract at a fixed price (or blocked) will not see their electricity invoice HT Change as a result. However, the contract will have to be monitored to find out the duration of the fixity. The contract arrived, prices will evolve. But do not panic, the supplier is obliged to prevent at least a month in advance the new contract.

�� What solutions to protect yourself from the rise in electricity prices ?

Compare prices for cheapest suppliers and change electricity offers

Electricity consumers today have access to regulated price, proposed only by EDF, as well as to the offers of Historical supplier competitors (Totalenergies, Eni, Ilek. )). These offers may have the advantage of being more interesting in financial terms than the regulated price of EDF. The electricity subscription contract being without engagement, The customer is free to Change free energy offers and suppliers at any time and without reason.

There are four types of offers:

  1. THE regulated price, whose price is fixed by the State, and which are still today the choice of a large majority of French;
  2. offers presenting a reduction onkilowatt hour price electricity or on the price of the subscription compared to regulated prices. These offers, called “at indexed prices” on regulated prices, allow saving on your invoice at the time of subscription.
  3. offers with a price per kWh of electricity and/or a price of the subscription excluding taxes fixed in time. These offers help protect yourself from upcoming increases on the price of kWh excluding taxes, but not against the increase in taxes which will also intervene inevitably;
  4. Offers at Price fixed freely where no particular rule exists of fixing the prices.

Comparatives of electricity offers at indexed prices

THE indexed price offers can be a great opportunity to pay systematically cheaper than the regulated rate despite the increases.

The following table presents electricity offers at the cheapest indexed prices of the moment for an annual consumption of 5,500 kWh in 6 kva base.

* Prices € TTC up to date with 09/24/2023. Budget calculated for an annual consumption of 5,500 kWh in Toulouse as a base (6 kVA).

Comparison of electricity offers at fixed prices

THE Blocked price offers – Also called offers at fixed prices – help to protect yourself from the rise in the price of electricity. However, fixed price offers are only interesting if the annual budget is cheaper or identical to that of the regulated electricity rate. Indeed, it is not recommended to subscribe to a fixed price offer just to block prices, if the price of electricity is more expensive than the regulated rate. To find out which offer at fixed prices to opt, do not hesitate to call on an expert.

The following table presents the cheapest fixed electricity offers currently for an annual consumption of 5,500 kWh in 6 kVA base.

* Prices € TTC up to date with 09/24/2023. Budget calculated for an annual consumption of 5,500 kWh in Toulouse as a base (6 kVA).

Fixed prices or indexed prices on regulated sales prices ? If you hesitate between the two, the video below offers you interesting lighting to allow you to make the best choice, according to your needs and your consumption profile.

Participate in group energy to pay cheaper electricity:

Energy Economy Purchase Group Electricite Gaz

  • Negotiate on the electricity market to no longer undergo expensive prices;
  • Take advantage a significant reduction on the price per kilowatt hour (kWh);
  • Reduce electricity;
  • Benefit from a Free operation and without commitment ;
  • Be free to accept or refuse the best proposal negotiated;
  • Consume The same electricity, Regardless of the supplier.
    Pre -registration for an energy group purchase with selectra

What is the energy sobriety plan to reduce consumption ? Eco-gestures and energy renovations

You have surely heard of “energy sobriety” announced by the government. The Prime Minister had called on sobriety and solidarity European to avoid energy shortage in the event of large waves of cold during winter. The Ministry of Ecological Transition has also launched a communication campaign Since October 10, 2021 entitled “Each gesture counts” to raise awareness of this subject. The objective of the sobriety plan is to decrease France’s energy consumption by 10 % by simple eco-gestures, but effective to apply.

For the companies, it is recommended :

  • Heat the offices no more than 19 degrees;
  • lower the temperature to 16 degrees at night;
  • Decrease to 8 degrees when the building is closed for more than three days;
  • Reduce the use of domestic hot water in offices (hot water only for showers for example).

For the individuals, It is advisable to:

  • Covering yourself at home (pants, sweater, socks) to avoid heating too much;
  • Heat the living rooms at 19 degrees maximum;
  • lower the temperature of the rooms to 16 degrees;
  • Use the “eco” mode for dishwasher and washing machine;
  • carry out energy renovations such as:
    • Improve the insulation of walls, floors, attic whether inside or outside;
    • opt for better ventilation (simple flow, double-flow with heat recovery, distributed mechanics or by insufflation);
    • Install a heat pump;
    • Changing the energy -consuming radiators for latest generation low consumptions;
    • Opt for alternative heating (wood) if the accommodation is 100 % heated to electricity:
    • Install a programmable and connected thermostat;
    • Place photovoltaic solar panels.

    What aid to combat the new increase in the price of electricity ?

    Exceptional energy check

    To help households the most modest, A Exceptional energy check between 100 € and 200 € was granted to 12 million households at the end of 2022. Note that Additional aid up to € 200 are granted for households Fioul or wood heating.

    Energy renovation aid: Maprimerenov ‘, Anah, CEE, etc.

    There are many aids for energy renovation work for households. For 2023, the State mobilizes around 2.5 billion euros to finance the Maprimerenov ‘aid system launched in 2020. For a change of heating, it is possible to benefit up to 15,000 euros for a wood pellet boiler and € 9,000 for an air/water heat pump. For the installation of a programmer on an existing boiler (thermostat), the condition offers support up to € 65 per cleaning.

    It is necessary to get closer to the support organization and aid to know the conditions of eligibility according to its energy renovation work.

    Aid for the installation of photovoltaic panels

    Photovoltaic panels can be considered to reduce your electricity bill. Financial aid for the installation of photovoltaic panels exist such as self-consumption premium, reduced rate VAT, zero-rate eco-loan, Maprimerénov ‘, local aid, etc.

    �� Why the price of electricity has increased for several years ?

    The price of electricity increased every year between 2006 and 2023, under the effect of the increase in regulated prices excluding taxes, but also taxes on electricity such as the accuise on electricity (ex-CSPE )). These increases intervene to finance three national projects:

    • there upgrade of the park of nuclear power plantsEDF ;
    • THE Development of green energies (photovoltaic, wind. ) whose production is bought at high prices by EDF;
    • THE Reinforcement of networks electricity transport and distribution.

    Once or twice a year, the energy regulation commission (CRE) offers a Revision of electricity prices for the regulated blue rate of EDF. This price revision proposal is subject to the ministers of the economy and the ecological transition, which are free to apply or not the proposal of the CRE.

    In general, since the liberalization of the energy market, the proposal to revise the regulated electricity rate has been applied by the State. However, since the energy crisis at the end of 2021, the government has not applied the increase of 44.5 % including tax offered by CRE for residential consumers on February 1, 2022. A price shield has been set up to cap this increase in the price of electricity at 4 % including tax and freeze it for the whole year 2022. Note that the finance law for 2023 extended the price shield to cap the increase in the price of electricity to 15 % including tax in February (instead of 99.22 %), then 10 % including tax in August (at place of 74.5 %). What explains this increase in the price of electricity ?

    EDF supplier charges are constantly increasing

    Obliged to invest 200 billion euros in nuclear for the years that follow, the operating costs of the EDF supplier are constantly increasing year by year. In order of the State, EDF must Stop a large number of nuclear reactors As part of the multi -year energy program (PPE) between 2019 and 2028. Stop these cumulative nuclear reactors at the maintenance activities of its providers generate significant investments. This cost has the price of electricity paid by the end consumer.

    In 2022, EDF was obliged to put in stop a large number of reactors due to corrosion problems. These judgments have led to a drop in electricity production.

    The prices on the wholesale markets fluctuate

    Between 2019 and 2023, the sale price of electricity on the wholesale markets was almost multiplied by 7 from 30 to 200 €/MWh, not counting peaks at € 743/MWh current 2022. The rise in prices of the wholesale market from September 2021 is explained by many factors, some examples below:

    • The share of renewable energies increases : the objective of France is to increase the share of energies resulting from renewable resources in the energy mix in accordance with the law on energy transition. To answer them, many green energy producers have appeared on the European market. However, green energy production has a higher cost than that of nuclear power. Thus, the cost of production of renewable energies has repercussions on the sale price paid by the end consumer.
    • The cost of production of nuclear energy increases : this increase is partly explained by the final price of the new EPR (European pressurized reactor – European pressurized reactor) of EDF higher than the price initially planned.
    • Post-pandemic economic recovery : Following the Pandemic of COVID-19, the economic recovery caused a high demand for electricity, as well as its price and costs of raw materials. The prices of fuels used to produce electricity such as coal, gas and oil have soared.
    • Australian coal’s embargo : China has set up an embargo on its imports of coal from its main supplier, Australia.
    • Gas production limited to the Netherlands : the Groningen gas field has ceased its production due to successive jolts weakening the dwellings in the region.
    • The invasion of Russia in Ukraine : Gas in Europe, energy used for the production of part of the electricity, is produced and provided by Russia. Following the invasion of Russia in Ukraine, the European Union wished to sanction Russia by refusing to pay the gas in ruble (Russian currency). Consequently, Russia has decreased its gas deliveries in Europe.

    According to deliberation nº2023-17 of the CRE of January 19, 2023 on the proposal of the regulated electricity sales prices, the wholesale price of the year 2023 is exceptionally high compared to those of 2022, causing a significant increase in Supplier supply costs that the regulated electricity rate must take into account (+72.4 % including tax). In addition, CRE also evokes the consequences of the regulated electricity price in 2022 in order to ultimately catch up with the costs of tariff stacking, including the effects of the ARENH’s additional 20 TWH (+25.2 % TTC )).

    Carbon market prices

    THE carbon market is a system that allows you to exchange your rights of greenhouse gas emissions (responsible for climate change) – also called “Carbon credits” or “Carbon quotas”. The objective is that greenhouse gas transmitters pay a cost of nuisance for the climate according to a principle of “It is the pollutor who pays”. This cost should encourage issuers to review their operating methods. For example, decrease their emissions by lowering their energy consumption, using recovery energy, using renewable decarbonized energies instead of using fossil fuels such as oil, gas or coal).

    Note that the carbon market and carbon tax both have the same objective, that is to say to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, there is a difference between these two systems. Carbon tax is a price set by the authorities, while the carbon market consists in setting a carbon emission limit. This carbon market establishing a program ceiling is not a market assimilated to conventional or even financial markets.

    The price of carbon has a direct consequence on the price of electricity. Indeed, its price varies according to the cost of production of nuclear power plants in order to find a balance between supply and demand. However, the majority of time,

    At the end of 2021, the price of electricity increased in particular due to the increase in carbon market prices (€ 80 in December 2021, 2.4 times more expensive than in January 2021). Indeed, the European Commission has increased the prices of CO₂ emission quotas in order to make the production of electricity greener.

    In the second quarter of 2022, the Co₂ tonne price varies around 85 €, Or double compared to the second quarter 2021.

    �� History of changes in the price of electricity

    EDF 2023 increase: +15 % February (instead of 99.22 %)

    On September 4, 2022, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne announced the maintenance of pricing shield For 2023. On February 1, 2023, The price of electricity increased by 15% including tax on average. The extension of the price shield made it possible to contain this increase which should have been +99 % ! Despite this contained increase in the price of electricity, the impact on the amount of electricity bills is very substantial.

    In 2022, the price per kWh of the regulated blue rate of EDF amounted to € 0.1740 as a base option, € 0.1841 in full hours and € 0.1470 in off -peak hours. From The increase in the price of electricity on February 1, 2023, this same price per kWh now costs € 0.2062 as a base, € 0.2228 in full hours and € 0.1516 in off -peak hours.

    The government informs that there will be No catch -up in 2024 For households. The state takes care of the shortfall of suppliers.

    How much the increase of 15 % with the price shield corresponds to the electricity bill in euros ?

    According to the Service-Public site, the increase capped at 15 % causes an average increase in € 20 on the monthly electricity bill households electricity heating, Instead of € 180 per month, Without the price shield.

    Annual budget of the electricity bill before the increase of +15 % on February 1, 2023

    Housing surface Average electricity consumption per year Average annual budget including tax
    Before February 1, 2023 After February 1, 2023 Annual additional cost
    70 m² 13,000 kWh/year
    6 kVA meter power
    2398.14 € 2824.31 € +426.17 €
    100 m² 18,100 kWh/year
    9 kVA meter power
    3319.49 € 3911.61 € +592.12 €
    140 m² 23,500 kWh/year
    9 kVA meter power
    4259.09 € 5025.09 € +766.00 €
    200 m² 29,900 kWh/year
    12 kVA meter power
    5407.11 € 6381.64 € +974.53 €

    Despite the application of the price shield, the electricity bill of a residential customer at the regulated rate (9 kVA for 8,500 kWh per year, 46 % of which in off -peak hours) was almost two Between 2010 and 2023.

    HP/HC customer 9 kVA consuming 8,500 kWh/year, 46% in off -peak hours. Sources: Cre and selectra

    Price increase Depends on the subscribed meter power, the pricing option (base or off -peak hours) and especially the number of kWh consumed. Large consumers are the most affected with an increase in the price per kWh of +18.5 % and approximately +5 % for the annual subscription price.

    Comparison of the pricing grid before and after the increase in electricity on February 1, 2023

    Subscribed meter power Annual subscription Price per kWh
    Before February 1, 2023 After February 1, 2023 Difference Before February 1, 2023 After February 1, 2023 Difference
    3 kVA 103.56 € 109.91 € + 6.13 % 0.1740 € 0.2062 € + 18.51 %
    6 KVA 136.14 € 143.71 € + 5.56 % 0.1740 € 0.2062 € + 18.51 %
    9 KVA 170.09 € 179.39 € + 5.47 % 0.1740 € 0.2062 € + 18.51 %
    12 KVA 204.51 € 216.26 € + 5.75 % 0.1740 € 0.2062 € + 18.51 %
    15 kVA 236.61 € 250.54 € + 5.89 % 0.1740 € 0.2062 € + 18.51 %

    Rates € TTC optional basis

    What increase would have been applied without the price shield ?

    The energy price shield is an effective device to protect consumers in the face of the rise in energy prices. Indeed, according to deliberation nº2023-17 of the CRE, if the price shield had not been applied, the regulated electricity rate would have increased by:

    • +99.36 % TTC (i.e. +108.91 % HT equivalent to € 175.41 per MWh HT) for residential ;
    • +97.94 % TTC (i.e. +106.88 % HT equivalent to € 177.52 per MWh HT) for professionals.
    Comparison of the regulated electricity rate with or without pricing shield on February 1, 2023 (base option)

    HT base price Without pricing shield With price shield
    Subscribed meter power Subscription Price KWH Annual subscription Price per kWh
    3 kVA € 129.48 0.3149 € € 90.96 € 0.1708
    6 KVA € 160.44 0.3149 € € 117.24 € 0.1708
    9 KVA € 189.00 0.3149 € € 14.96 € 0.1708
    12 KVA € 217.92 0.3149 € € 173.64 € 0.1708

    Prices € HT
    Source: Cre

    Comparison of the regulated electricity rate with or without a price shield on February 1, 2023 (Option Hours/off -peak hours)

    HOKE HOOD HOURS HT Without pricing shield With price shield
    Power Annual subscription KWH price in full hours KWH price in off -peak hours Annual subscription KWH price in full hours KWH price in off -peak hours
    6 KVA 191.64 € 0.€ 3,234 0.2866 € € 121.92 € 0.1847 € 0.1636
    9 KVA 222.24 € 0.€ 3,234 0.2866 € € 153.24 € 0.1847 € 0.1636
    12 KVA 251.04 € 0.€ 3,234 0.2866 € € 1832.6 € 0.1847 € 0.1636

    Prices € HT
    Source: Cre

    Without the energy price shield, the electricity bill for a residential customer at the regulated rate (with 9 kVA for 8,500 kWh per year, 46 % of which in off -peak hours) would have been multiplied by 3 between 2010 and 2023.

    HP/HC 9 kVA 8,500 kWh/year including 46% in HC – price shield applied in 2022 and 2023. Source: Cre and selectra

    EDF 2022 increase: +4 % in February (instead of 44.5 %)

    As of September 17, 2021, electricity courses broke records on the wholesale markets. While some French people (notably individuals) underwent an increase in their electricity bill in February 2022, others had already had an increase in their energy bills before this date, especially industrialists.

    At the start, the forecasts of the increase in electricity prices for households were around 12 % According to the declarations of Barbara Pompili, Minister of Ecological Transition on Thursday, September 30, 2021 (a few hours before the announcement of Prime Minister Jean Castex about measures to help consumers cope with the rise in prices of the energy).

    The same evening of Thursday September 30, 2021 On the TF1 television news, Prime Minister Jean Castex announced a pricing shield to prevent this increase, especially through a Decrease in the amount of the electricity tax.

    From their first evolution of the year 2023, the regulated electricity sales prices called “blue” (. ) integrate a catch -up component, over twelve months, making it possible to cover the losses of revenue supported by the company “Electricity de France” resulting from the gap between the level of regulated prices for sale of so -called “blue” electricity proposed by the energy regulation commission and the level of the same prices set by the ministers responsible for the economy and energy in application of the VI of this article. – Law No. 2021-1900 of December 30, 2021 in finance for 2022

    Why has the price of electricity increased in 2022 ?

    In many European countries, the place of gas power plants is very important (which is not the case with France where nuclear dominates). With the weather conditions with disadvantage of renewable energy productions (Lack of wind for wind turbines between the end of 2021 and mid-2022), the gas power plants were even more essential. The price of electricity in Europe was therefore strongly affected by the changes in the price of gas.

    THE gas lessons also broke new records in early September 2021 (+300 % compared to the start of the year). Indeed, gas demand increases internationally. The whole world was therefore affected by the outbreak of the gas course. In Brazil, the rise in electricity prices has been exponential due to drought. Hydroelectricity having been penalized, it was necessary to use gas plants.

    In parallel, the CO₂ quota price has also increased, Going from 33 € to 60 € per tonne of CO₂ between December 2020 and September 2021. Note that this CO₂ quota system aims to strengthen climate policy at European level.

    increase in electricity price invoice

    French (individual) electricity bills had not yet increased in late 2021. However, the increase in the price of electricity affected consumers thereafter. The outbreak of the price of electricity for households in France at the regulated rate has arrived in February 2022 during the revision by the public authorities.

    Indeed, as every month of January, the CRE offers a new revision of the regulated electricity rate. The French government did not apply the increase proposed by CRE, but opted for a price shield with an increase in the regulated electricity rate (blue rate) capped at 4 %. Without this price shield, the price of electricity would have increased by 35 %. Note that 70 % of French consumers had subscribed to the regulated electricity rate.

    However, some households had already undergone the increase in their electricity bills, in particular those who had subscribed to an offer established on the wholesale market.

    Help devices deployed in 2022

    There new rise in electricity prices has been inevitable, But how to reduce a maximum impact on the budget allocated to electricity bills ?

    Taxes and contributions represent 1/3 of the electricity bill, on which the French state was able to act to relieve the electricity bill of the French. Apart from taxes, the government has set up several exceptional energies including those of fuel oil and wood.

    For non-benefit from the energy check, there are other means to reduce the increase in the electricity bill as much as possible. Some electricity suppliers offer cheaper HT (KWH) electricity price than the regulated electricity rate.

    Other suppliers have proposed the possibility of block electricity prices for a fixed period by the contract.

    EDF 2021 increases: +1.6 % in February and +0.48 % in August

    EDF increase by +1.6 % in February 2021

    According to information collected by the Parisian at the green electricity supplier planet yes at the end of December 2020, the electricity price experienced a 2 % increase in early 2021. The TV news from 1 p.m. from France 2 of Tuesday, January 12, 2021 announced a possible increase in the price of electricity. On January 18, 2021, CRE A officially announced an increase in electricity prices of the order of 1.93 % excl 1.6 % including tax.

    This upward development of electricity prices took place due to the drop in marketing costs Linked to the economic and health crisis (COVVI-19 pandemic), impacting the production of nuclear electricity in France. There was one catch -up of difference between costs and electricity prices which took place during the crisis, not to mention the increase in unpaid bills. Furthermore, the supply costs in electricity have increased.

    EDF increase of +0.48 % in August 2021

    • +0.48 % TTC For the residential blue rate (individuals);
    • +0.38 % TTC For the professional blue rate.

    It is the consequence of theIntegration of Turpe 6 (the new rate of use of electricity networks) in the calculation of regulated electricity prices. As a reminder, the Turpe 6 replaces the old Turpe to integrate the various investments of the network manager in renewable energies in its overall cost. More specifically, the Turpe now takes into account:

    1. The investments necessary for the energy transition : financing of new connections linked to the installation of renewable energy production sites;
    2. More increased maintenance of the distribution network : to ensure the quality of the electricity distribution service;
    3. Innovation and research (R&D) ;
    4. The acceleration and development of electric vehicles : the installation of recharging terminals to facilitate the transition to this new mode of travel, for example;
    5. The drop in the environmental footprint : recycling and use of old structures or old materials when possible.

    Also, this increase was caused by updating Recupeting prices of non -covered amounts in 2019. This catch -up ended in December 2021, as Cre initially announced it.

    EDF 2020 increase: +2.4 % in February and +1.54 % in August

    The media (including the Parisian) announced in December 2019 that the price of electricity could increase between 3 to 4 % from January 2020. However, the CRE had not confirmed this information. This increase could have explained by the fact that EDF had the obligation to market the MWh of nuclear electricity at € 42 intended for alternative suppliers (EDF competitors) through ARENH. However, EDF can not sell more than 100 TWh each year. If this threshold had been exceeded, EDF competitors should have purchased their energy from wholesale markets on the European market or directly from the producer.

    The Nuclear Electricity MWh cost € 45 instead of € 42. This meant that the price of electricity had logically increased since the energy mix in France represents a share of 71 % per atom. In addition, the 100 TWh’s Arenh threshold remained at this level, not to meet the demand of electricity suppliers who were supplied directly on the wholesale market with a price higher than that offered by the Arenh.

    It was not until January 2020 that CRE tackled the subject of an increase in regulated 2.4 % prices for individuals and small professionals (eligible for EDF blue tariff). The government has confirmed this increase in the price of electricity on January 22, 2020. The new electricity rates then entered into force in February 2020. According to the text, this price development would be approximately € 21 on average on the electricity bill.

    The increase in prices was explained by an increase in supply costs, added to a catch -up of a period of two years between costs and prices applied for 2019. This delay is due to the freezing of electricity prices during the winter 2019.

    In July 2020, the CRE announced a new increase in the regulated electricity rate from August 1, 2020. The price of electricity for individuals has increased by 1.82 % excl. For professionals at the blue rate (regulated rate), the price increased by 1.81 % excl. Tax, the equivalent of 1.58 % incl. This increase was mainly caused by the increase in turpe (tax and contribution).

    EDF 2019 EDF increases: +5.9 % in June and +1.23 % in August

    According to the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE), the electricity prices, especially in the wholesale markets were increasing. The legislation stipulated that the regulated rate should be calculated according to the costs. There were therefore three possibilities that arose:

    1. Increase the price of electricity : subscribers undergo an increase in electricity bills;
    2. Increase the price of HT electricity And decrease : the price of electricity TTC therefore remains the same by compensating with a reduction in taxes.
    3. Derogate from the rule and do not increase prices : the government may decide not to pass on this increase in electricity prices. Nevertheless, it must be aware that it is possible that this increase is repercussions later in the electricity prices.

    The government had 3 months to make a decision on the evolution of the price of electricity. He opted for the5.9 % increase in the regulated electricity rate on June 1, 2019. Faced with the rise in electricity prices, consumers were tempted to Compare prices according to different energy suppliers on the market. According to a survey led by Lelynx.fr dating from June 3, 2019, it is 56 % of the population interviewed which was not aware of the increase of their electricity bill. For the 43 % who knew it, only 27 % of them wanted change supplier To reduce their energy bill. This period was also a moment conducive to the moves of energy contracts, and therefore to changes in electricity suppliers at the same time.

    increase of 1.23% of the price of the

    The Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) has issued deliberation regarding the increase in prices of the regulated electricity tariff by EDF. This increase was 1.23 % at August 1ᵉʳ 2019 Compared to June 2019 where there had already been a price increase of 5.9 %.

    CRE justifies this new increase by the upward trend in network expenditure, including distribution costs and infrastructure maintenance costs. Consequently, the tariff grid of the prices for using public electricity networks (Turpe) has changed.

    EDF 2018 EDF increases: +0.8 % in June, then drops -0.5 % in August

    With the increase in the cost of building the EPR in Flamanville and the partial acquisition of AREVA NP, EDF’s nuclear activities continued to raise the electricity bill of the French in 2018. Indeed, in February 2018, the price of electricity increased by 0.8 % to drop by 0.5 % in August 2018.

    EDF 2017 increase: + 1.7 %

    The increase known in 2016, continued in 2017 for catching up in 2017. The shortfall was 190 million and was filled by EDF customers with the average increase of 1.7 % for individuals and 0.6 % for professionals.

    EDF 2016 increase: +2 %, then drop by – 0.5 %

    Added to this is The increase in electricity taxes, and more particularly of the CSPE, the amount of which has already exploded between 2003 and 2016. This tax, which increased by € 3/MWh to January 1 of each year since 2011, was responsible for an annual increase of around 2.5 % of the total price per kWh. The most worrying aspect was that this tax, the objective of which was in particular to cover the costs linked to the repurchase of electricity of renewable origin, does not increase enough to finance this post of expense expenditure entirely.

    A new increase of 3 % The CSPE intervened in January 2016, bringing it from € 19.5/MWh to € 22.5/MWh. For the French, this increase involved an increase of 2 % of the regulated electricity prices from January 2016. In August 2016, CRE announced a drop in the regulated rate of 0.5 %.

    EDF 2015 increase: +2.5 % twice

    In 2015, the price of electricity experienced a new increase of 2.5 % on August 1ᵉʳ, which responds to the need to make up for EDF’s shortfall over the period 2012-2013. The price of electricity had, in fact, suffered over this period an increase too reduced compared to the increase in production costs of nuclear electricity. In order to settle this delay at once, the CRE, the market regulator of the market, had proposed an increase of 11.6 % for the regulated prices reserved for private customers. The Minister in charge of Energy, Ségolène Royal, however chose to spread this increase over three years, thus making it possible to flatten the angles with public opinion, leading to an increase of 2.5 % in January 2015. In August 2015, the regulated rate increased by 2.5 % further.

    EDF 2014 increase: + 2.5 % then + 3 %

    The price of taxes excluding tax has undergone increased increases over the period 2006-2012, with A paroxysm in 2013 with an increase of 5 %. This phenomenon responds to an EDF request, which requires these increases to allow the financing of investments in its park of nuclear power plants. To the objective of an extension of the lifespan of the reactors, is added from 2011 the need to enhance the safety standards following the Fukushima nuclear accident. These increases have, however, have not gone unnoticed with consumer associations, encouraging the Minister of Energy Ségolène Royal to accelerate the implementation of a stricter calculation rule for Check annual increases : it was the Stacking method. The application of this method made it possible to Contain the increase to 1.6 % in 2014 (to which was added the catch-up of EDF’s shortfall in the years 2012-2013, up to 0.9%).

    The price of gas also increased in 2023 ? If the subscriber uses gas for cooking, hot water or heating, it is also advisable to follow the evolution of prices of the regulated natural gas rate. In the event of an advertisement of prices, opt for a fixed price offer may be a solution so as not to undergo the increase in the gas bill. An indexed price offer can however make it possible to pay your gas bill always cheaper than a regulated rate subscription.

    ❓ frequent questions about the rise in the price of electricity

    What is made up of the regulated electricity rate ?

    To understand the current trend up the price of electricity, it is useful to make a detour by the very structure of regulated prices. They consist of Share excluding tax, defined by the method of calculation called “by stacking”, And A series of taxes to various objectives.

    The regulated electricity prices are fixed by the government on the recommendation of the energy regulation commission (CRE). They take into account:

    • The price of the ARENH (regulated access to nuclear electricity), which defines the cost of operating the nuclear power plants of EDF. The latter weighs significantly (almost 60 % of regulated prices excluding tax) since nuclear represents more than 75 % of electricity production in France;
    • Turpe (price for using public electricity networks), which makes it possible to finance the activities of Enedis (ex-ERDF) and RTE network managers.
    • THE Complement to the supply of electricity : indexed to the wholesale markets, it finances the supplier capacity obligation;
    • THE EDF marketing costs, which include normal remuneration.

    To understand everything about the regulated electricity prices offered by EDF, you can find useful advice and information in the video below.

    THE Contributions and taxes represent a big third the price of electricity.

    • Electricity excise : she integrates the ex-co-pest and the ex-TCFE:
      • the ex-Cspe (Contribution to public electricity service charges): it finances part of the budget of the National Energy Mediator, TPN or basic necessity, tariff equalization, and especially additional costs linked to the repurchase of electricity green;
      • the ex-Tcfe (Taxes on final electricity consumption): these local taxes are taken on behalf of the municipalities (TCCFE) and the departments (TDCFE). They vary from 5 to 50 € depending on the location;

      Supply: share of the regulated rate to cover the costs of production and marketing of electricity. Network: Part of the regulated rate to cover electricity transport costs. Taxes and contributions: VAT, CTA, TCFE and CSPE.

      If the taxes weighing on electricity remain a mystery for you, find all the essential information in the video below.

      When the price of electricity is in 2024 ?

      The CRE first offers a revision of electricity prices, either upwards or downwards, which it subjects to the government. The public authorities decide whether or not to apply the proposals of the CRE. After increasing the price of electricity by 10 % on August 1, 2023, prices should not move before the end of the year.

      If the logic of price revision has been followed since the energy crisis, the electricity price will be revised in February 2024, as it was in February 2022 and February 2023. Business.

      Xavier Pinon

      After an international business diploma with an energy specialty, Xavier co-crere the company Selectra with Aurian de Maupeou. He wrote a book entitled “The energy retail market, competition in action in electricity and gas” (2015) in collaboration with Thomas Véron. Xavier regularly publishes articles on international news of electricity and comparisons between countries.

      Save money on your electricity and/or gas bill compare energy prices with the selectra comparator !
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